Biography of WB Musselman, Michael Yoder Landis, CH Brunner: Society Newsletter

August, 2008

We are full into summer. Here are some articles for your reading and some pictures for your viewing.

I want to start by expressing our condolences to Royal Kramer on the home going of Charlotte his wife. I have noted in recent years how euphemisms about death have increased. Most often I hear that a person has passed. I like the euphemism, home going, because it is quite appropriate for a Christian. For someone who has placed his or her life in the care of Jesus, it is truly a homegoing. While we send Royal our condolences, we also send our encouragement that Charlotte is at home with the Lord.

Follow Up Notes

Following our last newsletter, I received a couple of follow up notes.

Esther Cassel writes:

My heart skipped a beat as I read about the Rose of Sharon Hymnal in your last report. I have my mother’s copy; the soft black cover still has the printing, “ROSE OF SHARON Hymns” very distinct in gold lettering, together with the branch with leaves and flowers and trumpet above “blasting forth”: “I am The Rose of Sharon S.S.2:1” Also in the bottom right-hand corner is my mother’s name in gold, “Johanna Casselring.”

As I open the book, the first page states (1) the title again; (2) Compiled and Published By The Hymn Book Committee of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania, (3) Copyright 1917, etc. On the other side, beside other notes, it gives the names of the Committee. It is ironic to think that I, as a little girl sitting beside my mother on the first row just loving to sing, would become intimately acquainted with one of those committee members: E. N. Cassel. And I did look forward to the singing of these hymns; we did a lot of singing in those days.

In our library, we also have Isaiah K. Wismer’s copy. (He married Willard’s sister, Lulu Cassel.) He writes his name inside as living in Graterford, March 30, 1926. His is a hard cover, and one can just make out the printing on the cover….no gold lettering. How we ended up with his copy, not sure; will contact their daughter, Doris, about that.

In conclusion, just want to say I count this hymnal as one of my treasures. It does bring back memories of the congregation singing lustily A CAPPELLA!!

I grew up in Salem Church, Philadelphia, which now is Maple Glen.

Jill Davidson, chairperson of the BFC Historical Committee sends us these thoughts:

I finally sat down and read the recent newsletter. It was great. Ardis does a great job in researching and writing.

I can add to LeRoy’s article on the Sell family and the BFC. The wife of one our pastors is a Sell descendant. I am speaking, of course, of my own daughter, Rachel! Leidy Sell of the Coopersburg congregation had a sister, Catherine. She married Aaron Myers Rickert of the Deep Run Mennonite West congregation in Bedminster Township, Bucks County, Their son, Peter Sell Rickert, married Emma Albright of Hilltown, and they settled in Hilltown. My father, Robert Rickert, is the youngest of their seventeen children. I am the second of four children born to my parents and Rachel is my first born.

In a recent conversation with some of my aunts and uncles, I have learned that Catherine Sell was a little biddy of a woman, built like me (or vice versa). It was fun to feel an identification with my great-grandmother who I never had a chance to know personally.

Thanks, Esther and Jill.

William Brunner Musselman

by Richard Taylor

How many leaders from the history of the Bible Fellowship Church can you name? Which ones would you identify as the significant, stand out, ones. If you have done some reading in our history, you will certainly mention William Gehman. He became recognized as the key mover in what became the Evangelical Mennonites. If you are in your 70’s or 80’s, you will quickly shout out the names of W. G. Gehman and H. B. Musselman. You will probably want to share a memory. (A friend of mine, a former Gospel Herald named Bill Keeley, tells of his dread of having his feet washed by W. G. Gehman because after the foot washing came the kiss. A big wet one from W. G. Gehman was tough for a 10 year old boy.) Perhaps, you think about C. H. Brunner. If you are younger, you might mention B. Bryan Musselman, pastor of the Radio Church or T. D. Gehret or even P. T. Stengele.

Over the years, I have heard of all of these men in all sorts of settings. But rarely have I heard people talk about W. B. Musselman, Presiding Elder, founder of the Gospel Worker Society, and founder of what is today called the Union Gospel Press. Those sorts of things in one’s resume’ would seem to draw attention. Recently, the question of this silence has been running around in my thoughts to the extent that I thought I might see what I could find.

I will begin by proposing my explanation for the relative silence about this man and his influence in our history. First, he became geographically distant through his relocation to Cleveland, Ohio. He only came back to this area to attend the Annual Conferences and did that with some reluctance. Second, he had no accountability to a denomination while he ran a printing press that published what was called non-denominational literature. Third, the printing work became shrouded in shadows and rumors. I have heard, nothing that can be documented, that questions were raised about the personal life of Musselman. If that were the case, then, the less said the better. In 1980, the Cleveland Magazine wrote an expose’ on the Union Gospel Press entitled, “The Phantom and the Fortress,” which insinuated that secrets were hidden behind the walls and in the past of the organization.

So, who was W. B. Musselman and why don’t we talk more about him?

William Brunner Musselman was born on October 3, 1860, the son of Jonas Musselman and Lucy Brunner. He was born into a family that played a key role in the formation of our church. His father Jonas was a preacher and church planter. Four churches begun by Jonas are thriving ministries today. Two of his younger brothers, Harvey and Allen, were also preachers in our church. His farming childhood was fairly typical for boys of his era. Later, he took on the trade of iron molder. The Gospel Herald of June 14, 1952, a fiftieth anniversary issue, gives the following account of his younger years,

He was an iron molder by trade, with prospects of making a name for himself in his craft. His high school days under an infidel teacher brought him dangerously near to infidelity, but once he took his stand for Christ, he turned away radically from infidelity to faith. For some years he was not too active in his Christian profession, though he was a dutiful son and even as a mere lad he carried much of the burden of the home life in order that his father might be free to preach the gospel. (Gospel Herald, volume 50, June 14, 1952, page 841 (13))

He was joined in marriage to Mary Ann Oberholtzer, daughter of Tobias Oberholtzer and Anna D. Reiff, born August 19, 1860. Huffman’s brief biography of Musselman in his History of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church states that they were married in April of 1879. However, the census record of 1880, taken in June of that year, shows that William was still living with his parents and working as a molder. The census data of 1900 shows that they were married for 20 years which suggests that they were married after June, 1880. Their marriage produced 9 children.

The fiftieth anniversary Gospel Herald recounts that they set out to make a life for themselves when William was struck with sickness.

That plan, however, did not prove to be God’s plan for their lives; so in order that God’s plan should materialize, there suddenly came an illness upon him which unfitted him for making a living. Prayers were offered for his recovery and he was entirely healed from his malady. He started back to work, but readily discovered that healing had come for God’s glory, not his own.

This brought him to a full surrender to the will of God with the conviction that a preacher should live of the Gospel without secular encumbrances. (Gospel Herald, volume 50, June 14, 1952, page 841 (13))

W. B. was received as a probationer on February 4, 1884, at the newly numbered first Annual Conference held at Terre Hill, Pennsylvania. He was immediately assigned to the Reading, Fleetwood, and Blandon circuit. One year later, he wrote to the Gospel Banner with a report:

Dear Editor: May the grace of God rest upon you and your work. We have a small class here and are very poor financially but rich in God. Glory to His name. The Lord has finally so ordained that we could secure a small chapel (24×35) for which the brethren offered almost their last mite. May the Lord reward them. It seems to be a palace compared to the kitchen in which we formerly worshipped. We have been holding a protracted meeting here for some time, and are having wonderful glorious times. There have been ten conversions and others are seeking. Among the converts are grandfathers and grandmothers. It was a glorious sight to see those with silvered hair bowing around the altar praying for mercy. One brother who had been observing family worship for ten years and had been living a moral life, found that he had no foundation upon which to stand, and came forward to the altar and sought and found peace in Jesus. Glory to God, the work is going on. While the Lord is working the devil is becoming enraged. One stone was thrown in through a window pane and another at the door while it was open, but praise the Lord, no one was killed. Every stone enthused the children of God with more power. Bro. J. H. Moyer is assisting us at present and is always rejoicing and praising God. He says he is walking on the even way of faith of which he will soon have something to say through the Banner. Believers are being sanctified here through his labors. Glory to God for a full salvation for all. I ask an interest in the prayers of God’s children in behalf of the cause at this place. (Gospel Banner, March 1, 1885, page 9)

Ruth Hartman wrote of his ministry in Reading:

In 1884, a further division of circuits linked Reading with the Fleetwood and Blandon congregations. W.B. Musselman was appointed that year to serve the circuit. After one year, he asked for appointment to Reading alone, sensing the potential for growth in that city. Under his ministry a hemlock board church was erected at Tenth and Oley streets “in a very rough part of the city.” It was a crude structure, built on stilts, over a creek. Erected in only four days, it became known as “The Four Day Church.”

The work grew rapidly under W.B. Musselman’s dynamic leadership, necessitating two additions to The Four Day Church in the next year. Outdoor baptismal services were held almost weekly during the first winter to accommodate the influx of new converts. In one eight-week period, the number of members rose from ten to thirty-six. Revival services were marked by a spiritual fervor that was manifested in church members falling into trances and reporting having visions and revelations. The Reading Times dispatched its reporters to record these unusual phenomena for a fascinated public. Pastor Musselman encouraged unaccompanied lively singing, in both German and English…

It was a time of financial panic, and the Reading flock was experiencing hard times. Pastor Musselman often shared his own store of potatoes with hungry parishioners.

All of this in his first assignment! It was clear that he was a rising star. One year later in 1886, his music abilities produced permission for him to work on and ultimately publish a new hymnbook, the Ebenezer Hymnbook, published in 1892. In 1889 at age 29, he was elected as the assistant to the presiding elder. In February, 1892, just 8 years after being accepted as a probationer, he was elected as the presiding elder. In October of that year, he was elected vice-chairman of the General Conference.

In January, 1895, William took a significant step as he joined with seven women to form the Women’s Home Missionary Society. They had been holding meetings in Annandale, New Jersey, at the time. What prompted them to form the organization is not known. Why he began holding meetings with a group of women is not known. They began with a twofold purpose: “to reach people who were not reached by the churches in their communities and to encourage people to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour from sin” ( What we know is they banded together and out of this group came a committed group of street missionaries who began to move out into the towns and cities of Pennsylvania. In 1896, the band was opened to membership by men who believed they should join the gospel effort. Leadership was taken for a time by C. H. Brunner. In 1897, the men went off on their own to become the Gospel Heralds. The women continued on and became known as the Gospel Workers Society.

At the 1898 Annual Conference, the following was recorded, “RESOLVED, That the Conference resolve itself into a committee this evening at 7.30 to consider more fully the operations of the Gospel Workers and their future relations to the Church.” What they were talking about was not recorded but the discussion must have been positive for later they reported:

WHEREAS, W. B. Musselman. President of the Gospel Workers’ Society gave a clear and definite report of the past operations of the Society in every department (spiritual, statistical and financial) to the complete satisfaction of the Conference; therefore

RESOLVED, That we recognize their work as organized and carried on under the inspiration and direction of the Holy Ghost and pledge ourselves to pray for them and use our influence for the promotion of their work; and further

RESOLVED, That according to the resolution of last year the monthly collection for them in each class shall be continued and increased as much as possible.

WHEREAS, We greatly appreciate the energetic and devoted labors of Brother W. B. Musselman in connection with Home Missionary work; therefore

RESOLVED, That we recognize the President of the Gospel Workers’ Society as Missionary Presiding Elder ex-officio;

RESOLVED, That at each camp meeting in our Conference one day, appointed by the Presiding Elder, shall be offered to the Gospel Workers, in full charge of the President or district leaders.

Committee of the whole (1898 Minutes, Third Session, Saturday, March 5, 1898).

The Union Gospel Press history picks up the story.

In 1898, assured that the Lord wanted him to devote all his time to the missionary work, the Reverend Mr. Musselman prevailed on his church to release him from his position as presiding elder. They allowed him to do this, and in 1898 the Gospel Worker Society became a nondenominational organization under the Reverend Mr. Musselman’s leadership.

In its early years, the Gospel Worker Society distributed denominational literature, but it had no literature of its own. Steps to correct that were made in 1902, when the first issue of the G.W.S. Herald was printed. This was the nondenominational magazine of the Gospel Worker Society, and it was intended to be a model paper for mission work. Its purpose was to bring sound Christian literature into the home.

The first editions of the G.W.S. Herald were printed by an outside company, but in a short time the Gospel Worker Society purchased its own press and took over the printing of the G.W.S. Herald. The first issues were printed in a remodeled livery stable in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, where the Gospel Worker Society then had its headquarters. This newly established printing place was called the Herald Publishing House.

The Herald Publishing House grew quickly. In addition to printing the G.W.S. Herald, the organization began to publish Sunday school literature, which was called the “Christian Life Series.”

In 1907 the Herald Publishing House and the Gospel Worker Society moved from Pennsylvania to new headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio. The organization needed to be more centrally located and also needed much more room. For a few years, the fifteen-building complex on the corner of West Seventh Street and Jefferson Avenue was sufficient. In 1922, after much expansion and several name changes, what had begun as the Herald Publishing House came to be known as Union Gospel Press. (

The Cleveland Magazine published an article entitled, “The Phantom and the Fortress in July, 1980. Author Greg Stricharchuk wrote,

The original goal of of the Gospel Workers, unmarried women who wore modest handmade blue uniforms, chokers and bonnets, was simply to tell non-churchgoers about the Bible. They accomplished this by using a bait and switch technique – strumming guitars, mandolins and banjos on street corners and, like Pied Pipers, marching their flocks to gospel missions. At that time the women supported themselves – and Preacher William Brunner Musselman – by selling Bibles, assorted religious materials, handmade clothing and underwear.

But by 1906 Musselman had come to realize that a printing press, even a small one in an old livery stable, could reach far more people than an army of Gospel Workers or the thunderous voice of the most powerful of pulpit preachers. It was then that he decided to move the Gospel Worker Society to Cleveland because of the city’s strategic location in terms of mail delivery, essential to a publishing business intent on getting its materials circulated among a wide audience, and because a distant relative happened to own a building that could be adapted to house the press and the women. (Cleveland Magazine, July, 1980, page 91)

WB died on February 21, 1938. The rest of his story is the story of the Union Gospel Press. When WB died, he left no will and no instructions for leadership of the business. Family conflict followed. Ultimately, his daughter, Mary Euphie, became the head of the business / ministry.

Send me what you remember about the Union Gospel Press, W. B. Musselman and the Gospel Workers who served the press. More will follow on the story of the printing establishments and work in the next issue.

I enjoy researching and digging up stories. We have many names in our history that are just names. Michael Landis is such a name. All I knew of him was that he was from Coopersburg and involved in our church there. I decided to find out what I could. Perhaps others can add to his story.

Michael Yoder Landis

by Richard Taylor

Family connections are part of the development of our church. It seems everybody was somebody’s cousin. In a recent attempt to discover about a name in our history, I found that family connection again.

I must begin by saying the search for Michael Landis began as a lazy day piece of curiosity. I sometimes ask, who are these people who are nothing but a name on the page? Periodically, I indulge my passion or quirk to discover who these people are.

Michael Landis was a lay leader from the Coopersburg Church to the Semi or Annual Conferences from 1869 – 1880. He attended the Special Conference of November, 1879, which created the union of groups from Canada, the Mid-west and Pennsylvania. He never seemed to have served on any committees or had any special appointments but was a faithful representative of the Coopersburg Church.

Michael Yoder Landis was born to Jacob and Barbara (Yoder) Landis on February 23, 1826. He had a twin brother, William Y. and an older sister, Mary. He lived all of his life in Upper Saucon Township in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. He apparently worked with his father on the farm where he lived in 1860.

He married Susanna Musselman sometime before 1865 when their first son, William was born. They had at least one other son, Levi, born in 1867. He continued to be a farmer. The Lehigh County Atlas for 1874 shows that he owned a property that fronted Main Street in Coopersburg, north of the location of the church, between today’s Fairmont and Passer Roads. I found very few specific details about his life or any further records. That would not be unusual for a man who spent his life as a farmer since the biography of a farmer is often short because of repetitious and routine days.

The family connections draw our attention. Susannah Musselman Landias was the daughter of Johannes (John) Musselman and Susannah Hiestand. Susannah was born on February 16, 1831. John was the son of Christian Musselman. One of John’s brothers was Jacob who was father of Anna who married William Gehman. John and Susannah Musselman were next door neighbors to William and Anna. Another of John’s brothers was David, father of Jonas. His sister, Elizabeth, married Samuel Kauffman and gave birth to Milton Kauffman. His brother Henry was the father of Mary Ann who married Solomon Hottel. That means that Susannah was the cousin of Anna Gehman, Jonas Musselman, Milton Kauffman, and Mary Ann Hottel. I won’t go farther than that. Family connections become a maze of relationships that can confuse. This reminds us that Michael Landis did not appear at random but shows again how deeply family relationships affected the formation of our church.

Susanna’s brother, the son of John and Susannah, was Samuel M. Musselman who is not unknown since he became one of our early preachers. Samuel started life as a farmer working with his father. Samuel never married. He was born about 1836 and was still living in 1900. By 1870, Susanna’s and Samuel’s father had died. Samuel and his mother were both living with Michael and Susannah in 1870 and 1880. Samuel listed his occupation in 1870 as preacher of the gospel. In 1866, Samuel M. Musselman appears among the preachers recognized at the Semi-annual Conference held at Mt. Joy, Lancaster County.

Another of the connections for Michael is that of Levi Jung. Levi tells of writing a letter to his cousin, William Y. Landis, twin brother of Michael. That would indicate that Michael was a cousin of Levi. In his diary, Levi writes a letter to Susannah Landis who is presumably Michael’s Susannah but Levi never mentions Michael. Levi seems to have been a friend of Charles Gehman who was a neighbor of Michael and shared a tie in the Coopersburg Church.

Michael died on April 5, 1890. Susannah lived until November 11, 1919. They are buried beside each other in the Coopersburg BFC Cemetery just a stone’s throw from where they spent their earthly lives.

The archives received several Bibles belonging to C. H. Brunner from his grandson, Dr. Barton Hartman. I thought you might enjoy and ponder some of his sermon outlines. They are presented as much as possible as he had written them. Notice how many ways you can preach on the 23rd Psalm.

C.H. Brunner’s Sermon Outline

The Excellent Name Ps. 8 Smith

Name stands for Character. Great time till baby has a name.

Adam – earth. Moses-drawn out of the water. Ichabod. Jesus.

“The heavens declare the glory of God.” Psalm 19:1 But His glory is above the heavens.” Viz., the glory of infinite grace.

“Glory of His grace” (Eph. 1:6) “Glory f His inheritance” (Eph. 1:18) “Glory in the church” Eph. 3:21

When I consider. V. 3. Moon draws tides, 70ft, because of nearness not fullness. Stars – suns

The excellency of His name is revealed in His dealings with man.

I.        In His Character, (man’s) v.5. R.V. How near like God were we made, yet how “far off,” “alienated,” fallen,

Grace restores to sonship.

II.      In God’s thoughtfulness of him v.4. Never forgets man good or bad. Prepared Lamb before the foundation of the world. Concerned about present welfare, future home and glory, health, business, family, work, meetings.

III.     In God visiting him. God drave him out of Eden away from home. (I have nobody too till the garden – see the thorns! No one to keep the lamp burning.

Of course it hurts Mary but keep the lamp burning 1701

Ambassadors failed, hostile man killed them, breach got wider, prospects darker, distress greater, conditions more hopeless.

Till God in deep, real sense visited man in Person of His Son.

What a reception! Manger – stones – no invitation – why this waste, – forsaken – scourge – thorns – purple – spit – cross – grave (borrowed) for shift only) would we visit again where we get such a reception?

“Lord , what is man that Thou shouldest set Thine heart upon him.” Job 7:17

IV.     In God crowing him. God trusted Adam, crowned him, but he proved a traitor, gave it to God’s enemy. God can never trust man since, but He trusts Christ in man, will again crown Christ-filled man.

Man’s dominion over animals is yet the remains of spoiled crown, broken scepter but must fight to subdue horse, lion, locust, scale

Crown uncertain, change hands or heads till He who deserves it, who will never forfeit it it, comes.

“But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor.” Heb. 2:9

“she understood” -957 Crowned for helping the needy.

What is Man?

I.        That Thou are mindful of him? Merciful Consideration.

II.      That Thou visitest him? Incarnation.

III.     That Thou hast made him a little lower than God? R.V. Regeneration

IV.     That Thou has crowned him with Glory? Glorification

Psalm 15. Song of the Sojourner

Citizen of the Hill of His Holiness must be.

I.        Upright in his walk. v.2. “He that saith he abideth in Him ought himself also so to walk, even as He walked.” 1 John 2:6 Worketh righteousness – v. 2

II.      Truthful in his Heart. v.2. He looket on the Heart. Pure in heart shall see God. Heart cleansed from sin, filled with truth. Learns by teaching – Observation – Experience

III.     Charitable to his Neighbor. v.3. Tongue and Hand. He hears but don’t take up.

IV.     Careful of his Company. v.4. Offers no respect to haughty Haman. Companion of such who fear God. Rather – walk alone with God like Enoch & Noah than with sinners. Ps. 1.

V.      Faithful to his promise. v.4.

VI.     Merciful in his dealings. v.5. Does not watch for chance to rob the poor. To him bribery is robbery.

VII.    Stablished in his Character. v.5. Like house on rock. Like tree rooted by river.

He shall abide & dwell in the holy hill of His presence.

Ps. 16 Our inheritance. V. 5,6

I.       The Nature of it

1. Large – “The Lord.” Who can compass, scale, fathom Him. No wonder his cup runs over.

2.  Pleasant . v. 6 All His ways are pleasantness. His presence is heaven.

3. Eternal. v. 5 The Lord is the portion of my cup. Eternity too short to dip up rivers of His pleasure.

IV.     The effects of it. This consciousness must powerfully effect our lives.

1.  Praise v. 7. Ye have not chosen Me.

2. Fellowship v. 8. Miser sets his gold before him. Glutton his plate. Others fashion, theatre, races.

3. Stability. v. 8. No enchanting music of world, temptations of gain or honor; wind of doctrine can move him. His heart is fixed.

4. Gladness. v. 9. Need not try to be glad. No world’s “get-ups.”

5. Guidance. v. 11. Path may be sorrow but He is with us.

6. Hope. v. 11. Now Sons of God, but what shall we be?

The Shepherd’s Psalm

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. No want in God’s food (?) House

1. I shall not want REST – “He maketh me to lie down.”

2. I shall not want FOOD – “In green pastures.”

3. I shall not want DRINK – “He leadeth me beside the still waters.”

4. I shall not want FORGIVENESS – “He restoreth my soul.”

5. I shall not want GUIDANCE – “He leadeth me in the path of righteousness for His name’s sake.”

6. I shall not want COMPANIONSHIP – “Yea though I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me.”

7. I shall not want COMFORT – “Thy rod and thy staff, they….”

8. I shall not want PROVISION – “Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.

9. I shall not want JOY – “Thou anointest my head with oil.”

10.         I shall not want anything – “My cup runneth over.”

11.         I shall not want anything in this life – “Surely goodness and mercy shallfollowme all the days of my life.”

12.         I shall not want anything in eternity – “And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Home – Mrs. J. R. Mott.

The Nightingale Psalm. H. W. Beecher. – “Small, of homely feather; singing shyly out of obscurity, but, oh, it has filled the air of the whole world with melodious joy, great than the heart can conceive.”

Lord= Jehovah – the covenant-keeping God of Israel.

“I WILL FEAR NO EVIL.” Psalm 23:4

1.  Life is a walk. – “Yea, though I walk.” They who travel on foot do not take much baggage along. Old way of walking.

2. Life is a walk through. – “Though I walk through” A dark tunnel has ending and sunlight beyond.

3. Life is a walk through a valley. “Though I walk through the valley.” Shelter and verdure, creeks and rivers in valley.

4. Life is a walk in shadows. “Though I walk through they valley of the shadow (deep darkness R. V. M.) of death.” We have to face the dread realities of Sin, Devil, Disease, Death.

5. It is a safe walk. – “I will fear no evil.”

6. It is not a lonely walk. “Thou art with me.” “How can I ever be lonely?” “I’m never lonely anymore.”

7. It is a walk that ends at home in Father’s house. “I shall dwell forevermore.”


I.       Picture. The Feeder. 1. Abundant food. Clean, Pure, Freach. 2. Abundant drink. 3. Beautiful surroundings.

II.      Picture. The Physician. V.3.

Restoreth – bringeth back to life (see 8 Restorations)

Sometimes exhausted by straying, wandering

Sometimes on the verge of perishing. Foot and mouth disease.

Lost sheep of Luke 15.

III.     Picture. The Guide. V.3.

Sheep are simple, not like dogs, need guide.

Many deceptive paths, dangerous by-ways.

IV.     Picture. The Protector. V.4. Sheep are nervous, easily frightened. Shadows are ominous, hideous noises. Sheep are apt to get panicky. But His Presence. His rod. His staff. What a comfort! Protects while feeding among enemies. V.5.

V.      Picture. The Comforter. Mother 1. Anoints worried head, fevered brow. 2. Fills cup of joy. 3. Provides Home in old age.

David’s Story of a Day with the Sheep.

Davids’ Favorite Word – Shepherd

Isaiah’s Favorite Word – Mother. 66:13

Solomon’s Favorite Word – Friend. Prov. 18:24 “A man that hath f.”

17:17 – A f. loveth at all times.” 27:6 “Faith are the wounds.”

Jesus’ Favorite Word – Comforter. All have the same meaning – “One who lives with you because he loves you.”

1.  The Morning Meal. – “I shall not want.” Green pastures.

2. A Quiet Resting Place. – “He maketh me to lie down. Greatest job to get sheep to lie down.

3. A refreshing drink at a drinking place chosen for its quiet and the absence of rushing roiling waters and slippery footing.

4. Then they go to the noon hour when he restores fainting soul in heat.

5. The leadings of the afternoon goings through dangerous places. 3,4

6. Then follows the evening meal in safety, when the growing darkness has lured the enemies out of their lairs, who peer with green-yellow eyes thru the thicket openings.

7. Then the coming home. Personal attention of the shepherd before shut in for the night, with the shepherd as the rear guard.

Three Secrets of Happiness

1.  The secret of a happy Life – “I shall not want.”

2. The secret of a happy Death – “Thou are with me.” God with us.

3. The secret of a happy Eternity – “Dwelling with Him.” We with God.

1- The faithful God provides. He planned for our happiness.

The Shepherd’s Care

1.  Underneath – Green pastures

2. At our side – Still waters

3. Before us – Table set

4. Behind us – Goodness & Mercy

5. Above us – The Anointing

6. Within us – Joy. My cup runneth over. What has He left undone for our comfort.

That’s enough for now. I welcome your questions, comments, memories, observations and whatever else you might send me.

Dick Taylor

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