Vera N. McKinney, GW

Vera N. McKinney, GW

Vera was born on 24 November 1922 in Portage, Pennsylvania, to Jerome and Anna (George) McKinney.  The family was associated with the Community Gospel Church.  As a teenager, Vera was involved with Christian Endeavor, a Christian service organization.  By 1950 Vera’s father had passed away, and Vera was living with her widowed mother and teenaged brother Robert.  Vera worked as a seamstress in a sewing factory.  She was the only one in the household that was employed.  Vera died on 3 July 2016 and is buried with the other Gospel Workers in the Brooklyn Heights Cemetery in Cleveland, Ohio.  According to an obituary posted on Find-a-Grave, Vera was a member of the Gospel Worker Society, serving at the Union Gospel Press for nearly 60 years.  That would put her entrance date around 1955.  

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