What is and who are the Mennonites? What About the Bible Fellowship Church?

Letha Cacciapouti

Dudley, Massachusetts

[Editor’s note: Letha is 68 years old and writes this with great excitement. She says it is the first essay she has ever done.]

The Mennonite brethren in Christ was a protestant denomination that grew out of the Anabaptist movement of the 16th Century which flourished in Europe and the United States. The first publication of their history since the breaking away with the Anabaptist movement was in 1920 in Pennsylvania. There was no thorough history by the brethren prior to this which is regrettable but the work of Christ went on. People on through time built upon historical facts and events. Precept upon precept, line upon line, they were building God’s church, the body of Christ, born again believers, led by the Holy Spirit.

On September 24, 1858, Die Evangelische Gemeinschaft (The Evangelical Mennonite Society) today known as the Bible Fellowship Church, was formed. In the year 2002, the Bible Fellowship Church of Quinebaug CT., is very much alive and doing well. Our pastor and shepherd under Jesus Christ, Pastor Dennis Spinney, leads God’s flock which He entrusted to him. Bible Fellowship Church isn’t just a building. It’s a place where we meet with other believers to worship and learn of God and His holy word. Those who love and adore our Lord with the same faith – sisters and brothers loving each other, putting God first, others next, and ourselves last. It’s a place where God’s truth is not only preached but lived out in our daily lives. It’s a house of prayer for the lost, homeless can find shelter, the hungry can be fed and loved just as they are. It’s a place where love abounds to all – a church where God is lifted up and praised for all His goodness and love. Reliable elders, teachers, nursery workers, and people who care about the building’s upkeep are faithful in their tasks. We also have very beautiful children whom God loves. We are family, one in Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior, as Jesus and Father God are one, led by the Holy Spirit, to mold and shape us into beautiful vessels to be used of God where the hungry and thirsty can be satisfied.

Around six years ago I felt a tugging in my heart to go to the Bible Fellowship Church in Quinebaug CT. I hesitated at first not knowing for sure if this was of myself or God’s leading for me. I ignored the gnawing in my heart for a long time until I started to think that, if this is the Lord, I must find out. I prayed for a long time about it. I hesitated until I knew God was calling me to the Bible Fellowship Church. I had been there a number of times when it was a restaurant. I would be saddened when I passed by while the place was vacant. There was a feeling I didn’t understand but I had to know and find out what Bible Fellowship was all about. I am now a member of Bible Fellowship Church, and so is my husband Pat. I am so blessed of God with my new family.

The Bible Fellowship Church started by God’s divine leading, like a tapestry being woven together a little at a time – a group of people, living stones, whose builder and founder is Jesus Christ, the Chief Corner Stone, the Son of God who died and rose from the dead for all mankind. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. He died on an old rugged cross, and shed His most precious blood for all mankind. John 3;16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only begotten Son Jesus Christ; That whosoever believeth on Him shall not perish but have ever lasting life.”

God appoints a shepherd over each flock of sheep who serves His people under the Great Shepherd Jesus Christ, to lead His people to green pastures and by streams of pure living water, to be taught by His divine and holy word, the inspired and infallible word without error. The Holy Bible is used as the Holy Spirit opens up the blinded eyes, deafened ears, and hardened hearts of those who yet do not believe. The Holy Spirit reaches into areas of believer’s lives who yet are struggling with those same things, hardened in heart, still wearing scales on their eyes, and still hard of hearing.

More of the history of Bible Fellowship Church. Pastor Dennis Spinney had a calling into pastoral ministry at quite an early age. He was raised in Worcester County. He was married in 1976 to Susan (Bowers) Spinney. They have three children, Jonathan, Sarah and Joel. The eldest two are now married to fine Christians. Pastor Spinney is a graduate of St. Marks School in Southboro, MA, and also Philadelphia College of Bible (B.S.), and Biblical Theological Seminary in Hatfield, Pennsylvania (M. Div.). In 1984 he received ministerial license granted by the Bible Fellowship Church. From 1984 to 1987 he was part of a church planting ministry in Hillside, N.J. In 1988 he came to Spencer, MA, to continue in that work. The road ahead for the Spinneys wasn’t a smooth road. Obstacles, such as finding locations for a permanent dwelling place lay ahead, which were costly, required praying, searching, sweat and tears, hope and much faith from God as well as an abundance of love. Pastoral work consists of much sacrificing of one’s self and also for the whole family especially for one’s spouse. Everyone must pull together. Pastor Spinney is a man who leads the flock of God entrusted to him by the Lord. A good shepherd leads but does not drive the sheep, like the good Shepherd Jesus Christ.

A building was finally decided on by Elders, board members and of course our beloved pastor

Spinney. With God’s faithfulness, bathed in prayer, much care and considering location and size in mind, the decision was made.

The Bible Fellowship Church of Thompson, CT, is based in a building on Route 131 once known as the Stagecoach or Continental Restaurant. The congregation began meeting there in June, 1993, after renovations by the Spinneys and the members. A dedication followed shortly afterward. The church in Thompson is one of about 60 Congregations in the Bible Fellowship Church. It’s a small Christ centered, Bible teaching, born-again denomination.

Our church is a body of loving and caring people, led by a loving and caring Pastor. The Bible Fellowship Church gives a solid foundation with sound doctrine, well learned men and women taught of God, pastors, elders, teachers and brethren of God’s choice – doing Gods work; mature in the faith and built on the solid rock Jesus Christ; where one finds a home before our final destination – home with our Lord of Lords and our King of Kings – tried and true where honesty prevails. We are led by His Holy Spirit where all are welcome, sinner and saint alike, where many may find and follow the narrow road to heaven. Broad is the road to destruction and, sad to say, many choose to go that way. God is not a respecter of persons. He loves us all, rich and poor alike, race, creed or color. May we make the right choice. Many are called; but few are chosen. God has chosen us, but we have a free will. What will we say? Yes or no. God loved us and died for us while we were still sinners. Thank you, Lord Jesus.

Yes, I thank God our Father and His Son Jesus Christ for our forefathers who harkened to the call of the Holy Spirit leading them to blaze a trail before us, who suffered, some terribly persecuted and tormented, some even losing their lives, for the gospel of Jesus Christ. May we be so faithful in our calling so they who follow after us may also do the same. For we may be the only epistle that some will read.

I believe that there is a deep desire in the heart of Pastor Dennis Spinney to continue church planting until God calls him home to his heavenly abode.

In closing with love and hope for all, and sincerity of heart.

Letha Cacciapouti

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