Mt Carmel Notes

Mt. Carmel – Pastoral Assignment

1899    H B Musselman

1900    W G Gehman

1902    R L Woodring

1905    J G Shireman

1908    E T Schick

1910    F E Fry

1911    M H Kline

1913    G F Yost

1917    R Bergstresser

1925    E E Kublic

1932    V H Reinhart

1933    C L Miller

1937    W W Hartman

1945    E J Rutman

1948    R H Gehman

1954    H Hartman

1957    W Hottel

1962    Hertzog

1966    Zimmerman

1967    To be supplied

1968    Spackman

1971    Zimmerman

1974    Cassel

1982    To be supplied

1984    Graybill

1986    Cassel



page 24 – H. B. Musselman assigned to Mt. Carmel. First mention of Mt. Carmel. Musselman assigned to Nazareth in 1897.

No statistics 1898

1900 – page 35

baptized- 71

total gain- 44

total loss- 5

increase- 39


members- 50

SS scholars- 100

No value of church building listed? Perhaps no building yet? Value of church property, $1000, perhaps a parsonage.

1901 page 33

baptized- 32

total gain- 19

total loss- 11

increase- 8


members- 58

SS scholars- 105

1905 page 36

baptized- 4

total gain- 4

total loss- 9


decrease- 5

members- 55

SS scholars- 119


baptized- 2

total gain- 2

total loss- 4


decrease- 2

members- 69

SS scholars- 72



total gain-10

total loss-18




SS scholars-113

value of church property $9000.00

Gospel Banner 19 #47 November 24, 1896 page 14

Women’s Home Mission Work in Pa. Coal Region

            The work in general under the auspices of the W. H. M. of M. B. C. Church is nicely advancing. God is working marvelously. The forces are well united. Three halls are opened so far, and we feel very much encouraged. We have stand-bye of the best stamp at all the places – yet not so many at some as at others. The district leader has great interest in the work there, and many have been converted, sanctified, and healed, and also baptized. Victory is here, and greater victory ahead.

Women’s Home Missionary Society’s Quarterly Conference in Pa.

            The W. H. M. Quarterly Conference convened at Ashland on Friday, Nov. 6th, and was closed on Monday, Nov. 9th. A good deal of business was transacted and rules and regulations laid down, and God led in power. On Sunday we had feet-washing and communion for the first time in the Pa. Coal regions, and a wonderful time it was. We suppose about 40 or more took part in feet-washing, and 50 or 60 in breaking of bread. God truly manifested Himself amongst His people, and a lasting impression was made, we feel assured.


            There were twenty-four persons immersed at Mt. Carmel. Wonderful, wonderful! Nearly all were so filled that they had to be carried out of the water. Great manifestations. Yet through it all not a slur was heard from the crowds on the bank; and such attention and respect as were shown we seldom see. Mt. Carmel is a town with lots of foreigners, yet it is wo well regulated that all sects can worship God unmolested, and is a model town of free Americanism. All classes come in our large commodious P. O. S. of A. hall every night. R. J. Rote, B. L., has a good influence over all classes. Some of those who were baptized were from Ashland, Pa.

Gospel Banner 19 #48 12/1/1896 page 12

Assigned to Mt. Carmel – Dora B. Rote – Band leader – Annie Weutzel C. W.

Gospel Banner 19 #49 12/15/1896 page 11

Dear Bro. Hallman and Banner Readers. — The Holy ghost leads me to give a testimony through the Gospel Banner. I have read some Holy Ghost testimonies in the Banner, where the brothers and sisters have testified for the blessed Redeemer. I believe that every child of God should testify for his Savior, and be a shining light to the world. Through the Mennonites I began to read the Gospel Banner. Through their doctrine my eyes have been opened to many things which I did not see before. I did not believe that we could get into an experience where we have no desire for worldly things, but, bless the Lord, we can. May God bless His servants who preach Christ crucified, and also all those who stand for Jesus and the right. I do praise the Lord that He has gloriously saved and sanctified me through His precious blood. Glory to Jesus! My soul is redeemed. I am so glad for a salvation that makes soul and body happy, and that brings us at last to heaven. Glory to the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. Whosoever will may come and take the water of life freely. To the unsaved I would say, What a friend we have in Jesus; He is a rock in a weary land, a shelter in the time of storm. Glory to His name! I do also rejoice that I can sing,

A heart in every thought renewed

            And full of love divine

Perfect and right and pure and good,

            A copy, Lord, of thine.

By His grace I can say, Take the world but give me Jesus, All its joys are but a name. We can have friends in this world that we care for, but none like Jesus, and if we trust Him fully He is a Friend that sticketh closer than a brother. Let us be loyal to Him, holding high His standard and at last inherit a crown everlasting. Glory to his precious name! Your Bro. for Jesus

            Wesley Zimmerman

Mt. Carmel.

Gospel Banner 19 #51 12/22/1896 page 12

Mt. Carmel is still booming. Souls are being saved right along. Sister Weutzel is in charge when the D. L. is at the other places attending to the work. She is encouraged in the work.

Gospel Banner 19 #52           12/29/1896 page 12

Mt. Carmel, Pa.

            For some time a number of souls have been convicted at his place yet would not yield to God until last night there was a melting time among the Christians and a wonderful spirit of prevailing prayer was manifested. There could hardly be any singing; all were praying. When God’s people get in communion with the blessed Holy Ghost and are altogether taken up with Him and His presence, their souls will be saved. We look for still greater victory at Mt. Carmel.

                        D. B. Rote

Dec. 17th, 1896

Gospel Banner 20 #19 5/11/1897 page 14

            The Gospel Workers have rented a floor over the post-office at the corner of 4th and Oak Streets, Mt. Carmel, and are now occupying it, where they expect a continuation of their prosperous career. Amidst all the hard times the finances are being supplied, souls are being saved, and God is working mightily. It is wonderful how souls have been converted, sanctified and healed at this place. The workers, A. C. Spellman and M. E. Caskie are loved by all.

May 4th, ‘97 W. B. M.

Gospel Banner 22#1 1/3/1899 page 10

            Mount Carmel is also very bright. The Lord has a people there. They too favor Him , and are getting to be more like Him in their ways. The workers at both places are lifting the Banner up in the name of Jesus. The Lord is very good to us in Girardville. He gives us wonderful victory. This place has had its tests in the past, but, thank God, He never forsakes: Spiritually speaking of the family, we can say we are all well and abiding in Him, waiting for His coming. A few have a serve cold that may lead them to consumption if not cured. But the Lord says, I will come and heal you, Amen! His only, Bertha L. Snyder in charge of District.

Gospel Banner 22#4 1/24/1899

page 10 (W B Musselman)

            We were just informed that 7 or 8 backsliders were reclaimed at Mt. Carmel, and an umber of seekers are at the altar. The work is doing grandly there all along.

Gospel Banner 22 #5 1/31/1899 page 10

Grand Report of Mt. Carmel

            I feel to praise the Lord for His wonderful love, and for the way He is working in Mt. Carmel. He is indeed good to us. The class is united. The enemy does his best to make division and cause strife, but the Lord overrules. Glory to His name. Meeting are very good; times and season do not change the Lord, and Hie truly has a people here who follow Him. The dear pilgrims do not come to meeting only to have a good time but they come to work and glorify God, and He opens the windows of heaven unto us and we enjoy His blessing. Our Jesus is able to keep us. He also supplies our needs in every way according to His riches in glory. Truly I feel my insufficiency and unworthiness in his service.

Gospel Banner 22 #8 2/21/1899 page 15

Dear Banner Readers. – I praise the Lord from the bottom of my heart for saving a sinner like me, and for putting such peace and joy in my soul. The Lord is indeed precious to my soul and keeps me day by day, and I never can praise Him enough for what He has done for me. I love to speak for my Savior, and to let the world know that I am saved. We are having grand meetings here in Mt. Carmel. The Lord is leading His children wonderfully. The op-en air meetings are good; we are having victory through the blood of Jesus. Your brother, saved and waiting for the coming of the Lord, James Manney, Jr.

Gospel Banner 22 #9 2/28/1899 page 10

W. B. Musselman

            We have been informed of candidates for baptism at Muncy, Watsontown, Lewisburg and Mt. Carmel. We are never out of candidate. There are calls continually in one or the other mission, as there are always souls being converted at one of the other mission. We would need a “John.”

Gospel Banner 22 #12 3/21/1899 page 10

W. B. Musselman

            On Saturday, Mar. 18, H. B. Musselman, a latter day “go through” with his wife who is an expert singer will move into the hall in Mt. Carmel. This has been the Gospel Worker’s Hall for nearly two years. They are glad to see H. B.’s coming. Remember H. B. Musselman is not the president of the Gospel Workers but a brother to him.

Gospel Banner 22 #13 3/28/1899 page 12

Dear Readers of the Banner. – Since I gave my last report, the words, “Come with ……look from the top,” (Cant 4:8), were brought to my remembrance. The Lord has been pleased to send us to this place to work, and be used of Him. So we stored some of our furniture and are now living on the third story of a hall, where we are holding meetings every night. We left the dears one of the Bethlehem, under the tender and loving care of dear Bro. Woodring, whom we are sure is loved by all, and also found a kind and loving people at this place, as well as a spiritual little band. Our hearts have already been drawn together , and we are expecting great things from him who is abundantly able to do far exceeding abo ve all that we can ask or think of asking. The meetings have been well attended every night — the hall being well filled — and the people have a mind to work. Our early meting every Sunday morning at 5.30 is most glorious, and well attended. It is indeed a hallelujah breakfast. A number of unsaved even come out to this early meeting. We hold four regular services every Sunday, besides an open-air meeting before the evening service. We are greatly encourage in the work. The Lord has indeed been good to us in every way, and is wonderfully providing for us in all things. Blessed be His dear name. May the dear Holy Spirit guide us continually. Yours for the Master

                        H. B. Musselman

Mt. Carmel, Pa., March 19th, 1899

Gospel Banner 22 #14 4/4/1899 page 12

Dear Readers of the Banner. – Christian greeting! We are enjoying ourselves in Him, who delight it is to make our souls fat. The meetings here are grand, and the attendance large. Praise His dear name! The pilgrims here are standing by us nobly and are keeping up the collections. The Lord uses them to supply our needs. One brother brought us lard and meet, while others are bringing us cakes, eggs, bread, etc. The Mt. Carmel people can bake bread suitable for the king’s table. The dear Lord always sees that it gets there on time. Praise His dear name forever! Several are at the altar, and others are under deep conviction, while the saints are being “purified and made white”, — separated unto Himself — (James 4:4), for His glorious coming. May the dear Holy Spirit lead us, and use us to His glory. Amen. Yours in Him,

                        H. B. Musselman

March 25th, 1899

Gospel Banner 22 #15 4/11/1899 page 13

Dear Bro. Hallman: — “My soul shall make her boast in the Lord, the humble shall hear thereof and be glad.” I can say with David: “Thou hast put gladness in my heart , more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased. I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, Lord, only makes me dwell in safety.” Ps. 4:7-8.

            Just now there was a loud rap at our door, and upon opening, we were agreeable surprised with a ham, a bag of sugar, canned tomatoes and corn, butter and eggs. Surely the Lord always know just what we need. We were better supplied with eggs than we were when we owned chickens— Father’s chickens seemingly never go on a strike. Today, Friday, we have already preached twice, (this morning at the Holiness Christian church) and expect to preach again to-night as usual. We had a glorious waiting upon God this afternoon. We believe the tide is rising higher— the Lord is separating His chosen ones unto Himself. See Ps. 4:3. The Gospel Workers need not be ashamed of the work at this place, and we are asking the blessed Holy Spirit to use us and make us a blessing to the dear ones, in leading them into the deeper things day by day. He alone is our sufficiency. He enables us to speak every night with unabated strength. Deut. 33:25; Ex. 15:2. We have found dear fathers and mothers, as well as brothers and sister, who are standing by us, and kindly caring for our needs. Praise His dear name. The promise of Isa. 33:16 l. c., has again and again been verified. May the blessed Holy Spirit abundantly bless, and uphold the pilgrims at this place, as well as His chosen ones everywhere. May the dear Lord also bless the Editor and the entire Banner family. Yours in His name,

                        H. B. Musselman

Mt. Carmel, Pa., March 31st, 1899.

Gospel Banner 22 #16, 4/18/1899 page 13

To the Banner Family. — Christ is our “wisdom,” to enlighten us; “Righteousness,” to justify us: “Sanctification,” to separate us; and our “Redemption,” to complete us. Praise His dear name! We have naught to boast of in ourselves, but can say with David: “My soul shale make her boast in the Lord.” I am a sinner saved by grace. My desire is to be used of Him. Some men are always looking back to the time of the conversion, instead of forward to their duty. The Lord is indeed good to us up here in Mt. Carmel. We are expecting battles – – battles bring victories. It has been said: A certain amount of opposition is a great help to a man. Kites rise against the wind and not with the wind. Even a head wind is better than none. No man ever worked his passage any where in a dead calm. Let no man wax pale, therefore, because of opposition: opposition is what he wants and must have to be good for anything. We are looking to the blessed Holy Ghost to lead His own work at this place. On Sunday night we baptized four candidates in the water. The weather was pretty cold; but a number of people were on the banks to witness the same. Yours for His service.

            H. B. Musselman.

Excerpts only

Gospel Banner 22 #17, 4/24/1899 page 13

The Holy Spirit is showing the dear ones at this place the necessity of stepping out in order to possess the land – be ready for the Bridegroom. Our meetings are very spiritual, and many hearts are being melted. We are being sawed, chiseled, planed and hammered in order to be “fitly framed together” into one building for the speedy coming of the Lord.

[H. B. Musselman, 4/17/1899]

Gospel Banner 22 #19, 5/9/1899 page 12

We have put in a full day for the Master, and are somewhat tired bodily, and ready for a good night’s rest. The dear Holy Ghost is working on the hearts of many a one. Two professed to have been saved last week. Our meetings were very good. The open air meeting to-night was glorious. To-morrow is Dewey’s day — and a large parade is in contemplation. The brethren expect to hold an open air meeting at the same time to honor Captain and General Jesus Christ. While the world at large is honoring the man of this day, who was so victorious at Santiago, we are also contemplating a glorious parade, with our Commander upon a white horse, when all the armies of heaven shall follow Him on white horses, (some future day). See Rev. 19. C. H. Brunner, spent a day with us last week, and we were glad to see him. His face was as familiar and pleasant as every… Our hearts are knit to the dear ones of this place, who are standing by us so nobly in every way.

[H. B. Musselman 4/30/1899]

Gospel Banner 22 #20 5/16/1899 page 15

Dear Banner Readers. – The Lord willing, I will write my testimony for the Banner. I do praise the Lord for what he has done for me. The Lord is precious to my soul. He is wonderfully working here. We are receiving the bread of life from our pastor, Bro. Musselman. I love to hear the truth; it hits hard sometime, but, praise the Lord, it makes us free. Our meetings are grand. There are not many sinners saved, but, praise the Lord, the class is getting united, and is growing stronger in the Lord day by day. I am building my foundation on the Word of God, and I know if I abide in the Word I shall be safe. Bless God! We are looking for victory at Mt. Carmel, and it is going to come soon. Praise the Lord! I mean to stand up for Jesus wherever I may be, and to lift up the blood stained banner. Your brother in Christ, James Manny, Jr.

Gospel Banner 22 #21, 5/23/1899 page 12

Our open air meetings are glorious— and well attended. Conviction seems to seize upon the people, many are at times weeping and sobbing in their seats.

[H. B. Musselman 5/15/1899]

Gospel Banner 22 #22 5/30/1899 page 13

Yesterday we had communion services and feet-washing for the first time since we arrived on this field of labor. It was a feast of fat things to see the Shepherd feeding the sheep and lambs, while they so willingly followed Him , in obeying His voice. A large number took part in the humble rite of the blessed Savior, and that with great boldness, too…. We have organized a nice little Sunday-school at this place and it looks flourishing.

[H. B. Musselman 5/22/1899]

Gospel Banner 22 #23 6/6/1899 page 13

We organized a Sunday-school a few weeks ago, and it is getting along nicely. Bro. N. A. Habenstine is the appointed superintendent and is well liked. We also have good, spiritual teachers for each class. Meetings are good, and well attended, considering the warm weather. Our hall is right in the heart of the place, and the streets are almost always filled with listeners at the corners outside. We expect to keep the meetings open right along every night. Of course, the saloons are open too every night during the week at this place.

[H. B. Musselman 5/29/1899]

Gospel Banner 22 #24, 6/13/1899 page 11

Meetings are glorious. One was gloriously converted last night. Baptized three to-day. To-night two were converted, husband and wife. Seven more are at the altar seeking pardon. Deep conviction is resting upon the people.

[H. B. Musselman 6/4/1899]

Gospel Banner 22 #25 6/20/1899 page 12

Meetings are grand. The blessed Holy Spirit is gently leading… Large attendance at the meetings… We are well cared for in every way. Since we have no foot of ground, the dear Lord gives us access to many gardens.

[H. B. Musselman 6/12/1899]

Gospel Banner 22 #27 7/4/1899 page 12

Meetings were very good over Sunday. A brother became a believer on Sunday in the early prayer meeting. The pilgrims are climbing the step of our hall night after night, even through the warm weather, to hear the blessed truth.

[H. B. Musselman 6/25/1890]

Gospel Banner 22 #28 7/11/1899 page 12

We had the privilege to assist the Gospel Workers, in attending their open-air meetings at Frackville on Saturday night. A large number from this place had been conveyed to the above named place with coaches, under the supervision of our venerable Bro. David Camp. Bro. F. W. Stein was also on hand and took a number with his team. Since the Lord has promised to withhold no “good thing” from us, He sent us a refrigerator for our rooms on the third story through a dear Bro. and sister. Shall I continue telling you of His goodness, when every morning He sends Joseph around? I mean Bro. Buddinger, with a big chunk of ice. So we are being kept right through the warm weather. Meetings are good right along, and our aim is to prepare and to be prepared for His coming; that is, to always be found abounding in the work of the Lord.

[H. B. Musselman 7/5/1899]

page 15

Dear Readers of the Banner. — My soul crieth aloud, “God bless the truth.” It is his Word that makes us free. I praise God that he ever sent the despised Gospel Workers to Mount Carmel, who came and gave us the milk of the Word. I was a professor of Christ; mor than a possessor; sometimes happy and sometimes doubting. Now I can rejoice in a full salvation. I am glad for the blessed Holy Ghost, the Comforter. I do praise His dear name for the healing power. I used to take a great deal of medicine, but for two years I have not taken a drop and I mean to trust my God for all and rather die “in the faith.” Bless His holy name! He is so dear to me. I praise ‘God that there are some shepherds who will take care of the sheep and feed them with the best meat in due season; and the lambs he even carries. We have some sheep and some lambs, but he takes care of us all. Praise the Lord that He ever sent us such a pastor. We are indeed a happy family. Come and see us, as it will do good to such as can come. You can find us worshiping above the post office. I praise God for His good ness toward me and I mean to go through for Him at any cost. He put such a love in my soul, and my only cry is to be more like Jesus. Yours in the love of Jesus.

            Isabella Gotshall. Mt. Carmel, Pa., 6/28/1899

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