Reading Notes

Reading Notes

[From Verhandlungen (1859 – 1895) Published by the Historical Committee of the Bible Fellowship Church, 1989.]


pg 133

(Resolved): That the circuits be divided as follows:

         Upper Milford, Fleetwood and Emaus circuit

         Reading and Terre Hill circuit

         Coopersburg, Saucon Valley, Ruch’s and Springtown circuit.

Pg 133

Resolved: That Samuel Frey, with the assistance of William Gehman and Marks D. Haws, take charge of Reading and Terre Hill Circuit.


pg 138

Resolved: That Samuel Frey take charge of Reading Mission Station.

Resolved: That if the members there cannot raise up a sum sufficient for Brother Frey, that addition shall be made at the next Annual Conference, as the Conference sees good.


pg 147

Resolved: That a division of circuits be made. Divided as follows:

         Fleetwood, Blandon and Reading

         Quakertown, Hatfield and Skippack

         Upper Milford, East Hereford and Emaus

         Coopersburg, Saucon Valley, Ruch’s and Springtown

         Terre Hill

pg 148

Resolved: That William B. Musselman take charge of Reading, Fleetwood, and Blandon Circuit.

Pg 149

Building Churches (not published)

Resolved: That the brethren Daniel Koch and Frederick R. Reinholt, (of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church) shall look for a suitable building lot in the city of Reading whereon to erect a house of worship of God.

Resolve: That the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Reading shall with Brother Marks D. Haws of Terre Hill have authority of our Conference to collect money in the city of Reading and elsewhere towards the erection of a church.

Resolved: That Brother Frederick R. Reinholt of Reading is elected Treasurer to take charge of the money collected by the Mennonite Brethren in Christ in the city of Reading and elsewhere towards the erection of a church in Reading.

Resolved: That Brother Samuel H. Frey of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church is authorized to collect money in the counties of Lancaster, Dauphin and Lebanon for erecting a church in the city of Reading and that he shall have for his commission %15 of the money collected. (Not published). [We published it – Dick]


pg 151


         Jacob Gehret of Reading and Fleetwood

pg 152 (Reading a circuit by itself)


pg 166

Resolved: That, if possible, buildings be erected at both places this year. Abel Strawn shall have supervision over the construction in Reading and Thomas Geho in Bethlehem, and further

Resolved: That the Conference give them legal authorization n the name of the Conference, signed by the Presiding Elder, the Secretary and the supervising preachers.


pg 191

Resolved: That the Conference appoint a committee regarding the construction of the Reading Church [note in margin says “not to be published]. The Conference was appointed as a committee.

pg 192

6. The report from the Committee was presented regarding the construction of the Reading church and is as follows:[with note “not to be published”]

Whereas, regarding the construction of the Reading Church, Brother Abel Strawn expressed his willingness to help relieve the debt so that only $2,000.00 will left to be paid, if this amount can be secured in this year, 1890, there

Resolved: That the entire debt of $2,789.61, shall stand as it was before.


pg 202

5. The circumstances of the Reading Church property were discussed, considered and consequently

Resolved: That this Conference give an assurance to Elder A. Strawn, signed by the Presiding Elder and Secretary for $2100.00 with 6% interest for one year for the above mentioned property.


pg 211

4. The matter concerning the Reading Church property was discussed. Whereas, Elder William

Gehman holds the mortgage of this property for $2100.00 at 6% it was

Resolved: That Brother William Gehman shall hold the mortgage for one more year and that we try to find the money at 5% if possible.

         Brother Gehman declared for himself, that in case of his death, he would not claim more from the “Reading Church property than the mortgage contains. The interest for the past year amounted to $126.00 of which the class of Reading contributed $59.40. Then there was some though about what to do about the remaining $66.60. The Lord awakened a spirit of giving within the meeting through one of the brethren so that the whole sum could be collected and even $7.33 more. The money was then handed over to Brother Gehman. Committee: M. A. Zyner, William Gehman, A. Strawn.


pg 219

Resolved: That M. A. Zyner, William Gehman and William B. Musselman shall serve as a committee to take in hand the matter of the Reading Church and to deal with it according to their best discernment.


pg 231

The Committee over the Reading Church property reported that they were not able to sell or to exchange (the property). Therefore it stands as before.


pg 239

Resolved: That this conference tender a hearty vote of thanks to the pastor and people of the Bethlehem and Plainfield Circuit for their liberal contributions towards the Reading Church debt, being the only charge that fully complied with the request of the last Annual Conference. Some others have, however, done noble too.

Resolved: That Elder A. B. Gehret travel through the Pennsylvania Conference this year and make an earnest endeavor to collect money for the Reading Church, his expenses to be paid out of the money collected.

Pastoral Assignments – Reading

1882-84      S. H. Frey

1884-87      W. B. Musselman

1887-89      A. Strawn

1889-92      O. S. Hillegass

1892-93      J. A. Moyer

1893-96      G. A. Campbell

1896-98      C. H. Brunner

1898-99      J. G. Shireman

1899-1900  A. B. Musselman / J. G. Shireman

1900-03      W. K. Ziegler

1903-06      E. T. Schick

1906-07      J. C. Roth

1907-10      C. H. Brunner

1910-14      F. M. Hottel

1914-18      W. J. Fretz

1918-20      B. B. Musselman

1920-23      R. W. Dickert

1923-25      J. C. Roth

1925-32      E. N. Cassel

1932-45      F. M. Hottel

1945-53      A. G. Woodring

1953-61      P. T. Stengele

1961-70      J. Koch

1970-90      J. Hartman

1990-          R. Grossman

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