1899 Annual Conference Minutes

PROCEEDINGS OF THE Sixteenth Annual Conference.


The Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of the Pennsylvania District convened in Upper Milford Church, Dillinger, Pa., at 8 A.M., March 3,1899.

The first session was opened by singing and a season of earnest prayer for the blessing of God and the guidance of the Holy Ghost during this Conference session, followed by a very impressive and practical address on Psalm 133 by the Chairman, C.H. Brunner, P.E.

Ordained Ministers Present.–C.H. Brunner, W.B. Musselman, G.A. Campbell, W. Steinmetz, R.D. Dreisbach, O.S. Hillegas, A.M. Clauser, H.B. Musselman, William Gehman, J.L. Boyer, J.E. Fidler, L.B. Taylor, W.K. Ziegler, Abel Strawn.

Ordained ministers Absent.- O. Bitting.

Probationers Present.- W.G. Gehman, C.M. Layton, J.G. Shireman, W.J. Fretz, G.A. Wentz, R.L. Woodring.

Probationers Absent.- S.B. Knerr, J.B. Knerr, Levi Moyer.

Delegates Present.- A.G. Taylor, E.W. Martin, Milton Kaufman, F.E. Frey, T.J. Knauss, A.A. Wismer, Lewis L. Weiss, J.W. Miller, William Spies, O.A. Oleweine, Readen Tettermer.

The proceedings of the last Annual Conference were read and received.

RESOLVED, That the Secretary appoint his assistants.

He appointed Lewis L. Weiss, Recording Secretary; T.J. Knauss, Statistical Secretary; H.B. Musselman, Financial Secretary.

J.L. Boyer was appointed Reporter by the Chairman.

RESOLVED, That the Conference bar shall occupy the first four pews in the middle and on the men’s side.

WHEREAS, Elder A.B. Musselman, a member of the Canada Conference, being present with a proper transfer from P. Cober, P.E., in his possession; therefore

RESOLVED, That he be received as a full member of this Conference.

RESOLVED, That Rev. David Wiegner, of Allentown, also our Probationers, Evangelists and Missionaries, be admitted as advisory members of this body.

RESOLVED, That we publish a Conference Journal this year.

C.H. Brunner was elected Editor.

RESOLVED, That Parliamentary practice be adhered to as far as possible.

The following committees were then appointed by the Chair and confirmed by the Conference:

Committee on Worship.- J.E. Fidler and William Gehman.

Committee on Communication.- W. Steinmetz, L.B. Taylor and O.S. Hillegas.

Committee on Finance.- H.B. Musselman, M. Kaufman and A.A. Wismer.

Committee on Statistics.- J.E. Fidler and J.G. Shireman.

Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records.- A.M. Clauser, A.B. Musselman and F.E. Frey.

Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders.- William Gehman, A. Strawn and M. Kaufman.

Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries.- G.A. Campbell, R.D. Dreisbach and W.K. Ziegler.

Committee on Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference Licenses.- W.B. Musselman, William Gehman and J.W. Miller.

Committee on Examination of Candidates for Ordination.- H.B. Musselman, G.A. Campbell and W. Steinmetz.

Auditing Committee.- J.L. Boyer, Lewis L. Weiss, A.G. Taylor and E.W. Martin.

Committee on Resolutions.- H.B. Musselman, G.A. Campbell and William


The rest of the session was devoted to hearing the oral reports of the pastors.

The pastors’ reports were very encouraging. The work in general, is in a prosperous condition.

On a good many charges, the collection exceeded those of last year, notwithstanding the severe financial pressure.

By request of Conference the Presiding Elder reported the Home Mission work. His report was encouraging. An excellent work has been accomplished through his Home Mission Workers in halls and tabernacles.

Session was closed by prayer by W.J. Fretz.



Opened by singing, and prayer, by R.D. Dreisbach, after which the minutes of the previous meeting were read and received with corrections.

The following committee reports were submitted and received:

Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders: We examined all the Traveling Elders and found no charges against them. Committee:




Committee on Communication:

We decided to present the letters received from S.B. Knerr, J.B. Knerr and Levi Moyer, to the Conference for consideration. Committee:




It was resolved that they be laid on the table for the present.

Committee on Examination of Presiding Elder, Local Preachers and Evangelists:

No complaint was brought against any of these workers except J.B. Knerr and Levi Moyer, who were not found satisfactory. Committee:




The Committee on Statistics:

We examined the schedules and found them correct with a few small exceptions, which we corrected. Committee:



Auditing Committee:

We have audited the various accounts submitted to us and found them correct, with the following exceptions:

Reading Quarterly Conference Records, page 68; Terre Hill Schedule, Quakertown and Hatfield Schedule, Rittersville Camp Meeting Accounts. Committee:



Examining Committee on the Discipline and Reading Course:

Applicants on the Disciplinea*bcdefghijk
Edgar Shick79
W.W. Zimmerman63
E.R. Heywood58
Probationers on the Reading Course. First Year
J.G. Shireman286560949168
W.J. Fretz155545666549
George A. Wentz405170536456
R.L. Woodring595565679366
C.M. Layton595560606959
Third Year
W.G. Gehman70969897989810094


a Discipline

b Church History

c Nelson on Fidelity

d Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation

e Fletcher’s Appeal

f Lessons on Holiness

g Theology

h Jesus is Coming

i Bible

j Reformed Pastor

k Average ]






RESOLVED, That we kindly ask W.B. Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder, to give a report of the work of the Gospel Workers Society.

He gave a very stirring and spiritual report how the Lord was saving all classes and filling them with the Holy Ghost. There is a mutual relationship existing between the Church and the Gospel Workers Society. Many hearts were deeply touched by his address.

RESOLVED, That Readen Tettermer be received as a delegate of this Conference, since he satisfactorily explained the cause of his absence in the forenoon session.

The financial report of the Presiding Elder, in connection with the Home Mission work and Reading Church debt, were read and received. (See Reports.)

The Report of the Secretary of the Foreign Mission Board was read and received. (See Report.)

He also read an interesting letter to the Conference from Brother H.L. Weiss, of Chilli, South America. Interesting remarks were also made concerning personal letters from Brother C.F. Snyder, of Thibet, and Sister Rose Lambert, of Armenia.

The report of the Poor Committee was read and received. (See Report.)

RESOLVED, That only the summary and not the itemized account of the Poor Committee be reported.

RESOLVED, That, at each camp meeting in our Conference, one day, appointed by the Presiding Elder, shall be heartily offered to the Gospel Workers.

RESOLVED, That C.H. Brunner, W.B. Musselman and William Gehman, shall constitute a committee to investigate (with power to act) the complaints brought against J.B. Knerr and Levi Moyer. The letters on the table were handed over to this committee.

WHEREAS, S.B. Knerr sent in his resignation as probationer and member, and desires his credentials; therefore

RESOLVED, That proper credentials be forwarded at once.

RESOLVED, That the candidate for ordination W.G. Gehman, be referred to the Committee on Ordination.

Adjourned by prayer by W.B. Musselman.



Opened by singing and reading Hosea 14, and prayer by W.B. Musselman, after which the minutes of the last session were read and received.

The following committee reports were submitted and received:

Committee on Examination of Candidates for Ordination:

We recommend this Conference to ordain Elder W.G. Gehman, on Sunday afternoon. Committee:




Committee on Resolutions:

WHEREAS, The President of the Gospel Workers’ Society submitted a full oral and statistical report of the work and labors of said society to the perfect satisfaction of this Conference; therefore

RESOLVED, That we, as a Conference, admitting the noble work done and the spirit of true self-denial manifested, feel deeply interested in this missionary society and pledge ourselves to recognize and uphold the same with our prayers as well as otherwise. Committee:




The Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records:

We have found all records correct, except Coopersburg and Weissport, each having omitted initials of a name.

Brother Levi Moyer was referred to the Annual Conference for absence at the two previous quarterly conferences.

Recommendations, The Brethren Edgar Shick, W.W. Zimmerman and E.R. Heywood, were recommended to this Conference by their respective quarterly conferences. Committee:




The Summary Report of the Secretary of the Finance Committee was read and received. (See Report.)

Report of the Committee on Examination of J.B. Knerr and Levi Moyer:

WHEREAS, Brother Levi Moyer has kindly requested this Conference to erase his name from the Conference roll, as probationer, giving reasonable excuse; therefore

RESOLVED, That we comply with his request.

WHEREAS, Brother J.B. Knerr has expressed his desire to resign from this Conference, intending to join another Conference; therefore

RESOLVED, That request be cheerfully granted. Committee:




The Report of the Beneficiary Society was read and received. (See Report.)

RESOLVED, That the Committee on Resolutions draw up a special memorial article concerning Elder A.B. Gehret (deceased.)

RESOLVED, That Elders L.F. Haas and H.P. Peters be received as advisory members.

The following applicants for the ministry expressed the nature of their call: Edgar Shick, W.W. Zimmerman, E.R. Heywood.

They were referred to the Committee on Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference License.

RESOLVED, That the advisability to sell the Plainfield Church property be referred to a standing committee, consisting of the Presiding Elder and preacher in charge, which two shall choose a third;

RESOLVED, That in case they sell the church, the money shall be at the committee’s disposal.

RESOLVED, That the subject of the Bangor Church property be referred to the above committee.

RESOLVED, That the Conference resolve itself into a committee this evening to consider the subject of the Beneficiary Society.

The subject of class membership being discussed it was

RESOLVED, That it be referred to the Committee on Resolutions.

RESOLVED, That the Sunday School officers serve from new-year to new- year, and the officers of the church from one Annual Conference to the other.

The following ministers submitted themselves unconditionally to the Conference:

C.H. Brunner, W.B. Musselman, G.A. Campbell, W. Steinmetz, W.J. Fretz, A.B. Musselman, J.E. Fidler, O.S. Hillegas, R.D. Dreisbach, A.M. Clauser, H.B. Musselman, J.L. Boyer, W.G. Gehman, W.K. Ziegler, J.G. Shireman, Edgar Shick, W.W. Zimmerman, E.R. Heywood, Geo. A. Wentz, R.L. Woodring, C.M. Layton.

Conditionally: L.B. Taylor, Wm. Gehman, A. Strawn, O. Bitting.

At this point the Chairman announced that the time for the election of Presiding Elder had come.

By order of Conference announced he appointed T.J. Knauss, Wm. Gehman and G.A. Campbell, as the tellers.

The Chairman vacated his chair and the Vice Presiding Elder, J.E. Fidler, took the chair.

C.H. Brunner was re-elected Presiding Elder by a large majority, whereupon by resolution his election was made unanimous by acclamation.

After the Chairman took his chair again the following officers were elected:

Vice Presiding Elder, J.E. Fidler; Secretary, W.G. Gehman; Treasurer, M. Kaufman.

The last two elections were made unanimous by acclamation.

Standing Committee over Presiding Elder: H.B. Musselman, G.A. Campbell and A.M. Clauser.

RESOLVED, That the Pastors in charge see that their delegates bring the money in checks to the Annual Conference.

Adjourned with prayer by W.K. Ziegler.



Opened by singing, and prayer by W. Steinmetz, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and received with corrections.

RESOLVED, That the Chairman and Secretary be privileged to drop some minor points in order to curtail the Conference Journal.

The following committee reports were read and received:

The Committee on Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference License:

We have examined W.W. Zimmerman, E.R. Heywood and E. Shick, and found them satisfactory. We, therefore, recommend the Conference to receive them according to the discipline. Committee:




Committee on Resolutions.

RESOLVED, That we as a church receive class members;

RESOLVED, That we receive the members of the Gospel Workers Society as class members if they transfer them.

(c) WHEREAS, Our beloved missionaries, Brother and Sister H.L. Weiss, of Victoria, Chile, South America; Brother C.F. Snyder, of Paongan, Thibet, and Sister Rose Lambert, of Hadjin, Turkey, Asia Minor, having labored so faithfully on their respective fields, and submitted reports to the entire satisfaction of the Conference; therefore

RESOLVED, That we as a Conference feel thankful to God for His loving protection over them, any ask Him to keep them in the future, pledging ourselves to uphold them with our prayers.


WHEREAS, It hath pleased our Heavenly Father, who doeth all things well, to take from our midst during the past year Elder A.B. Gehret, of Upper Milford, Pa., therefore

RESOLVED, That we confess that in him we have a lost a faithful laborer in the faith once delivered to the Saints, a witness for Jesus, a dear brother, and as an expression of sympathy we hereby send our condolence to the bereaved widow, our sister and children of the departed.

Brother A.B. Gehret was born January 7, 1867, and at the age of seventeen years was truly converted to God and was received as a member of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church. He was admitted to the ministry in 1887, and ordained in 1890. He received his last field of labor in 1897, and fell asleep in Jesus, June 1, 1898 (aged 31 years, 4 months and 24 days) in the blessed hope of the glorious resurrection and the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.





The Presiding Elder now gave a practical address stating that he keenly felt his insufficiency during the past year, and by the help of God would endeavor to extend the work during the coming year.

RESOLVED, That the Conference kindly request our highly esteemed Chairman to refuse to recognize all members of this body, when in regular session, before addressing the Chair.

The following committees were elected:

Foreign Missionary Board: Wm. Gehman, J.E. Fidler, C.H. Brunner, M. Kaufman and H.B. Musselman.

Poor Committee: C.J. Shelly, A.A. Wismer and H.G. Musselman.

Committee on the Reading Course for 1899:

On the Discipline: C.H. Brunner, P.E.

Other Studies: W.G. Gehman, J.L. Boyer and R.D. Dreisbach.

H.J. Kline of the United Evangelical Church was received as advisory member.

RESOLVED, That the campmeetings to be left to the Presiding Elder and the preachers of the campmeeting districts.

RESOLVED, That W.B. Musselman, President of the Gospel Workers’ Society, to be recognized as Missionary Presiding Elder, ex-officio.

RESOLVED, That the collections for the Missionary Presiding Elder and Gospel Workers shall continue as last year.

RESOLVED, That we recognize the quarterly conference license of the Gospel Workers’ Society as equivalent to our church quarterly conference license.

RESOLVED, That whenever the Gospel Workers turn one or more of their missions over to the Church, a committee, consisting of the Presiding Elder, the Missionary Presiding Elder and the Treasurer, shall appraise the personal property belonging to the mission and, in case the Church chooses to buy the same, it shall be paid for out of the Home Missionary treasury.

WHEREAS, The Gospel Workers’ Society desires to open new halls right along, and therefore propose to surrender all classes and halls to the Mennonite Brethren in Christ: and

WHEREAS, They always pay their rent one month in advance, which (one month’s rent) they agreed to forfeit in case the Church will close the mission inside of 90 days after it is handed over; therefore

RESOLVED, That all advance rent will be paid by our Church for such mission halls where the work is carried on for 90 days or more.

RESOLVED, That the Gospel Workers shall have the privilege to change their Gospel Banners as they think advisable.

The last resolution on page 16, and the first two on page 17 of the Conference Journal of 1898, shall be referred to the Committee of the whole Conference.

J.G. Shireman, W.B. Musselman and T.J. Knauss were appointed a committee to draw up resolutions concerning the liquidation of the Reading Church debt.

RESOLVED, That the fourth and fifth resolutions on page 21, Journal of 1898, be classed under “Special Laws and Resolutions.” The word “other” shall be erased from the last line of the last named resolution.

WHEREAS, Brother W.J. Fretz failed in one branch of study on account of difficult work resting on him; therefore

RESOLVED, That he be re-examined in that study at the first examination in this year.

RESOLVED, That the second verse in Article 1, Special Services, page 6, in the Journal, shall be changed to read as follows:

RESOLVED, That we recommend our ministers to give still more earnest prominence to this blessed hope of the Church as we see the day approaching.

RESOLVED, That 300 copies of the Conference Journal shall be printed. The preachers shall pay their Journals at the First Quarterly Conference.

The Presiding Elder shall see that the Tabernacle Workers take proper care of the Tabernacles.

RESOLVED, That the Conference Reports be printed in a pamphlet or a supplement and inserted in the Banners sent to the other Conferences.

The Chairman and Secretary shall greatly condense the minutes for the pamphlet or supplement.

The Chairman shall be privileged to use the most appropriate method to defray the expenses of printing.

The Missionary Presiding Elder shall preach the Conference Sermon in English on Sunday forenoon, and the Presiding Elder the Ordination Sermon in German in the afternoon.

The Stationing Committee shall consist of the same members as last year with the same responsibilities.

A collection was taken up for the salary and expenses of the Secretary, amounting to $3.01. Thanks.

RESOLVED, That the next Annual Conference convene in Reading on the second Friday in September, 1900.

Whereas, The Conference year is extended and the need for more Home Missionary money will likely be felt before the Conference year transpires; therefore

RESOLVED, That the Presiding Elder take a special Home Mission subscription at the Campmeetings next summer, to be paid in by Thanksgiving Day.

Adjourned by prayer by J.L. Boyer.



Opened by singing and reading of the minutes which were received as read.

The following reports were read and received:

Report of the Committee of the Whole Conference which was in session Saturday night:

H.B. Musselman was elected Chairman and C.H. Brunner, Secretary.

The Report of the Committee on the Liquidation of the Reading Church Debt was submitted to this Committee and received as follows:

WHEREAS, C.H. Brunner, P.E., was appointed at the last Annual Conference to raise the required money to cover that portion of the Reading Church debt, assumed by the Conference, amounting to nearly One Thousand Dollars, ($1,000.00); and

WHEREAS, Very many members have already paid liberally toward the same with the determination to pay no more for the same purpose; and

WHEREAS, The entire debt has been covered by subscriptions through the very persevering and fruitful efforts of said Brother Brunner; and

WHEREAS, There is a small amount of the subscription yet unpaid; therefore

RESOLVED, That we do hereby express our highest appreciations for the unceasing efforts of our beloved Presiding Elder, and we kindly require him to collect the rest of the subscribed money or enough to cover the rest of the debt, and report to the next Annual Conference for which he will receive further congratulation. Committee:




The subject of the Beneficiary Society was discussed at length with the following results:

WHEREAS, During the past year a number of the Brethren in the Ministry have seen the necessity of organizing a Beneficiary Society, (having for its object “To aid those members of the society who may need help on account of sickness or death”); therefore

RESOLVED, That this Annual Conference will permit them to continue a society among them; and further

RESOLVED, That those brethren who do not coincide with this society shall, please, not use their influence against it.

The following handed in their names as members:

Wm. Gehman, H.B. Musselman, W.B. Musselman, W.G. Gehman, W.J. Fretz, R.D. Dreisbach, A.M. Clauser, A.B. Musselman, O.S. Hillegas, W. Steinmetz, J.E. Fidler, W.K. Ziegler, L.B. Taylor and C.H. Brunner.

By order of the Conference, the Committee considered the following resolutions from last year’s Journal with results as follows:

RESOLVED, That the clause “unless otherwise agreed to by the Presiding Elder and President,” shall be added to the last resolution on page 16.

RESOLVED, That the first resolution on page 17 remain as it is and the second resolution on the same page be erased.

RESOLVED, That the collections for the Gospel Workers and the Missionary Presiding Elder shall be forwarded to the Presiding Elder.

Upon an appeal from the Probationers it was:

RESOLVED, That during this Conference year of almost nineteen months there shall be four examinations on the Reading Course which shall count for two years’ probation.

The dates and division of lessons shall be decided by the Committee.

RESOLVED, That the fares of the Examining Committee and the Probationers be paid by the Church.

The Report of the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee was read and received as follows:

C.H. Brunner, P.E.


1. Coopersburg and Springtown – A.M. Clauser

2. Bethlehem and South Bethlehem – R.L. Woodring

3. Upper Milford, Hereford and Emaus – J.E. Fidler

4. Gratersford, Lederachville and Trappe – G.A. Campbell

5. Royersford and Spring City – R.D. Dreisbach and Mrs. R.D. Dreisbach

6. Reading and Amityville – A.B. Musselman


1. Allentown – W. Steinmetz

2. Blandon – J.G. Shireman and Mrs. J.G. Shireman

3. Terre Hill – O.S. Hillegass

4. Mt. Carmel – H.B. Musselman


1. Quakertown and Hatfield – W.K. Ziegler and Mrs. W.K. Ziegler

2. Erwinna and Bridgeton – J.L. Boyer

3. Nazareth and Plainfield – G.A. Wentz, under the supervision of A. Strawn.

4. Walnutport and Tripoli – C.M. Layton

5. Lehighton and Weissport – W.G. Gehman

6. Girardville – W.J. Fretz

7. Glen Gardner, N.J. – To be supplied

8. Washington, N.J. – To be supplied

9. Hackettstown, N.J. – To be supplied

10. Beattystown, N.J. – To be supplied

11. Siegfried, Pa. – To be supplied

12. Norristown, Pa. – To be supplied

D. TABERNACLES. – To be supplied

E. LOCAL PREACHERS. – O. Bitting and Wm. Gehman, Upper Milford Quarterly Conference; A. Strawn, Allentown Quarterly Conference; L.B. Taylor


G. QUARTERLY CONFERENCE LICENSED MISSIONARIES – Mrs. W.K. Ziegler, Mrs. C.H. Brunner, Mrs. R.D. Dreisbach, Mrs. J.G. Shireman, Anna Wesley, Amelia Kichline, Maria Block, Howard Rishel, Robert Bergstresser, C.E. Shappell, H.M. Gehman, F.E. Frey, Alfred Deppe, J.C. Roth, Wm. Hutchins, Menno Zook, D. Oscar Duck, Jacob H. Moyer, W.W. Dill.

H. FOREIGN MISSIONARIES – Chili, South America, H.L. Weiss and Mrs. H.L. Weiss; Thibet, C.F. Snyder; Hadgin, Turkey, Rose Lambert.


Quakertown …………………………$12.50 per quarter

Erwinna …………………………….20.00 ” “

Nazareth ……………………………15.00 ” “

Glen Gardner ………………………..10.00 ” “

Lehighton …………………………..10.00 ” “

Walnutport ………………………….12.50 ” “

Girardville …………………………15.00 ” “

RESOLVED, That the balance in the Home Mission treasury shall be at the disposal of the Presiding Elder.

Committee: C.H. Brunner, P.E.; W.B. Musselman, M.P.E.; A.G. Taylor, M. Kaufman, J.W. Miller, T.J. Knauss, Wm. Spies, E.W. Martin, A.A. Wismer, F.E. Frey

RESOLVED, That the moving expenses of R.L. Woodring, H.B. Musselman, W.J. Fretz, and G.A. Wentz be paid out of the Home Mission Fund.

RESOLVED, That the preachers be privileged to choose any Sunday in October to take the Annual Offering for the Poor.

RESOLVED, That the work of the Presiding Elder be left to his discretion.

RESOLVED, That the Beneficiary Society stand as it was organized with C.H. Brunner, P.E., President; H.B. Musselman, Secretary; M. Kaufman, Treasurer.

RESOLVED, That we have one English Sunday School Convention and one English and German that the Boundary Line be the same as last year.

Each Sunday School shall be represented by the Superintendent and one delegate.

The following officers were elected for the Sunday School Conventions:

English Convention. – Chairman, R.D. Dreisbach; Secretary, A.B. Musselman; Treasurer, William Spies; Committee, Lewis L. Weiss, J.W. Miller and J.G. Shireman.

RESOLVED, That this Convention convene in Hatfield on July 4, 1899.

The Convention the following year shall meet the same time; the place to be appointed and the officers to be elected by the first Convention.

English and German Convention.- Chairman, W.G. Gehman; Secretary, J.E. Fidler; Treasurer, R.L. Woodring; Committee, A.M. Clauser, J.L. Boyer, W. Steinmetz.

RESOLVED, That this Convention convene in Coopersburg on Ascension Day.

RESOLVED, That the Presiding Elder and Missionary Presiding Elder be invited to this Convention. Conference permitted the first year’s Convention to elect the officers for the second. The Committees shall meet six weeks before the conventions to arrange the programmes.

Upon request of H.B. Musselman to be relieved as a member of the Reading Course Committee, also as Secretary of the Beneficiary Society it was

RESOLVED, That his request be granted.

The following were elected in his stead; R.D. Dreisbach, as member of the Reading Course Committee and A.M. Clauser as Secretary of the Beneficiary Society.

RESOLVED, That H.B. Musselman, W.J. Fretz and the President of the Gospel Workers’ Society shall decide when the Mt. Carmel and Girardville halls shall be vacated.


RESOLVED, That we tender a rising vote of thanks to the Brothers and Sisters and Friends of Upper Milford for their kindness and hospitality shown us during the Session of this Conference. Especially do we express our hearty appreciation of the kindness of Brother and Sister William Wieand for opening their home for the accommodation of this Conference. Committee:




Attest: C.H. Brunner, Chairman; W.G. Gehman, Secretary.

Signed: A.M. Clauser, O.A. Olewine, R.D. Dreisbach, William Gehman, W. Steinmetz L.B. Taylor, O.S. Hillegass, W.J. Fretz, W.S. Spies, J.W. Miller, A. Strawn, J.E. Fidler, W.B. Musselman, T.J. Knauss, Readen Tettermer, F.E. Frey, A.A. Wismer, Milton Kaufman, A.G. Taylor, Lewis L. Weiss, J.G. Shireman, W.K. Ziegler, John Weiss, E.W. Martin, J.L. Boyer, H.B. Musselman, A.B. Musselman, G.A. Campbell.

Closed by prayer by C.H. Brunner, P.E.


An Extra Session of the ministers of the East Pennsylvania Conference, called by the Presiding- Elder C. H. Brunner, was held at Bethlehem at 8a.m. Dec, 1st, 1899.

 After singing and prayer the Roll call resulted as follows:—

MINISTERS PRESENT: — C. H. Brunner, G. A Campbell, R. D. Dreisbach, W.J. Fretz, W. G. Gehman, O. S. Hillegass, C. M. Layton, A. B. Musselman, H. B. Musselman, J. G. Shireman, W. Steinmetz, R. L. Woodring, W. K. Ziegler, A. Strawn and L. B. Taylor.

MINISTERS ABSENT: — A. M. Clauser, J. E. Fidler, W. B Musselman, O. Bitting and Wm. Gehman.

Bro. F. E. Frey was received as an advisory member of this body.

Whereas, Bro. J. E. Fidler is under appointment tor Armenia, therefore

Resolved, That we accept his resignation from his conference offices.

Whereas, Bro. A. M. Clauser has resigned as Pastor of his charge to take a course of training in the missionary Society “Light and Hope,” therefore

Resolved, That we receive his resignation from his conference offices.

Whereas, Eld. J. L. Boyer having been found guilty of disloyalty to the Word of God and our Discipline, causing divisions and was suspended, showing no penitent spirit, therefore

Resolved, That we expel him from this Society.

The following officers were elected:–

Vice Presiding Elder, H. B. Musselman, instead of J. E. Fidler.

Committee over Presiding Elder, R. D. Dreisbach and L. B. Taylor instead of A. M. Clauser, and H. B. Musselman who was elected as Vice Presiding Elder.

Officers of the English and German Sunday School Convention: Chairman, H. B. Musselman, instead of A. M. Clauser. Secretary, W. G. Gehman. instead of J. E. Fidler.

Committee to arrange programme for the S. School Convention: F. E. Frey and W. Steinmetz, instead of J. E. Fidler and A. M. Clauser.

Foreign Missionary Board: W. G. Gehman, instead of J. E. Fidler.

Committee on the Reading Course: A. B. Musselman, instead of J. L. Boyer.

Resolved, That the Harvest Home services be held right after the Annual Conference, and the Foreign Missionary subscription be paid in by New Year.

Resolved, That we recommend the Sunday Schools to hold an extra “Missionary Day” wherever they deem it advisable.

Resolved, That the different collections be handed over to the Presiding Elder.

The minutes of this session were read and received with corrections.

Resolved, That these minutes be published in the GOSPEL BANNER.

(The Beneficiary Society elected L. B. Taylor as Secretary instead of A M. Clauser.)

Attest: C. H. Brunner, chairman; W. G. Gehman, Secretary.

Signed: G. A, Campbell, A B. Musselman, W. K. Ziegler. W. Steinmetz. Abel Strawn, H. B. Musselman, C.M. Layton, J. G. Shireman, L. B. Taylor, W. J. Fretz, R. L. Woodring, O. S. Hillegass, R. D. Dreisbach.

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