The Board of Foreign Missions


Willard E. Cassel

November, 1988

Presented at the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Historical Society of the Bible Fellowship Church, November 12, 1988, meeting at the Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship Church, Allentown, Pennsylvania.


As the Pennsylvania Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ was not born with a missionary spirit, there was very little Home or Foreign work done for many years. How-ever, new blood was introduced by the coming of Eusebius Hershey, who was a Missionary from beginning to end. After he had spent many years in incessant toil for the Master, traveling on horseback, crossing the Allegheny Mountains many times, visiting from house to house throughout the country, preaching a great deal to the Indians, making thirteen journeys to Canada, he finally bid farewell at the Chestnut Hill Camp Meeting in the fall of 1890. (1)


Brother Hershey was the first foreign missionary of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ. He was the son of Abraham and Anna (Landis) Hershey. He was the only boy in a family of nine children. He was born near Manheim, Penn Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, on August 14, 1823. He died on May 23, 1891 from malaria fever from which he suffered for about a week. He died in Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa.

While on a bed of sickness he was soundly converted on August 17, 1841. He became a member of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ and was Licensed to preach in1847 and ordained to the ministry in 1850. About the year 1859 he joined the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church. He was married on June 3, 1851 to Mary Ann Streyer. She was born in Union County, Pennsylvania on July 20, 1820 and died March 5,1896. She Lived most of her Life at Rebersburg, Centre County, Pennsylvania, and was buried in the Union Cemetery there. There was only one child born to them, a girl, Nancy. She was born at Rebersburg April 21, 1852and died at Brockway, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.

Brother Hershey was very much influenced by the writings and methods of the Methodist Episcopal Bishop of Africa named Taylor. When Hershey left it be known that he was contemplating going to Africa, the good Bishop in 1890 informed Brother Hershey that he thought it would be unwise for him to go because of his advanced age. Nevertheless Hershey was convinced that he was called and so he set sail on November 1, 1890 for Liberia, Africa. (2)

On November 1st, he sailed from New York for Africa, and after a rough voyage of thirty-eight days he landed at Sierra Leon. After a few days rest here, he went 220 miles into the interior to Monrovia, Capital of Liberia, where he labored thru an interpreter, John Washington, until the following spring, when after a short illness of seven days he fell asleep in Jesus, May 24, 1891. “Except a grain of wheat fall into the earth end die it abideth by itself alone, but if it die, it beareth much fruit.” (John 12:24 R.V.) (3)


August 26, 1899, the Board met at the Quakertown camp meeting to consider Elder J. E. Fidler and Elder A. M. Clauser as missionary candidates. After much prayer it was decided that Elder J. E. Fidler and his wife be recommended to the Armenian Relief Committee as a missionary to Turkey, pledging their support. Elder A. M. Clauser and wife were recommended to Sprunger’s Bible School for a course of training. (4)

The subject of Foreign Mission was now brought before the Conference. Bro. H. L. Weiss and his wife, who had charge of a Mission School among the Indians in Oklahoma for several years, besides doing missionary work among them, spoke concerning their call. Bro. Weiss said that the Lord had been calling for years, and had given him some experience among the Indians. They had been thoroughly considering the subject, and now they are decided, and about ready to go to the foreign field to live, labor, or die for the lost as God may choose. Sister Weiss then spoke how the Lord had told her to “ask of Me, and I will give thee the heathen for thine inheritance.” How He had mysteriously prepared her and called her to this special work. She said, “Go we must, and go we will, and if the Holy Ghost does not lead you to send us, we will go anyhow. I am spoiled forever for Pa.” Their testimonies showed their piety and consecration to this noble and important work. The Holy Ghost made an intensely deep and, we trust, lasting impression upon the audience, moving nearly all to tears.

The following resolution was then passed:

WHEREAS, Brother and Sister Weiss have expressed their divine call to the Foreign Mission Field to the satisfaction of the Conference, therefore

RESOLVED, that we received them on probation into the Conference on condition that they labor in our Conference until next fall. Then the Presiding Elder shall appoint a special meeting, when, if found satisfactory, they shall be ordained as missionaries, and sent forth to the foreign field by this Conference.

RESOLVED, that we appoint a Foreign Missionary Board consisting of five men. The chair shall appoint three, and these three shall appoint the other two. This Board shall have shall appoint three, and these three charge of the Foreign Mission Funds. (5)


For the Conference Year Ending October 12, 1905


H. L. Weiss and Mrs. H. L. Weiss, of Valdivia, left Chili in January and arrived in New York in February on furlough. They have visited the Church appointments and Camp Meetings where their presence was appreciated. They have also been busy traveling through the West to Kansas and Nebraska. They expect to sail for Chili the beginning of November. M. P. Zook, under appointment, will sail with them. H. L. Weiss has charge of 14 Foreign Missionaries and 8 Spanish workers and a field of seven circuits extending over300 miles or more.

The missions are being well established. Likely over 100 were baptized during the present year. The whole membership last year was 570. They publish 4000 small Spanish papers, distributed by the Missionaries and through the mail. We support 8 missionaries in Chili.

A. E. Dawson has charge of the financial affairs during the absence of H. L. He is also in charge of the work at La Union and Rio Bueno. He baptized several. Tracts were distributed and many books sold.

Mrs. A. E. Dawson is studying language and spending much time in prayer.

Neils Gunstad and Mrs. Neils Gunstad live in Valdivia, where he has charge of the work and also teaches a school. Here they have over 100 members. A number were baptized. They are perfecting the language.

H. W. Feldges is in charge of the Spanish work in Temuco, and oversees the German work in that section, visiting the German appointments once a month. The Germans Like him well. He has a fair knowledge of the language. (6)


Rev. Henry L. Weiss was the son of Samuel Weiss and his wife Rebecca, nee Lewis. He was born near Milford Square, Bucks Co., Pa., March 14th, 1867, and died on May 26th,1915; age 48 years, 2 months and 12 days.

His devoted wife, two sons and one daughter, father, one brother and five sisters (one of whom is a home missionary in the Gospel Worker Society) survive him.

Brother Weiss was converted to God in his younger days and baptized and became a member of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ. In 1890 he went out to Kansas to take charge of a school among the Indians. In 1892 he went to Oklahoma and for the next five years he was superintendent of the Indian schools there.

During this time he married Miss Kate Zacharias of Reading, Pa. While thus actively engaged in the work of the Lord at home he heard the call. of God to the “Regions Beyond,” and on March l0th, 1897, after a farewell meeting with their many friends, they sailed from New York for Valdivia, Chile, as missionaries under the Christian and Missionary Alliance.

They have spent eighteen years of hard work in the service of the Master in Chile, with only one furlough of about eight months in the home land during this time.

For the last few years Brother Weiss’ health was failing and he was advised to come home for a much needed rest. But he thought he was needed so much with his people and his work that only upon the urgent request of his fellow laborers on the field and the General Board at home was he prevailed upon to come home, arriving in New York on April 27th.

After making a number of visits among friends and relatives, and speaking at several places he, accompanied by Sister Weiss, attended the Annual Council of the Christian and Missionary Alliance at Nyack, N. Y. While here his health seemed to be about as usual. On May 26th he left the Council meeting at about 11:45 a.m. and went to his room, and there had a severe hemorrhage of the lungs and passed away peacefully and without a struggle a few minutes later. This made a profound impression upon the Council as it was so unexpected. He had been on the program to speak in the afternoon.

On Thursday evening, the 27th, they held a Memorial service at Nyack when Rev. A.B. Simpson, President of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, spoke in the highest terms concerning Brother Weiss and his noble work in Chile.

Next morning Rev. A. E. Funk, who had been for many years the General Secretary of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, and Sister Weiss’ sister accompanied Sister Weiss and the corpse to the home of Brother Weiss’ father at Quakertown, Pa.

On Saturday, May 29th, after a short service at the house, the funeral procession marched to the Mennonite Brethren in Christ church near by where a very impressive funeral service was held.

Because it was impossible for the president of our Board of Foreign Missions, Presiding Elder H. B. Musselman of Bethlehem, to be present the services were in charge of the Secretary of The Board, Pastor C. H. Brunner of Allentown, assisted by Presiding Elder W.G. Gehman and a number of ministers of the Conference, who acted as pall-bearers and rendered other valuable assistance. Addresses were made by C. H. Brunner and A. E. Funk of N. Y. Sister Weiss also gave a glowing testimony concerning the sustaining power and grace of God which upheld her through these days of the deepest and most intense sorrow of her life. This made a profound impression upon the large audience which crowded the church to the doors. A quartette of young ladies from the Allentown congregation sang several very touching hymns. Nineteen ministers of the Conference, besides a number of others were present. The Alliance paid the funeral expenses down to Quakertown, the balance our Board paid.

Brother Weiss was a man of great will power, strong courage and faith in God. He was a hard worker, having spent much time and energy in the building of churches and chapels in Chile. During the eighteen years of his service there, a work has sprung up that now consists of more than a dozen churches and almost a score of native pastors and workers. Not far from 2,000 converts have been baptized by immersion and added to the Lord. “How are the mighty fallen!” II Sam.l:27

The Lord has been sustaining Sister Weiss in a marvelous way in this, her sore bereavement, both in soul and body. She has been very busy at Conventions throughout the States during the summer and is now busily engaged in the schools at Nyack, where her daughter and her two boys are going to school. She has the prayers of a host of friends following her. (7)


Brother Feldges was born in Patterson, N. J., in 1880. He was converted when young man and soon thereafter entered the Gospel Herald Society. He was licensed by the Conference in 1901. Feeling strongly the call to the foreign field, he applied and was accepted by the Christian and Missionary Alliance. He was sent to Chile, S. A., and labored under H. L. Weiss. He arrived on the field in 1904 and was stationed at Anend, Island of Chile. Being able to speak the German language, he found an open field for service among German speaking people in that area. The work was pioneer in nature and was pursued under much difficulty and persecution. However, God blessed and soon little groups of Christians were gathered together who showed real evidence of salvation.

On January 12, 1906, he was united in marriage to Sarah Klahr. She was a member of an M. B. In C. Church in Canada, who had gone a few years earlier as a missionary to Chile. They were able to speak the German and Spanish languages fluently. They ministered to German speaking people who had years before come to settle in Chile. Their marriage was blessed by a daughter Grace (Whale), who was born in Temuco.

In the early years of their missionary work. Brother Feldges traveled much on horseback. Sometimes he would be away from his family for weeks as he engaged in pioneering in new areas. Dangers confronted the family at home as there were those who hated the Protestants. Brother Feldges himself was attacked several times but God protected and kept him from serious injury.

Though never robust, yet Brother Feldges carried on his work for God without any complaint. Many times he would return from itinerating trips soaked to the skin. He sawed and chopped all the wood for the little stove which served to heat their room and for cooking purposes. All water had to be carried up a flight of stairs to the living quarters above the chapel. There were no conveniences.

He had a unique ministry in Bible teaching at the two Worker’s Conferences that were held each year. Books of the Bible were assigned to each Worker and they had to bring a study of the book to the next Conference. In this way the native Pastors were taught and trained in the Word. This made it necessary for Brother Feldges to spend every free evening in Bible study, with feet in the oven to keep warm, books spread around writing everything out by hand, in order to have everything in readiness to present to the native Pastors at the next Conference.

After ten years they came home on furlough and returned to the field after nine months. The next seven years were spent in Osorno and there a fine church was established. After twenty years of service in Chile, they were asked to go to Ecuador, which was a more difficult and needy field. They accepted this challenge and served one term of four years. In September 1934 they went to Colombia. There they were located at Manitales and served on that field for five years.

Sister Feldges died January 1946. Brother Feldges, following his retirement, lived in Los Angeles. He never relaxed but gave himself to such ministry as he could wherever opportunity was found. Four years ago he visited the East and made a tour of churches in the South which were sponsored by the C. M. A. Conventions. At that time he visited several friends around the Bethlehem and Allentown area. He died on March 9, 1953 after having suffered a paralytic stroke. (8)


Sister Marianne Gerber and Rose Lambert from the Missionary Society “Light and Hope” from Berne, India (sic), under appointment for Armenia, accompanied by Garabed den Hagobian, a native Armenian, spent several days with us at this camp meeting. One whole evening was given to them. Their messages in song and their addresses were highly appreciated. At the close of the meeting an offering of $70.00 was handed over to them by the congregation. The following day the Missionary Board passed the following resolutions: RESOLVED: that we accept Sister Rose Lambert as our representative in Armenia, and appropriate $200 for her first year’s support on the field to be paid quarterly in advances. (9)

Rose Lambert, Hadjin, Turkey took a trip to Europe in the interest of the Orphanage. God wonderfully interests European children in this sphere. The work is moving forward. Young Armenian men and women filled with the Spirit lead others to the life. Such doctrine was much opposed five years ago. A Bible woman teaching the fourfold gospel is supported by a family in America. A long felt need supplied. The heaviest burden is not the work we do, but the work we constantly see remain undone. (10)

Turkey – Our only missionary in this dark country is Sister Rose Lambert, Matron of the Orphanage at Hadjin. They care for between three and four hundred orphans at this place. During the terrible massacres of last spring, the acting Superintendent and two of their most useful and trustworthy natives were brutally murdered, throwing the greater part of the responsibility upon Sister Lambert. The latest reports state that she was recovering from an attack of typhoid fever. (11)

Miss Rose Lambert left her field in May and came to New York in June on furlough. She visited our Camp Meeting presenting the needs of Hadjin Orphanage and Armenian work impressively. She travels through the West at present. They have over 300 orphans in their home. Their health is well preserved. She does some nursing beside the work in the Orphanage. Much work left undone for lack of workers. (12)

Sister Rose Lambert, who had returned from Hadjin, Turkey, almost two years ago with a broken down physical condition has resigned from the Board as a Missionary, as she feels physically incapable of further assuming the heavy burden of Missionary work. Since her return she has been engaged, as much as her physical condition permitted, in writing and lecturing throughout the United States and Canada on the conditions of Missionary work in Turkey. Upon her request, her support was discontinued on October 1st of this year. (13)

At this point one observation needs to be made. The Bible Fellowship Church and the Christian & Missionary Alliance are approximately the same age. The C. & M. A. was organized to spread the Gospel world wide.

There were many of the C. & M. A. leaders who were speakers at the Campmeetings, such as Dr. A. B. Simpson, A. E. Funk, Paul Rader, William T. Christie, etc.

When the Annual Conference organized the Board of Foreign Missions, there were no candidates since Hershey and Weiss that arose from within the denomination. Thus the Board turned to the C. & M. A. and assumed the support of some of their missionaries – some already on the field and others as candidates.



A. Abstract of Secretary’s Report

At our first meeting, March 17, 1897, the Board authorized the President W. B. Musselman, to receive from the Treasurer the sum of $600.00 and send it to the Treasurer of the Christian and Missionary Alliance for the support of Brother and Sister H. L. Weiss, in Chile for one year.

Brother C. F. Snyder, after attending the New York Missionary Training Institute for one term, was accepted by the Foreign Missionary Board of the Christian and Missionary Alliance as a candidate for Thibet in the Fall. We accordingly accepted him as our representative in that dark land, pledged his support for the first year and took him into our home mission work until ready to leave.

We also pledged one year’s support for one missionary in Africa, the President being authorized to make the selection.

At the second meeting of the Board, Oct. 7, the President reported that he had selected a candidate of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, who expected soon to leave for the Congo. But for various reasons she had not been able to leave yet, neither knew when she could, therefore the resolution concerning the support of her or any other missionary in Africa for the present was withdrawn.

A letter from the Secretary of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Board was read, stating that they were ready to send Brother C. F. Snyder to Thibet, but that they could not send out any new missionaries at present except those for whom the outfit, transportation and part at least of the support on the field was provided. Therefore the Board authorized the President to draw from the treasury the amount needed for the outfit, transportation, one year’s support for C. F. Snyder on the field and forward the same to the Treasurer of the Christian and Missionary Alliance.

The following reports were sent to the Secretary:

Report of Calvin F. Snyder, Wuhu, China dated Jan. 5, 1898, “I left New York November19, 1897, in company with Brother Ruhl, for Thibet, and Brother Cunningham for Central China. Passing through Chicago we came to St. Paul, Minn., where we were joined by Brother Hinkey, for South China. From here we went to Tacoma, Wash., where we boarded the steamer Nov. 27. On Dec. 24 we arrived at Kobe, Japan, and on Dec. 28 we came to Shanghai, China. I am well and happy staying at the home here at Wuhu, from which I soon expect to leave for Thibet.” (14)

Bro. C. F. Snyder, who had spent nine years in China, principally on the Western borders, had been home on furlough and left again for the borders of Thibet, sailing from Seattle, Wash. February 4, 1908, accompanied by Bro. V. G. Plymire. Bro. Plymire was converted in the Gospel Worker Society Mission in York, Pa., and was a faithful, steady standby of the Mission. For the last four years he was a member of the gospel Herald Society. The Lord has blessed him with a robust body, an energetic will, and a conscientious spirit. After a very stormy voyage across the Pacific they arrived at Yokohama, Japan, February 21. On March 11, they stopped off at Nanking, where Brother Snyder was married in the American Consulate to Miss Phebe Brenneman, a member of the Indiana Conference, but since transferred to this Conference. From here they went in a houseboat up the Han River, had their boat wrecked, goods soaked, and narrowly escaped with their lives, arriving at Taochow, on the borders of Thibet, August 10, after a wearisome journey of 196 days. (15)

During the Snyder’s service in China, they were expelled from the country and had to remain in the United States (1929). He accepted the pastorate at Weeping Water, Nebraska (Nebraska Conference).


the son of Calvin F. and Phoebe B. Snyder was born in Titan, Kansur Province, West China on September 7, 1909, and died in Kutztown, Pa., March 8, 1913, aged 3 years 6 months1day. Funeral services were held in the church at Bethlehem, Pa., in charge of H. Musselman, President of the Board. He was laid away in Fairview Cemetery, Bethlehem, Pa., to rest until the resurrection. (16)

On February 18, 1963 a pioneer missionary, a faithful minister and a beloved brother passed into the presence of Christ. He was Calvin Franklin Snyder, who was ninety-one years old. Brother Snyder was born in Windsor Castle, Berks County, Pennsylvania on December17, 1871. As a child his life was miraculously preserved on three occasions. He and his older brother had diphtheria. His brother died but Calvin Lived. God had a work for him to do. He was educated in Pennsylvania and Missouri and was graduated from the Keystone State Normal School, Kutztown, Pa. For many years he was the oldest Living alumnus of the school. For four years he taught in the Pennsylvania public schools.

He was converted when he was twenty-four years old and soon after came in contact with the Christian and Missionary Alliance through Rev. A. E. Funk, then Foreign Secretary and God called him to Tibet. After a short period of study at the Bible School then located at 690 Eighth Avenue in New York City (fore-runner of the Nyack Missionary College )and some practical training, he set out on November 18, 1897, for Tibet, the “Roof of the world.” There were four men in the party: Rev. R. J. Cunningham and Rev. Philip Hinkey for South china, and Rev. W. N. Ruhr and Mr. Snyder bound for Tibet. On their arrival in Shanghai, Mr. Snyder exclaimed, “Well, we are in China” and then broke out in praise to God. During his first term, which lasted ten years, Mr. Snyder preached the gospel to the Tibetans, his first station being Paongan. Here the missionaries were miraculously protected when the were attacked by Tibetan raiders. In 1900 the missionary party, including Mr. Snyder, fled to the coast, a long perilous journey, because of the Boxer rebellion. However, when they reached the coast they found they need not have left their stations. Communications were so slow that the rebellion was over before they knew it on the Tibetan border.

On his way home for furlough, Mr. Snyder visited South China and met Miss Phoebe Brenneman. They were married in Nanking, China, in 1908, nearly fifty-five years ago, on his return from the homeland. God blessed them with a son, Albert, but on their fifth wedding anniversary God took him to Himself. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder continued to work among Tibetans until 1916, and then definitely felt the call of God to work among Moslems and Chinese. For many years they lived in Hochow, sometimes called the Mecca of China, where a strong self-supporting church was established. Mr. Snyder was proficient in both Tibetan and Chinese and served the Mission as examiner for both languages. Throughout his missionary career he served on the Mission executive committee and never missed a committee meeting or a yearly missionary conference.

Life on the Tibetan Border was often fraught with danger, such as the White Wolf bandit raid in 1914, the raid by the Tibetans on Lupasi, the local political upheavals, the aftermath of the terrible famine of 1929, which was followed by the typhus epidemic, and the Communist invasions of Kansu Province in 1935 and 1936. In the midst of all this Mr. Snyder steadily preached the gospel to Tibetans, Moslems and Chinese, in season and out of season.

Although retired from active missionary work, Mr. and Mrs. Snyder returned to Peking, China in 1939 to carry on a witness among university students. However, after a little more than a year the outbreak of war made it necessary for them to return to the United States.

Something of his personality is shown in the notes taken from his farewell message to his fellows missionaries in China. “In the spring of 1896 I received the Holy Spirit and was sanctified. I was by the grace of God happy, endeavoring to look on the bright side of life… In Paongan in 1898 I made a covenant with the Lord regarding my physical needs while I lived. I used the same covenant as Dr. Simpson used. I never had much sickness all these years… The Lord kept me from deviating from the path of main duty of preaching the gospel… I have no palmerworm, locust, or canker worm in my heart. I have peace toward God and toward men.” Two verses emphasized in his notes were Genesis 28:15 and III John 2.

Upon their final return from China the Snyders settled in Goshen, Indiana where he continued his studies in Goshen College. At the age of seventy-five he was graduated in the class of 1947 with a B. A. degree. For more than twelve years the Snyders lived in the Alliance Missionary Home in Glendale, California. They faithfully attended the Glendale Church and at times Mr. Snyder taught the men’s Bible Class, serving as a substitute teacher even during the past year. For many years he has conducted a Monday afternoon prayer meeting for China and the Chinese everywhere. Up to the time of his last illness he led the Friday afternoon prayer meeting held in the chapel of the Suppes Memorial Home, on Mission road in Glendale, Calif.

During all the years while on the field and during retirement, the Snyders have been supported by the Bible Fellowship Church. Their membership is in the Philadelphia, Salem Church. He is survived by his widow, Phoebe (Brenneman), and his sister, Mrs. Raymond Becker of Reading, Pa. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Paul A. Collard of the Alliance Church, Glendale, Calif. on February 28 at The Little Church of The Flowers in Forest Lawn Memorial Park. Rev. C. D. Holton, a fellow missionary gave personal reminiscences of life with the Snyders on the Tibetan Border and brought to mind the many Tibetans, Moslems, and Chinese who would be with the Lord as a result of Mr. Snyder’s ministry. Rev. A. J. Hansen, also a missionary to China, read tributes from members of the Alliance Society and from those who have so faithfully supported him and prayed for him and his ministry through the years. Mr. Snyder was esteemed by those he served, his coworker and those with whom he mingled both on the China-Tibetan Border and here in America. (17)

In the previous material, the chronology might be a bit forced to be able to bring together material concerning the missionaries from the annual reports of the Board of Foreign Missions. We are indebted to C. H. Brunner for his lengthy reports from year to year.

Now for a few observations:

Missionaries supported through the Christian & Missionary Alliance:

C. F. Snyder (1897)

H. L. Weiss (1897)

H. W. Feldges (1904)

A. E. Dawson (1904)

M. P. Zook (1905)

Missionaries supported under the missionary society “Light of Hope”:

Rose Lambert

Contributions for foreign missionary work, October 11, 1906 – October 11, 1907.

Church – $2,931.04

S. S – $1,986.77


Frederick P. Bullen – Venezuela – support assumed – C. of M. A.

Snyders & Plymires evacuated from China due to uprising.

Support of William H. Ruhl, William T. Christie, C. H. Miller, S. P. Hamilton (all C. & M.A.)assumed.


Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Crist in Belgian Congo


E. R. Hess’s support assumed.


Contributions for foreign Missions $6.80 per member – 90 members support one missionary abroad.


Jerusalem missionaries: E. O. Jago and Mary Butterfield


Mr. and Mrs. William C. Cadman – printer- Annam (Viet Nam)


C. & M. A. missionaries added to missionary family for support

M. E. Barter – Belgium Congo

F. L. Dodds & R. M. Jackson – Indo China

Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Garner and Eunice Wells – India

Upon the death of Dr. A. B. Simpson, Paul Rader, pastor of the gospel Tabernacle, Chicago, was elected President of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. Of his election, C. H. Brunner writes: “As long as a society is sane and sound in doctrine, with men of prayer at the head, our friends may safely and freely support it.”

As stated above many reports of missionary activity were written by C. H. Brunner, Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions. For many years these reports were excerpt and printed in separate booklets for missionary news and promotion.


New missionaries (outside C. & M. A.) assumed for support:

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stam – Africa Inland Mission

Joseph and Paul Ummel – United Missionary Society

The United Missionary Society was the foreign missionary arm or six western conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ. When it was formed, the Pennsylvania Conference was invited to join. We declined as our missionary work was already taking shape as seen above. The United Missionary Society will be spoken of later.


Mr. and Mrs. Norman M. Cressman, first of our own young people (in the modern era) are sent to French Indo China under the C. & M. A.


Mary Miller from Shamokin Church sailed for Belgium, August 4, 1928 enroute to Africa under new mission board, Unevangelized Tribes Mission.

M. P. Zook accepts pastorate at Bloomington and Franklin, Nebraska – home from the field due to Mrs. Zook’s health.


Snyders permitted to return to China.


Miss Grace Feldges (Whale) sent to Nigeria – Sudan Interior Mission.


Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Miller, Shamokin, sent to Africa under the Unevangelized Tribes Missions. 1940

At a special meeting of the Board of Foreign Missions held on January 19, 1940, it was decided that we assume the support of twelve more missionaries as the Lord directs. They are laboring under the following Societies:

Christian and Missionary Alliance: Rev. E. F. Irwin, Rev. Paul K. Snead and Mrs. D.I. Jeffrey, of French Indo-China; Rev. C. D. Holton and Rev. M. G. Griebenow, of the Kansu-Tibetan Border and Rev. and Mrs. Paul E. Freligh, of French West Africa. Rev. Snead is the son of Rev. A. C. Snead, for many years Secretary of the Foreign Department.

United Missionary Society: Rev. and Mrs. Ira W. Sherk, of Nigeria.

China Inland Mission: Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Fisher and Rev. A. H . Olson, of China. (18)


Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Snyder retired from China and received his B. A. Degree from Goshen College in 1947.

Miss Luella Reinhart, a member of our Stroudsburg Church, who had been under appointment as a candidate for Nigeria, Africa, under the United Missionary Society for quite some time sailed on the Egyptian Steamer El Nil, has arrived safely in Nigeria and has joyfully entered into the activities of her chosen mission field.

Miss Marcella Dunne originally from Ireland, for some time a member of the Gospel Worker Society of Cleveland, Ohio, and later a member of our Salem Congregation at McFerran Street, near Broad Street, Philadelphia, has been accepted as a Missionary by the Orinoco River Mission of Venezuela. She, too has arrived and has begun her labor of loveon her divinely chosen

The Board has decided to support Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Ryan of French West Africa instead of Rev. and Mrs. Paul E. Freligh who have been unavoidably detained at home. Rev. and Mrs. Ryan have served on the field very acceptably since 1916 and 1918, respectively. When Rev. Roseberry, the Chairman, left the field on furlough, Rev. Ryan was elected Chairman in his stead. (19)


Edna Pridham joins Luella Rinehart in Africa under the United Missionary Society.”

And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of:

M/M Russell Baker, M/M Colin Tweddell, Olive Rawn.


C. H. Brunner died


Missionaries assigned to churches for prayer and financial support,

Again we resume the roll call: Herb and Betty Dyke, M/M Robert Gordon, M/M Merle Baer, M/M Laird F. Stengele, Paul Chapponniere, M/M Waiter H. Frank, Betty Doverspike, Sylvia Miller, Robert Rampy


There was a move toward developing the Board of Foreign Missions into a sending board. (This primarily was the brain-child of John E. Golla.) It never got off the ground!

Again we resume the roll call: Bertha Miller, Margaret Maas, M/M J. Barclay Harley, Dr. and Mrs. William Campbell, David Solt, Doris (Schaeffer) Hoyle, Robert Hopkins, M/M Charles Levi Mann, M/M Edward Moyer, Melvin Claassen, M/M Austin G. Shelly, Earl Poysti, M/M Leonard Buck, Louise Miller, Howard Hatton, M/M Roy Hertzog, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Schoffstall, M/M Donald Ritter, Ted Shelling, Timothy Kauffman, M/M T. James Bigley, M/M Fred Venable, M/M Sterling Baker, M/M Richard Gehman, Mrs. Aaron Hoffman, M/M George Lee, M/M David Manney, Harriet Kassay, Moses Chow, M/M Joseph Hoffman, M/M Brian Butler, Shirley Ream, Connie Hartman, M/M Paul Everhart, Lillian Solt, M/M Keith Anderson, M/M Charles Tedstone, Marjorie Kauffman, M/M Melvin Babcock, Sharon Backman, M/M William Moore, M/M Duane Moyer, M/M William Mull, Ruth Riggs, M/M Dean Stortz, Dr. and Mrs. David Wehr, M/M Philip Yerrington, M/M Richard Blauser, M/M Michael Easton, M/M Fred Gibbons, M/M Robert Harriman, Ms. Pat Howard, M/M David Chappel, M/M Robert Draper, Elford Stephens, Waiter Johnston, Joanne Shelly, Teresa Faust, M/M Thomas Sacher, William Aukamp, M/M James Bigley, M/M Herbert Lea, M/M Mark Meitzler, M/M Louis Prontnicki, Dr. and Mrs. Glen White, M/M Daniel Witwer, Linda Clayton, M/M William Dougherty, M/M William Early, Tina Getter, M/M Charles, Joel Bigley, Glenn Blauser, M/M Christopher Bullock, M/M Basil Chatterpaul, M/M David Riddell, M/M Daniel Scott, M/M Barry Wingo, M/M Paul G. Zimmerman, AND THE HERTZOGS!

1. Proceedings of the Twenty-eighth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania (1911), page 28.

2. Proceedings of the Sixty-ninth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania (1952), pages 79-80.

3. Proceedings of the Twenty-eighth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania (1911), page 28.

4. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ (1900), page 25.

5. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Session of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church (1896), page 12.

6. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Conference (1905), pages 29-30.

7. Proceedings of the Thirty-Second Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania (1915), pages 40-41.

8. Proceedings of the Seventieth Annual Conference of The Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church of Pennsylvania (1953), pages 99-100.

9. Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of The Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania (1899), page 28.

10. Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania (1904), page 32.

11. Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania (1909), page 33.

12. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania (1905), page 30.

13. Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania (1911), page 29.

14. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Session of the Pennsylvania Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ (1898), page 23.

15. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania, 1908, pages 29-30.

16. Proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual Conference of Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania (1913), page 33.

17. Proceedings of the Eightieth Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church (1963), pages 124-126.

18. Proceedings of the Fifty-Seventh Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ (1940), page 47.

19. Proceedings of the Fifty-Eighth Annual Conference of The Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania (1941), page 46.