1973 Annual Conference Minutes




Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1973 Yearbook

First Meeting

Monday Morning, October 8, 1973 – 10:00 a.m.

            Chairman Jansen E. Hartman called the Conference to order and asked F. B. Hertzog to lead in prayer.

The roll was called and established as follows:

Allentown, Bethel – James G. Koch – John L. Deily

Allentown, Cedar Crest – Roy Hertzog – John Pfeiffer

Allentown, Salem – John H. Herb – Allan C. Palmer

Bethlehem – Frank L. Herb, Jr. – Warren L. Zimmerman

Blandon – Arthur H. Frable – Stanley C. Kalbach

Coopersburg –                         – Delbert L. Seifert

Denville, N. J. – Willard E. Cassel – Charles M. Petersen

Easton – LeRoy C. Wilcox – William T. Margeson

Emmaus – Harvey J. Fritz, Jr. – Clifford L. Kauffman

Ephrata – Robert W. Smock – Robert W. Gehret

Fleetwood – Austin G. Shelly – Norman L. Reed

Graterford – Keith E. Plows – Edward Stortz

Harleysville – David E. Thomann – Clayton Dietz

Harrisburg – R. C. Reichenbach – Darwin C. Wagner

Hatfield – Ronald C. Mahurin – Clyde W. Snyder

Lancaster – John Dunn – Horace A. Kauffman

Lebanon – Bruce A. Ellingson – David Herb

Maple Glen – Carl K. Spackman – Byron C. Cassel

Mt. Carmel – Paul G. Zimmerman – Harold L. Snyder, Jr.

Nazareth – James A. Beil – Norman W. Granda

Paradise – William A. Heffner – E. Gerald Hershey

Quakertown – Bert N. Brosius – L. James Roberts, Jr.

Reading – Jansen E. Hartman – Robert Breitegam

Royersford – Robert F. Johnson – William R. Hunsberger

Shamokin – Harold C. Weaber – Ronald C. Lahr

Stroudsburg – Robert A. Minnig – Harold E. Snyder

Sunbury – LeRoy S. Heller – Merle H. Phillips

Terre Hill – W. W. Hartman – Robert L. Weaver

Wallingford – C. E. Kirkwood – Edward Shockley, Sr.

Walnutport – David L. Branning – Oliver W. Beil

York – John H. Riggall – Sterling Baer

Zionsville – E. W. Bean – Bright N. Heist

Catasauqua – Roger Reitz – Arthur W. Deppe

Finesville – D. Thomas Phillips – Melvin C. Dilts

Lehighton – Terry Tareila – Ernest C. Bauer

Phila., Calvary – Keith L. Yoder – Lee M. Schaffer, Jr.

Phila., Emmanuel – Dana E. Weller – Edward J. Dietzman

Scranton – Bernard N. Coble – Franklin Mead

Sinking Spring – Terris Byrd – Kenneth P. Kneezle

Spring City – Richard Taylor – R. Stanley Weidner

Staten Island – Dennis Dodge – Ralph D. Cole

CHURCH EXTENSION: Donald R. Knauer, William W. Mull, Daniel G. Ziegler

PINEBROOK MINISTRIES: Carl C. Cassel, George E. Herb, A. L. Seifert, David J. Watkins

LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Donald T. Kirkwood

RETIRED MINISTERS: Paul E. Baer, W. F. Heffner, F. B. Hertzog, E. J. Rutman, N. H. Wolf

ORDAINED MISSIONARIES: T. James Bigley, Brian H. Butler, Leonard E. Buck, Richard J. Gehman, Robert F. Gordon, J. Barclay Harley, Edward Moyer, Laird F. Stengele

            Letters of excuse and oral excuses: Paul E. Baer, C. E. Kirkwood, Donald T. Kirkwood, W. F. Heffner

            Requests for absence from various sessions were asked by the following: Edward Stortz, E. W. Bean, Keith E. Plows, LeRoy C. Wilcox, Clifford L. Kauffman, William T. Margeson, Oliver W. Beil, Allan C. Palmer, David J. Watkins, A. L. Seifert, Austin G. Shelly, Robert A. Minnig, Raymond R. Dotts.

RESOLVED:that the above excuses be granted.

RESOLVED:that the first 9 rows constitute the Conference bar.

            Secretary James A. Beil appointed Willard E. Cassel Assistant Secretary and Harold C. Weaber, Recording Secretary.

            The following Committees were appointed by the Chairman and approved by the Conference:

COMMITTEE ON COMMUNICATIONS: LeRoy S. Heller, Robert A. Minnig, Warren L. Zimmerman, Arthur H. Frable

COMMITTEE ON RESOLUTIONS: Frank L. Herb, Jr., Daniel G. Ziegler, Austin G. Shelly, William R. Hunsberger, Robert W. Smock, R. C. Reichenbach

TIMEKEEPER: Terry Tareila

REPORTER: Bernard N. Coble

TELLERS: Robert F. Johnson, Keith E. Plows, John L. Deily, Norman W. Granda, Carl K. Spackman, Paul G. Zimmerman

RESOLVED: that the Agenda be adopted.

            REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PROGRAM (See page 32)

Report was accepted.

            Devotional Speaker, Charles L. Kiloski was introduced by Robert F. Johnson. He spoke on “Peter the Man.”


Report was accepted.


Report was accepted.


Report was accepted.


Report was accepted.


Report was accepted.

            A. L. Seifert Director of Pinebrook Conference Center gave a word of welcome.

The following were elected:

            MINISTERIAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE (3 years): Byron C. Cassel, William A. Heffner

            CONFERENCE TREASURER: Robert W. Gehret.

            RESOLVED: that we suspend the rules and adjourn. Adjourned at 11:55 a.m. with prayer by Robert L. Weaver.

Second Meeting

Monday Afternoon, October 8, 1973 – 1:30 p.m.

            The meeting was opened with prayer by David J. Watkins.

            The delegates and pastors who are attending Annual Conference for the first time were introduced to the Conference.

            The following were appointed by the Chairman and approved by the Conference:

            COMMITTEE ON AUDITING: Norman L. Reed, Edward Shockley, Sr., Clifford L. Kauffman, John Pfeiffer, Allan C. Palmer, Stanley C. Kalbach, David Herb, Harold L. Snyder, Jr., Darwin Wagner, Ronald C. Lahr, Robert L. Weaver, Edward Stortz, Clayton Dietz, Bright N. Heist, Merle H. Phillips

            COMMITTEE ON EXAMINATION OF LOCAL CONFERENCE MINUTES: E. W. Bean, W. W. Hartman, Arthur W. Deppe, Delbert L. Seifert, Charles M. Petersen, William T. Margeson, Clyde W. Snyder, Ernest E. Bauer, Ralph D. Cole, Edward J. Dietzman, Franklin Mead, Harold E. Snyder, Oliver W. Beil, E. Gerald Hershey, R. Stanley Weidner, Melvin C. Dilts, Kenneth P. Kneezle


Report was accepted.


Report was accepted.


Report was accepted.


Report was accepted.


Report was accepted.

            The Administrator of the Home, F. B. Hertzog, addressed the Conference.

The following were elected:

            MINISTERIAL CANDIDATE COMMITTEE: James A. Beil, Carl C. Cassel Robert F. Johnson David E. Thomann David J. Watkins

            COMMITTEE ON CREDENTIALS: Willard E. Cassel, Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Frank L. Herb, Jr., Keith E. Plows, John H. Riggall



HISTORICAL COMMITTEE (3 years): Paul H. Cressman


Report was accepted.


Report was accepted.


Report was accepted.

            RESOLVED: that we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 6:30 p.m. Adjourned at 3:10 p.m. with prayer by Dana E. Weller.

Third Meeting

Monday Evening, October 8, 1973 6:30 p.m.

The meeting was opened with prayer by John H. Riggall.

            The minutes of the first and second meetings were read and approved as corrected.


Report was accepted.

The following were elected:

            BOARD OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (3 years) LeRoy S. Heller, William W. Mull


            RESOLVED: that the election of Daniel G. Ziegler to the office of Director of Church Extension for a three year term be ratified.


Report was accepted.


Report was accepted.


Report was accepted.


Report was accepted.


Report was accepted.

            RESOLVED: that we extend the time.

            RESOLVED: that we adjourn. Adjourned at 9:05 p.m. with prayer by Roy Hertzog.

Fourth Meeting

Tuesday Morning, October 9, 1973 9:00 a.m.

The meeting was opened in prayer by John Dunn.

The minutes were read and approved.

Charles Kiloski spoke on “Peter, His Message.”

An offering was received.

            Harold C. Weaber prayed for guidance.

            RESOLVED: that Paul Rogers, alternate delegate from Walnutport be seated in the bar.

            RESOLVED: that William A. Heffner be excused from the Tuesday afternoon and evening sessions.

The following were elected:

            BOARD OF CHURCH EXTENSION (3 years) Robert W. Smock, Clayton Weber, Arthur H. Frable.

Recessed at 10:25 a.m. Reconvened at 10:46 a.m.


            The following were elected:

            BOARD OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (3 years) Norman L. Reed, Roy E. Williams

            RESOLVED: that we extend the time.

            RESOLVED: that we adjourn. Adjourned at 12:03 p.m. with prayer by Stanley Kalbach.

Fifth Meeting

Tuesday Afternoon., October 9, 1973 – 1:30 p.m.

            The minutes were read and approved as read.

            The following were elected:

            BOARD OF FOREIGN MISSIONS: R. C. Reichenbach Austin G. Shelly, Paul G. Zimmerman, Roy Hertzog, Robert Breitegam, James R. Cressman, Kermit K. Gehman, Paul Truett

            BOARD OF PUBLICATION & PRINTING: Willard E. Cassel, Arthur H. Frable, Ray Burger, Gary Sterner

            Rev. Clair Harstad, District Superintendent, Eastern District, American Sunday School Union, was introduced by John Dunn and he addressed the Conference.

            Whereas, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended Robert L. Draper to the Credentials Committee for examination for ordination, and,

            Whereas the Ministerial Candidate Committee because of a late communication was unable to give this recommendation to the Credentials Committee on a date so as to allow the Credentials Committee enough time to conduct its examination and to recommend action on his ordination at this Annual Conference under the duties (FAITH & ORDER, p. 77, duty #2) of the committee as defined in the by-laws, therefore,

            RESOLVED: that this Conference by the rule of exception suspend the applicable by-law in this case, and request that the Credentials Committee examine brother Draper during this session of the Conference, and, if it finds that he meets the qualifications of ordination, the committee bring a recommendation to this Conference that his present ordination be recognized by this Conference.


            The report was accepted.

            RESOLVED: that the by-laws of the Service Board, Conference Board and College Board be referred to the three Boards involved at Pinebrook, together with representation involved at

Board from the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church, for coordination.

The following were elected:

            BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF PINEBROOK JUNIOR COLLEGE (3 years) Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., John H. Herb, Donald R. Knauer, Barry Kauffman, Arthur Amundsen

Jonathan D. Reynolds, Director of Victory Valley, addressed the Conference.


The Report was accepted. (Yes 47; No 29)

Recessed at 3:25 p.m. Reconvened at 4:00 p.m.

The following were elected:

BOARD OF VICTORY VALLEY (3 years) Harry Bailey, Harold E. Snyder, Bright N. Heist

            Recessed at 4:10 p.m. Reconvened at 4:20 p.m.

The following was adopted at FIRST READING:



1.         NAME

The name of this fund shall be the Ministers’ Retirement Fund of the Bible Fellowship Church.

II.        PURPOSE

The Ministers’ Retirement Fund shall be a permanent fund to provide and pay annuities to ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church who by reason of age have retired from active service and also to widows of such ministers according to the rules hereinafter stated.


This fund shall be controlled by the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church and operated by the Committee on Pensions under the direction of the Annual Conference.


A. Every minister who is licensed or who has been ordained by the Bible Fellowship Church is a member of the Fund so long as he is working under the direction of the Annual Conference and his name continues to appear on the list of men eligible to serve as a pastor of a Bible Fellowship Church.

B. When a man receives license with the Bible Fellowship Church, the Ministerial Candidate Committee shall notify him of the requirement for payments into the Fund and its benefits.

C. A man having less than thirty years of active service to the Bible Fellowship Church and no longer meeting both requirements set forth in Paragraph A of this section of these rules, ceases to be a member of the Fund except as provided in Paragraphs D and E of this section. When a minister ceases to be a member of the Retirement Fund the money he paid into the Fund shall be refunded to him; and he by receiving this refund shall forfeit all further claims on the Fund.

D. Should a minister no longer meet both eligibility requirements of Paragraph A of this section because he is awaiting a call to the pulpit of a Bible Fellowship Church, his membership in the Fund will continue so long as he desires, and this period between calls will be included as years of active service as this term is used in Section VIII, Paragraph A, 3. However, to maintain the continuity of his service, a minister covered by this paragraph shall on April 1 and at Annual Conference of each year make his contribution to the Fund in accordance with the provision of Section V, Paragraph B based on the minimum salary currently prescribed for a pastor by Annual Conference.

E. Should a minister, after having accepted a refund as provided in Paragraph C of this section, return to work under the direction of Annual Conference, he may return the refund to the Fund and the years of service represented by the refund, will be included in the base for calculating his annuity.


The Fund shall be maintained by the following:

A. Contributions through the Annual Conference Administrative Budget.

B. Contributions from each member who shall pay into this Fund one and one-half percent of his salary. One half of this payment shall be forwarded to the Financial Secretary of the Board of Directors on or before April 1 and the balance shall be paid at Annual Conference each year.

            C. Gifts, bequests and devises from any sources.


A. A minister of the Bible Fellowship Church who has attained the age of sixty five (65) years may retire from active service.

B. It is mandatory that a minister retire at the end of the month in which he attains the age of seventy-two (72) years.

C. A minister who has given thirty (30) years or more of service to the Bible Fellowship Church may retire from the active ministry prior to age sixty-five (65) and be eligible for an annuity at age sixty-five (65).


A minister who has given twenty-five (25) years or more of active service to the Bible Fellowship Church may become eligible for an annuity at the end of the month in which he is disabled.


A. For Ministers

1. No annuity will be paid unless a minister has met the requirements of Section VI and has paid in full according to Section V, B at least five years.

2. The annuity for a retired minister shall be calculated at the rate established annually by Annual Conference by a two-thirds majority vote at one reading.

3. A minister’s annuity will be based on his years of active service to the Bible Fellowship Church subject to a maximum of forty (40) years.

4. Services rendered after the age of seventy-two (72) years shall not increase the annuity.

5. If at any time the money in the Fund is insufficient to pay the annuities in full, the Board of Directors shall determine the amount of monthly installments pro rata.

6. No minister shall be entitled to the full amount of his annuity unless he has paid in full as according to Section V B. The years of service shall be reduced for each year in which he was a member of the Fund, but failed to make the required payments.

B. Annuities for Widows

1. The widow of a deceased minister who had complied with the provisions of the Fund shall receive annuities beginning at the time of the death of the husband provided that the widow shall have attained the age of sixty-five (65) years or beginning at the time that she shall attain the age of sixty-five (65) years.

2. A widow’s annuity shall be calculated at one-half the rate of Section VIII., A for each year that she was the wife of a minister during which he was in active service in the Bible Fellowship Church subject to a maximum of forty (40) years.

3. The annuity shall cease if the widow remarries.

C. All annuities cease at the time of the death of the annuitant.


Report was accepted.


Report was accepted.

            RESOLVED: that the report of the Committee to Examine Annual Conference Minutes be referred back to the Committee so that all reports of boards and committees can be examined, and further

            RESOLVED:  that the secretary of each board and committee verify by December 1, 1973, the accuracy of the respective reports as they appear in the 1972 Year Book.

            RESOLVED: that we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 7:00 p.m. Adjourned at 5:00 p.m. with prayer by Franklin Mead.

Sixth Meeting

Tuesday Evening, October 9, 1973 – 7:00 p.m.

Robert Breitegam led in prayer.

The minutes were read and approved as corrected.

            REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON AUDITING (See page 146)

Report was accepted.


Report was accepted.


The report was accepted.

The following were elected:

            BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH: James A. Beil, Carl C. Cassel, Jansen E. Hartman, Frank L. Herb, Jr., John H. Riggall, Byron C. Cassel, James R. Cressman, Robert W. Gehret, Horace A. Kauffman

            Dale Seifert Director of Public Relations of Pinebrook Bible Conference presented some materials that the Bible and Gift Shop has for sale.

The following were elected:

            PINEBROOK BIBLE CONFERENCE BOARD: John H. Riggall, Kermit K. Gehman

            The following has been adopted for FIRST READING:


            The Board of Deacons shall be composed of all deacons duly elected by and from the congregation, and who meet the qualifications of the Scriptures. They shall be mature men who demonstrate spiritual wisdom and compassion so that they might serve the needy in a Christ-like and merciful manner. The number of deacons chosen to serve on the Board of Deacons shall be established by the congregation by ballot vote upon the recommendation of the Board of Elders.

            The Board of Deacons shall serve under the direction of the Board of Elders and shall elect a chairman and a secretary from among the membership of the Board. The secretary shall be responsible to report the actions of the Deacons to the Board of Elders. Two-thirds of the Board shall constitute a quorum.

            The general responsibility of the Deacons is one of sympathetic and benevolent service to the church, the distressed, friendless and sick, showing the mercy and concern of the church for the material and natural needs of others. The Deacons shall assume the responsibility to care for such

specific benevolent and material services as directed to them by the Board of Elders.

            The function of the Deacons is to see that the material and natural needs of the church constituency are met so that the Elders can give freely of their time and concern to the spiritual needs of the congregation.

Electing and Installing Deacons

            Each congregation may elect deacons in keeping with the qualifications set forth in Scripture. Deacons must be male members in full communion in the church in which they are to exercise their office.

            The term of office shall be determined by the particular church by congregational vote, but shall not be for less than three years. Where possible, the Board of Deacons shall be divided into not less than three classes as determined by the congregational vote in each of the particular churches.

            In the event of a vacancy by death, resignation or removal, one may be elected to fill the unexpired term of office.

            In a service of worship, the minister shall state in a concise manner the warrant and nature of the office of deacon together with the Scriptural qualifications required for its exercise and the duties to be fulfilled. He shall then ask the candidate in the presence of the congregation, the following questions:

1.          Do you believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and conduct?

2.         Do you accept the office of deacon in the congregation and promise faithfully to perform this ministry of service?

3.         Do you promise to promote the purity, peace and unity of the church?

            After the deacon-elect has answered these questions in the affirmative, the minister shall ask the members of the church the following questions:

1.         Do you the members of this church, acknowledge and receive this brother as a deacon?

2.         Do you promise to give him all the honor, encouragement and support in the Lord to which his office entitles him?

            After the members of the church have answered these questions in the affirmative by holding up their right hands, the minister shall proceed to set apart the candidate by prayer to the office of deacon and shall give to him and to the congregation an exhortation suited to the occasion.

The following were elected:

            PINEBROOK SERVICE BOARD: Robert Breitegam, Ronald N. Ensminger, George E. Herb, Gerald Schlonecker, Paul G. Zimmerman, Donald Matz, Harold C. Weaber

Recessed at 8:11 p.m. Reconvened at 8:31 p.m.

            RESOLVED: that Terris L. Byrd be ordained at a service to be held in the Sinking Spring Bible Fellowship Church on Thursday, November 1, 1973 at 8:00 p.m.

            The Credentials Committee shall be in charge of the service.

            The Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended that the Ordination Credentials of Robert L. Draper be recognized by the Bible Fellowship Church.

            Robert L. Draper has served acceptably as a probationer in the Church Extension Department for the past one year and is highly recommended for recognition of his ordination credentials by the Board of Church Extension.

            The Credentials Committee, after an examination of Robert L. Draper, believe that he is called of God to the Gospel ministry and that he is in accord with the FAITH & ORDER of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore,

            RESOLVED: that the ordination of Robert L. Draper be recognized at a meeting to be held in the Sinking Spring Bible Fellowship Church on November 1, 1973 at 8:00 p.m.

            Robert L. Draper was seated in the Conference bar.

            RESOLVED: that the section of the Credential Committee’s Report relative to Status of Men on Leave of Absence be referred back, and further,

            RESOLVED:  that the Credentials Committee study the various categories of ministries in the Bible Fellowship Church.

RESOLVED: that we extend the time.

The following were elected:

            BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH HOME: (2 years) James A. Beil, W. W. Hartman, Clifford L. Kauffman

            RESOLVED: that we adjourn. Adjourned at 9:17 p.m. with prayer by Ronald C. Mahurin who prayed for special needs.

Seventh Meeting

Wednesday Morning, October 10, 1973 – 9:00 a.m.

James G. Koch led in prayer.

The minutes were read and approved as corrected.

Charles Kiloski spoke on “Paul, the Man.”

            RESOLVED: that part d, of the FAITH & ORDER Questionnaire as it appears in the FAITH & ORDER on page 77, be changed to read:

d. If you desire to retain credentials with the Bible Fellowship Church this questionnaire must be returned by September 1. Failure to do so may result in your credentials being withdrawn. (FIRST READING)

            Whereas, the purpose of the Ministers’ Assistance Fund is to assist pastors, and

            Whereas, the Credentials Committee and the Ministerial Candidate Committee have oversight of the ministers and are therefore better acquainted with their needs than other committees or boards, and

            Whereas, the Credentials Committee and the Ministerial Candidate Committee have special concern for the spiritual and moral welfare of ministers under their care, and

            Whereas, the rules that regulate the manner in which this fund is to be handled were transitional legislation which experience seems to indicate has become outdated, and

            Whereas, the funds under question should be disbursed by a Committee or Committees comprised only of ministers, be it

            RESOLVED: that money from the Ministers’ Assistance Fund shall be disbursed only at the recommendation of the Credentials Committee or the Ministerial Candidate Committee.

Recessed at 10:25 a.m. Reconvened at 11:00 a.m.

            RESOLVED: that the following men who are under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee be accepted:


Terris Byrd, Sinking Spring, Pa.

Bernard N. Coble, Scranton Pa.

Dennis Dodge, Staten Island, N. Y.

Robert L. Draper, Ramtown, N. J.

David Manney, Ecuador

D. Thomas Phillips, Finesville, N. J.

Roger Reitz, Catasauqua, Pa.

Mark T. Smith, Hamburg, Pa.

Terry Tareila, Lehighton, Pa.

Richard Taylor, Spring City, Pa.

Dana E. Weller, Philadelphia, Pa.

Keith L. Yoder, Philadelphia, Pa.


William Bartron, Belvidere, N. J.

Donald D. Reitz, Coopersburg, Pa.

Harland C. Smith, Sasc. Canada

John Vandegriff, Englishtown, N. J.


Douglas Bowne, Rahns Pa.

Frank De Juana, Staten Island, N. Y.

Douglas Emr, Telford, Pa.

Kenneth Good, Strasburg, Pa.

William L. Graybill, Paradise, Pa.

Thomas Heimer, Nazareth, Pa.

Kenneth Keeler, Morwood, Pa.

Charles Kramer, Spring City, Pa.

Rodney Long, Elysburg, Pa.

Jonathan D. Reynolds, Zionsville, Pa.

Robert Smith, Castile, N. Y.

Keith Stickler, Bethlehem, Pa.

David A. Thomann, Harleysville, Pa.

Harold Wittig, Ramsey, N. J.

            RESOLVED: that the month of January be designated as Fellowship News Subscription Month: That each pastor seek to increase his number of subscribers to meet the goal of 1,350 subscriptions.

            RESOLVED: that donations be given to Fellowship News from the following:

            Board of Victory Valley                     50.00

            Board of Foreign Missions                 50.00

            Board of Church Extension                50.00

            Board of Christian Education             50.00

            Pinebrook Junior College Board        50.00

            Pinebrook Bible Conference Board    50.00

            Checks should be made payable to the Board of Publication & Printing and sent to the Business Manager by February 1, 1974.

            RESOLVED: that the price of the Year Book be $1.50.

            RESOLVED: that the price of one year’s subscription to Fellowship News be increased to $2.50; student subscription to $1.50.

            RESOLVED: that we adopt the following budget for the Board of Publication & Printing:


Budgets for 1973-1974

            Fellowship News:

            1350 Subscriptions @ 2.50                3,375.00

            50 Subscriptions @ 1.50                     75.00

            Donations from Boards                       300.00

            Board of Pub & Printing                      600.00



            Printing 12 issues F. News                 3,500.00

            Honorariums                                        175.00

            Secretary Aid                                       100.00

            Contingencies                                      75.00

            Editor s Expenses                                250.00

            Bus. Mgr.’s Expenses

                        including postage                    250.00



            Board of Publication & Printing

            Administration Budget                       2,000.00

            Year Books (1,100 @ 1.50)                1,650.00

            Faith & Order                                     1,500.00



            Fellowship News Subsidy                   600.00

            Year Books                                         1,650.00

            Faith & Order                                     1,500.00

            Honorariums (A. Con.)                        75.00

            Church Supplies                                  825.00

            Debt Service                                        500.00


            RESOLVED: that we adopt the following:


Budget- 1974-75


                        Churches                                                         $55,000.00

                        Interest                                                             1,800.00

                        Special Gifts                                                    2,400.00

                                                                                                  59,200.00                   59,200.00



                        Church                                                             $ 3,600.00

                        Missions                                                          14,000.00

                        TIE TEAM                                                      300.00

                        PISCES                                                           3,000.00



                        Director’s Salary                                              7,400.00

                        Sup. Benefits                                                   1,200.00

                        Parsonage                                                        3,300.00

                        Dir. Travel                                                       2,000.00

                        Office exp.                                                       1,475.00

                        Con. Ad. Budget                                              125.00

                        Workman’s Comp.                                           100.00

                        Board Expenses                                               650.00

                        Fellow. News                                                  50.00



                        Capital Fund                                                    4,000.00

                        New Missions                                                  17,000.00

                        Contingencies                                                  1,000.00



RESOLVED: that we adjourn. Adjourned at 12:00 noon with prayer by A. L. Seifert.

Eighth Meeting

Wednesday Afternoon, October 10, 1973 – 1:30 p.m.

Roger Reitz led in prayer.

            RESOLVED: that we ask our churches to consider giving for Church Extension at a level of 5 % of their annual offerings. Smaller churches which find such a goal unrealistic might consider offerings of $10.00 per member as a goal.

            Whereas, a church in Englishtown, New Jersey, formerly known as Grace Bible Church has applied to the Board of Church Extension to become part of the Bible Fellowship Church, and

            Whereas, this Church by congregational vote according to the by-laws, adopted the FAITH & ORDER of the Bible Fellowship Church as its statement of faith and constitution, and

            Whereas, this Church has previously existed as an independent church, incorporated under the laws of the State of New Jersey, and

            Whereas, this Church has changed the name of the corporation to Grace Bible Fellowship Church and has amended its articles of incorporation to include a statement of its relationship to the denomination and has re-written the title to its property to include the trust clause, and

            Whereas the Board of Church Extension has received Grace Bible Fellowship Church as a mission under the Board’s jurisdiction, therefore,

            RESOLVED: that this Annual Conference recognize Grace Bible Fellowship Church of Englishtown, New Jersey as a mission under the Church Extension Department, and be it further,

            RESOLVED: that we bid the brethren of Englishtown welcome to the Bible Fellowship Church and pray God’s blessing on them as we work together in seeking the kingdom of God.


            This Committee submitted a report at the first meeting of the 90th Annual Conference. In addition to the information contained therein, we now report that the Bible Fellowship Church of Spring City, Pa. has duly called Pastor Richard Taylor to its pulpit and this call was approved, effective October 7, 1973.

            This Committee recommends that the salary for a pastor of a Bible Fellowship Church shall, effective October 1, 1973, be no less than $7,000. This sum shall include the allowances to the pastor covering his payments into the Ministers’ Retirement Fund and his Social Security Taxes.

            The Committee makes this recommendation, based upon the Word of God, which says (among many other things on this same subject):

            “Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially they who labor in the word and doctrine.”


“The laborer is worthy of his reward.”

            This recommendation merely establishes a minimum. It must be considered inadequate by any measure of fairness in meeting the obligation each church has to its pastor. We urge a greater compassion for the need of this brother — a brother for whom we are enjoined, by Scripture, to give double honor.

            Jansen E. Hartman, Byron C. Cassel, John H. Riggall, Ronald C. Mahurin, John L. Deily, Horace A. Kauffman, David E. Thomann COMMITTEE

Recessed at 3:05 p.m. Reconvened at 4:10 p.m.

            RESOLVED: that the salary for a pastor of a Bible Fellowship Church shall be no less than $7,000 (effective October 1, 1973). This sum shall include the allowances to the pastor covering his payments into the Ministers’ Retirement Fund and his Social Security Taxes.

            RESOLVED: that each church make a contribution to Victory Valley Camp during the next year. Contribution in the amount of 1 % of the total giving of each church would provide sufficient help for the camp at this time.

            RESOLVED:  that the General Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions be elected for a term of three years and that the Board of Foreign Missions be divided into three classes:

            Two Pastors and two Laymen elected for 1 year

            One Pastor and one Layman elected for 2 years

            One Pastor and one Layman elected for 3 years

Thereafter each class shall be elected for 3 years (FIRST READING).

            RESOLVED: that the Pinebrook Bible Conference Board prepare Articles of Incorporation to be submitted to the 91st Annual Conference for approval.

            RESOLVED: that each church make a contribution to Pinebrook Conference Center. Checks should be made payable to Pinebrook Conference Board.

            RESOLVED: that each church make a contribution to the Pinebrook Service Board.

            RESOLVED: that the $35,000. from the Pennsylvania Power and Light Company be applied toward the cost of construction of the sewage treatment plant at Pinebrook.

            RESOLVED: that the rate for calculating annuities from the Ministers’ Retirement Fund in the 1973-74 year be $50.00 for each year of active service.

            RESOLVED: that the following regulations for developing the Administrative Budget be approved (FIRST READING) as an amendment to the By-laws of the Annual Conference.


            The Administrative Budget was initially established by Annual Conference meeting in October 1964. The following summarizes that legislation and changes which have been made subsequently.

I.         Preparation of the Budget

At Annual Conference, the Board of Directors shall present a proposed budget covering expected expenses for the conference year that will begin 12 months later. The Budget will include the following expense items:

A.        Publication and Printing

B.Conference Entertainment

C.Beneficiary Fund

D.Ministers’ Retirement Fund

E.Moving Fund

F.Expenses for Board and Committee Business

G.Other Expense of Board of Directors

H.Ministerial Convention

I.Ministers’ Assistance Fund

J.Health & Welfare Ins. for Pastors & Dependents

K.Ministerial Candidate Committee Fund for Internships

II.Subscription to the Budget

A.By April 15, following Annual Conference, each church through its delegate, or an alternate officer, shall forward to the Financial Secretary of the Board of Directors, his church’s pledge of the amount it will contribute toward the proposed budget.

B.At its May meeting, the Board of Directors will review the pledges received for the proposed budget.

C.The Board will distribute to each church a report of the total amount subscribed. This report shall be presented to the Board of Elders of each church.

D.Should the budget be undersubscribed, opportunity will be given to each local church to increase its pledge. Notice of increases should be forwarded to the Financial Secretary by August 15.

E.At its September meeting, the Board of Directors will consider any adjustments to proposed budget expenses that will bring the budget into balance with the total pledged. This recommendation shall be submitted to the Annual Conference as part of their Annual Report.

III.       Adoption of the Budget

The recommendation of the Board of Directors will be presented to Annual Conference for approval. Increases in pledges or alterations to budgeted expenses may be proposed prior to adoption.

IV.      Payment of Budget Pledges

A.Pledges to meet these budget needs should be considered as binding as any other vow made before the Lord.

B.Payments may be made quarterly or annually in advance. If monthly payment is preferred, one-eleventh of the pledge should be paid each month from October to August of the following year.

C.  All payments should be completed by August 31, prior to the next Annual Conference.

RESOLVED: that we adopt the following Budget.



                                                                                    Approved        Approved

                                                                                    1972-1973      1973-1974

            1.         Publication & Printing                         1,500.00         2,000.00

            2.         Conference Entertainment                   1,600.00         2,400.00

            3.         Beneficiary                                          1,000.00         1,000.00

            4.         Ministers’ Retirement                          8,500.00         9,500.00

            5.         Moving Fund                                       3,000.00         1,000.00

            6.         Expenses, Boards & Com.

                        on A. C. Business                                2,100.00         2,250.00

            7.         Other Exp. Brd. of Dir.                        350.00         450.00

            8.         Ministerial Conv.                                 450.00         450.00

            9.         Ministers’ Assistance Fund                  2,000.00         100.00

            10.       Health & Welfare for Pastors

                        & Dependents*                                   15,593.44        19,718.32

            11.       Ministerial Cand. Com.

                        Internships                                           1,000.00         250.00

            12.       Contingencies                                      500.00         1,080.16

                        TOTALS                                            37,593.44        40,198.48

            * Insurance coverage for pastors and dependents ($38.16 per month) of 44 churches pledging to the budget.



                                                                                    Approved        Proposed

                                                                                    1973-1974      1974-1975

            1.         Publication & Printing                         2,000.00        2,500.00

            2.         Conference Entertainment                   2,400.00        2,500.00

            3.         Beneficiary Fund                                 1,000.00        1,000.00

            4.         Ministers’ Retirement                          9,500.00        10,500.00

            5.         Moving Fund                                       1,000.00        3,000.00

            6.Expenses, Boards & Com.

                        on A. C. Business                                2,250.00        2,250.00

            7.         Other Exp. Brd. of Dir.                        450.00        400.00

            8.         Ministerial Conv.                                 450.00        500.00

            9.         Ministers’ Assistance Fund                  100.00        500.00

            10.Health & Welfare for Pastors

                        & Dependents*                                    19,718.32        20,600.00

            11.       Ministerial Cand. Com.

                        Internships                                           250.00        250.00

            12.       Contingencies                                      1,080.16        1,000.00

                        TOTALS                                             40,198.48        44,000.00

            * Includes insurance coverage ($38.16/month) for Pastors of 43 churches contributing to the Budget.

            RESOLVED: that we approve for presentation to our churches of the above Administrative Budget proposed for 1974-1975.

            RESOLVED: that if a Pastor’s schedule is not in the hands of the Committee on Statistics by 9:30 a.m. of the Thursday prior to Annual Conference, the facts from that church(s) will not be included in the current year’s report.

            RESOLVED: that the size of the Committee on Auditing be reduced to four because of the decrease in work due to previous auditing.

The following were elected:

            Chairman of 91st Annual Conference – Jansen E. Hartman

            Vice Chairman of 91st Annual Conference – Carl C. Cassel

            Secretary of 91st Annual Conference – James A. Beil

            RESOLVED: that we extend the time.

            RESOLVED: that we adjourn. Adjourned at 5:03 p.m. with prayer by Ernest E. Bauer.

Ninth Meeting

Wednesday Evening, October 10 1973 – 6:30 p.m.

Donald R. Knauer led in prayer.

The minutes were read and approved as read.


            Whereas, Jansen E. Hartman has served ably as Chairman of the 90th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore,

            RESOLVED: that we express our appreciation to Brother Hartman for his patient and expeditious leadership of the business meetings.

            Whereas, A. L. Seifert has given unselfishly of his time and energy to directing Pinebrook Bible Conference, therefore,

            RESOLVED: that we thank God for Brother Seifert and pray for continuing strength and wisdom for him in his task.

            Whereas, David J. Watkins has continued to exercise creative and progressive leadership as President of Pinebrook Junior College, and

            Whereas, Carl C. Cassel has ministered with distinction as Academic Dean of the College, and

            Whereas, the faculty and administrative staff of Pinebrook Junior College have served with concern and dedication, therefore,

            RESOLVED:  that we thank the Lord for His blessing on Pinebrook Junior College and that we pledge to President Watkins, Dean Cassel and their colleagues our continuing support.

            Whereas, Daniel G. Ziegler has provided deep concern and able leadership for the Department of Church Extension and has been used of the Lord not only in directing the existing missions but also seeing the vision for new missions, therefore

            RESOLVED: that we give thanks to the Lord for Brother Ziegler and his faithfulness to the task of extending the church.

            Whereas, F. B. Hertzog has served conscientiously and compassionately as Administrator of the Bible Fellowship Church Home, therefore

            RESOLVED:  that we express our gratitude for Brother Hertzog and his gracious ministry and pray God’s rich blessing upon the Home and through it to those it serves.

            Whereas, David E. Thomann, General Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions, has efficiently fulfilled the responsibilities of this office, therefore

            RESOLVED: that we thank the Lord for this labor of love.

            Whereas, Editor-Publisher Willard E. Cassel and Business Manager R. C. Reichenbach have most admirably accomplished the increasingly difficult task of preparing and circulating FELLOWSHIP NEWS for another year, therefore

            RESOLVED: that we thank these men for their faithfulness.

            Whereas Robert W. Gehret Conference Treasurer and Horace A. Kauffman, Financial Secretary, have faithfully fulfilled their duties, therefore

            RESOLVED: that we express to these men our sincere thanks for their services given to the Church.

            Whereas James A. Beil has served diligently as Secretary of this Annual Conference, efficiently assisted by Willard E. Cassel, Assistant Secretary and Harold C. Weaber, Recording Secretary, therefore

            RESOLVED: that we thank these brethren for their service and that each of them be given a token gift of $25.00 from the Board of Publication & Printing.

            Whereas, the Lord by His grace has added to the churches, enabling us to record the highest net membership increase in twenty years, bringing the total membership to its highest point ever, and

            Whereas, the Lord has called a sufficient number of men into the ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church so that all of our churches are supplied with pastors, therefore,

            RESOLVED: that we bless the Lord for these evidences of His blessing in the growth of the church, and further

            RESOLVED: that we earnestly beseech God for continuing and accelerating growth in the years ahead as He tarries.

            Whereas, the ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church have been faithful to the Lord, His Word and the church, therefore,

            RESOLVED: that we thank God for His gifts to the Church in these, His servants.

            Whereas, the Lord has again raised up a staff of faithful delegates from our local churches, and

            Whereas, these men have graciously given of their time to participate in this Conference, therefore

            RESOLVED: that we thank the Lord for these men of God and for their concern for the furtherance of the Gospel through the Bible Fellowship Church.

            Whereas, God has given to us a devoted and loyal missionary family laboring under the care of the Board of Foreign Missions, therefore

            RESOLVED: that we praise God for them and their spirit sacrificial dedication and, further

            RESOLVED: that we pledge ourselves to consistent prayer and financial support on their behalf.

            Whereas the 90th Annual Conference has been graciously entertained by the Pinebrook Staff and volunteers, therefore

            RESOLVED: that we express our appreciation to them by a rising vote of thanks at the evening meal on Wednesday, October l0, 1973.

            RESOLVED: that the 91st Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church convene at Pinebrook, Stroudsburg, Pa. on October 14, 1974 at 10:00 a.m.

            RESOLVED: that the Yearbooks shall be ordered and paid for at the Annual Conference. Payment shall be made to the Board of Publication & Printing.

            RESOLVED: that all monies which are due to Conference Boards and Committees be forwarded to them prior to August 31 of the year in which they are to be reported.

            RESOLVED:  that the following become part of the Standing Rules:

a. Each Pastor shortly after the election of the Conference Delegate and Alternate Delegate shall inform the Secretary of the Annual Conference of the results of these elections.

b. The Report of each Board and Committee made to Annual Conference shall include a report of its treasurer stating the total amount of cash on hand and the depository where this fund is maintained.

c. The term of office for those elected and appointed by this body shall be for the term designated by our rules for that office or until successors are chosen.

Frank L. Herb, Jr., Daniel G. Ziegler, Austin G. Shelly, William R. Hunsberger, Robert W. Smock, R. C. Reichenbach, COMMITTEE

            The Budget for Pinebrook Junior College was presented.

            The following were elected:

            NOMINATING COMMITTEE: James A. Beil, John Dunn, James G. Koch, Robert F. Johnson, Norman L. Reed, Norman W. Granda, William R. Hunsberger

The following were appointed by the Chairman and approved by the Conference:

            COMMITTEE ON AGENDA: James A. Beil, Willard E. Cassel, Harold C. Weaber

            COMMITTEE TO EXAMINE ANNUAL CONFERENCE MINUTES: Roger Reitz, Warren L. Zimmerman

            COMMITTEE ON PROGRAM FOR NEXT ANNUAL CONFERENCE: Frank L. Herb, Jr., Ronald C. Mahurin., Robert W. Smock

            COMMITTEE ON STATISTICS: Willard E. Cassel, LeRoy S. Heller, John Dunn, Donald R. Knauer, Paul G. Zimmerman.

            Sterling Baker, missionary to Kenya, supported by the Board of Foreign Missions, addressed the Conference.

            RESOLVED:  that the material “Qualifications and Duties of Church Membership” be adopted as part of the FAITH & ORDER of the Bible Fellowship Church (FIRST READING).


            Anyone desiring to be a member of the Bible Fellowship Church shall give testimony and evidence of faith in Christ and the new birth. He shall be in sympathy with the FAITH & ORDER, be baptized by immersion subsequent to salvation and manifest holiness toward God and separation from the world (Acts 2:41-47).

Duties: Commitment to Christ and the Bible Fellowship Church shall be manifest by the joyful acceptance of the following responsibilities:

  1. To live in keeping with the doctrines and standards of the church as found in the FAITH & ORDER (John 17:15-17; I Cor. 5:6-11; 6:14-18; Eph. 5:26,27; Titus 3:10; James 1: 26, 27; II John 9,10).

2. To exercise willingly his spiritual gifts within the body (Eph. 4:11-16; I Cor. 12:4-31; Romans 12:3-8).

3. To minister under the direction of the church (Acts 20: 28; Heb. 13:7; I Peter 5:2,3; I Tim. 3:1; 5:17).

4. To bear the message of the church to the outside world (Matthew 28:19,20; Acts 1:8; Matthew 5:13-16).

5. To pray daily for the pastor and the ministries of the church (Romans 10:1; Matt. 9:28; Acts 4:29; Eph. 6:18,19; Acts 13:2-4).

6. To support the program of the church financially with the regular giving of tithes and offerings (Mal. 3: 10; I Cor. 9:13,14; 16:1,2; II Cor. 8:7-9; 9:6,7).

7. To submit to those God has ordained as rulers in the church (Heb. 13:17, cf. also references under #3 above).

8. To attend faithfully the stated meetings of the church (Acts 2:42; Heb. 10:25).

9. To observe the Lord’s Supper (I Cor. 11:23-28).

10. To demonstrate mutual care and concern for the other members of the church (John 13:34,35; 15:12,17; Gal. 6:1, 21,10; James 5:19,16).

RESOLVED: that the material regarding alcoholic drinks and tobacco in the article on Harmful Indulgences in the FAITH & ORDER be retained. (Yes – 54; No 29)

RESOLVED: that we extend the time.

            Whereas this Annual Conference has passed a resolution establishing a minimum salary for pastors of $7,000, including payments of his Ministers’ Retirement Fund assessments and allowances for Social Security Tax payments, and

            Whereas, the Board of Church Extension has a policy of providing each pastor serving under its jurisdiction with at least a minimum salary as established by Annual Conference, and

            Whereas, the Board of Church Extension presently has no means to provide for this increase, therefore be it

            RESOLVED: that each church that is presently supporting its pastor at or above the new minimum salary give a liberal offering to the Board of Church Extension designated for increasing the salaries of the men who are presently working under the Board for less than this minimum salary. This offering shall be forwarded to the Treasurer of the Board of Church Extension by November 30, 1973. The amount needed to fully provide for this is $3,599.50.

James G. Koch, Daniel G. Ziegler, John L. Deily, Clyde W. Snyder, Arthur H. Frable, LeRoy S. Heller

            RESOLVED: that we adjourn. Adjourned at 9:50 p.m. with prayer by Byron C. Cassel.

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