Daniel Koch, Layman from Fleetwood and 1887 Sampler: Society Newsletter

August, 2004

This edition comes a little bit later than I had hoped. Something in my computer fried and I was not able to get access to this mailing list. I had backed up just about everything else but this file slipped by. I suppose it is not too late to give you some relaxed summer reading.

Before I go to much farther, I want you to jump into the fall. Our annual meeting is creeping up on us. If you don’t have it on your calendar, now is the time to get it there. Here are the details. We are meeting at the Terre Hill Bible Fellowship Church on Saturday, October 30. That means a great drive into Lancaster County where you will be able to enjoy Lancaster’s fall scenery. Pastor Kevin Kirkpatrick and the Terre Hill Church are looking forward to being our host. It will be a great day. In the morning, we will learn about the history of the Terre Hill Church. Pastor Kirkpatrick has been doing research in order to tell us the story. Jill Davidson will bring our second presentation. She has been learning about some of the key lay persons who are part of our history. It all has the promise of a great day. I promise you great company. I hope I see you there. By the way, make it a point to invite someone and bring them as your guest. I still hear from people in our churches who are surprised that a society like ours exists. You are the best publicity we have if you invite someone.

I enjoyed preparing this edition. In the first presentation, I learned a bit about one of the laymen you won’t hear about at our fall meeting. The kind of history that you and I enjoy is about people and their stories.

At our meeting in October, Jill Davidson will introduce us to several significant laymen from our history. She has dug out lots of information and has a list of people that is too long for her presentation. I will use some of the information she gave me, add a little of my own research, and introduce you to one of those unsung heroes of our past.

Daniel Koch: Layman from Fleetwood

The Fleetwood Church was our earliest ministry to Berks County. Our first efforts there began during 1869 when William Gehman began to travel there to preach. While a preacher would serve a very important role in a new church, often the catalyst for a new church was a layman who desired to see a church in his community. In the case of Fleetwood, the layman who seems to have served that role was Daniel Koch.

Daniel Koch was the son of Henry and Susannah, born on Christmas Eve, 1816, in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. At the age of 17, he set about to learn the milling trade from his father and served in his father’s mill for four years. After these four years of learning, he apparently thought better about his career and purchased a country store in the town of McKeansburg. He later moved to Middleport and is said to have conducted a prosperous business for 13 years. After that, he moved to Auburn where he took up farming for another 8 years. In 1866, Koch purchased a mill in Fleetwood which he would operate for the next 16 years.

Along the way, Daniel married and took on a family. He was wed on October 24, 1839, to Mary Ann Beck. They had 11 children, 1 of which died young.

If you have the stereotype that the early laymen of our history were from a lower economic bracket and “down on the farm,” Daniel will not fit. It seems that he had begun to acquire some wealth early in his career. In 1860, Daniel was elected to the Pennsylvania State Legislature as a representative from Schuylkill County.

In June, 1863, when Pennsylvania was threatened by an invasion by Robert E. Lee and his army of Northern Virginia, Daniel stepped up to join the 27th Pennsylvania Infantry for a three month enlistment. He was 46 years old and father, at that time, of 9 children. He was a part of company E of that regiment and was assigned to the defense of a bridge between Wrightsville and Columbia. On June 28, he was part of a skirmish against Confederate forces who sought possession of the bridge. It was an exciting time for him which he apparently never forgot. The 27th was discharged in July of that year ending Daniel’s military career. He and the others of his unit served long enough to keep the Confederate units from crossing the river and continuing the eastward march to Philadelphia. Fortunately for him and his regiment, the real action took place at Gettysburg a few days later.

Any details of Daniel’s conversion are lacking at this point. How he made a connection to William Gehman and the Evangelical Mennonites also goes unknown. What seems certain is that sometime prior to November, 1869, the Evangelical Mennonites in the person of William Gehman had begun meetings in Fleetwood. The minutes of the Conference of November 2, 1869, record, “Since the Fleetwood, Berks County, and the Iron Hill, Northampton County, congregations shall be served alternately by several official brethren as before, William Gehman was appointed as preacher in charge of the Fleetwood congregation and Jonas Musselman as preacher in charge of the Iron Hill congregation for better control.” (Vergandlungen, page 62)

In a historical sketch of the Fleetwood Church prepared in 1974, it was recorded that “…A number of believers met in a former whiskey distillery building in Fleetwood until our conference delegate, Daniel Koch, built the small brick chapel on North Richmond Street. This group was officially organized September 2, 1870. The church was known as the Independent Church of God.” Sandra Stitzer writes, “One of the earliest churches, the Fleetwood Missionary Church, formerly the Independent Church of God, on North Richmond Street, was organized on September 2, 1870. Daniel Koch and his associates built the first structure. A new building was built in 1968. It was the second church in the borough.” An article in the Reading Eagle from 1887 states, “The ‘Church of God,’ a neat little church building, was erected by the Mennonites about 1870 on North Richmond Street.”

In November, 1871, Daniel Koch was received as an advisory member of the Annual Conference. In June, 1873, he was back as a deacon. He continued as the delegate of the Fleetwood Church until 1887. By 1890, the Fleetwood Church was no longer a circuit and would not receive a pastor. What Daniel’s role was after 1887 is unknown. Daniel’s wife, Mary Ann, died on October 24, 1888, and was given an obituary in the Gospel Banner. This indicates that he was still connected with the church at that time. Efforts in Fleetwood would begin again in 1898. In 1901, Fleetwood was again a station and eligible to receive a pastor. Daniel’s name does not appear again.

Daniel died on January 7, 1903, and was presumably buried next to his wife in the Fleetwood Cemetery. I could find no obituary in the Gospel Banner. That may be an indication that his connection to our church had come to an end.

Daniel Koch was certainly a key figure in the history of the Fleetwood Church. He is another of those whose story we will never fully know or appreciate until we meet together at the throne of Christ where the quiet stories of Christ’s servants will be told.

What follows comes from an index I have been preparing off and on. We purchased, some years back, the microfilm record of the Gospel Banner from its beginning in 1878 to 1952 when our attachments were beginning to sever. I skim read its issues and note any reference to Pennsylvania. I have finished up to the year 1888.

When I finished indexing 1887, I realized that it was a very interesting series of letters. I have chosen a number because I think they give you an idea of what people were concerned about and what issues were important. We can’t sit in a pew with the people who were alive in 1887 but this comes close to telling us what they thought about and their concerns.

1887 Sampler

[February 1, page 9]

Dear Editor. – May God’s blessing rest upon you and your labor.

          The Lord is wonderfully at work among the people here. Brother L. Frank Haas and his co-laborers, belonging to the “Heavenly Recruit Association” held a three day convention in our Chapel here for the edification of the church, &c. I must say, I never witnessed such power before. The Gospel was preached in its simplicity. Since the convention we have, not only evening, but afternoon holiness meeting, and people from all churches are taking part and some are being sanctified every day. A sister belonging to the M. E. Church asked me the other day how many I though we sanctified already, I told her I had no idea how many there were. She though there must have been about 60 or 70 who claimed to have made the experience; thus you see that the Lord is wonderfully displaying this sanctifying power among His people. The fire is burning in nearly all the churches now. When the member go to their respective churches and testify to full salvation it scatters the fire.

          We had some conversions, and baptised several times during this winter. In general, the work is going on, and I am more decided than ever to preach entire sanctification as a second work of grace.

Yours in Christ.

W. B. Musselman.

Reading, Pa., Jan. 19th, 1887.

[May 15, page 2]

Working for Souls in Prison

          Since my last writing from Auburn, Pa., God led me to preach his Word, (I hope not in vain) in Pine Grove, Schuylkill Co., on the evening of the 1st of April; on the first Sunday in April I addressed a meeting in Lebanon U. B. Church at 10a.m., in the German. In the afternoon I addressed an open air meeting from the steps of the Court House in English. In the evening I heard Bro. Longenerker speak in English. He had given me the pulpit in the morning. On Easter Sunday I addressed an attentive audience in the Evangelical Chapel in Palmyra, and in the evening in the U. B. Church, to a large audience. I hope that God used me at these three points to His honor and glory in scattering good seed.

          I also visited a widow, having known her for 40 years, and having preached in her home when I was yet single. She went out last Thursday at 7 a.m. to gather up grape branches, the brother who had cut her vine stocks the day before, told me this, that she went out to gather the branches and was struck by that invisible stroke, Palsy; she was found senseless at 10 a.m. She was in the same unconscious condition yesterday.

Oh God! Help me to watch and pray,

And ready for each hour and day;

That I may find in heaven my home,

When I on earth my work have done.

          But to return to my heading. (prison) After visiting the sick sister, (perhaps , for the last time on earth.) I came direct to Lebanon and went in the Jail, where I found 10 men as prisoners. Four of them were busy at card playing. I at once commenced by saying: Let us sing:

“The time is short, sinner beware,

Nor trifle time away;

The word of your salvation hear,

While it is called to-day.”

          They dropped their cards, and I began to speak to them about how wrong it is to squander our precious time away. One of them said he knew a preacher in Lebanon, who preached in the forenoon and played cards with his daughters in the afternoon. May God have mercy on all preachers who set such a bad example before poor sinners. I asked them what brought them here. For selling whisky, keeping a gambling room, having two wives. One said he had married 12 wives, another guilty of stealing, &c.

          I asked if any of them had praying mothers, and 10 confessed they had. Some of them had died. I had to cry: God give me grace to speak down deep into their hearts. O how solemn they felt, I thought God had through my influence pictures their mothers before them, I told them of the young man who said on the gallows: “Don’t tell my mother.” After a solemn talk with them, I knelt down and prayed with and for them. When I gave them the parting hand, they said they would take my advise and turn to God and pray Him for a change of heart. They invited me to come back soon. I told them I lived far away, and perhaps would never see them again on earth.

          O how thankful I am to God that He gave me grace to escape these earthly prisons thus far. Oh ye mothers! whose eyes may read these lines; continue your prayers to God, by day and by night for your children. After you are dead, God may send some one to stir up the seed you have sown with tears, but has laid so long beneath the sod-clods sin.

Brethren and sisters, pray for me,

I am hastening to eternity,

Last night I spake some where for God

To mortals, from God’s Holy Word.

Mannheim, Lancaster Co. Pa. April 13th 1887.

[May 15, page 4]

Dear Editor. – May God’s choicest blessing rest upon you and your labors, for Jesus sake. Amen.

          I feel impressed to drop a few lines for he Banner, to tell what the Lord is doing for us. We are all well and enjoy full salvation, having good courage to work for the Lord.

          On Saturday April 9th I and family went (per horse and buggy) to Quakertown, and attended the quarterly meeting. The Lord was with us in power. Bro. Gehman preached with power. We also visited and had prayer-meeting on each evening till Thursday. Then we came to Springtown, where Bro. Heffner preaches. He has good courage in the work. The attendance at the meetings is good. May the Lord bless our young preachers! May they be a power in His hands to pull down the strong holds of Satan, and build up the new Jerusalem!

          The same evening I in company with H. Musselman went over the mountain to Bro. Muslitch, where we held prayer-meeting, which proved a glorious time. There was leaping and shouting, praise the Lord O my soul! On Friday evening I held prayer-meeting at Bro. H. G. Musselman’s. This was a little dull. On Saturday Bro. Gehman came to hold the quarterly meeting over Sunday. This proved a precious season, especially the Sunday morning fellowship-meeting. Bro. Gehman’s preaching seems to be more direct on the line of holiness every time. We held the communion service and feet-washing in the afternoon. The house was well filled, and we had a blessed time. I held for the word of life in the evening, and the Lord richly blessed me in so doing.

          On Tuesday we came to Coopersburg, where Bro. W. B. Musselman was engaged in a protracted meeting. I was permitted to speak to the people from John 4, 14. (last part.) The Lord blessed his word, and 4 came forward to the altar, some for pardon and others for cleansing. Hallelujah for His help!

          One of the girls that came forward found peace on her way home that night, and became wonderfully happy. Two had to hold her or she would have leaped out of the wagon. At home she walked the floor shouting till midnight. The next evening, while engaged in prayer after the sermon, she prayed in public for the first time, and she was blessed. When she was just on the point of getting stiff, her father, who had heard of her conversion, came in and took her home. He had to call her by name three times before she could look up. She began to weep and said; O pa! leave me here. But she had to go. May the Lord open the eyes of that parent, before it will be forever too late! Let us pray for that family.

          On Saturday Bro. Wm. Gehman came, and we had blessed meetings on Sunday. Bro. W. B. Musselman preached a powerful sermon on Sunday evening from the words: “He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.”

          I held my lasting meeting on Monday evening. The attendance was small on account of the rain, yet we had a precious time together. On Tuesday we came to Quakertown where we met in prayer-meeting, and the Lord richly blessed my soul. Wednesday brought us home safe and happy in the Lord. We were absent about 3 weeks, and I feel to praise God for all His goodness bestowed upon us. Bro. Geo. Campbell preached for us here on Sunday evening, and we had a good meeting.

          I hope the brethren and sister will pray for us and also for this community; also remembering Bro. Campbell, that he may be enabled to preach with great power. I believe he is in earnest. So much from your brother washed in the blood of the Lamb.

J. H. Moyer

Hatfield, Pa., May 9th, 1887.

[June 15, page 13]


Gehret.– On Saturday afternoon the 21st of May 1887, in Reading, Pa., of typhoid fever, brother Jacob Gehret, aged 41 years, 1 month and 6 days. Not only does sister Gehret and family feel the loss sustained by the removal of Bro. Gehret, but also the church in which he was a real pillar, and his house always open for a home to the pilgrims. Brother Gehret received an injury by the falling of a scaffold about 4 weeks before he died and it is supposed that that had something to do with his death. He died happy in the Lord. On the day of his death after prayer, he sang: “Dort sind die Engel and singen so shoen.” He was buried in the Fleetwood cemetery. Elds. W. B. Musselman, conducting the service at the house and Gehman and Strawn at the church. Text: John 11, 28.

[August 1, page 9]

Dear Editor of the Banner:

          Having had a desire for a long time, to write for the Banner, and be in communication with my Brothers and Sisters in the Lord; but did not get at it until now, so I concluded that there must be a beginning made, I thank God for what He has done for me in the past, and is doing for me at the present. He has been very good to me in all things, and I probably may not be thankful enough to Him for it all. He is my all in all, and I try to work in His way as near as I can, but still I see more duties and responsibilities ahead and more self-denial to encounter; more crosses to be borne. I think the Christians’ usefulness to his fellowmen is unlimited, and the nearer we walk to God, the more He shows us His ways and means to be a benefit to each other in this vale of tears. I think it my duty to help a brother along on the way in all things needful, which includes in its grasp a great deal. We can help up the cast down, cheer up those on the way of life and duty, but it some times becomes us to chide, which is an unpleasant and unthankful task, which none know so well as those who have been there. A child of God is under a great many restrictions. He cannot be present at Church Socials, Fairs and Sprees. He cannot ride trains on Sunday, for thereby he is a direct cause that his fellowmen must perform labor on Sunday or the Lord’s day, which is forbidden by God, and if we do anything which God forbids we commit a sin. Any one who rides on trains on Sunday commits a sin and moves others to sin through his acts. But there a great many popular evils, not enumerated here, and if we are found therein by God, woe be to us at the last great day. Excuses will be of no avail, for God knows all.

          But I hope and pray that holiness people may not be guilty of any of the popular sins of to-day, and that all may have the light of God to walk upright before God and man.

J. L. Lindel.

Emaus, Pa.

[September 1, page 4]

Terre Hill Camp Meeting

          By the help of the Lord I will give the readers of the Banner a brief account of the Terre Hill Camp Meeting. According to announcement we erected our tents on Wednesday the 3rd of August. Early in the morning the brethren of Terre Hill were getting things in order; but on account of the hot weather and the distance of 16 miles travel with the team, and one of the horses getting sick on the way, the brethren of Reading did not arrive on the Camp Ground till late in the afternoon. Although the work was commenced with willing hands, yet the tents were not finished by preaching time.

          Every thing was abandoned, and all attended the opening sermon, which was delivered by the P. E. Wm. Gehman from Matth. 19:27-29, to an attentive audience, in which he earnestly exhorted all to look to God and to consecrate themselves wholly unto Him.

          The minsters present on the ground, were: Syd. Lambert from Ohio, and Eus. Hershey, Abel Strawn, Wm. B. Musselman, Wm. Heffner, M. D. Haws, S. H. Fry and Wm. Gehman the Presiding Elder from Pennsylvania.

          The second evening in a prayer-meeting held under the tabernacle 6 souls came to the altar of prayer. Sinners prayed for mercy; cold professors renewed their covenant with the Lord; believers prayer for the cleansing; and shouting of victory and praises to God sounded on the evening air.

          The attendance was large in the evening, and on Sabbath thousands of people were on the encampment. The very best of order prevailed, the masses coming quietly, and when the services were closed, they left the grounds in the same quiet manner. I feel confident that the Lord has blessed the truth to many hearts. We also feel very thankful to the Lord for the very pleasant weather with which He favoured us. If it is right to hold Camp-meetings on Sunday, (which is a question in my mind,) then we can say the Lord has blest us with the fairest Sabbath we have had for months.

          On Monday forenoon we observed the ordinances of God’s house, and many that are not members of our denomination, participated with us in commemoration of the emblems of the crucified one. The ordinance of feet washing was also ob served, and many that had never before taken part in this ceremony, did so on this opportunity.

          On Wednesday forenoon short farewell addresses of 5 minutes were given by each minister, after which dinner was partaken off, and then farewell was made in the hope of seeing each other again, for God’s children will meet again, if not in this world, then surely in heaven.

          In conclusion I yet wish all the readers of the Banner the grace, peace and comforting influence of the Holy Ghost through Jesus Christ our Lord. Remember to pray for us in Terre Hill.

A. Kauffman

Terre Hill, Pa., August 19th, 1887

[September 15, page 9]

The Chestnut Hill Camp Meeting

          Although it rained some in the forenoon on the day of the opening of this camp-meeting, the brethren came and with courage 38 tents were erected on the ground. Eld. Wm. Gehman preached a sort but instructive sermon from Acts 10,33., followed by the writer in a short exhortation. This was a good meeting for the commencement.

          August 25th. This morning is pleasant, wind and sunshine, the elements are in our favor. The 5 o’clock prayer – and the 9 o’clock experience- meetings were a real blessing to the members in general. I preached at 10 o’clock followed by W. B. Musselman. Preaching at 2 o’clock by Bro. J. Traub of Florida, followed by Bro. Haas. The meeting is increasing in interest. Thus far it has been on the progressive line. We are hoping and praying for a still greater display of the power of God in our exercises.

          There are ministers present from 3 different states: Bro. S. Lambert from Ohio, Bro. J. Traub from Florida and the ministers of Pennsylvania. The two sisters from Canada are also with us, and thus far their influence has been good, and they also seem to enjoy themselves amongst us. The present indications are, that this will be the best camp-meeting yet held on the Chestnut Hill. May the Lord grant it for Jesus sake!

          Bro. Lambert preached on Friday evening, followed by Wm. Gehman. Two souls came forward to the altar for prayer. Bro. Wm. B. Musselman preached at 10 o’clock, followed by Bro. Krauss, and 3 came to the altar. Bro. Haws preached in German at 10, followed by Bro. Lambert. Five Sabbath schools met together in the afternoon, and short addresses were given by the brethren Wm. Gehman, M. Bowman, J. Traub, S. Lambert, Geo. Campbell, A. Kauffman, E. Hershey and several Superintendents. The addresses as also the singing was good. May the Lord add his blessing that the increase may be an hundred-fold.

          The ordinance of feet-washing was observed, and the Lord’s death commemorated on Monday. About 300 participated in the ordinance. Several were baptized on Tuesday, and on Wednesday afternoon the best camp-meeting yet held on this ground was brought to a close.

The devil had some work to do,

Rotten eggs, yes, and stones too;

He had some hands to work at that,

Good sign, which makes the Christian glad.

On Wednesday was the parting time,

They had to go to different clime,

South and north, yes east and west,

Hope we shall meet in yonder rest.

O pilgrims, let us all be true!

To God and man our duty do!

If so, we’ll meet on that blest shore,

To take the parting hand no more.

O, what a meeting that will be!

When we in heaven our Lord shall see,

Where all our troubles will be o’er,

And sing God’s praise for evermore.

Pray for me.

Eus. Hershey.

[October 15, page 9]

A Case of Faith-healing

          One year ago I had five tumors in my head, that were considered incurable. I remembered the passage of Scripture in James 5. 14, and as the Lord’s promises are yea and amen, I sent for Br. W.B. Musselman, who anointed me with oil, in the name of the Lord and prayed for my healing; the pain left me at once, and the tumors disappeared, praise the Lord! to whom I give all the glory. On the 11th of September I was stricken down with Pneumonia Fever, and I again took the Lord for my physician. This time I sent for Bro. Abel Strawn, who prayed for me and anointed me with oil in the name of the Lord, and immediately the fever left me and I arose and am now doing my house work, praise the Lord! I wish to proclaim this to all the Christians, and ask them to take the Lord for their physician. He is willing to help in large and small things. Many think we should only take Him when there is no other way; but I say: let us have Him in all cases. He says that not a hair should fall from our heads without His notice. Pray for me, for I am in need of them. Your sister,

Matilda Boyer

345 North 8th Street, Reading Pa.

[November 1, page 12]


Dear Editor:– I have for some time felt impressed to give the experience of my conversion, and will do so now, hoping it may help some one. It is now a little more than 3 years that I found peace to my soul through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I had lived with parental instruction in the things that pertained to my spiritual welfare, neither was I encouraged to read the Bible. I at several times attended a Sabbath school, where they taught the people to go to the preacher and get confirmed and unite with the church in order to get saved. I lived a moral life, and was naturally averse to all gross sins, such as cursing, swearing, lying, stealing and dancing etc. I was right in amongst wicked people but they could not draw me into these things. I was very much concerned about my salvation, but did not know anything about conversion. As I grew up I became much dissatisfied with myself, for when I examined myself, I was convinced that I was not prepared to meet God. I believed there were such in Heaven who had been in this world the same as myself; they overcame and are now there, and why should I not be able to get there too. Yet the prospects of my getting there were very dark. I had no witness, and could not see that I had any fitness to enter there. But when I though of the place where the unsaved have to go, and of the continuation of their state, and the pain they had to endure, and no hope for to escape, I tried to find comfort in having patience to bear it. I did not know that Christ died for me, and that He wanted me to come to Him and He would save me. In my trouble I thought something must be done, some effort must be made to escape. I know that those that got to Heaven must have done something more than what I am doing, and I just wondered what that was so I might do it too. I was told to get confirmed and join the church and take sacrament; but I had my doubts about this, for those that did these things were just as ungodly as those that had not done these things.

          Up to this time I had been working on a farm, and as my health began to fail I left the farm and shortly after engaged to work for another man. It so happened that this man had a converted woman. I now see the hand of the Lord in all this to bring me where I could be told what I must do to be saved; and I shall praise His name for it as long as I live. My heart was like unto a well prepared field, to receive the seed. While this sister was telling me about the Saviour, it sunk right down into my heart. I believed all she told me, and tried to do all I could that I might please God. I was addicted to the use of tobacco, and while seeking salvation, as I was sitting at the kitchen table reading one evening, a voice seemed to say to me that tobacco using was an evil habit and an abomination to God. I at once took my box of cigars, stems, pipes, chewing and smoking tobacco and dropped it into the stove. The man of the house soon came and he noticed something burning in the stove, so he at once looked into the stove and seeing the tobacco etc, began picking out all he could get. He then asked why I did not give the cigars to him, or why I did not sell them and get some of my money back again. I told him I did not want to help any one else in the evil I was striving against. Since then I never spent one cent for tobacco. The Lord took the lust for it away. I was then asked to go to prayer-meeting with them. I had never before heard of such a meeting, but I went, and I liked it very much; I was astonished that the people prayed so free, and that they were so happy in Jesus. As we knelt in prayer, a brother told me to ask the Lord to forgive my sins, but I did not know why I should do so, for I had not yet been instructed how to get converted, or ow to come to Jesus. They then told me that we get converted by prayer and faith in Jesus. I then began to pray much, even while at work, but did not know how long a person would have to pray and wait. I thought perhaps it would take a year. At this time I met with one of my worldly companions, and he asked me if I was going to get converted at the camp meeting, for it was near camp meeting time. I knew that it would last only one week, and then I thought I must be wrong in thinking it would take a whole year to get converted, for he had asked me if I would get converted at the camp meeting. I then thought it must be possible to get converted in such a sort time, or he would not have asked me the question. I made arrangements with my master so I could attend the meeting, and there I was led into the light and found the Lord precious to my soul. Glory to God! I shall never forget the day. When we are fully given up to the Lord then the work is quickly done. I praise the Lord that I am still in this light, and I would yet ask the prayers of all God’s children in my behalf. I have much to do for Jesus. Your brother in Christ

Edwin H. Flyte

Miller, Pa. [E. H. Flyte was a preacher who served one year (1889) in Western Pennsylvania.]

I hope you enjoyed these as much as I did. As always, questions and comments are welcomed and may even provide future material for others to read.

Richard Taylor

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