Bethlehem Class Book

Bethlehem Class book

Original Class as formed by the late Jonas Musselman in 1884 and 1885.


            Jonathan Moyer          Moved to Catasaqua 1899 Transferred

            Sarah Moyer               Moved to Catasaqua 1899 Transferred

            Adaline Ritter 


            Barabara Beck            Withdrawn in 1893

            Rebecca E. Fry 

            Alfred King                Withdrawn in 1887

            Cora Ritter                  Withdrawn in 1893

            Jno. P. Reaser             Moved to Catasaqua 1890

            Eliza Reaser                Moved to Catasaqua 1890

            Maria H. Olewine       Transferred to Lehighton 1893

            Wm. J. Wright            Withdrawn

            Mena Scheib               Died Feb 15th 1889

            Rebecca Wright          Withdrawn

In Feb. 1887 W. B. Musselman took charge of the Bethlehem and Coopersburg Class

Apr. 1

            W. B. Musselman       Transferred withdrawn to Allentown Apr. 1 1889

            M. A. Musselman       Transferred withdrawn to Allentown Apr. 1 1889

May 8

            Louisa Englehard       Moved to Pittsburgh

            Laura Weiss                Withdrawn

            Flora Buck                  Moved away and withdrawn 1889 July

            Sarah Eastman            Withdrawn in 1892

            Oscar Olewine            Transferred to Lehighton 1893

May 12

            Lydia Weber

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            Sallie B. Musselman   Withdrawn Feb 1, 1888

[Note in margin – During Protracted meetings in 1887]

            Chas. H. Brunner

            Amandus Ruth            Transferred to So. Bethlehem Class 1888 [Moyers book]

            Alice Ruth                  Transferred to So. Bethlehem Class 1888

            A. D. Buck                 Moved away and withdrawn July 1889

            Emelia Dilliard 

            Elmira Dech 

            Ida M. Miller              Expelled Transferred to So. Bethlehem Class 1888

            Mary Bright 

            Jonas Wesner              Moved away and withdrawn

            Christiana Bear           Transferred to Allentown

            Jacob King 

            Ida Wright

            Samuel Bartholomew Withdrawn by request of pastor – of being a lodge member

            Lizzie Conover           Died June 6th, 1889

            David Bright

            George Eichelberger   Expelled because he deliberatley follows the lusts of the flesh

            Chas Everett

            Mary J. Everett

Dec 26 ‘87

            Ida Doney

Jan 5, 1888

            Mary Burger               Withdrawn Went to Heavenly Recruits

            Lydia A. Bright

Jan 29, 1888

            Eliza Wright               Moved away and withdrawn Aug. 1889

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May 6, 1888

            Samuel Lamb

            Amanda Lamb

            Louisa Rieger

            Matilda Wilson

June 17, 1888

            Albert Reiger

Dec 3, 1888

            Mary Anthony

Dec 16, 1888

            Harrison Bush

            Sarah Bush

            Christiana Bush

            Mary Fehnel

Dec 30, 1888

            Ferdinand Kunkle       Expelled Transferred to So. Bethlehem Class 1888

Dec 16, 1888

            Maria Kunkle             Transferred to So. Bethlehem Class 1888

Jan 19, 1889

            Francis Miller             Transferred to So. Bethlehem Class 1888

            Catharine Miller         Transferred to So. Bethlehem Class 1888

Mar 24 1889

            Benedict Schwartz

Apr 6, 1898

            Sarah C. Brunner

Aug 20, 1898

            Joseph Eastman

Oct, 1898

            Henriette Klemmer

            Joseph Preisch

            Franna Heller

Nov 26, 1899

            Annie Heller

Dec 1, 1889

            Clara Hilbert

Jan 19, 1890

            Rufina Bloss

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1. Adaline Ritter

2. Barbara Beck                     Withdrawn in 1893

3. Rebecca Frey

4. Cora Ritter                         Withdrawn Mar 15, 1893

5. John P. Reaser                   Moved to Catasaqua 1889 Transferred

6. Eliza Reaser                       Moved to Catasaqua 1889 Transferred

7. Oscar Olewine                   Moved to Slatington 1888 Transerred to Lehighton 1893

8. Maria Olewine                   Moved to Slatington 1888 Transerred to Lehighton 1893

9. Wm. J. Wright                   Moved to Shelly, Bucks Co. 1890 Dropped

10. Rebecca Wright               Moved to Shelly, Bucks Co. 1890 Dropped

11. Ida Wright                       Moved to Shelly, Bucks Co. 1890 Dropped

12. Laura Weiss                     Withdrawn

13. Sarah Eastman                 Withdrawn

14. Joseph Eastman               Withdrawn 1893

15. Lydia Weber

16. Charles H. Brunner          Transferred to Erwinna Bucks Co. 1892

17. Sarah C. Brunner             Transferred to Erwinna Bucks Co. 1892

18. Harrison Bush                  Expelled May 20, 1894

19. Sarah Bush

20. Christiana Bush

21. Mary Fehnel                    Died, Buried on Saturday Feb 20th 1892 by Eld Wm. B. Musselman

22. Joseph Preisch

23. Franna Preisch

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24. Amanda Ruth

25. Alice Ruth

26. Amelia Dilliard                Moved to Coopersburg 1891 Transferred to Coopersburg

27. Elmira Dech

28. David Bright                    Transferred to Coopersburg 1893

29. Lydia Bright                    Transferred to Coopersburg 1893

30. Mary Bright

31. Jacob King

32. Chas. Everitt                    Moved to Luzerne Co. 1889

33. Mary J. Everitt                 Moved to Luzerne Co. 1889

34. Samuel Lamb

35. Amanda Lamb

36. Albert Rieger                   Withdrawn 1893

37. Louisa Rieger                  Withdrawn 1893

38. Matilda Wilson

39. Mary Anthony                 Withdrawn 1891

40. Maria Kunkle                  Moved to New York 1891

41. Francis Miller

42. Catherine Miller

43. Benedict Schwartz           Dropped

44. Henrietta Klemmer          Withdrawn 1891

45. Annie Heller

46. Clara Hilbert

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47. Rufina Bloss

48. Rebecca Walter               Dropped

            Mary Young

Members admitted between Feb 1st 1890 and Feb 1st 1891.

49. M. D. Haws minister in charge                Moved to Terre Hill Lancaster Co Feb 1892 Transferred

50. Hettie Haws                     Moved to Terre Hill Lancaster Co Feb 1892 Transferred

51. Preston Frey (Nov 30th 1891) 

52. Ida Miller (Nov 30th 1891)                     Expelled 1891

53. Lovina Stauffer (Nov 30th 1891)            Moved to Allentown

54. Joseph Stibeley (Jan 21st 1891)

55. Hetwick Stibeley (Jan 21st 1891)

56. Geo. Blank (Dec 7th 1891)

57. Carry Jones (Jan 28th 1891)                    Expelled

58. Geo. W. Manlet (Jan 28th 1891)              Expelled 1891

59. Amanda Kichline (Jan 28th 1891)

60. Ida Stibely (Jan 28th 1891)

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Members admitted from Feb 1st 1891 to Feb 1st 1892 by Rev. M. D. Haws minister in charge

Frank Frey                              Admitted         Move to Hamburg Pa 1893 Withdrawn

James Butz                                                     Withdrawn 1893

Max Voight                            Aug 1st            dropped

James Kichline                       Dec 3rd 

Allen Long                             Dec 3rd           Expelled 1892

Savilla Debbins                      Dec 3rd

Willie Biers                            Dec 3rd           Expelled 1892

Solomon Keller                      Jan 24th 

Andora Keller                         Jan 24th 

Samuel H. Bartholomew        Jan 25th 

Howard Haws                         Jan 25th           Transferred

In Feb 1892 A. B. Gehret took charge of Bethlehem Circuit

Sarah Gamler                          Feb 14             dropped

Levi Gamler                           Feb 14             dropped

Robert Deily                           Feb 14             dropped

Bertha Jones                           Feb 14             dropped

James Dilliard                        Feb 14             expelled

James Miller                           Feb 14             dropped at Quarterly Conference

Carrie Quier                            May 8

A. B. Gehret                           April               Transferred to Terre Hill Feb 1895

Ida L. Gehret                          April               Transferred to Terre Hill Feb 1895

James Wisner                         Nov 13, 1892

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Lillian Wisner                        Nov 13, 1892

Wilson Steinmetz                   Nov 20, 1892

Mary J. Steinmetz                   Nov 20, 1892

Alice Fry                                July 2, 1893

Edgar S. Peissart                     July 2, 1893    Withdrawn 1894

Charles T. Paulus                   Jan 21, 1894

Lydia R. Paulus                      Jan 21, 1894

Charles Schnell                       Transferred from Coopersburg 1894

Amelia Schnell                       Transferred from Coopersburg 1894

Amanda Schaeffer                  admitted Aug 12, 1894

Emma Geissinger                   admitted Aug 12, 1894

Charles Deily                          Transferred from Coopersburg Nov 1894

Emma Deily                           Transferred from Coopersburg Nov 1894

William Fretz                         admitted Dec 16, 1894

Andrace Kramer                     admitted Dec 16, 1894

Frederick W. Kramer             admitted Dec 16, 1894

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Adaline Ritter

Rebecca Fry                            Died April 19th 1895

Lydia Weber Kramer

Elmira Dech                           Transferred to Plainfield Nov 20th 1896

Sarah Bush

Christiana Bush                      Moved away

Joseph Preisch

Franna Preisch

Amandus Ruth

Alice Ruth

Samuel Lamb                         Withdrawn June 15th 1896

Amanda Lamb

Matilda Wilson

Francis Miller

Catherine Miller

Annie Heller

Clara Hilbert

Rufina Bloss

Mary Young

Preston Fry                             Withdrawn June 1895

Alice Fry                                Withdrawn June 1895

Geo Blank

Savilla Debbins                      Backsliden

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Joseph Staibly

Hetwick Staibly

Ida Staibly

James Kichline

Amelia Kichline

Solomon B. Keller                  Withdrawn Nov 27 1895

Andora Keller                         Withdrawn Dec 25 1895

Carrie Quier

James Wisner                         Dropped at last Quarterly Conference

Lillian Wisner                        Dropped at last Quarterly Conference

Lydia R. Paulus                      Dropped at last Quarterly Conference

Charles Schnell

Amelia Schnell

Amanda Schaeffer                  Transferred to German Valley Nov 20 1896

Emma Geissinger

Charles Deily

Emma Deily

William Fretz

Andrace Kramer

Frederick W. Kramer

In Feb 1895 O. S. Hillegass took charge of the Bethlehem Circuit

O. S. Hillegass

C. H. Hillegass

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Mar 10            Lizzie Landes                         withdrawn by her own request Nov 18 1896

Mar 24            Gottfrick Marks                      Moved away

Mar 24            Julius Haun

Mar 24            Wilhelm Fritz

May 16           Abbie Fretz

May 16           Henriette Klemmer

May 25           August Fritz                            Backsliden

Oct 27             Agnes Barrall

Nov 22            Emma Brunner


Mar 15            Samuel F. Becker                   Transferred to Quakertown Jan 16 1897

Mar 15            Ella Giess                               Transferred to Hatfield Dec 1896

Mar 22            Ida Stern

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Feb 14 1897

C. S. Shipman

Laura Ruth

Harrison Andrews

Mar 22            Amanda Herst

Apr 12            Rosa Hein

Apr 12            Milton L. Musselman

Aug 16            George Sheirman

Aug 16            Sarah Sheirman

Sept 27            William Edmunds

Sept 27            Bessie Edmunds

Sept 28            Edward Schultz

Sept 28            Kate Schultz

Oct 25             Michael Richter

                        Enos Keeler

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