Annual Conference Proceedings
Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1913 Yearbook
The Thirtieth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania convened in the M.B.C. Church, at Tenth and Oley Streets. Reading, Pa., opening at eight o’clock in the morning of October 9, 1913.
The first meeting was opened by singing “I Will Guide Thee With Mine Eyes.” followed by a season of prayer for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the blessing of God upon this Conference session.
The Chairman, H.B. Musselman, then read a portion of the twelfth chapter of Romans, and made a very earnest address before the Conference concerning the importance of the business before us.
The following members were then enrolled:
Ordained – H.B. Musselman, W.G. Gehman, W.B. Musselman, Wm. Gehman, C.H. Brunner, E.N. Cassel, W.S. Hottel. J.G. Shireman, F.M. Hottel, J.F. Barrall, R.L. Woodring, E.T. Shick, J.C. Roth, W.J. Fretz, R. Bergstresser, H.K. Kratz, O.S. Hillegass, E.E. Kublic, P.J. Musselman, V.H. Reinhart, W.W. Zimmerman, H.L. Weiss and C.F. Snyder.
All of these were present at the opening of the first meeting except W.B. Musselman, Cleveland, Ohio; H.L. Weiss: Santiago, Chile, and C.F. Snyder, Taochow, China.
Probationers – M.W. Ettinger and M.H. Kline. M.H. Kline was absent.
H.L. Musselman, G.O. Billig, Wm. Schearer, S.S. Geil, Allen M. Gehman, Herbert E. Gehman, C.W. Teel. O.C. Kistler, Maurice E. Brownback, G.K. Himmelreich, H.H. Bergey, A.A. Wismer, Morris E. Stickler, John G. Weiss, A.A. Schaeffer, Alfred Deppe, Thomas Fehnel, C.E. Neff and W.D. Evert. All the delegates were present.
We shall also remember our absent Foreign Missionaries who are members of our Church: H.L. Weiss, M.P. Zook, Mrs. M.P. Zook, H.W. Feldges, Mrs. H.W. Feldges, C.F. Snyder. Mrs. C.F. Snyder, also all our other missionaries supported by our Church. Also our Missionary Presiding Elder and the Gospel Worker Society and the Gospel Herald Society.
Resolved, That the seats to the right and left of the Chair, and the first three pews throughout the church, and the basement for private meetings, constitute the Conference Bar.
The Secretary appointed his assistants as follows:
Recording Secretary, H.A. Kauffman.
Statistical Secretary, B. Bryan Musselman.
Financial Secretary, J.F. Barrall.
Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Reporter and a Timekeeper. He appointed W.J. Fretz and E.E. Kublic, respectively.
Resolved, That no member shall be permitted to leave the Conference Bar without the permission of the Chair, except F.M. Hottel and William Schearer.
The following Committees were appointed by the Chair, and approved by the Conference:
Committee on Worship – F.M. Hottel and William Schearer.
Committee on Communications – E.T. Shick and W.G. Gehman.
Committee on Finance – J.F. Barrall, G.O. Billig and Allen M. Gehman.
Committee on Statistics – F.M. Hottel, H.L. Musselman and E.N. Cassel.
Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Records – J.C. Roth and E.N. Cassel.
Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records – R.L. Woodring, W.S. Hottel, M.W. Ettinger, W.W. Zimmerman, E.E. Kublic, P.J. Musselman, H.H. Bergey, Thomas Fehnel, Maurice E. Brownback, A.A. Schaeffer and C.W. Teel.
Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders – William Gehman, A.A. Wismer and G.K. Himmelreich.
Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries – J.G. Shireman, O.S. Hillegass and R. Bergstresser.
Committee on Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference License – E.N. Cassel, C.H. Brunner and W.S. Hottel.
Committee on Examination of Candidates for Ordination – W.G. Gehman, E.N. Cassel and C.H. Brunner.
Committee on Resolutions – W.S. Hottel, W.G. Gehman and J.G. Shireman.
Auditing Committee – W.J. Fretz, E.T. Shick, V.H. Reinhart, J.C. Roth, Alfred Deppe, John G. Weiss, Herbert E. Gehman, Morris E. Stickler, W.D. Evert, William Schearer, O.C. Kistler, S.S. Geil and C.E. Neff.
Committee to Audit Schedules – H.K. Kratz and J.F. Barrall.
Resolved, That the time allowed for the oral reports of each Pastor be limited to ten minutes.
The Pastors now began to submit their oral reports.
Resolved, That we suspend the rules and adjourn to the call of the Chair.
Adjourned with prayer by H.A. Kauffman.
After singing “Nearer My God to Thee”, and prayer by W.S. Hottel, the roll was called and all were present.
The minutes of the preceding Meeting were read and approved.
Rev. C.H. Eagle, pastor of the Evangelical Association, at Mohnton, Pa. was introduced to the Conference.
The following Reports were read and adopted:
Report of the Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home – (See Reports.)
Report of the Executive Board – (See Reports.)
Report of the Beneficiary Society – (See Reports.)
Report of the Laymen’s Benevolent Society – (See Reports.)
Report of the Board of Examiners – (See Reports.)
Report of the Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries. We have examined the Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries and found them all satisfactory.
J.G. Shireman,
O.S. Hillegass,
R. Bergstresser,
Report of the Committee on Quarterly Conference Records – The report was referred back to the Committee.
Report of the Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders. – We, as a Committee, have examined all the Traveling Elders present and all were passed. However, in consideration of the past and present attitude of the family and, as a consequence, his finances, we question the advisability of Elder P.J. Musselman being appointed as pastor in charge under the present
Elder M.H. Kline failed to appear at this Conference, but forwarded all his accounts so far as we could ascertain.
William Gehman,
G.K. Himmelreich,
A.A. Wismer,
Report of the Committee on Camp Meeting Equipage. – This report was referred back to the Committee.
Report of the Committee on Worship – Resolved, That G.F. Yost shall preach first this evening followed by L.D. Wesner.
F.M. Hottel,
Wm. Schearer,
Report of the Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records. – We beg leave to report that we have examined all the Quarterly Conference Records and found them correct,
except in the Lehighton and Weissport Records we find no mention of the passing of officers at the first Quarterly Conference.
We also found that the Bethlehem Class recommends B. Bryan Musselman to this Annual Conference as a Candidate for Annual Conference License. All of which we respectfully submit.
R.L. Woodring,
W.S. Hottel,
M.W. Ettinger,
W.W. Zimmerman,
E.E. Kublic,
P.J. Musselman,
H.H. Bergey,
Thomas Fehnel,
M.E. Brownback,
A.A. Schaeffer,
C.W. Teel,
The oral reports of the Pastors were concluded.
The Reports of all the Pastors were very encouraging. The Lord blessed the work throughout the Conference, along all lines, spiritually, financially and numerically.
Many souls were saved, a large number of converts were baptized and added to the Church.
The offerings for Home and Foreign Missions have been wonderful, being $10,378.78, or about 11-1/2 per cent higher than last year.
The total offerings throughout the Conference for all purposes averaged $42.11 per member.
This is marvellous indeed when we take into account all the many young people and children unable to earn anything towards these large and liberal offerings.
The attendance at the church services, prayer meetings. Sunday Schools and open air services throughout the Conference are on the increase.
The following young brethren were now presented to the Annual Conference as Applicants for Annual Conference License: B. Bryan Musselman, recommended by the Bethlehem Quarterly Conference, and L.D. Wesner of Sunbury, recommended by the Gospel Herald Society through their President. W.G. Gehman.
These brethren have passed a very thorough examination on Discipline. They expressed the nature of their call and consecration, to the entire satisfaction of the Conference.
The time was extended indefinitely.
These brethren were referred to the Committee on Applicants.
Resolved, That we have a private session this evening commencing at 7:45 o’clock.
Adjourned with prayer by J.G. Shireman.
This meeting was opened at 7:45 P.M. with prayer by J.C. Roth.
The roll was called with all present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The following reports were read and adopted:
Report of the Committee on Camp Meeting Equipage. (See Reports.)
Report of the Committee on Finance. (See Reports.)
Report of the Bethlehem District Sunday School Convention. (See Reports.)
Report of the Mt. Carmel District Sunday School Convention. (See Reports.)
Report of the Annual Ministerial Convention. (See Reports.)
Report of the Semi-Annual Ministerial Convention. – (See Reports.)
Report of the Committee to Examine the Annual Conference Minutes – We beg leave to submit the following report: We have learned that a Committee appointed at the last Conference to ex-
amine and correct the Minutes have examined them and we have learned that they are correct, therefore we did not examine them.
J.C. Roth,
E.N. Cassel,
Resolved, That. the three following resolutions be Standing Rules :
Resolved, That all bills of Camp Meeting expenses be submitted to the Secretary of the Committee in an itemized form, giving date of all expenses. The Secretary shall have the bill O. K’d. by the Chairman of the Committee and issue an order on the Treasurer, who shall pay such orders when properly signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Committee.
The Secretary shall enter the bills in his book as they are submitted, and also enter all money as it is received, giving date, and name of party from whom such money is received, making the Camp Meeting Committee creditor for all money received and debtor for all money paid out. He shall also compile a summary of receipts and expenses at the end of the record of all expenses for the year.
The Treasurer shall make himself debtor in his book for all the various amounts of money as they are received and creditor for all money paid out, giving date and name of party or parties from whom the money is received, and date and name of party or parties, and number of order to whom money is paid.
Resolved, That, whenever any Presiding Elder desires any money from the Home Mission Treasurer, he shall inform the Secretary of the desired amount, who shall take note of the same
and forward the request to the Treasurer, who shall forward the same to the Presiding Elder, up to the amount appropriated to him at the Annual Conference.
Resolved, That all expenses in connection with tabernacle outfits and expenses in connection with Camp Meeting Equipage shall be paid out of the Camp Meeting Equipage Fund.
Resolved, That the Secretary ask the publishers of the “Gospel Herald” and “Gospel Banner” to furnish each pastor with a copy of the mailing list of the subscribers in his charge through
the Presiding Elders.
Report of the Committee on Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference License. We beg leave to report that we have examined B. BRYAN Musselman and L.D. Wesner and found them satisfactory, and recommend them to the Annual Conference for Annual Conference License.
E.N. Cassel,
C.H. Brunner,
W.S. Hottel,
Report of the Committee on Resolutions –
WHEREAS, M.H. Kline failed to appear at the Fall Examination, and also at this Annual Conference Session, but has forwarded his accounts properly and feels his incapability of doing pastoral work, therefore,
Resolved, That we drop his name from the roll of probationers.
W.S. Hottel,
W.G. Gehman,
J.G. Shireman,
Adjourned with prayer by E.N. Cassel.
This meeting was opened by singing “Till He Come,” and prayer by J.C. Roth.
The roll was called, all being present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
The following Reports were read and adopted:
Report of the Board of Foreign Missions. (See Reports.)
Report of the Board of Publication and Printing. (See Reports.)
Report of the Chairman of the General Camp Meeting Committee. (See Reports.)
Report of the Chairman of the General Conference Fund. (See Reports.)
Report of the Committee on Statistics. This report was referred back to the Committee.
Report of the Committee to Audit Schedules. This report was referred back to the Committee.
Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of three to draw up resolutions concerning the reports and services of the Presiding Elders.
The Chair appointed E.N. Cassel, J.C. Roth and R.L. Woodring.
The Reports of the Presiding Elders were now heard.
W.G. Gehman, Presiding Elder of the Mt. Carmel District and President of the Gospel Herald Society, gave his oral statistical and financial reports which were adopted. (See Reports.)
H.B. Musselman, Presiding Elder of the Bethlehem District, also submitted his oral and financial reports, which were adopted. (See Reports.)
The report of the Missionary Presiding Elder was read before the Conference.
Report of the Special Committee on Resolutions. We beg leave to submit the following report:
We have listened with interest and pleasure to the report of W.G. Gehman. Presiding Elder of the Mt. Carmel District and President of the Gospel Herald Society. He reported that the work in his district is moving forward. The pastors stand by well, the prayer meetings are largely attended, the work has been solidified. Large and interesting open air meetings are held in many places. A Camp Meeting of 76 tents was held in Mizpah Grove, where the Word was preached with liberty, and souls have been saved, and much good has come from this meeting. The regular offerings have not fallen off in spite of the heavy expenses at many places where churches and parsonages are being built or bought. A church is in course of erection at Stroudsburg, a parsonage has been bought at Walnutport.
The Heralds are self-sacrificing men, satisfied with almost anything. Many souls have been saved in the Missions. The debts on the Mission properties have been reduced considerably.
A Camp Meeting of 71 tents was held at Shamokin, which was better attended than at any time, and the blessing of it is felt in many of the Missions. Successful tent meetings have been held
at many places and open air services are largely attended.
H.B. Musselman, Presiding Elder of the Bethlehem District, submitted his report to this Conference, which was highly encouraging, making mention of the encouragement of the pastors and the prospects of our young people throughout the Conference. He reported that two Camp Meetings were held in Mizpah Grove, where 169 and 153 tents were occupied respectively. These Camp Meetings were the most blessed ever held, being successful in every respect. Tabernacle meetings have been held at Catasauqua with grand results. The offerings in the entire district were very large. The finances in all the classes are in excellent shape. The ministry is better united than ever, with love and unity prevailing among the two districts. A school house was purchased at Harleysville, Pa., by one of the former members of the class for the holding of regular services by the Harleysville class. This was received by the class as a God-send. Be it therefore
Resolved, That we praise God for the victories won in both districts of the Church, as well as by the Herald Society, and glorify God for His mercy and love that He has shown toward us; for the souls that have been saved and believers edified, and for all that has been accomplished through the power and grace of God and, further
Resolved, That we highly appreciate the self-sacrifice and labor of W.G. Gehman and H.B. Musselman, and for the devotion manifested and, further be it
Resolved, That we sincerely and unitedly appreciate the conscientiousness, honest frankness, patience and untiring labors of our Presiding Elders, and for the unity that exists among the
ministry, and that we pray God for His continued blessing on them and their labors.
W.B. Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder and President of the Gospel Worker Society, of Cleveland, Ohio, reported by letter, stating that he had wished and determined to be present
at the Annual Conference but, due to business pressure connected with the publishing house affairs, did not find it convenient to do so. He states that he never felt greater love for the brethren of the Conference than at the present time, and that the best of feeling toward the Conference exists throughout the Society. He has now about 45 workers in the Society, that are members of the Mennonite Church. This does not represent half the number of workers in the Society.
They also have many new applicants for the Society under consideration. Many have been saved, sanctified and healed throughout the year and the missions look bright. They are branching out in publishing literature so that they now print a Roumanian monthly, besides the Wall Roll in six additional different languages, and selling more and more copies of the Scriptures and portions of the same in foreign languages; therefore, be it
Resolved, That we highly appreciate the labors and self-sacrificing spirit of W.B. Musselman and the Gospel Workers and, further
Resolved, That we pray the richest blessings of God to rest upon him and the Gospel Workers as well as upon all their work, and that we continue to uphold them with our prayers and offerings and, further
Resolved, That we do our utmost to secure new subscribers for the “Gospel Herald” and heartily encourage all our Sunday Schools to introduce the “Gospel Messengers.”
E.N. Cassel,
J.C. Roth,
R.L. Woodring.
Resolved, That we proceed to the election of officers.
The roll was called for unconditional and conditional ministers, with the following result:
Unconditional – H.B. Musselman, W.G. Gehman, W.B. Musselman, William Gehman, C.H. Brunner, W.S. Hottel, E.N. Cassel, F.M. Hottel, J.G. Shireman, J.F. Barrall, R.L. Woodring, J.C. Roth, E.T. Shick, W.J. Fretz, R. Bergstresser, H.K. Kratz, O.S. Hillegass, E.E. Kublic, P.J. Musselman, V.H. Reinhart. W.W. Zimmerman, M.W. Ettinger.
Conditional – None
The Chair appointed J.F. Barrall and R.L. Woodring as tellers.
Resolved, That we have two Presiding Elders.
The following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
Presiding Elders – H.B. Musselman and W.G. Gehman.
Vice-Presiding Elders – C.H. Brunner and E.N. Cassel.
Resolved, That the rest of the officers shall be elected by nomination and ballot.
Missionary Presiding Elder – W.B. Musselman.
Chairman of the Next Annual Conference – H.B. Musselman.
Secretary of the Next Annual Conference – C.H. Brunner.
Treasurer of the Annual Conference – Allen M. Gehman.
Committee over the Presiding Elders – R.L. Woodring, W.S. Hottel and J.G. Shireman.
Adjourned with prayer by Alfred Deppe.
This meeting was opened by singing “Glory to His Name,” and prayer by V.H. Reinhart.
The roll was called with all present, and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
The Reports of the following Committees were read and adopted:
Committee to Audit Schedules. We have audited the schedules and found them all correct, except a slight error in addition on the South Allentown schedule, the sum total is $2484.09 and
should be $2484.79.
H.K. Kratz,
J.F. Barrall,
Committee on Statistics. (Read. revised and adopted.) We examined the schedules and found them all correct except Reading schedule, in membership records: Philadelphia and Norristown schedule, Norristown church was valued $2,000.00, should be valued $1,500.00; Royersford and Spring City schedule, New M.B.C. Sunday Schools reported, should be M.B.C. Sunday Schools. Royersford and Spring City schedule, Nazareth and Plainfield schedule, and South Allentown schedule had no General Conference collections reported. The following mistakes were found in recording the General Conference collections: Walnutport schedule reported $1.50, should be $2.14; Coopersburg schedule reported $14.76, should be $14.86: East Stroudsburg schedule reported $5.50, should be $6.00: Nazareth schedule reported $7.75, should be $6.75. Walnutport schedule reported 72 total enrollment in Sunday School, should be 64. Nazareth and Plainfield schedule reported 1 new appointment and 1 new M.B.C. Sunday School; these should not have been reported. Mt. Carmel and Northampton schedules report no Benevolent Society collections.
F.M. Hottel,
H.L. Musselman,
E.N. Cassel,
The election of officers was continued:
Executive Board – H.B. Musselman, W.G. Gehman, C.H. Brunner, E.N. Cassel, J.G. Shireman.
Board of Foreign Missions – H.B. Musselman, C.H. Brunner, W.G. Gehman, E.N. Cassel, and Allen M. Gehman.
Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home (For two years) – H.B. Musselman, W.G. Gehman, E.N. Cassel, C.H. Brunner, Allen M. Gehman, H.L. Musselman.
WHEREAS, Brother O. Baer has asked to be relieved from the Board on account of being unable to attend, the Conference has consented to relieve him.
H.G. Brunner was elected to serve the unexpired term of O. Baer.
Board of Examiners – E.N. Cassel, W.S. Hottel and E.T. Shick.
Board of Publication and Printing – (appointed by the Chair) – J.C. Roth, C.H. Brunner and R.L. Woodring.
Camp Meeting Equipage (appointed by the Chair) – E.N. Cassel, F.M. Hottel, Allen M. Gehman, J.F. Barrall.
Resolved, That H.B. Musselman shall be Presiding Elder over the district comprising part of the Church, and W.G. Gehman, Presiding Elder over the district comprising the balance of the Church and the Gospel Herald Society.
Resolved, That C.H. Brunner shall be Vice-Presiding Elder under H. B. Musselman, and E.N. Cassel shall be Vice-Presiding Elder under W.G. Gehman.
Resolved, That we hold a Ministerial Convention some time in the middle of the year, for one day.
The Presiding Elders, and one whom they shall appoint, shall constitute a committee to arrange a program and set the date.
All ordained ministers or probationers having charge of a work shall be present. A hearty invitation shall also be extended to the Ministers’ wives and families.
Resolved, That we have another Ministerial Convention on the day prior to and at the same place of the next Annual Conference.
The Committee on Worship reported as follows: That E.T. Shick shall speak first this evening followed by O.S. Hillegass.
F.M. Hottel,
William Schearer,
Resolved, That the two Presiding Elders and the Delegates from the Stations and Circuits constitute the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee.
Resolved, That we adjourn and that the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee sit this afternoon.
Brother S.S. Geil was excused from Conference until Sunday.
Adjourned at 2:30 P.M. with prayer by S.S. Geil.
This meeting was opened by singing “Forward Still,” and prayer by P.J. Musselman.
The roll was called with all present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
The various Boards and Standing Committees reported the election of officers, as follows:
Executive Board – President, H.B. Musselman; Secretary, C.H. Brunner: Treasurer, W.G. Gehman.
Board of Foreign Missions – President, H.B. Musselman; Secretary, C.H. Brunner; Treasurer, Allen M. Gehman.
Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home – President, H.B. Musselman; Secretary, W.S. Hottel; Treasurer, C.H. Brunner.
Board of Managers – H.B. Musselman, E.N. Cassel and Allen M. Gehman.
Board of Publication and Printing – President, J.C. Roth; Secretary. R.L. Woodring; Treasurer, C.H. Brunner.
Board of Examiners – President, E.N. Cassel; Secretary, W. S. Hottel; Treasurer, E.T. Shick.
Beneficiary Society – President, W.G. Gehman; Secretary, F.M. Hottel: Treasurer, J.F. Barrall.
Committee over the Presiding Elders – Chairman, W.S. Hottel; Secretary, J.G. Shireman.
Committee over Camp Meeting Equipage and Tabernacle Outfits – Chairman, E.N. Cassel; Secretary, F.M. Hottel; Treasurer, J.F. Barrall.
The Report the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee was read and adopted. (See Reports.)
The Report of the Board of Examiners was read and adopted. (See Reports.)
Resolved, That we permit Brother P.J. Musselman to leave at this time. We will continue to pray for him and wish him God’s blessing under these his extremely trying circumstances.
The following officers were elected:
Committee on Revision of Reading Course, as per General Conference resolution – W.G. Gehman.
Board of Trustees of the Laymen’s Benevolent Society – President, Allen M. Gehman; Secretary, G.O. Billig; Treasurer, H.G. Brunner.
Semi-Annual Ministerial Convention – Chairman, C.H. Brunner; Secretary, W.J. Fretz.
Committee on Program – H.B. Musselman, W.G. Gehman and J.F. Barrall.
Annual Ministerial Convention – Chairman, E.N. Cassel; Secretary, W.S. Hottel.
Committee on Program–Chairman, H.B. Musselman; Secretary, C.H. Brunner; W.G. Gehman.
Resolved, That the name of G.F. Yost be presented to the Committee on Ordination as a candidate for Ordination.
Resolved, That we hold a Sunday School Convention in each Presiding Elder’s District.
Resolved, That the Pastors and Delegates of each District constitute a Committee to arrange for these conventions.
Resolved, That we suspend business to the call of the Chair.
The Chair appointed E.N. Cassel, Chairman, to organize the Bethlehem District Sunday School Convention, and J.G. Shireman, Chairman, to organize the Mt. Carmel District Sunday School Convention.
The Conference was called to order by the Chair, and business was again resumed.
The Reports of the following Committees were read and adopted:
Report of the Committee on Ordination – We, the Committee on Ordination, beg leave to report that we have examined the brethren M.W. Ettinger and G.F. Yost and found them satisfactory, and therefore recommend them to the Conference for ordination.
W.G. Gehman,
E.N. Cassel,
C.H. Brunner,
Committee on Organization of the Bethlehem District Sunday School Convention (See Reports.)
Committee on Organization of Mt. Carmel District Sunday School Convention (See Reports.)
Resolved, That M.W. Ettinger and G.F. Yost be ordained on Sunday afternoon.
Report of the Committee on Worship. The Committee on Worship begs leave to report that W.S. Hottel shall preach this evening. The Sunday morning service shall open at 9:15 A.M. At 9:45, H.B. Musselman, the Chairman of the Annual Conference, shall preach the Conference sermon. The afternoon service shall open at 2 o’clock. W.G. Gehman, Presiding Elder of the Mt. Carmel District, shall preach the Ordination sermon at 2:15. The evening service shall open at 7:00 p.m. At 7:30 C.H. Brunner shall preach.
W.G. Gehman shall have charge of the forenoon service. The Chairman of the Annual Conference shall have charge of the afternoon and evening services.
F.M. Hottel,
William Schearer,
Resolved, That the next Annual Conference convene at Bethlehem, Pa., at 8:00 A.M., on the third Thursday of October, 1914.
Resolved, That we suspend the rules and adjourn until two o’clock this afternoon.
Adjourned with prayer by E.T. Shick.
The meeting was opened by singing “Nearer, My God, to Thee,” and prayer by W.D. Evert.
The roll was called with all present, and the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved.
The Report of the Committee on Resolutions was read and adopted, as follows:
1. Relative to our Foreign Missionaries:
WHEREAS, We have been favored with a full report of the work of our Missionaries in the “Regions Beyond,” through the Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions, and have also
learned, through the reports, of the Missionaries in the “Gospel Banner” how the Lord has again blessed the work in the various Mission Stations, so that souls have been added to the number
of believers, and those already saved have been more established in the Word and service of the Lord, and
WHEREAS, The Lord has again most graciously upheld and sustained the Missionaries, spiritually and physically, amid all physical and spiritual pressure, during the past year, and
WHEREAS, They have again, during the past year, continued faithfully in their labor of love in behalf of lost souls, and have sent in reports, through the various channels, therefore
Resolved, That we enjoy these reports and unitedly praise God from Whom all blessings flow, for all the rich blessings of the past and, further
Resolved, That we, as a Conference, continue to uphold them by our means, and still more earnestly pray for them that the favor of God may abound towards them still more and more, so
that the power of God may rest upon them and that success may crown their labors, and that they may be kept in the love of God until Jesus comes.
2. Relative to the Secretary of the Annual Conference:
WHEREAS, Our worthy Secretary, C.H. Brunner, has so ably and efficiently acted in this capacity for a number of years, which means much tedious labor and hard mental strain, therefore
Resolved, That we, as a Conference, show our appreciation of his tireless services thus rendered by a really large, liberal offering at this time.
3. Relative to our venerable Father Gehman:
WHEREAS, Our venerable Brother, Father William Gehman who is now past 86 years of age, has again been present at the entire session of this annual Conference, taking a deep interest in the deliberations of the same, therefore
Resolved, That we heartily praise the Lord for so graciously preserving his life, physical strength, and whole-hearted enthusiasm in the work of the Lord and, further
Resolved, That we enjoy his presence, co-operation and hearty fellowship with us in the work of the Lord and, further
Resolved, That we unitedly pray God to bless him abundantly, physically, mentally and spiritually, so that he may abound in the work of the Lord still more and more unto the coming of the Lord, and that he may have increased joy and happiness through life.
4. Relative to the Pastor and members of the Reading Congregation :
WHEREAS, The Pastor and the Members of the Reading Class have so cordially welcomed the members of this Annual Conference, and have so cheerfully and bountifully provided for our
bodily needs as well as given us such grand entertainment, therefore
Resolved, That we manifest our thankful appreciation for their love, liberality, hospitality and whole-hearted fellowship with us in this noble work, by a rising vote of thanks.
5. Relative to the “Gospel Messenger”:
WHEREAS, The ” Gospel Messenger,” which is published by the Gospel Worker Society, is such a helpful Sunday School paper, being very beautifully illustrated and appropriately classified with departments, making it a splendid general Missionary paper, and
WHEREAS, It is offered at such low prices, and published at a sacrifice, purely for the purpose of spreading the truth, therefore
Resolved, That we earnestly encourage those of our Sunday Schools that have not as yet introduced it for free distribution, to do so at their earliest possible convenience.
6. Relative to our Annual Conference Delegates:
WHEREAS, The various Classes have elected and sent to this Annual Conference such noble spiritual men who are deeply concerned in the work of the Lord, as Delegates, and
WHEREAS, These Delegates have manifested such a sincere concern for the work, not only in their own charge but in general, so that in very deed they have proved themselves worthy of the honor and responsibility the office involves, therefore
Resolved, That we, as a Conference, highly appreciate the selection of such men to this office, and encourage the various Classes to continue to select men of like character as Delegates in
the future.
W.S. Hottel,
W.G. Gehman,
J.G. Shireman,
A liberal offering was here lifted for the labor and expense of the Secretary, amounting to $12.23. Thanks.
Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of three to formulate resolutions for publication in the “Gospel Banner,” including the report of the Sunday services. The Chair appointed E.N. Cassel, W.S. Hottel and W.J. Fretz.
Resolved, That the following be made a standing rule:
The Secretary of the Annual Conference shall also be Editor of the Journal for the same year.
Resolved, That we donate to the Editor ten dollars ($10.00) out of the Conference Fund.
Resolved, That the Semi-Annual Ministerial Convention be held at Royersford, Pa., on Thursday, April 2, 1914.
Brother G.K. Himmelreich was excused by Conference for the rest of this meeting.
Resolved, That the Executive Board elected at this Conference shall be, hereby, duly authorized and empowered to formulate or elect a board according to the requirements of the law in case the election of the present Executive Board is illegal.
Resolved, That all the receipts from the sale of Church Property where there is no class, shall be turned over to the Executive Board.
Resolved, That the President of the “Gospel Herald Society” shall purchase no lot or property for Church purposes without first consulting the Executive Board and securing its consent.
Resolved, That money received for “Mizpah Grove” during the year shall be paid to the Executive Board as received, in the usual way.
Resolved, That the Church at Norristown be in charge of the Board of Trustees of Philadelphia, and the Church property at Erwinna be in charge of the Board of Trustees of Easton, Pa.,
and that the Church property at Hereford be under the control of the Board of Trustees of Macungie.
Resolved, That in case a church or parsonage will be built or purchased during the year, a photograph of the same shall be taken and a cut inserted in the Conference Journal of next year.
Resolved, That we print 600 Conference Journals, to be sold at 25 cents each. Any expenses in connection with the printing of the Journals, not covered by the receipts for the same, shall be
paid out of the Annual Conference Fund, or any balance from the sale of them shall be paid into said fund.
Resolved, That the Secretary ask the publishers of the “Gospel Herald” and “Gospel Banner” to furnish each pastor with a copy of the mailing list of the subscribers in his charge through the Presiding Elders.
Resolved, That W.G. Gehman, the Presiding Elder of the Mt. Carmel District, hold all the Home Missionary meetings throughout the Conference, between New Year and the Camp Meetings,
and take the subscription with the assistance of the respective pastors.
Resolved, That we suspend business to the call of the Chair.
The Chair called the Conference to order and business was resumed.
The Report of the auditors was read and adopted, as follows:
We beg leave to submit the following report – We have audited the following accounts: Quarterly Conference Records, Orphanage, Equipment Fund, Executive Board, Camp Meetings, Sunday School Conventions, Annual Conference Fund, Benevolent Society, Foreign and Home Missions, Presiding Elders, Gospel Herald Society, Board of Publication, and Committee on Finance.
We found all correct with the following exceptions:
Mt. Carmel District Sunday School Convention Secretary Book, on page 178, in adding the receipts. The amount is $104.58 and should be $104.48.
Secretary’s Camp Meeting Accounts, Bethlehem District, Allentown Division – an error in copying total on page 101.
Quarterly Conference Records, East Stroudsburg, on page 64 – Balance in Sunday School treasury is $6.69 and should be $8.64; page 67 in Church Building accounts, is $1145.90 and should be $1145.60.
Zionsville Record, in forwarding Stewards offering to the Summary in the fourth quarter, the amount is $76.55 and should be $76.60.
Northampton Record, in forwarding Stewards collections from first quarter to Summary amount is $33.50 and should be $33.30; also in forwarding amount of rent collectors of first quarter is $33.30 and should be $31.15.
W.J. Fretz,
E.T. Shick,
V.H. Reinhart,
Morris E. Stickler,
O.C. Kistler,
J.C. Roth,
Alfred Deppe,
William Schearer,
S.S. Geil,
John G. Weiss,
C.E. Neff,
Herbert E. Gehman,
W.D. Evert.
The Report of the Committee on Communications was read and adopted, as follows: We beg leave to report that we have nothing to report.
E.T. Shick,
W.G. Gehman,
The Report of the Treasurer of the Home Mission Fund was read and adopted. (See Reports.)
Report of Summary Statistics, compiled by the Statistical Secretary, was read. The report was referred to a Committee of three, appointed by the Chair, for examination. The Chair appointed W.G. Gehman, E.N. Cassel and J.C. Roth.
The minutes of the afternoon session were read and approved.
Adjourned with prayer by William Schearer.
This meeting was opened by singing “Jesus, Lover of My Soul,” and prayer by John G. Weiss.
The roll was called with all present.
The reports of the following Committees were read and adopted:
Report of the Committee to Decide How the Statistical Secretary’s Report is to be Made. We have decided that the report shall not have both a net increase and net decrease, but either one or the other, as the case may be.
W.G. Gehman,
E.N. Cassel,
J.C. Roth,
The report of the Statistical Secretary above referred to was referred to the Secretary for completion.
The Summary Report of the Statistical Secretary was read and adopted. This report shall go on the minutes, but not in the Journal.
Resolved, That all contributions received for the Benevolent Society shall be by check or money order, made payable to the Treasurer, H.G. Brunner, Zionsville, Pa., and forwarded to the
Secretary, G.O. Billig, 941 Liberty Street, Allentown, Pa.
Resolved, That the matter of arranging a place for the old records of the Church be in the hands of the Executive Board.
Report of the Committee to Compile a Report of the Conference for Publication in the “Gospel Banner.”
The Thirtieth Session of the Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church of Pennsylvania convened in the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church, Tenth and Oley Streets, Reading, Pa., October 9, 1913, at 8 A.M.
The ministers and delegates were all present at the first meeting.
The reports of the Pastors and Presiding Elders showed a marked interest and deep enthusiasm prevailing throughout the entire Church.
In every charge and mission, from the largest to the smallest, marked success was realized, if not by way of additions to the Church it was by way of a real manifest deepening of the spiritual life of the class.
Throughout the year 238 were baptized, 157 were received into Church fellowship, and the net increase of membership was 66.
Some very extensive, yet needful, alterations and repairs have been made at a number of churches which, in every instance, have been paid for with a neat balance left in the treasury.
The ministry is well united in the bond of Christian love and fellowship, and is loyal and obedient to God and the Presiding Elders. The laity is loyal, devoted, self-sacrificing and united. Pastors and members, old and young, throughout the Conference have a mind to work, a purpose to please God, a motive to glorify the Risen Living Christ, and a strong, deep and substantial missionary spirit.
The various offerings were large. In many of them a marked increase was again realized, especially so in the Missionary Offerings. The total offerings for Home Missions for the year were
$7132.05, and for Foreign Missions in the churches and Sunday Schools $6817.51. The grand total of all the offerings amounted to $68,724.56.
The former Presiding Elders and Vice-Presiding Elders were re-elected, and serve in the same Districts as heretofore.
There were only a few changes in pastors. B. Bryan Musselman, the son of Presiding Elder H.B. Musselman, of Bethlehem, and L.D. Wesner, of the Gospel Herald Society, were granted Annual Conference Licenses.
Quite a number of pastors were returned to their former charges for the fourth year. G.F. Yost, of the Gospel Herald Society, was also stationed by the Conference, being sent to Mt. Carmel, Pa. The following changes in pastors were made:
Spring City and Royersford, J.F. Barrall; Fleetwood, Blandon and Terre Hill, B. Bryan Musselman; Lehighton and Weissport, J.C. Roth; Nazareth and Plainfield, E.T. Shick; Mt. Carmel. G.F. Yost.
The Conference throughout was harmonious, and love and peace prevailed. Father William Gehman, who is past 86 years of age, was again present and manifested as deep and unabated
interest in the deliberations of the Conference as ever. Father Gehman rejoices as much as any one when young men enter the ministry, and our Conference highly esteems the presence of our fathers in the ministry.
The resolution, relative to the “Gospel Messenger,” adopted by a previous meeting of this Conference, shall be included in this report for the “Gospel Banner.”
The services were opened at 9:15 A.M. by Presiding Elder W.G. Gehman. The Chairman of the Annual Conference, Presiding Elder H.B. Musselman, preached the Conference sermon from 1 Tim. 4:6, his theme having been “A Good Minister of Jesus Christ.”
The sermon was a clear, definite and positive exposition of the call, duty and work of the Christian Ministry. It was a forceful and pungent presentation of the truths that bear weightily
upon the efficiency and success of the pastor. It was heart-searching and edifying, and will, undoubtedly, bear fruit to the glory of God, in the lives of the pastors, and through them, in the lives of the members in the various classes.
The afternoon services opened at 2 P.M. At 2:15 P.M., W.G. Gehman, Presiding Elder of the Mt. Carmel District, preached the Ordination sermon from 1 Tim. 6:11, his theme being “The Man of God.” This sermon was a real vivid portrayal of the call, character, qualifications and responsibility of the preacher of the Gospel. It was full of very practical and helpful principles, fraught with life and power.
The brethren M.W. Ettinger, of Stroudsburg, and G.F. Yost, of Mt. Carmel, Pa., were ordained to the Ministry following the sermon, amid the manifest glory of God and the demonstration of the Holy Ghost.
The evening service opened at 7 P.M. with an inspiring song service. C.H. Brunner, of Bethlehem. Pa., preached at 7:30 P.M. on “The Divine Program of the Ages.” from Acts 15:14-18.
This sermon was of a dispensational character, distinctly revealing the purpose of God concerning this age and the mission of the Church at the present time. It was inspiring, encouraging and uplifting and resulted in much light and blessing.
A mixed quartet and a female quartet, as well as a duet of the Reading Class, sang a number of encouraging, inspiring and spiritual selections which were heartily enjoyed and greeted with shouts of praise.
The attendance was large at every service, many having come from far and near. The impressions made were many and deep, and the presence of God was manifested in a gracious manner all day.
The services, we are certain, will not soon be forgotten, and have proved a rich and lasting blessing to the work in general. This Conference goes down in history as one of the best and most blessed we ever had.
E.N. Cassel,
W.S. Hottel,
W.J. Fretz,
Resolved, That each Pastor shall record the number of ”Children Dedicated” and his offerings for the Annual Conference Delegate, and other offerings on his schedule in the same order, and place as stated in the Report of the Statistical Secretary in the Journal.
Business being ended, Conference adjourned at 8:50 A.M. with prayer by the Chairman. H.B. Musselman. The signatures follow:
H.B. Musselman, Presiding Elder, Chairman.
W.G. Gehman, Presiding Elder.
C.H. Brunner, Secretary, Vice-Presiding Elder.
Allen M. Gehman, Treasurer.
E.N. Cassel, Vice-Presiding Elder.
H.A. Kauffman. Recording Secretary.
B. Bryan Musselman, Statistical Secretary.
J.F. Barrall, Financial Secretary.
W.J. Fretz,
J.C. Roth,
R.L. Woodring,
E.T. Shick,
J.G. Shireman,
V.H. Reinhart,
E.E. Kublic,
R. Bergstresser,
W.S. Hottel,
O.S. Hillegass,
M.W. Ettinger,
F.M. Hottel,
William Gehman,
W.W. Zimmerman,
S.S. Geil,
G.O. Billig,
H.K. Kratz,
A.A. Wismer,
H.L. Musselman,
Morris E. Stickler,
O.C. Kistler,
H.H. Bergey,
Alfred Deppe,
C.W. Teel,
Thomas Fehnel,
G.F. Yost,
A.A. Schaffer,
Herbert E. Gehman,
Maurice E. Brownback,
John G. Weiss,
C.E. Neff,
W.D. Evert,
G.K. Himmelreich,
William Schearer.