1908 Ministerial Convention Minutes


Nineteenth Annual Ministerial Convention

Bethlehem, Pa., October 7, 1908.


The Nineteenth Annual Ministerial Convention of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania convened in the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church, Laurel Street, Bethlehem, Pa., on October 7th at 9:15A.M.

The convention was called to order by the Chairman, J. C. Roth, and opened with singing and prayer by Geo. A. Campbell.

The following members were enrolled:

Ministers present: H. B. Musselman, O. S. Hillegass, H. K. Kratz, P. J. Musselman, E. T. Shick, C. W. Stine, W. W. Zimmerman, R. Bergstresser, E. N. Cassel, Geo. A. Campbell,

W. S. Hottel, W. G. Gehman, F. M. Hottel, E. E. Kublic, J. C. Roth, J. G. Shireman, R. L. Woodring , J. F. Barrall, C. H. Brunner, W. J. Fretz, L. B; Taylor, V. H. Reinhard.

Ministers absent: W. B. Musselman, William Gehman.

Delegates present : M. E. Stickler, J. A. Kern, Allen M. Gehman, S. H. Lichenthaler, O. B. Bartholomew, G. O. Billig, H. H. Bergey, R. E. Gackenbach, H. L. Musselman, G. Ray Klinger, M. M. Ziegler, J. H. Baus, R. D. Dreisbach, E. R. Hartman.

Delegates absent: G. K. Himmelreich, R. T. Laudenslager, S. S. Geil, John Ziegler.

Advisory members present: C. A. Parson, J. T. Anderson, G. F. Yost, E. F. Richard, D. H. Manney, H. A. Kauffman, G. M. Reinhold.

WHEREAS, The minutes of the last Annual Convention are not here, therefore

Resolved, That we have the minutes read out of the conference journal and that the minutes of the last Annual Convention, be produced before the close of the Annual Conference

and a committee be appointed by this Convention to examine the minutes.

Resolved, That seats to the right and left of the Chair and the first two pews through the church constitute the convention bar.

Resolved, That all Annual Conference members be members of this Convention and all workers present be advisory members.

Resolved, That no one shall be allowed to speak on any subject longer than ten minutes and only once, except by permission of the Chair.

Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a reporter and a timekeeper. He appointed R L. Woodring reporter, and Geo. A. Campbell, timekeeper.

Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a committee of three on publication. He appointed H. B. Musselman, R. L. Woodring, and J. G. Shireman.

Resolved, That the Chairman appoint the committee to examine the minutes of the last Annual Convention. He appointed W. S. Hottel, J. F. Barrall and R. Bergstresser.

Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a committee to deal with absent members of this Convention. He appointed W G. Gehman, C. H. Brunner and H. B. Musselman.

Resolved, That no one shall be allowed to leave the Convention, without the permission of the Chair, except H. L. Musselman.

An essay on “Our Home Missionary Work” by W. G. Gehman, was read, discussed and received.

Resolved, That we lift an offering to defray the expenses of this Convention.

Adjourned by prayer by C. H. Brunner and benediction by J. G. Shireman.


The afternoon session was opened at 2 P.M. by singing and prayer by W. G. Gehman, after which the roll was called and the minutes of the forenoon session read and approved.

The following committee report was submitted and received:

Committee to deal with the members that are absent from this Convention.

WHEREAS, The brethren, W. B. Musselman and Wm. Gehman, and a few of the delegates are not in attendance at this Convention, and not having learned the cause of their absence, therefore,

Resolved, That we, as a Convention. are sorry to miss their presence and wise counsel and wish to commend them to the God of all grace who knoweth the hearts of all men, and further

Resolved, That the Convention is highly pleased to have so many of the Annual Conference Delegates present, and are sorry that not all manifested interest enough to be present and receive the benefits of this Convention.

C. H. Brunner,

H. B. Musselman,

W. G. Gehman,


An essay entitled “The Wide awake Pastor and his Work,” by E. N. Cassel, was read, discussed and received.

Resolved, That we have a message in song by the “Old Quartet.” A hymn entitled “I’m Safe When with Jesus,” was sung.

Resolved, That we lift a liberal offering for the labor and expenses of the Secretary. The offering amounted to $8.50. Thanks.

H. Horace Romig, Pastor of Bethany Mission of the United Evangelical Church of Bethlehem was introduced to the Convention.

An essay entitled “Present Day Dangers Confronting the Church.” by C. H. Brunner, was read, discussed and received.

The following Committee report was submitted and received.

Committee on Publication : We recommend that the essay on “The Wide Awake Pastor and His work,” by E. N. Cassell be published in the “Gospel Banner,” and that the essay on “Present Day Dangers Confronting the Church,” by C. H. Brunner, be published in booklet form (without delay) for judicious distribution.

H. B. Musselman,

R. L. Woodring,

J. G. Shireman,


Resolved, That we hold another Ministerial Convention on a day prior to the next Annual Conference and at the same place.

The following officers were elected for the next Ministerial Convention:

Chairman, C. H. Brunner; Secretary, J. F. Barrall.

Committee, H. B. Musselman, Chairman.

R. L. Woodring,

J. C. Roth, secretary.

Resolved, That we tender a rising vote of thanks to the members of the Bethlehem Class for their kindness and hospitality shown to us during this Convention.

The questions in the question box were answered by E. T. Shick and H. B. Musselman.

The minutes of the afternoon session were read and approved.

The Convention was adjourned by prayer by H. B. Musselman and benediction by W. G. Gehman.

J. C. Roth, Chairman.

E. N. Cassel, Secretary,

H. B. Musselman,

J. C. Roth.

E. T. Shick, Committee.

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