World Outreach Discussions

Bethel Bible Fellowship Church

528 N. Eighth Street

Allentown, Pennsylvania

March 24, 1967


Last fall at our Missionary Conference the attached papers were delivered as the basis for discussion of the problems and progress of our Churches.  With the help of several of the folks from our church the typing, printing and preparation are complete; without them I could not offer this to you.  We make it available because we long to see the Lord at work in new ways in our midst.  Many valuable suggestions were brought to light by the committees which worked out these papers.

The purpose of these papers and the sessions in which they were presented was conceived as follows:

1. To give expression to the keenly felt need for greater effectiveness and outreach for the Bible Fellowship Church.

2. To study the Scripture to determine what God is seeking to say to the Bible Fellowship Church regarding her responsibility for world outreach.

3. To analyze the present activity and program of the Bible Fellowship Church in the light of her responsibilities.

4. To formulate specific suggestions and goals for the fulfillment of the responsibilities for world outreach which God has given to the Bible Fellowship Church.

My prayer is that these purposes will be accomplished as the Spirit of God enables us through thought, discussion and prayer to sift the wheat of His truth from the chaff of lesser things.


Carl C. Cassel

The Growth of Believers and World Outreach by C. E. Kirkwood, A. L. Seifert, Ronald C. Mahurin

Theology and World Outreach by Donald T. Kirkwood, T. D. Gehret, James G. Koch

The Church and World Outreach by Daniel G. Ziegler, Earl M. Hosler, William A. Heffner

Education and World Outreach by Donald R. Knauer, J. E. Hartman, Russel T. Allen

Overseas Work and World Outreach by David J. Watkins, Willard E. Cassel, Frank L. Herb Jr.

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