1970 Annual Conference Minutes




Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1970 Yearbook

            The 87th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church opened at 10:00 a.m. in the Chapel at Pinebrook on October 12, 1970.

            John H. Riggall, devotional leader, opened the devotional period by leading the conference in the singing of hymn, “Take Time to Be Holy.” T. D. Gehret read II Peter 3:1-14 and led in public prayer. The Pastors’ Quartet ministered by singing, “He was Wounded for our Transgressions.”

            Chairman, C. E. Kirkwood gave to the Conference a communion meditation based upon Revelation l:4-6 where in the “Credentials of Christ” were emphasized. A succinct comparison of the times of the Church today was compared with the times of the Church of the first century. He emphasized that in spite of all the powers and forces against the Church, Christ is still in control. The Credentials of Christ as delineated were:

            1.         The Faithful Witness

            2.         The First-Born from the dead

            3.         The King of all the rulers of the earth.

The hymn, “I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord” was sung.

            Norman W. Granda, John L. Deily, Robert W. Truett and Horace A. Kauffman assisted in the Lord’s Supper.

The service closed with the singing of the chorus, “Jesus Paid It All.”

            Secretary James A. Beil appointed Willard E. Cassel as Assistant Secretary and Robert W. Smock as Recording Secretary.

            The roll was called as follows:

            Church                                    Ordained Pastor                      Delegate

            Allentown (Bethel)                 Carl C. Cassel                         John L. Deily

            Allentown (Salem)                 Willard E. Cassel                    Dale L. Kemmerer

            Bethlehem                              Frank L. Herb, Jr.                   Myron H. Gehret

            Blandon                                  Donald T. Kirkwood              John I. Mengel

            Catasauqua                             Brian H. Butler                       Arthur Deppe

            Coopersburg                           LeRoy S. Heller                      Arthur Mack

            Denville, N. J.                                                                         George W. Harper

            Easton                                                                                     Leonard F. Kessler

            Emmaus                                  Harvey J. Fritz, Jr.                  Clifford L. Kauffman

            Ephrata                                   Robert W. Smock                   Robert W. Gehret

            Fleetwood                               George E. Herb                       Norman L. Reed

            Graterford                               David J. Watkins                    Edward A. Stortz

            Harleysville                            David E. Thomann                 H. Phares Mumbauer

            Harrisburg                              R. C. Reichenbach                  Walter A. Schlagel

            Hatfield                                   Ronald C. Mahurin                 Clyde W. Snyder

            Lancaster                                John Dunn                              Horace A. Kauffman

            Lebanon                                  Bruce A. Ellingson                 Ronald Ensminger

            Nazareth                                 James A. Beil                         Norman W. Granda

            Paradise                                  William A. Heffner                George J. Dippner

            Phila. (Calvary)                      Keith E. Plows                        Leon H. Naudasher

            Quakertown                            Donald R. Knauer                   John M. Stengele

            Reading                                  James G. Koch                       Robert Breitegam

            Royersford                              Robert F. Johnson                   William R. Hunsberger

            Shamokin                               W. W. Hartman                      T. Lamarn Manney

            Spring City                             Bert N. Brosius                       John F. Boyle

            Staten Island, N.Y.                 Daniel G. Ziegler                    Ralph D. Cole

            Sunbury                                  William W. Mull                    Clayton Brosius

            Terre Hill                                Leon K. Overpeck                  Robert L. Weaver

            Wallingford                            C. E. Kirkwood                      Robert W. Truett

            York                                       John H. Riggall                       Sterling Baer

            Zionsville                               E. W. Bean                             Bright N. Heist

            Belvidere, N.J.                        John H. Herb                          Philip T. Link

            Finesville, N. J.                       Harold C. Weaber                   H. Walter Stout, Jr.


            Allentown (Cedar Crest)        Robert E. Salzman      R. Paul Schaeffer

            Lehighton                               Arthur H. Frable         Ernest Bauer

            Maple Glen                             William M. Franklin   Byron C. Cassel

            Mount Carmel                        Carl K. Spackman      Roy E. Williams

            Phila. (Emmanuel)                  Paul G. Zimmerman   Ed. J. Dietzman

            Scranton                                 LeRoy C. Wilcox       Franklin Mead

            Sinking Spring                        Terris Byrd                 Richard Fisher

            Stroudsburg                            Mark T. Smith            Oscar Barry, Jr.

            Walnutport                             David L. Branning      Burton Deppe

ORDAINED MINISTERS – Jansen E. Hartman, A. L. Seifert

RETIRED MINISTERS – Paul E. Baer, T. D. Gehret, W. F. Heffner, F. B. Hertzog, E. J. Rutman, P. T. Stengele, N. H. Wolf.


ORDAINED MISSIONARIES – James Bigley, Robert Gordon, J. Barclay Harley, Roy Hertzog, Austin Shelly, Laird F. Stengele.

            The following were absent: Frank L. Herb, Jr., Harvey J. Fritz Jr., David J. Watkins, Paul E. Baer, W. F. Heffner, F. B. Hertzog, E. J. Rutman, N. H. Wolf, Reynold D. Gardner, Sr., W. B. Hottel, James Bigley*, Robert Gordon, J. Barclay Harley*, Roy Hertzog*, Laird F. Stengele*, Dale Kemmerer, Robert W. Gehret and Clayton Brosius.

(*Absent due to service on respective fields)

            Resolved, that Robert W. Gehret be excused and William I. Wagner Alternate Delegate from Ephrata, be seated in the bar.

            Resolved, that the excuses of the absent brethren be accepted and the brethren be seated when they arrive.

The new delegates were introduced to the Conference.

            Resolved, that the first 9 rows of seats constitute the Conference Bar.

            Resolved, that the requests from various brethren for absence from various sessions be granted.

            Resolved, that Robert L. Weaver be excused from the Thursday and Friday sessions and Alternate Delegate, Paul A. Weber be seated.

The following Committees were appointed:

            Committee on Finance: Byron C. Cassel, Roy E. Williams, Robert W. Truett, Sterling Baer.

            Committee on Communication: William A. Heffner, George E. Herb, William W. Mull, David L. Branning.

            Committee on Resolutions: R. C. Reichenbach, Ronald C. Mahurin, Bruce A. Ellingson, Leon H. Naudasher, William R. Hunsberger, Harvey J. Fritz, Jr.

            Committee on Auditing: Horace A. Kauffman, John I. Mengel, Robert Breitegam, H. Phares Mumbauer, Clifford L. Kauffman, Ralph D. Cole, Bright N. Heist, Edward J. Stortz, PauI G. Zimmerman, Norman W. Granda.

Timekeeper: Harold C. Weaber

            Reporter: John H. Herb

            Committee on Examination of Local Conference Minutes: E. W. Bean, W. W. Hartman, Robert E. Salzman, Paul Schaeffer, Myron H. Gehret, Arthur W. Deppe, Brian H. Butler, Arthur Mack, George W. Harper, Leonard F. Kessler, Carl K. Spackman, Clyde W. Snyder, Ronald Ensminger, Ernest Bauer, Arthur H. Frable, William M. Franklin, George J. Dippner, Edward J. Dietzman, John M. Stengele, Franklin Mead, T. Lamarn Manney, Richard Fisher, Terris Byrd, John F. Boyles, Oscar Barry, Clayton Brosius, Robert Weaver, Burton Deppe, H. Walter Stout, Jr., Philip T. Link, William I. Wagner.

            Tellers: Jansen E. Hartman, Robert F. Johnson, Donald R. Knauer, Keith E. Plows, Norman L. Reed, Walter Schlagel.

Resolved, that we approve the above appointments.

            T. D. Gehret introduced Leonard Buck, Austin Shelly and Walter H. Frank. They briefly addressed the Conference.

Resolved, that the agenda be accepted and an honest endeavor be made to follow it.

            Resolved, that we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 3:00 p.m.

Adjourned at 11:35 a.m. with prayer by E. W. Bean.

Second Meeting

Monday Afternoon, October 12, 1970

            The meeting was opened with the singing of, “He Hideth My Soul”, and Bright N. Heist led in prayer.


The report was accepted.


The report was accepted.


The report was accepted.

            Resolved, that every Bible Fellowship Sunday School make a contribution for denominational Sunday School promotion. This contribution should be mailed to the Financial Secretary of the Committee before April 1, 1971.

            Resolved, that the Sunday School Promotion Committee and the Youth Fellowship General Committee be dissolved as of the 88th Annual Conference and further,

            Resolved, that Annual Conference elect a Board of Christian Education composed of six ministers and six laymen to oversee the work of Christian Education throughout the Bible Fellowship Churches. The twelve members of this Board of Christian Education shall be comprised of three classes of two ministers and two laymen, respectively, each class to be elected annually in turn for a term of three years. (To initiate the proposed, two ministers and two laymen shall be elected for a three-year term, two ministers and two laymen shall be elected for a two-year term, and two ministers and two laymen shall be elected for a one-year term.).

Duties of the Board of Christian Education shall be:

            1. It shall provide guidance to the local church in carrying out the Christian Education Program.

            2. It shall provide helpful regional and denominational programs for any or all aspects of the work of Christian Education.

            3. It shall receive funds designated by the Annual Conference and disburse them for the needs of its work.

            4. It shall submit a written report to Annual Conference.

            The above legislation was adopted for first reading.


            The report was accepted.


The report was accepted.

            Resolved, that the following men to recognized in their respective stage of development.


David L. Branning, Walnutport, Pa.

Leonard Buck, Republic of South Africa

Terris Byrd, Sinking Spring, Pa.

Arthur H. Frable, Lehighton, Pa.

William M. Franklin, Maple Glen, Pa.

Richard Gehman, Kenya, East Africa

Robert Minnig, Staten Island, N. Y.

Robert Salzman, Cedar Crest, Allentown, Pa.

Ted Shelling, Baltimore, Maryland

Mark T. Smith, Stroudsburg, Pa.

Carl K. Spackman, Mt. Carmel, Pa.

LeRoy C. Wilcox, Scranton, Pa.

Paul G. Zimmerman, Philadelphia, Pa.


William H. Duane, Boonton, N.J.

David L. Manney, Ecuador

Thomas Phillips, Westmont, N.J.


Timothy Baker, York, Pa.

William Bartron, Monroe, N. Y.

Douglas Bowne, Staten Island, N. Y.

Frank E. Chivalette, Northumberland, Pa.

Frank J. DeJuana, Staten Island, N.Y.

Thomas E. Heimer, Nazareth, Pa.

John Harley, Stroudsburg, Pa.

Charles Kramer, Spring City, Pa.

Rodney Long, Elysburg, Pa.

John Pennington, Wallingford, Pa.

Roger Reitz, Shamokin, Pa.

Jonathan Reynolds, Zionsville, Pa.

Keith Stickler, Bethlehem, Pa.

Richard Taylor, Graterford, Pa.

David A. Thomann, Harleysville, Pa.

Dana Weller, Aristes, Pa.


The report was accepted.

            Resolved, that the month of January be designated as subscription month and each pastor be urged to encourage subscriptions among the families of his congregation.

            Resolved, that donations be given from the following boards and committees:

            Board of Foreign Missions                                         50.00

            Board of Church Extension                                        50.00

            Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College        50.00

            Sunday School Promotion Committee                       50.00

            Committee on Publication and Printing                     800.00

            Checks should be made payable to FELLOWSHIP NEWS and sent to the Treasurer no later than February 1, 1971.

            Resolved, that the cost of FELLOWSHIP NEWS subscription be increased to $2.25 due to the increase of the cost of printing and increase in postage rates. Student subscriptions to remain at $1.25.

            Oral reports were presented by the Editor of FELLOWSHIP NEWS, Robert W. Smock, and the Business Manager of FELLOWSHIP NEWS, R. C. Reichenbach.

            Resolved, that the Youth Fellowship of each Bible Fellowship Church submit an offering for the work of the Youth Fellowship General Committee and that this offering be payable to the Treasurer of the Youth Fellowship General Committee at the Adjourned Session of this Conference.

            Resolved, that we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 6:30 P. M.

            Adjourned at 4:40 p. m. with prayer by Harold C. Weaber.

Third Meeting

Monday Evening, October 12, 1970

            The meeting was opened with the singing of the hymn, “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name” and Sterling Baer led in prayer.

            The minutes of the morning session were read and approved as read.

The following were elected:

COMMITTEE ON MINISTERIAL CANDIDATES: James A. Beil, Carl C. Cassel, Robert F. Johnson, David E. Thomann, David J. Watkins.


            The report was accepted.

            Whereas, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended that Leonard E. Buck and David L. Branning be ordained to the Christian Ministry, and

            Whereas, Leonard E. Buck has served as a Foreign Missionary in South Africa since 1958 and is recommended for ordination by the Board of Foreign Missions, and

            Whereas, David L. Branning has served the Walnutport Church under the care of the Church Extension Department since 1966 and is recommended for ordination by the Board of Church Extension, and

            Whereas, the Credentials Committee, after an examination of these men, believes they are called of God to the Gospel Ministry and that they are in accord with the FAITH AND ORDER of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore,

            Resolved, that Leonard E. Buck and David L. Branning be ordained at a service to be held on Thursday, November 19, 1970, at the Coopersburg Bible Fellowship Church. This service shall be in charge of the Credentials Committee and shall begin at 8:00 P. M.

            Whereas, M. Leslie Campbell and Paul B. Kuder have resigned from active ministry in the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore,

            Resolved, that we accept their resignations and drop their names from our roll of ministers and pray that they may have divine direction in their future service to God.

            Whereas, Raymond R. Dotts, in view of his present ministry at Covenant College, has requested that his status be changed from “Ordained Minister On Leave of Absence” to “Ordained Minister Working with Other Organizations”, therefore,

            Resolved, that his request be granted.

            Resolved, that each pastor, shortly after the annual election of the Conference Delegate, shall inform the Secretary of the Annual Conference of the results of that election.

            The following members of the faculty of Pinebrook Junior College were introduced to the Conference: John Brueckmann, Mr. and Mrs. William Forlow.

The following were elected:

            CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE: Willard E. Cassel, Frank L. Herb, Jr., James G. Koch, Keith E. Plows, John H. Riggall.


            The report was accepted.


The report was accepted.


The report was accepted.


The report was accepted.

            Resolved, that the reading of Page H, 1969 Year Book Paragraph Fifth, “seventy years” shall be changed to read “sixty-five” (First Reading)


            The report was accepted.

            Resolved, that we encourage our churches to support Pinebrook Junior College at a level of 4 % of their Annual Offerings and that this support be remitted to the College in 12 monthly payments.

Resolved, that we adjourn.

            Adjourned at 9: 00 p.m. with prayer by Bert N. Brosius.

Fourth Meeting

Tuesday Morning, October 13, 1970

            The devotional time was conducted by Walter A. Schlagel, H. Phares Mumbauer and Walter H. Frank.

The minutes of the Monday afternoon and evening meetings were approved as corrected.

The following were elected:

BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH (Ministers): Carl C. Cassel, Jansen E. Hartman, James G. Koch, John H. Riggall, A. L. Seifert.


The report was accepted.


The report was accepted.

            Resolved, that the cost of Year Books be paid when ordered beginning with the 1971 Year Book.

Recessed at 10:18 a. m.

Reconvened at 10:38 a. m.


The report was accepted.

            Resolved, that all Church Extension funds be forwarded quarterly to the Secretary of the Board.

            Resolved, that the Church Extension Proposed Budget, October 1, 1971-September 30, 1972 be adopted as follows:


            Balance Brought Forward 10/1/71                                         $ 2,300.00

            Offerings                                50,000.00

            Rents                                       1,500.00

            Interest                                     800.00

            Tent Rental                              50.00                                 52,350.00

                                                Total Receipts                                    $54,650.00



                        Existing Churches       7,000.00

                        Existing Missions       21,000.00

                        Summer Internship      4,000.00

                        Assistant Pastors          7,500.00

                        Contingency                2,000.00                                $41,500.00


                        Director                       2,800.00

                        Director’s Mileage       1,500.00

                        Director’s Parsonage

                                    Maintenance    500.00

                        Director’s Operating

                                    Account           1,500.00

                        Taxes                           400.00

                        Board Expenses           500.00                                 7,200.00


                        Contingency                600.00                                 600.00

            Total Expenditures                                                                 $49,300.00

            Balance in Treasury (9/30/72)                                                $ 5,350.00


The report was accepted.

            Resolved, that each church make a contribution to the Bible Fellowship Church Home. The anticipated budget of the Home indicates a need for contributions of at least $7,800 by the churches. Checks shall be made payable to the BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH HOME and submitted by April 1, 1971.


            The report was accepted.

            Resolved, that each church make a contribution to Victory Valley Camp. The camp budget for 1970-1971 indicates a need for church contributions of about $5,000. The fair share for each church would be approximately l % of its total offerings. Checks should be made payable to Victory Valley Camp and sent to the secretary of the Board before March 1, 1971.

Resolved, that we adjourn.

            Adjourned at 12:00 noon with prayer by Carl K. Spackman.

Fifth Meeting

Tuesday Afternoon, October 13, 1970

            The meeting opened with the singing of “Isn’t He Wonderful?” and prayer by Oscar Barry.

            Barry Traver and Robert Clausen, Faculty Members of Pinebrook Junior College, were introduced by David J. Watkins.

            Thomas Phillips and Frank E. Chivalette, ministerial candidates to enter into the new Church Extension project, were introduced by Daniel G. Ziegler.

            Robert Gordon, Missionary to Venezuela and Colombia, was introduced by T. D. Gehret.

The minutes were read and approved as read.

            F. B. Hertzog, Superintendent of the Bible Fellowship Church Home, addressed the Conference.

The following were elected:

BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH (Laymen): Harry Bailey, Byron C. Cassel, James R. Cressman, Horace A. Kauffman.


The report was accepted.

            Resolved, that by the rule of exception the Board of Foreign Missions elect a Treasurer from among their number.

The reasons for this request are as follows:

            1.         To better facilitate the receipts and expenditures of the funds for Foreign Missions.

            2.         Improve financial transactions under the direction of members within the Board.

            3.         Closer communication concerning finances within the Board for the benefit of our missionaries on the field.

The following was elected:

TREASURER: Byron C. Cassel


The report was accepted.

            Whereas the Historical Committee has requested the Pinebrook Service Board for a heated lockable room in which to store our denominational historical records, therefore,

            Resolved, that this be referred to the Historical Committee and to the Pinebrook Service Board for mutual resolution.

            Resolved, that we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 6:30 p.m.

            Adjourned at 3:40 p. m. with prayer by Bruce A. Ellingson.

Sixth Meeting

Tuesday Evening, October 13, 1970

            The meeting was opened with the singing of the hymn, “What A Friend We Have in Jesus” and prayer by Arthur H. Frable.

The minutes were approved as read.

The following were elected:

BOARD OF CHURCH EXTENSION (Ministers): Bert N. Brosius, Robert F. Johnson.


            Resolved, that we accept the report of the Combined Committees to Study Pulpit Supply and that we discuss both proposals with a view to deciding which proposal shall be voted upon first.

Resolved, that we consider Pulpit Supply Proposal #1

Resolved, that we adjourn.

Adjourned at 8:58 p. m. with prayer by W. W. Hartman.

Seventh Meeting

Wednesday Morning, October 14, 1970

            The devotional time was conducted by Byron C. Cassel, Myron H. Gehret and William R. Hunsberger.

            A report concerning the physical welfare of W. B. Hottel, Minister on Leave of Absence, was given. T. D. Gehret led in prayer in the behalf of Brother Hottel and his family.

The minutes were approved as read.

The following were elected:




The report was accepted.

Petition from Sinking Spring

            Resolved, that we, the Congregation of the Calvary Bible Fellowship Church, Sinking Spring, Pa., hereby petition the 87th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church meeting at Pinebrook, Stroudsburg, Pa. , on October 12, 1970, that this church be recognized as a station, self – supporting, with all the rights and privileges thereof.

            Resolved, that we the Calvary Bible Fellowship Church of Sinking Spring, sincerely express our gratitude to our sister churches in the Bible Fellowship Church for their faithful stewardship to God’s work in Sinking Spring.

            Resolved, that we, the congregation of the Calvary Bible Fellowship Church in Sinking Spring thank and praise God for His faithfulness in raising up this church to bring honor and glory to His name.

            Resolved, that the Petition from Sinking Spring be granted and their Delegate be seated in the Stationing Committee.

            Resolved, that the Committee on Credentials and the Delegates of all Stations shall constitute the Stationing Committee.

            Whereas, we have received a communication from Bethany Church, Hatfield, relative to the amount paid for Conference mileage, and,

            Whereas, the Conference mileage rate has not changed for fourteen years, and,

            Whereas, traveling costs have risen to exceed our present mileage rates, therefore be it

            Resolved, that traveling expenses for Official Conference business be twelve cents (12 c) per mile, effective October 1, 1971. (First Reading)

            Resolved, that we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 3:00 P. M.

            Adjourned at 10:35 a. m. with prayer by T. Lamarn Manney.

Eighth Meeting

Wednesday Afternoon, October 14, 1970

            The meeting was opened with the singing of, “Jesus is All the World to Me” and Robert L. Weaver led in prayer.

The following were elected:

BOARD OF FOREIGN MISSIONS: Brian H. Butler, John Dunn, R. C. Reichenbach, David E. Thomann, Robert Breitegam, James R. Cressman, Kermit K. Gehman, Roy E. Williams.

            Resolved, that all Foreign Mission Funds be forwarded quarterly to the General Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions. The consideration of the Pulpit Supply proposal I was resumed.

            The following were elected:

BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF PINEBROOK JUNIOR COLLEGE: (Ministers for 3 years): Harvey J. Fritz, Jr. , Donald R. Knauer, Keith Plows.

Resolved, that we adjourn.

            Adjourned at 5: 00 p.m. with prayer by George E. Herb.

Ninth Meeting

Thursday Morning, October 15, 1970

            The devotional time was conducted by Roy E. Williams, Norman L. Reed and Robert Breitegam.

The minutes of the Wednesday morning meeting were approved as corrected.

            The minutes of the Wednesday afternoon meeting were read and approved as read.

The following were elected:

BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF PINEBROOK JUNIOR COLLEGE: (2 years) William W. Mull (3 years) Barry Kauffman, John M. Stengele.

Recessed at 10:25 a.m.

Reconvened at 10:50 a.m.

            W. B. Hottel addressed the Conference.


The report was accepted.

            The budget of Pinebrook Junior College was presented and discussed.

            Resolved, that we authorize the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College to borrow up to $20,000 for operating expenses. (Yes 42 – No 13)

Resolved, that we extend the time.

            Resolved, that we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 2:00 P.M.

            Adjourned at 12:07 p.m. with prayer by Leon K. Overpeck.

Tenth Meeting

Thursday Afternoon, October 15, 1970

            The meeting was opened with the singing of “What a Wonderful Saviour” and Franklin Mead led in prayer.

            The minutes of the Thursday morning meeting were approved as corrected.

The following were elected:


            Resolved, that the Treasury balance of the Youth Fellowship General Committee and the balance of the Treasury of the Sunday School Promotion Committee be turned over to the Board of Christian Education. (First Reading)

The following were elected:




The report was accepted.


The report was accepted.


The report was accepted.

            Resolved, that all monies which are due to conference boards and committees be forwarded to them prior to August 31 of the year in which they are to be reported.

Missionary Edward Moyer addressed the Conference.

            Ministerial Candidate William Duane addressed the Conference.

            The consideration of the Pulpit-Supply-proposal I was resumed.

            Mr. Norman Fox addressed the Conference.

            Resolved, that we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 7:00 p.m.

Adjourned at 5:00 p.m. with prayer by LeRoy C. Wilcox.

Eleventh Meeting

Thursday Evening, October 15, 1970

            The meeting was opened with the singing of a medley of choruses and John H. Herb led in prayer.

The Committee on Resolutions submitted the following:

            Whereas, we the members of the 87th Annual Conference have for eight years experienced the faithful ministry of our Conference Superintendent, A. L. Seifert, and,

            Whereas, he has this past year served in the additional capacity as Pinebrook Bible Conference Director, therefore,

            Resolved, that we thank God for His providential care of our brother and, further

            Resolved, that we express our appreciation to A. L. Seifert for his ministry and pledge him our prayer support in his future ministry.

            Whereas, we the members of the 87th Annual Conference have benefitted from the able leadership of our distinguished Chairman, therefore

            Resolved, that we express our appreciation to C. E. Kirkwood for the expeditious way in which he chaired this Conference.

            Whereas, Jansen E. Hartman and Ruth Hartman have given twenty years of their lives in the ministry of Berean Bible School and Pinebrook Junior College, therefore

            Resolved, that we thank our God for their unusual dedication and pray God’s special blessing upon them in their future ministry.

            Whereas, David J. Watkins has been used of the Lord in such a remarkable way as Interim President of Pinebrook Junior College, therefore

            Resolved, that we express to God our grateful praise for his leadership and pledge him our faithful prayer support.

            Whereas, Daniel G. Ziegler has exhibited such a spirit of enthusiasm and vision as Interim Director of the Church Extension Department, therefore

            Resolved, that we praise our God for his missionary zeal, extend to him our deepest appreciation and pledge to him our continued prayerful support.

            Whereas, God has given to the Board of Church Extension the vision to begin three new churches in New Jersey and has faithfully provided the manpower and financial resources this program demands, therefore

            Resolved, that we praise God for this evidence of blessing upon our denomination and, further

            Resolved, that we pray God’s blessing for the success of this endeavor to the glory of Christ and the on going of His Church.

            Whereas, the Ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church have served the Lord with gladness and have sought under God to minister to the hearts of their people, therefore

            Resolved, that we thank God for calling, enabling and empowering these brethren for the work of the ministry.

            Whereas, Byron C. Cassel has graciously and conscientiously carried out with diligence and care his responsibilities as Treasurer of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore

            Resolved, that we extend to him our heartfelt thanks for this ministry, and, further

            Resolved, that a gift of $75.00 be given to him from the Committee on Publication and Printing as a token of our appreciation for his service to His Lord.

            Whereas, the 87th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church has been graciously entertained by the Pinebrook Service Board, assisted by the staff of Pinebrook Junior College and a group of Pastor’s wives, therefore

            Resolved, that we hereby express our gratitude for their provision by a rising vote of thanks at the noon meal on Friday, October 16, 1970.

            Whereas, James A. Beil has served faithfully as Secretary of Annual Conference ably assisted by Willard E. Cassel, Assistant Secretary, and Robert W. Smock, Recording Secretary, therefore

            Resolved, that each of these brethren be commended for their fine work and be given a token gift of $25.00 each from the Committee on Publication and Printing.

            Whereas, the Calvary Bible Fellowship Church of Sinking Spring, Pa., has petitioned the 87th Annual Conference to be recognized as a self-supporting church, and this petition has been granted, therefore

            Resolved, that we praise God for the evidence of His blessing upon this church in leading it to this step of faith.

            Whereas, Missionaries Leonard E. Buck, Robert F. Gordon, Edward Moyer, Austin G. Shelly and Walter H. Frank, General Director, Greater Europe Mission, attended and briefly addressed this Annual Conference, therefore

            Resolved, that we praise God for separating such men unto His service and assure them of our interest and prayers relative to their ministries.

            Whereas, Retired Minister, P. T. Stengele and Ordained Minister on Leave of Absence W. B. Hottel were able to share in sessions of this conference, therefore

            Resolved, that we express our gratitude to the Lord for their faithful years of ministry and continued interest in the Bible Fellowship Church.

            Whereas, T. D. Gehret has attended this Annual Conference and has diligently served as General Secretary of the Board of Missions, and

            Whereas, F. B. Hertzog has attended this Annual Conference and has served commendably as Administrator of the Bible Fellowship Church Home, therefore

            Resolved, that we pray God’s continued blessing upon their lives.

            Whereas, Robert W Smock and R. C. Reichenbach have served faithfully as Editor and Business Manager of FELLOWSHIP NEWS, the official publication of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it

            Resolved, that we express our appreciation for their diligent labor to keep the subscribers informed by means of this medium.

            Whereas, the wife of deceased Minister, E. E. Kublic, Mrs. Clara Kublic, passed away during this year, therefore be it

            Resolved, that we thank God for her commitment to the Lord and pledge our prayers for her family.

            Resolved, that the Archivist be appointed by the Chairman of Annual Conference and that this term of office be indefinite.

            Resolved, that the reports of the President of Pinebrook Junior College, the General Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions, the Director of Church Extension and the Director of Pinebrook Bible Conference be in the hands of the individual assigned to type copy for the Yearbook no later than October 1 of each year. These reports shall be distributed to members of Annual Conference.

            Resolved, that the former responsibilities of the District Superintendent in Pulpit Supply shall be the responsibility of the Credentials Committee. The Pastoral Poll Card and the tally of the poll shall remain in the possession of the Delegate and be destroyed by him after Annual Conference.

            Resolved, that the Adjourned Session of the 87th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church convene at the Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church, 3100 Hecktown Road, Bethlehem, Pa. , Saturday, April 3, 1971 at 9:00 a.m..

            Resolved, that the 88th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church convene at Pinebrook, Stroudsburg, Pa., October 11, 1971 at 10:00 a.m.

(R. C. Reichenbach, Chairman; Ronald C. Mahurin, Secretary; Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Bruce A. Ellingson, William R. Hunsberger, Leon H. Naudasher, Committee).

The following were elected:

BOARD OF VICTORY VALLEY: Carl C. Casse1, Ronald Mahurin, Donald R. Knauer, John H. Herb, Harry Bailey, Bright N. Heist, Paul I. Wentz, Jr.

            The following Pulpit Supply System was adopted as a substitute for the existing pulpit supply rules in FAITH & ORDER (mimeo) pp. 8-R-10. (FIRST READING) (Yes: 63, No: 16; Abstain 2)

            The ideal condition in a conference is that of a satisfactory and stable pastoral relation in each church within its jurisdiction. To work to that ideal it is important that a conference have a proper concern for and relationship with the churches which are without pastors.


1.Ministerial Relations Committee. The care of churches without Pastors shall be assigned to the Ministerial Relations Committee.

2.Over sight. The Ministerial Relations Committee shall exercise oversight of churches without pastors in the following ways:

a.Should a church lose its pastor, the Senior Annual Conference Delegate shall serve as Moderator of the Official Board.

b.By consulting with the Official Board regarding Temporary Supplies, the Official Board shall meet with the Committee and with its aid and advice secure temporary supplies for its pulpit when it becomes vacant.

c.By advising with the Official Board regarding Stated Supplies. On recommendations of the Ministerial Relations Committee Annual Conference may establish stated supplies. The Committee may arrange for the transfer of stated supplies within the Conference when it seems to be for the best interests of the minister, the church, or the Conference as a whole. In the area of stated supplies, the Ministerial Relations Committee shall at all times work in consultation with the Ministerial Candidate Committee and with the Credentials Committee.

d.By advising churches regarding the calling of a pastor. The Ministerial Relations Committee shall meet and consult with the Official Board of every church that is without a pastor. It shall advise the Official Board regarding the suitability of any person whose name is to be put before the congregation, and shall have the privilege of nominating suitable persons for the Board’s consideration. The Annual Conference shall permit a call to be placed in the hands of a minister only when the Official Board of the church has thus consulted the Ministerial Relations Committee and obtained its approval before the name is presented to the congregation.

e.By conferring with the Board of Church Extension and the Official Board of any church receiving aid in the support of its pastor through the Church Extension Fund before recommending or approving the settlement of a pastor or stated supply in such a church.

3.Duty of a Particular Church without a Pastor.

a.Every church should be under the pastoral oversight of a minister, and when its pulpit is vacant, shall promptly proceed to elect a pastor in the following manner: The Official Board shall call a congregational meeting to convene at the regular place of worship to elect a nominating committee representative of the whole congregation, whose duty it shall be to nominate a minister to the congregation for election as pastor. Public notice of the time, place, and purpose of the meeting must be given at not less than three prior regularly scheduled meetings.

The church may elect a nominating committee only after its pulpit has become vacant or after the Ministerial Relations Committee has set a definite future date when the pulpit of the church is to be declared vacant. But the nominating committee shall be free, without the influence of the retiring pastor to carry out the desires of the congregation with reference to the call of a successor pastor.

b.Conference with Ministerial Relations Committee. The nominating committee shall confer with the Ministerial Relations Committee as provided in Section A, paragraph 2.

c.If it appear desirable, the nominating committee may confer with eligible men prior to issuing a formal call so that the parties may become acquainted with the particular needs of the church and proposed methods, opportunities, or obligations.

d.Who is eligible for a call? The Credentials Committee shall issue an annual list of men who are eligible to work as pastors of a Bible Fellowship Church, and this list is to be published in the Year Book and made a part of the proceedings of Annual Conference. Should changes occur in this list while Conference is adjourned, the Secretary of the Credentials Committee shall mail a revised list of such men to all delegates who were members of the last Annual Conference or who may be delegate select to the next Annual Conference.

e.The Congregational Meeting. When the nominating committee is ready to report, it shall notify the Official Board, which shall call a congregational meeting at the regular place of worship for the purpose of acting on the report of the nominating committee. Public notice of the time, place and purpose of the meeting shall be given at not less than three prior regularly scheduled meetings.

f.The Congregation’s Responsibility in the Election of a Pastor. The order of business for the congregational meeting is as follows:

1.The Senior Delegate to Annual Conference shall preside, or he may appoint a member of the Ministerial Relations Committee to do so.

2.The Secretary of the Official Board shall act as secretary of the meeting.

3.Prayer for divine guidance shall be made.

4.Statement shall be made concerning those entitled to vote. All members, having attained the age of sixteen years, attending the meeting, but no others, are entitled to vote.

5. The report of the nominating committee shall be made.

6.The question shall be put: “Are you ready to proceed to the election of a pastor?” The question shall be answered by a motion, duly seconded, and approved by a majority of those voting.

7.If they declare themselves ready, the moderator shall declare the name submitted by the nominating committee to be in nomination.

8.The vote shall be taken by written ballot. In every case a majority of the voters present and voting shall be required to elect.

9.On the election of a pastor, if it appear that a large minority is averse to the candidate who has received a majority of votes, and the minority cannot be induced to concur in the call, the moderator shall endeavor to dissuade the majority from prosecuting it further. If the electors be nearly or quite unanimous if the majority shall insist upon its right to call a pastor, the moderator shall proceed to draw a call in due form. It shall be subscribed by them, certifying at the same time in writing the number of those who do not concur in the call, and any facts of importance all of which proceedings shall be laid before the Ministerial Relations Committee, together with the call.

10. The call shall be in the following form, namely:


            “The Bible Fellowship Church of being on sufficient grounds, well satisfied of the ministerial qualifications of you,  , and having good hopes from our knowledge of you, that your ministrations in the gospel will be profitable to our spiritual interests, do earnestly call and desire you to undertake the office of pastor in said congregation, promising you in the discharge of your duties, all proper support, encouragement, and obedience in the Lord.

            “And that you may be free from worldly care and avocations, we, on our part, promise and oblige ourselves to pay you the sum of $ yearly in regular payments during the time of your being and continuing as the pastor of this church, together with free use of the parsonage and vacation each year.

            “And we agree to pay or continue to pay semi-annually into the Ministers’ Retirement Fund that requisite percent of said salary which Annual Conference may require you to pay into said fund.

            “And we agree to pay or continue to pay annually a sum equivalent to that self-employment tax as may be levied upon you by the Congress of the United States under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act.

            “And we agree to pay, or continue to pay, for the Health and Welfare benefits offered by Annual Conference.

            “And we promise and oblige ourselves to review with you the adequacy of this compensation annually.

            “In testimony whereof we have respectively subscribed our names this day of A. D. .


            “I, having moderated the congregational meeting which extended a call to for his ministerial services, do certify that the call has been made in all respects according to the rules laid down by the Faith and Order, and that the persons who sign the foregoing call were authorized to do so by vote of the congregation.


Moderator of Meeting.

11.The signatures on the call shall be either all those present subscribing to the call: or (upon resolution of the congregation) those members of the Official Board who subscribe to the call. Such a resolution must be publicly voted and must be certified to the Ministerial Relations Committee by the moderator of the meeting.

12.The Annual Conference Delegate(s) shall present and prosecute the call before the Ministerial Relations Committee.

4.Duty of Minister

a. Ministers receiving calls shall reply within three weeks.

b. If it appear desirable, after he has received a call, the minister may confer with the nominating committee so the parties may become acquainted with the particular needs of the church and with proposed methods, opportunities, or obligations.

5. Action of Annual Conference on the Call of the Pastor.

a. Preliminary actions by the Ministerial Relations Committee.

1. The Nominating Committee shall confer with the Ministerial Relations Committee as provided in Section A, paragraph 3 b.

2.  The Ministerial Relations Committee must approve the name of the candidate before it is presented to the congregation.

3.Every call must be placed in the hands of the Ministerial Relations Committee by the moderator of the congregational meeting and the Annual Conference Delegate(s). The Ministerial Relations Committee must find that the Nominating Committee had followed the required steps as provided in the Faith and Order.

b.When the call of the congregation is unanimous, or nearly so, the Ministerial Relations Committee may approve the call. If it is unable to approve the call, the Committee must submit the entire matter to Annual Conference at its next session, together with its recommendations. The delegates to Annual Conference shall prosecute the call before the Annual Conference.

c.When a call is approved, the Annual Conference Delegate(s) shall place it in the hands of the minister called.

d.The minister called shall respond in writing within three weeks after having received the call.


1.Ministerial Relations Committee. On the denominational level the Ministerial Relations Committee is charged with the chief responsibility in maintaining good pastoral relations. It shall be established and elected in order that the spiritual and temporal welfare of the ministers and congregations of the Bible Fellowship Church may be properly sustained. The election of this committee shall take precedence over all other Annual Conference Boards, Committees, and appointments. Unless Annual Conference otherwise provides, the Committee shall elect its own chairman and vice-chairman who shall serve until their successors have been elected.

To the Ministerial Relations Committee Annual Conference shall assign the supervision of its churches without pastors. Direct access to this Committee shall be available at all times to all ministers in the Conference, and to all members of Official Boards, in matters relative to the spiritual and temporal welfare of the churches in which they severally hold office.

2. Consultation and Advice.

a.Because the relationship between pastor and congregation began under mutual agreement and at the direction of Christ, the Head of the Church, the parties of this relationship bear the chief responsibility for its proper maintenance through Christ’s enabling. Help of the Ministerial Relations Committee shall be sought only when internal discussion of problems results in no mutually acceptable solution.

b. When external help is needed, the Ministerial Relations Committee shall represent Annual Conference in providing such help.

3. Composition and Election of the Ministerial Relations Committee.

a. The Committee shall be elected by Annual Conference.

b.The Committee shall be composed of four ministers who are serving as pastors and three laymen who are elders.

c.The te r m of office shall be for three years; no one is eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms.

d.At the beginning members shall be in three classes, serving terms of one, two and three years.

e.Four members shall continue a quorum. This Committee may, from its membership, establish such sub-committees as may meet its working requirements.

f.When a member of the Ministerial Relations Committee become personally involved in a ministerial problem, he shall disqualify himself from acting in such cases.

g.Direct access to this Committee shall be available to all ministers and to all members of the Official Board at all times. In corresponding with the Committee, letters shall be addressed to the Committee’s secretary.

4.Duties of the Ministerial Relations Committee

a.The Committee’s role is that of consultation and advice; and, except in unusual circumstances, it is permitted to act only when matters are brought to its attention. To compel attention referrals must be by:

1. Pastors of the conference, regarding matters pertaining to their own churches.

2. Members of Official Boards regarding matters pertaining to their own church.

b. When difficulties within a particular church are not too widely known, the Committee with the Pastoral Relations Committee of the congregation shall seek a solution to the problem.

c. If the matter has reached the stage of widespread rumor or general knowledge within the congregation and even in the community, a formal and public visit is in order. Except in cases of emergency, arrangements for such visits of a particular church shall be made by contacting the Secretary of the Official Board.

d.It is mandatory that a church or pastor having problems consult with the Ministerial Relations Committee before initiating any action leading to a dissolution of the pastoral relationship.

e.The first consideration of the Ministerial Relations Committee is the maintenance of a happy relationship between pastor and people. If problems arise, the Committee’s duty is to work toward resolving the difficulties. Only after every effort to resolve a problem is exhausted, will thought be given to terminating the pastoral relationship.

f.When this Committee cannot resolve a problem submitted to it, the problem shall be brought to Annual Conference for final solution, with the recommendations of the Committee.

g.It shall submit a report to each Annual Conference and make recommendations as to the minimum minister’s salary.

5.Minister’s Salary. The call of minister is a covenant between him and the church he serves and involves the following responsibilities:

a.It shall provide a basic salary. In addition, it shall include provision of a parsonage, including payment as an expense paid out of church income, of the cost of heat, light, telephone, and all other utilities.

b.Each congregation is bound by the requirement: We promise and oblige ourselves to review with you the adequacy of this compensation annually.

c.Whatever the amount of the annual payment of salary, each congregation agrees to pay or to continue to pay into the Ministers’ Retirement Fund that requisite per cent of said salary which may be fixed by Annual Conference for the participation of the pastor in the Ministers’ Retirement Fund.

d.Whatever the amount of the annual payment of salary, each congregation agrees to pay or to continue to pay annually a sum equivalent to that self -employment tax as may be levied upon the pastor by the Congress of the United States under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act.

e.Whatever the amount of the annual payment of salary, each congregation agrees to pay or to continue to pay for the Health and Welfare benefits as offered by Annual Conference.

f.The Ministerial Relations Committee shall approve the call and its details; i.e. the covenant. It shall establish the time the covenant goes into effect. It shall report annually to Annual Conference on the adequacy of the compensation of each of the pastors. It shall fix the date of the dissolution of the pastorate, at which time the covenant ends.


            Except as Annual Conference may delegate authority to the Ministerial Relations Committee, its approval is necessary to the formation of the pastoral relations and to its dissolution. This authority may be exercised on the petition of the pastor, or on the judgment of Annual Conference without petition. Action taken on “resignation of the pastor or petition of the people” is the normal form of such dissolution. Rules covering the normal process are 1 through 4 of this section. Action taken on the “judgment of Annual Conference, without petition” is effected by administrative discipline as covered by Paragraph 5 in this section.

1.The Normal Process. If a minister desires to resign from is pastorate, he shall submit his resignation to the church by sending a letter to the Secretary of the Official Board, and he shall at the same time submit a copy of said letter to the Chairman of the Ministerial Relations Committee.

a.The Ministerial Relations Committee shall cite the church to appear by members of the Official Board, or the church may so appear upon its own motion, to show cause, if it has any, why Annual Conference should not accept the resignation. If the church shall fail to appear, or if its reasons for retaining its pastor be deemed insufficient, his resignation may be accepted. The Ministerial Relations Committee may approve the resignation and set its effective date. If the Committee is unable to approve the resignation, it must refer the problem to Annual Conference with recommendations.

b.Ordinarily such action presents no difficulties. The usual practice is for the Official Board to call a congregational meeting, in accordance with our rules, to vote concurrence with the minister’s resignation. The presentation of the resignation of the pastoral charge by the minister and the concurrence of the congregation leads to the action of Annual Conference dissolving the pastoral relations, and a fixing of the effective date.

2. Churches Desiring Dissolution of Pastorate.

a.If a church desires a dissolution of the pastoral relation, a similar procedure shall be observed. The title of this paragraph implies that problems exist between pastor and people. It is required then, that all procedures set forth in Section B, for maintaining the pastoral relationship have been followed diligently. Nevertheless, the relationship continues to be an unhappy one. But whether the minister or the church initiates proceedings for a dissolution of the relation, there shall always be a meeting of the congregation called and conducted precisely in the same matter as when the call of a pastor is to be made (See Section A, par. 3f).

If this action is undertaken unilaterally by the church, it must be in the form of a petition to Annual Conference asking that its pastoral relationship be dissolved. This petition must be prepared in consultation with the Ministerial Relationships Committee and it must be submitted to Annual Conference through the Ministerial Relations Committee.

b.Unless the pastor resigns, there is no provision for dissolution of the pastoral relationship except as provided in Section C Paragraph 2a., or in section C. Paragraph 5.

3. Consultation and Help for Ministers seeking change of Pastorate.

a.Ministerial Relations Committee. A part of the purpose for the Ministerial Relations Committee is to facilitate the exchange of information concerning ministers seeking new pastorates and vacant churches seeking new ministers. Counsel and advice should be given by Ministerial Relations Committee which should insist on such ministers giving information concerning their education, background, and experience, for reference. Suggestions may be given of churches presently vacant, of assistant pastors needed, or of opportunities for those of special talents for administrative work, etc.

b.It may sometimes be wise for Annual Conference, through its Ministerial Relations Committee, to suggest a different calling to one whose experience and disappointment raise a question as to his call to the ministry. Other areas of Christian service, even those open to laymen, may be more suitable to some who have been willing to serve as ministers.

4.Consultation and Help for Churches Seeking a Change of Pastorate. The help of the Ministerial Relations Committee shall be available and willingly given that both church and minister may find satisfactory relations. The friendly help thus given through patience and positive action may prevent the appearance of discord and the resulting harm to both minister and congregation.

5.Dissolution of Pastoral Relation by Annual Conference after Investigation. There are several ways in which irregularities come before Annual Conference for official action:

a.By report of the Ministerial Relations Committee to Annual Conference when it is unable to solve a problem by simple counsel and advice.

b.By the motion of a member of Annual Conference whose conscience requires him to act in regard to the pastoral relationship.

c.  By general review and control.

            Resolved, that we adjourn.

            Adjourned, at 9:32 p. m. with prayer by Philip T. Link.

Twelfth Meeting

Friday Morning, October 16, 1970

            The devotional time was conducted by Clyde W. Snyder, Edward A. Stortz and Horace A. Kauffman.

The minutes were approved as read.

The following were elected:

COMMITTEE TO PUBLISH FELLOWSHIP NEWS: Willard E. Cassel, William R. Hunsberger, Paul T. Rutman.


The report was accepted.

            Resolved, that the instructions on 28F and following (1969 Yearbook be inserted in the 1970 Yearbook.

The Chairman made the following appointments:

COMMITTEE ON AGENDA: Willard E. Cassel, Keith E. Plows, Ronald C. Mahurin.

COMMITTEE ON PROGRAM FOR NEXT ANNUAL CONFERENCE: Jansen E. Hartman, Leon K. Overpeck, Norman L. Reed, Norman W. Granda.

COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATION AND PRINTING: John Dunn, Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., David E. Thomann


COMMITTEE TO PUBLISH THE 1971 YEARBOOK: Robert W. Smock, Willard E. Cassel


            Resolved, that we accept the report and further,

            Resolved, that the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church and the Pinebrook Service Board meet jointly so as to come to a mutually satisfactory agreement on the designation of funds transferred to the Service Board’s accounts, and further

            Resolved, that a report of this agreement be made at the Adjourned Session of this Conference.

Recessed at 10:40 a.m.

Resumed at 11:05 a. m.

            The recommendation from the Pinebrook Service Board was tabled until Adjourned Session of this Annual Conference.

            Resolved, that this Annual Conference direct the Pinebrook Service Board to rescind all resolutions relative to capital improvements which have not yet begun to be implemented until a list of priorities is presented and approved by Annual Conference.

Resolved, that we adjourn.

Adjourned at 12:00 noon with prayer by Terris Byrd.

Thirteenth Meeting

Friday Afternoon, October 16, 1970

            The meeting was opened with prayer by George J. Dippner.

            The minutes of the 12th meeting were read and approved.

            The following were elected:

YOUTH FELLOWSHIP GENERAL COMMITTEE: (3 years) David L. Branning, Bruce A. Ellingson, Ronald C. Mahurin, William Stull.


Report was accepted.

            Resolved, that we approve presentation to our churches of the following Administrative Budget proposed for 1971-1972:



                                                                                    Approved for              Proposed for

                                                                                    1970 – 1971                1971 – 1972

            1.         Publication and Printing                     $ 500.00                  $ 500.00

            2.         Conference Entertainment                   800.00                   1,600.00

            3.         Beneficiary Fund                                 1,000.00                   1,000.00

            4.         Ministers’ Retirement Fund                 16,195.80                   6,000.00

            5.         Moving Fund                                       3,000.00                   5,000.00

            6.         Expenses for Boards & Committees

                        while Transacting Conf. Business       1,200.00                   1,200.00

            7.         Other Expenses of Board of Dir.         290.00                   300.00

            8.         Ministerial Convention Expenses        400.00                   450.00

            9.To be used at the Discretion of

                        Credentials Committee                        3,000.00                   3,000.00

            10.       Health & Welfare Ins. for Pastors                  –                       13,500.00

            11.For use by the Ministerial Candidate

                        Committee for Internships                              –                       1,000.00

            12.       Contingencies                                      500.00                   500.00

                        Totals                                                  $26,885.80                   34,050.00


Report was accepted.

The following were elected:

PINEBROOK BIBLE CONFERENCE BOARD: (3 years) C. E. Kirkwood, Kermit K. Gehman, (2 years) Ronald C. Mahurin

HISTORICAL COMMITTEE: (3 years) Paul H. Cressman

SUNDAY SCHOOL PROMOTION COMMITTEE: (3 years) Keith E. Plows, LeRoy S. Heller, Robert F. Johnson, Leon H. Naudasher, Harry Bailey.

PINEBROOK SERVICE BOARD: Robert Breitegam, George E. Herb, Ronald Ensminger

            Whereas, the office of District Superintendent has been discontinued and as part of the District Superintendent’s duties he received copies of petitions from Local Conferences, therefore be it

            Resolved, that by the rule of exception, Rule K, page J, (1969 Yearbook) be revised to read, “The Secretary of Annual Conference shall receive by September 1, all Local Conference petitions. The Secretary of the Local Conference shall be responsible for sending a copy of the petitions) to the Secretary of the Annual Conference. The Secretary of the Annual Conference shall send two copies to each pastor by September 15.

            Resolved, that the figure of $500 in number 4 under “Trustees” in our Faith and Order be changed to $ 1,000 (Second reading p. 12, 1969 Year Book)

            Resolved, that when a person is elected to two Conference Boards his name may not be offered from the floor as a nominee for any additional Conference Boards. (Second Reading, p. 28D 1969 Year Book)

            Resolved, that the availability list shall include the names of all men who indicate a willingness to pastor a Bible Fellowship Church who are ordained or who are Probationers. The Ministerial Candidate Committee shall inform the Credentials Committee of Probationers who are willing to pastor a Bible Fellowship Church. (Second Reading, p. 14, 1969 Year Book)

Resolved, that we adjourn.

Adjourned at 3:39 p. m. with prayer by A. L. Seifert.

Fourteenth Meeting

Saturday Morning, April 3, 1971

            The meeting was opened with the singing of two hymns and devotions were led by the host pastor, Frank L. Herb, Jr. He based his thoughts on Philippians 3:10.

Written and oral excuses for absences were given.

            Resolved, that excuses be accepted and the alternate delegates be seated:

Shamokin – Glenn C. Landau

            Scranton – Carl Kellerman

            Walnutport – Oliver W. Beil

            Mt. Carmel – Harold Snyder, Jr.

            Cedar Crest – William Gehman

The following were elected:

Chairman of Annual Conference, C. E. Kirkwood

            Vice Chairman of Annual Conference, Jansen E. Hartman

            Secretary of Annual Conference, James A. Beil

            Youth Fellowship General Committee – Richard Taylor (Replacement due to resignation)

            Nomination Committee: Willard E. Cassel, John Dunn, George E. Herb, David J. Watkins, Norman L. Reed, William R. Hunsberger, Robert Truett.

            The following were appointed by the Chairman as the Statistical Committee for Annual Conference 1971: Willard E. Cassel, John Dunn, LeRoy S. Heller, Donald T. Kirkwood, Paul G. Zimmerman.

            The Board of Directors of the Pinebrook Junior College elected a president of the College according to its by-laws, and hereby submits the name of David J. Watkins for ratification by this 87th Annual Conference meeting in Adjourned Session on Saturday, April 3, 1971.

Resolved, that we ratify this election.

            Whereas, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended the recognition of the ordination credentials of Edward Moyer, and

            Whereas, Edward Moyer has served as a foreign missionary in Guadeloupe since 1957 and is recommended for the recognition of his ordination by the Board of Foreign Missions, therefore,

            Resolved, that we recommend to the Adjourned Session of the 87th Annual Conference meeting in Bethlehem, Pa., on Saturday., April 3, 1971, that the ordination credentials of Edward Moyer be recognized by the Bible Fellowship Church.

            Resolved, that we approve the above recommendation and that Edward Moyer’s ordination be recognized at the opening of the meeting this afternoon.

            Whereas, the 87th Annual Conference adopted the first reading of legislation relative to a new method of pulpit supply, and

            Whereas, we do hereby express our concern that the present method of pulpit supply, because of pending legislation, becomes awkward, if indeed workable at all, and

            Whereas, a similar proposal has been presented regarding suspension of present rules regarding pulpit supply, thereby demonstrating a similar concern, and

            Whereas, we desire to present an alternate proposal which presents no additional problems in the event such legislation is not adopted at a second reading, therefore be it

            Resolved, that we invoke the rule of exception so as to permit the second reading at an adjourned session at a later date.

The above resolution was defeated ( No 47 – Yes 36)

            Whereas, the 87th Annual Conference has, by substantially more than a two-third majority, adopted the first reading of a new system of pulpit supply, which differs radically from the present system both in basic concept, replacing an itineracy with permanent pastoral placements, and in many details, and

            Whereas, use of the present system of pulpit supply in the autumn of 1971 would be rendered unnatural and awkward by the probability of impending adoption of the second reading, and implementation of the new system, and

            Whereas, enactment of the new system, upon adoption of its second reading, would permit pastoral changes at any time, even shortly after the Annual Conference at which it is enacted, thus rendering the use of the present system immediately prior to its enactment superfluous, and

            Whereas, pastoral changes under the present system immediately prior to the enactment of the new system might be unnecessary, unsatisfactory and unfortunate, therefore,

            Resolved, that we, by the rule of exception, suspend use of the present system of pulpit supply in the autumn of 1971, and further,

            Resolved, that should the new system of pulpit supply fail to be adopted, in its second reading, by the 88th Annual Conference, said Conference shall then establish dates, subsequent to its October session, for pulpit supply to proceed under the present system, including a special adjourned session at which the Annual Conference shall complete its action in pulpit supply under the present system and at the close of which the new established pastoral placements shall become effective.

The above resolution was lost ( No 23 – Yes 60)


            The report was accepted.

            Whereas, present procedures for receiving, holding and disbursing Church Extension Funds through the Conference Treasurer are cumbersome and inefficient, therefore

            Resolved, that the Board of Church Extension elect a Treasurer from among its membership and that said Treasurer shall receive, deposit and disburse monies assigned to the Board as directed by the Board ( First Reading)

Resolved, that we suspend the rules and adjourn.

            Adjourned at 11: 58 a.m. with prayer by Edward J. Dietzman.

Fifteenth Meeting

Saturday afternoon, April 3, 1971

            The meeting was opened with the singing of “Blessed Assurance”. F. B. Hertzog led in prayer.

            The previous ordination of Edward Moyer was recognized with appropriate proceedings.

            The following was adopted (FIRST READING) from the Government Committee Report.

Article IX


            Every congregation shall elect elders in keeping with the qualifications set forth in the Scriptures. Elders must be male members in full communion in the church in which they are to exercise their office.

            The term of office shall be decided by the particular church by congregational vote, but shall not be for less than three years. Where possible, the Board of Elders shall be divided into not less than three classes as determined by the congregational vote in each of the particular churches. When a church chooses to elect elders for an unlimited term of office, the requirements for classes does not apply.

            In the event of a vacancy by death, resignation or removal, one may be elected to complete the unexpired term of office.

            When a man has been elected to this office and has declared his willingness to accept its responsibilities, he shall be set apart in the following manner:

            In a service of worship, the minister shall state in a concise manner the warrant and nature of the office of elder together with the spiritual qualifications required for its exercise and the duties to be fulfilled. He shall then ask the candidates, in the presence of the congregation, the following questions:

1.Do you believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and conduct?

2.Are you in basic accord with the Articles of Faith of the Bible Fellowship Church?

3.Will you endeavor to follow the government and discipline of the Bible Fellowship Church?

4.Do you accept the office of elder in the congregation and promise faithfully to perform all the duties thereof ?

            5.         Do you promise to promote the purity, peace and unity of the Church?

            After the elder-elect has answered these questions in the affirmative, the minister shall ask the members of the church the following questions:

1.Do you, the members of this church, acknowledge and receive this brother as an elder ?

            2.         Do you promise to yield him all the honor, encouragement and obedience in the Lord, to which his office entitles him?

            After the members of the church have answered these questions in the affirmative by holding up their right hands, the minister shall proceed to set apart the candidate by prayer to the office of elder and shall give to him and to the congregation an exhortation suited to the occasion.

            The Board of Elders of each particular church shall decide which men are in basic accord with the Articles of Faith. If any man is not in agreement with the Articles of Faith, this Board shall determine if his disagreement violates basic accord and shall declare if he shall be eligible to serve as an elder. Each elder shall annual declare in writing his basic accord with the Articles of Faith of the Bible Fellowship Church. No man can be divested of this office except by deposition for failure to maintain standards of doctrine and life in keeping with the dignity of this office.

            Resolved, that we approve the following administrative budget for 1971-1972.



                                                                                                Approved for              Approved for

                                                                                                  1970-1971                  1971-1972

            1.         Publication and Printing                                  500.00                     500.00

            2.         Conference Entertainment                               800.00                     1,600.00

            3.         Beneficiary Fund                                             1,000.00                     1,000.00

            4.         Ministers’ Retirement Fund                            16,195.80                     6,000.00

            5.         Moving Fund                                                   3,000.00                     5,000.00

            6.Expenses for Boards & Committees

                        while transacting Con. Business                      1,200.00                     1,600.00

            7.         Other Expenses of Board of Directors             290.00                     350.00

            8.         Ministerial Convention Expenses                    400.00                     450.00

            9.         To be used at the Discretion of Credentials

                        Committee                                                       3,000.00                     3,000.00

            10.       Health & Welfare Insurance for Pastors

                        and Dependents                                                          –                       13,024.12*

            11.       For use by the Ministerial Candidate Com.

                        for Internships                                                            –                       1,000.00

            12.       Contingencies                                                  500.00                     500.00

                        TOTALS                                                        26,885.80                     34,024.12

            * Includes insurance coverage for Pastors of all churches contributing to the Budget except Catasauqua and Stroudsburg where insurance is provided for outside the Budget.



                        Allentown, Bethel                                                      2,400.00

                        Allentown, Cedar Crest                                              600.00

                        Allentown, Salem                                                       425.00

                        Belvidere, N.J.                                                            418.12

                        Bethlehem                                                                   1,500.00

                        Blandon                                                                       750.00

                        Catasauqua                                                                  225.00

                        Coopersburg                                                                825.00

                        Denville, N. J.                                                              650.00

                        Easton                                                                          300.00

                        Emmaus                                                                       1,520.00

                        Ephrata                                                                        450.00

                        Finesville, N.J.                                                             420.00

                        Fleetwood                                                                    1,000.00

                        Graterford                                                                    800.00

                        Harleysville                                                                 720.00

                        Harrisburg                                                                   825.00

                        Hatfield                                                                        1,650.00

                        Lancaster                                                                     700.00

                        Lebanon                                                                       425.00

                        Lehighton                                                                    725.00

                        Maple Glen                                                                  1,260.00

                        Mount Carmel                                                             700.00

                        Nazareth                                                                      800.00

                        Paradise                                                                       518.00

                        Philadelphia, Calvary                                                 925.00

                        Philadelphia, Emmanuel                                             500.00

                        Quakertown                                                                 1,200.00

                        Reading                                                                       1,680.00

                        Royersford                                                                   885.00

                        Scranton                                                                      450.00

                        Shamokin                                                                    660.00

                        Sinking Spring                                                             600.00

                        Spring City                                                                  756.00

                        Staten Island, N.Y.                                                      552.00

                        Stroudsburg                                                                 160.00

                        Sunbury                                                                       1,500.00

                        Terre Hill                                                                     700.00

                        Wallingford                                                                 1,350.00

                        Walnutport                                                                  125.00

                        York                                                                            1,150.00

                        Zionsville                                                                    225.00


            Resolved, that we adjourn.

Adjourned at 4:06 p.m. with prayer by R. C. Reichenbach.

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