1977 Annual Conference Minutes




Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1977 Yearbook

First Meeting

Monday morning, October 10, 1977 – 10:00 a.m.

            Chairman Jansen E. Hartman called the 94th Annual Conference to order. R. C. Reichenbach led in prayer.

The Roll was established as follows:

Allentown, Bethel – – John L. Deily

Allentown, Cedar Crest – Roy A. Hertzog – Jay Fasnacht

Allentown, Salem – John H. Herb – Allan C. Palmer

Bethlehem – Frank L. Herb, Jr. – Warren L. Zimmerman

Blandon – Dana E. Weller – Stanley C. Kalbach

Camden, DE (Mission) – James G. Koch

Carmel, NY (Mission)– William H. Bartron

Catasauqua – Roger Reitz – Arthur W. Deppe

Coopersburg – Donald D. Reitz – Robert Snyder, Sr.

Denville, NJ – (Probationer) – Sieg Haid

Easton – LeRoy C. Wilcox – Russell E. Dech

Emmaus – Harvey J. Fritz, Jr. – Clifford L. Kauffman

Ephrata – Robert W. Smock – Robert W. Gehret

Finesville, NJ – D. Thomas Phillips – H. Walter Stout, Jr.

Fleetwood – Austin G. Shelly – Norman L. Reed .

Freehold-Englishtown, NJ – William W. Mull – Clinton Crankshaw

Graterford – Keith E. Plows – C. Roger Detwiler

Harleysville – Arthur H. Frable – Ernest Pierson

Harrisburg – R. C. Reichenbach – Walter A. Schlagel

Hatfield – Ronald C. Mahurin – Lee E. Boyles

Howell, NJ – John Vandegriff – John Colantonio

Lancaster – John Dunn – Horace A. Kauffman

Lebanon – Bruce A. Ellingson – Leroy O. Herb

Lehighton – Bernard N. Coble – Ernest E. Bauer

Maple Glen – Carl K. Spackman – Byron C. Cassel

Mt. Carmel – Alva C. Cassel – Harold L. Snyder, Jr.

Nazareth – Paul G. Zimmerman – Roy E. Williams

New Fairfield, CT (Mission) – Robert L. Draper

Oley – (Supply) – Eugene Kuhns

Paradise – (Probationer) – L. Donald Miller

Phila., Calvary – Robert N. Minnig – Leon H. Naudasher

Phila., Emmanuel – – Russell Davis

Quakertown – Bert N. Brosius – L. James Roberts, Jr.

Reading – Jansen E. Hartman – (1) Robert Breitegam, (2) Rodney Muthard

Royersford – Robert F. Johnson – William R. Hunsberger

Scranton – (Probationer) – Carl H. Kellerman

Shamokin – (Probationer) – T. Lamarn Manney

Sinking Spring – Terris L. Byrd – Jack Largent

Spring City – Richard Taylor – Edward H. Custer

Staten Island, NY –                             – Ralph D. Cole

Stroudsburg – (Probationer) – Thomas W. Sacher

Sunbury – LeRoy S. Heller – Clayton Brosius

Terre Hill – (Probationer) – Paul Weber

Wallingford – William A. Heffner – Rufus Spedden

Walnutport – Harold C. Weaber – Paul Rodgers

York – John H. Riggall – Sterling E. Baer

Zionsville – (Probationer) – David Weller

ORDAINED MEN WITHOUT PASTORATES – James A. Beil, Carl C. Cassel, Willard E. Cassel, George E. Herb, David E. Thomann, David J. Watkins, Daniel G. Ziegler

ORDAINED MISSIONARIES – T. James Bigley, Brian H. Butler, Leonard E. Buck, Richard J. Gehman, J. Barclay Harley, David Manney, Edward Moyer, Laird F. Stengele

ORDAINED MINISTERS IN RETIREMENT – Paul E. Baer, E. W. Bean, W. W. Hartman, F. B. Hertzog, C. E. Kirkwood, C. E. Kirkwood, C. Leslie Miller


            Delbert R. Baker, II                Newark, NJ (CE)

            James R. Batchler                   Zionsville, Pa. (P)

            Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr.          Shamokin, Pa. (P)

            Kenneth L. Good                    Paradise Pa. (P)

            William L. Graybill, II           Terre Hill, Pa. (P)

            Richard D. Harris                   Denville, NJ (P)

            Frank T. Robinson                  Royersford, Pa. (AP)

            Thomas P. Shorb                    Stroudsburg, Pa. (P)

            Terry N. Tareila                      Scranton, Pa. (P)

            Arthur J. Frisbie                     Glasgow, DE (CE)

            James Wickstead                    Poughquag, NY (CE)

CE – Church Extension

P – Pastorate

AP – Assistant Pastor

            RESOLVED: that when a Probationer is called through the Pulpit Supply System to serve as a pastor or in another ministerial capacity, he shall be a voting member of Annual Conference.

            RESOLVED: that the first ten pews constitute the Conference bar.

Robert Snyder, Sr., John H. Herb, Leon H. Naudasher, Roy E. Williams, Kenneth Good, John Vandegriff, Jay Fasnacht, Robert Minnig, Sieg Haid, Donald D. Reitz, H. Walter Stout, Jr., Donald T. Kirkwood, Arthur W. Deppe, A. L. Seifert, and C. E. Kirkwood asked to be excused from various or all sessions.

            RESOLVED: that all Pastors seeking to be excused from meetings of Annual Conference meet with the Chairman for an explanation of their requests. The Chairman will have the right to make the final decision.

            RESOLVED: that the above excuses for Delegates be granted.

            RESOLVED: that the following appointments by the Chairman be approved:

TELLERS: Robert F. Johnson, Chairman; Keith E. Plows, Secretary; LeRoy S. Heller, Leroy O. Herb, Norman L. Reed, Harold L. Snyder, Jr., L. James Roberts, Jr., Carl K. Spackman.

COMMITTEE ON RESOLUTIONS: William A. Heffner, Chairman; Robert W. Smock, Terris L. Byrd, John H. Riggall, Leon H. Naudasher, Robert Breitegam, Warren L. Zimmerman.

COMMITTEE ON COMMUNICATIONS: John Dunn, Chairman; Austin G. Shelly, Arthur H. Frable, John L. Deily.

COMMITTEE ON AUDITING: William R. Hunsberger, Jay Fasnacht, Robert W. Gehret, Roy E. Williams, Sterling E. Baer, Rodney Muthard, Horace A. Kauffman.

COMMITTEE ON EXAMINATION OF MINUTES OF PARTICULAR CHURCHES: R. C. Reichenbach, Chairman; Roy Hertzog, John Vandegriff , Stanley Kalbach, Arthur W. Deppe, Ernest E. Bauer, Allan C. Palmer, Paul Weber, T. Lamarn Manney, Russell E. Dech, Clifford L. Kauffman, Lee E. Boyles, L. Donald Miller, Russell Davis, Jack Largent, Walter A. Schlagel, C. Roger Detwiler, Robert Snyder, Sr., Clinton Crankshaw, Rufus Spedden, Ernest Pierson, Carl H. Kellerman, Paul Rodgers.

TIMEKEEPER: Bernard N. Coble

REPORTER: Daniel G. Ziegler

            The Secretary appointed Willard E. Cassel as his assistant.


            Report was accepted.


            RESOLVED: that the Agenda be adopted.

            REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PROGRAM (See page 37)

Report was accepted.

            Chairman, Jansen E. Hartman, gave the Keynote Address on: “The Biblical Principles of Ministry.”

The Lord’s Supper was observed.

RESOLVED: that we adjourn. Adjourned at 12:02 p.m. in prayer by Harvey J. Fritz, Jr.

Second Meeting

Monday afternoon – October 10, 1977 – 1:30 p.m.

            The Conference sang “We Gather Together.” William W. Mull led in prayer.

            Thomas W. Sacher, Stroudsburg; Lee Boyles, Hatfield; Russell Davis, Philadelphia, Emmanuel; Robert Snyder, Sr:, Coopersburg; Ernest Pierson, Harleysville – Delegates at Annual Conference for the first time, were introduced to the Conference.

            Ron Hoyle, missionary to France under Greater Europe Mission and Timothy Kauffman, missionary to Zaire under Unevangelized Fields Mission, addressed the Conference.

            RESOLVED: that the words “no one is eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms,” p. 65 FAITH & ORDER (‘75 ed. ) #5a, under Ministerial Relations Committee and also 36, paragraph 3, see. C be eliminated. SECOND READING.

             (Yes – 76; No – 11)


Report was accepted.

            RESOLVED: that the local Pastoral Relations Committee be diligent in seeking to maintain good pastoral relations and that the Conference Ministerial Relations Committee endeavor to provide a guideline for the local Pastoral Relations Committee in carrying out its responsibilities to the pastor and congregation.

            RESOLVED: that the pastors be excluded from voting on the following resolution.

            RESOLVED: that each church be strongly encouraged to strive to provide for its pastor a salary that is at least equal to the average gross income of its constituent households, and further

            RESOLVED: that we encourage each church to increase its pastor’s salary at least 7 % above the previous year’s salary, and further

            RESOLVED: that it is the consensus of this Conference that the minimum salary adequate for a pastor serving a Bible Fellowship Church, including supplemental benefits, should be no less than $9,100.00 for the 1977-1978 year.


Report was accepted.

            Whereas, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommend Kenneth L. Good and William L. Graybill, II for ordination, and

            Whereas, Kenneth L. Good and William L. Graybill, II have served acceptably as ministers in the Bible Fellowship Church for several years, and

            Whereas, after examination, we believe both of them to be called of God to the Gospel ministry and to be in accord with the Faith & Order of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore

            RESOLVED: that Kenneth L. Good and William L. Graybill, II, be ordained at a service of ordination to be held in Calvary Bible Fellowship Church of Coopersburg on Tuesday, October 11, 1977, at 7:30 p.m.

            The Committee on Credentials shall be in charge of this service.

            RESOLVED: that the Chairman appoint a committee to prepare a suitable obituary for E. J. Rutman to appear in the 1977 Yearbook.

            The Chairman appointed R. C. Reichenbach and Willard E. Cassel.


Report was accepted.

            RESOLVED: that we accept the following men under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee:

PROBATIONERS: Delbert R. Baker, II, Newark, NJ; James R. Batchler, Jr., Zionsville, PA; Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr., Shamokin, PA; Arthur J. Frisbie, Newark, DE; Kenneth L. Good, Paradise, PA; William L. Graybill, II, Terre Hill, PA; Richard D. Harris, Denville, NJ; Thomas E. Heimer, Phila., PA. (on leave of absence); Charles E. Kramer, Ansonia; CT (on leave of absence); William L. Neff, Media, PA; Frank T. Robinson, Limerick, PA; Thomas P. Shorb, Stroudsburg, PA; Terry N. Tareila, Scranton, PA; James Wickstead, Poughquag, NY.

CANDIDATES: David Jones, Lansdale, PA; Bruce A. Pickard, Pt. Pleasant, PA; Louis Prontnicki, Philadelphia, PA; Robert Raup, Sacramento, CA; Jonathan Reynolds, Zionsville, PA; Henry A. Schell, Old Bridge, NJ; Philip E. Yerrington, Nazareth, PA.

APPLICANTS: James L. Beaver, Hatfield, PA; Richard Berkowitz, Harleysville, PA; Richard G. Blauser, Spring City, PA; Douglas D. Bowne, Richmond, VA; Albert J. Dommel, Portland, OR; Ronald Erb, Royersford, PA; Paul Gadomski, Sunbury, PA; John Garvin, King of Prussia, PA; John C. Grady, Hatfield, PA; David Hendershot, Clarks Summit, PA; Rodney H. Long, Tallahassee, FL; Richard S. MacLaren, Hatboro, PA; Gary W. Miller, Bethlehem, PA; Calvin T. Reed, Mohrsville, PA; Jeffrey C. Stickler, Philadelphia, PA; Thomas F. Templeton, Blooming Glen, PA; David A. Thomann, Aptos, CA; Roy M. Wallace, Jr., Houghton, NY.


Report was accepted.


Report was accepted.

            RESOLVED: that we recess. Recessed at 3:05 p.m. Reconvened at 3:35 p.m.

The following were elected:

            MINISTERIAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE: Jansen E. Hartman, Robert F. Johnson, John L. Deily.


Report was accepted.


Report was accepted.

            RESOLVED:  that the month of January be designated as FELLOWSHIP NEWS SUBSCRIPTION MONTH; that each pastor seek to increase his number of subscriptions to meet a new goal of 1,400 subscriptions.

            RESOLVED: that donations of $50.00 each be given to FELLOWSHIP NEWS from the following Boards: Victory Valley, Foreign Missions, Christian Education, Church Extension, Pinebrook Junior College, Pinebrook Bible Conference. (Checks should be made payable to the Board of Publication and Printing and sent to the Business Manager by February l, 1978).

RESOLVED: that the price of the Yearbook be $2.00.

The following were elected:


            BOARD OF PUBLICATION & PRINTING: Willard E. Cassel, John H. Herb, Gary Sterner, E. Ray Burger.


            RESOLVED: that we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 6:30 p.m. Adjourned at 4:05 p.m. in Prayer by Harold C. Weaber.

Third Meeting

Monday evening, October 10, 1977 – 6:30 p.m.

            Raymond R. Dotts and Evan Knowles, members of the Camden, Delaware, Mission, were introduced to the Conference. Raymond R. Dotts led in prayer.

Robert W. Smock spoke on “Church Evangelism.”

The following were elected:

            COMMITTEE ON CREDENTIALS: James A. Beil, Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Frank L. Herb, Jr., Keith E. Plows, John H. Riggall.


Report was accepted.

Recessed at 7:25 p.m. Reconvened at 7:35 p.m.

The following were elected:



Report was accepted.


Report was accepted.

The following were elected:

            MINISTERIAL CANDIDATE COMMITTEE: Carl C. Cassel, Robert F. Johnson, Ronald C. Mahurin, David J. Watkins, Paul G. Zimmerman


Report was accepted.


Report was accepted.


Report was accepted.


Report was accepted.

The following were elected:

            BOARD OF CHURCH EXTENSION: Bruce A. Ellingson, Clyde W. Snyder

            BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF PINEBROOK JUNIOR COLLEGE: LeRoy S. Heller, Wayne Batten, Raymond R. Dotts, Rodney Muthard, Warren L. Zimmerman

            RESOLVED: that we suspend the rules and extend the time.

RESOLVED: that we adjourn. Adjourned at 9:10 p.m. in prayer by Norman L. Reed.

Fourth Meeting

Tuesday morning, October 11, 1977 – 9:00 a.m.

Clifford L. Kauffman led in prayer.

            Minutes of meetings one, two and three were read and approved as corrected.

            R. C. Reichenbach presented a report on “Trends in Foreign Missions.”

            RESOLVED: that the above paper be published in FELLOWSHIP NEWS.


Report was accepted.

Recessed at 10:35 a.m. Reconvened at 11:00 a.m.

            RESOLVED: that the following be adopted at SECOND READING:



Article I

Composition and Election of the Board

Section 1 – Composition – The Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church shall be composed of five ordained ministers and four laymen

Section 2 – Election and Term of Office – The Directors’ shall be elected in three classes by the Annual Conference of Bible Fellowship Church to three year terms of service; each director shall serve until his successor is duly elected and qualified.

            The classes shall be composed as follows:

Class I – Two ministers and one layman

Class II – Two ministers and one layman

Class III – One minister and two laymen

(To begin, Class I shall be elected to a term of one year; Class II to a term of two years; Class III to a term of three years.)

Section 3 – Vacancies – Any vacancies of the Board occurring between Annual Conferences may be filled by simple majority vote of the remaining Directors; each Director elected in this way shall serve only until the next Annual Conference.

Article II

Organization of the Board

Section I – Officers – The Directors shall elect annually from their number a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Financial Secretary, and a Treasurer. The Board may, at its discretion, elect such other officers and agents as the business of the Corporation may require. Two or more offices may be held by the same person.

Section 2 – Vacancies – Vacancies in the offices named in this Article shall be filled by the Board of Directors as early as practicable.

Section 3 – Removal from Office – Officers elected by the Board of Directors shall be subject to removal from office at any time by majority vote of the whole number of Directors.

Article III

Duties of the Board

Section I – Legal – The – Board of Directors shall have and exercise in the name and on the behalf of the Corporation all rights and privileges conferred by the Charter creating the Corporation; such activity must always be in conformity to the FAITH & ORDER of Bible Fellowship Church and to the rules, decisions and directives of the Annual Conference of Bible Fellowship Church.

Section 2 – Denominational Property – It shall hold title to and have charge of all property, both real and personal, belonging to the Corporation except where there is an organized church or where other provision has been made for supervision by the Annual Conference.

It shall buy or sell property for the Corporation only by the approval of all members of the Board or by direction of Annual Conference.

It shall have the right to borrow money, contract mortgages, or make loans against any property of the Corporation by approval of all members of the Board or by direction of the Annual Conference.

Section 3 – Ministers’ Retirement Fund and Insurance Programs – It shall have oversight of the Ministers’ Retirement Fund of Bible Fellowship Church as well as all insurance programs established by Annual Conference.

Section 4 – Funds and Other Assets – It shall determine the depositories of Funds held by the Corporation, shall maintain accurate accounts of such funds and other assets, and shall have the right to make investments.

Section 5 – Administrative Budget – It shall have the oversight of the Administrative Budget according to the By-Laws of Annual Conference.

Section 6 – Real Estate of Particular Churches – It shall assist upon request of a particular church in having deeds drawn for real estate with the trust clauses as described in the By-Laws for Particular Churches in the FAITH & ORDER.

It shall act in an advisory capacity to particular churches and to the Board of Church Extension regarding the buying and selling of properties and development of facilities.

It shall have authority to sell for the Corporation any property deeded to a particular church; where for any reason said particular church ceases to exist as an organized church; it shall be empowered to convey such real estate and to execute and deliver a lawful deed. It shall use the net proceeds of the sale of such property for the extension of Bible Fellowship Church.

Section 7 – Report – It shall submit a report(s) to the Annual Conference of Bible Fellowship Church annually.

Article IV

Duties of Officers

Section 1 – President – (1) The President shall be moderator of all meetings of the Board of Directors. (2) He or any officer designated by hire shall execute such leases, contracts deeds and other documents as the current business of the Corporation may require. He shall report such execution to the Board, excepting, however, that no report shall be required with respect to matters which have been approved or authorized by the Board or matters not requiring Board authorization or approval (3) He shall also exercise and perform such powers and duties as are usually exercised by and devolve upon Presidents of Corporations.

Section 2 – The Vice-President – The Vice-President shall be the moderator of any duly called meetings of the Board of Directors not attended by the President. Should the Board find that the President is incapacitated or unable to perform his duties as President, such duties shall devolve upon the Vice-President.

Section 3 – Secretary of the Corporation – The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Board. He shall be custodian of the seal of the Corporation. He shall maintain files and records for the business of the Corporation. He shall preserve items of special value in a safe deposit box in a depository approved by the Board.

Section 4 – Financial Secretary – The Financial Secretary shall maintain accurate records of all assets held by and all financial transactions of the Corporation. He shall issue checks for the payment of duly authorized obligations.

Section 5 – Treasurer – The Treasurer shall deposit all funds for which the Board is responsible in depositories approved by the Board of Directors; all accounts shall be in the name of Bible Fellowship Church, ……….., Treasurer.

Article V

Miscellaneous Regulations

Section 1 – Primary Place of Business – The Primary place of business of the Corporation shall be:

Bible Fellowship Church

600 S. Main Street

Coopersburg, Pennsylvania, 18036

Section 2 – Lawful Meetings – The Board of Directors shall establish a schedule of stated meetings; it may also establish special meetings as required. Other special meetings may be convened with at least seven days’ notice sent by mail to each Director at the address given in the current Yearbook; such special meetings shall be convened at thee all of the President on his own initiative or at the call of the Secretary when requested by three Directors. In any call for a special meeting, the purpose of the meeting must be stated and the business transacted will be limited to the announced purpose, unless all of the Directors are present in said special meeting and consent to the transaction of other business.

Section 3 – Quorum – Seven duly elected Directors must be present to transact business of the Board; because its rules require unanimous consent of all Directors on certain issues, the vote of an absent Director shall be entered into the record on, but only on, those issues.

Section 4 – Disbursement of Funds – The President, Financial Secretary and Treasurer shall be qualified to sign checks for withdrawal of funds from the bank accounts of the Board.

            Checks may be validated by the signatures of any two of the qualified officers.

            Rev. Paul Lundgren, Eastern Representative of the Evangelical Alliance Mission, addressed the Conference.

            RESOLVED: that we suspend the rules and extend the time.

            RESOLVED: that we adjourn. Adjourned at 12:04 p.m. in prayer by Edward H. Custer.

Fifth Meeting

Tuesday afternoon, October 11, 1977 – 1:30 p.m.

            The Conference sang: “We’re Marching to Zion.” Jack Largent led in prayer.

            REPORT OF BOARD OF FOREIGN MISSIONS (See page 112)

            Report was accepted.

The following were elected:

            BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH: (3 years) Jansen E. Hartman, James R. Cressman Horace A. Kauffman; (2 years) Carl C. Cassel, James A. Beil, Robert W. Gehret; (1 year) David J. Watkins, Bert N. Brosius, Jay Fasnacht.

            Whereas there is no legislation covering a procedure for returning to service with Bible Fellowship Church a minister ordained by Bible Fellowship Church who had resigned from its ministry, therefore, be it

            RESOLVED: that the Ministerial Candidate Committee design such a procedure, obtain the concurrence therein by the Committee on Credentials and submit the proposal to the 95th Annual Conference.


Report was accepted.


            RESOLVED: that #5, p. 86 FAITH & ORDER be deleted and that the following be added to the Duties of the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church:

            The Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church shall annually recommend to Annual Conference the rate of payment for mileage for all official church business. It shall be established by Annual Conference by a majority at one reading.


Resolved that Section F-4, p. 65 FAITH & ORDER, read as follows:

Ordained ministers who have been called to minister by the rules of Pulpit Supply or who are laboring in any agency of Bible Fellowship Church shall be eligible for election or appointment to Conference Offices, Boards or Committees.

An ordained minister who is without a call to a church is eligible to serve in an elective office and on Conference Boards and Committees as long as he remains on the list of Ordained Ministers Working Under the Direction of Bible Fellowship Church.

A minister who is granted a leave of absence may serve as a minister in any elective or appointed position only until the next Annual Conference, when a successor will be elected or appointed to fill the unexpired term.

Laymen who are members in good standing of a Bible Fellowship Church are eligible for election or appointment to Conference Boards or Committees. These laymen need not be members of the Annual Conference. The Nominating Committee shall seek assistance from Pastors and Boards of Elders in obtaining capable candidates for these positions.

A resignation from an Annual Conference office shall be sent to the Secretary of Annual Conference. A copy shall also be sent to the Chairman of the Nominating Committee.

A resignation from a Board or Committee shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Board or Committee. The Board or Committee shall report to Annual Conference such resignation(s), recommending appropriate action. The Board or Committee shall inform the Nominating Committee.


            RESOLVED: that the FAITH & ORDER, p. 64 (’75 ed.), under “Committees Appointed by the Chairman” have #3 Committee on Examination of Congregational Minutes deleted, and it become #3 under “Standing Boards and Committees Appointed by the Chairman.”

RESOLVED: that the FAITH & ORDER, (p. 65), would read as follows:

            4.         Standing Boards and Committees

(a)Appointed by the Chairman

1. Committee on Statistics (currently in the Appendix of the Yearbook (1976, p. 156-158).

2. Committee to Examine Annual Conference Minutes (F & O p. 85).

3. Committee on Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches.

A.        Purpose

1. To provide a degree of uniformity in the manner in which the Particular Churches conduct their respective congregational meetings.

2. To ensure that a Particular Church is in conformity to the FAITH & ORDER.

3. To assist the pastors in the manner in which they shall preside at congregational meetings.

4. To assist the secretary of each particular church in keeping proper and accurate records of the proceedings of the congregational meetings.

B. The Duties

1.The Committee shall determine annually by use of Suggested Format (see p. ) the adequacy of the minutes of each Particular Church.

2.The Committee shall notify any Particular Church of inadequacies found in the minutes along with suggested corrective measures.

3. The Committee shall verify:

a. that the delegate and alternate delegate are elders and the individuals reported to the Secretary of Annual Conference.

b. that petitions as circulated for consideration at Annual Conference have been adopted by the congregation.

4. The Committee shall submit a report to Annual Conference including the above verifications.

C.        The Formulation

1. The Committee shall consist of five (5) members appointed by the Chairman of Annual Conference.

2. The Committee shall organize itself.

3. The Committee shall meet at least annually in the week prior to Annual Conference.

4. Committee on Agenda (Material yet to be written).

            Recessed at 3:07; Reconvened at 3:30 p.m.


            RESOLVED: that Article X of Principles of Order, “Annual Conference” paragraph 3, lines 4, 5 (FAITH & ORDER) p. 26b, ’75 ed.) be amended as follows:

            “….. every probationer who has been called to be the pastor of a church (this refers only to the first pastor of a church, and does not include probationers who are called to serve as associates of the first pastor of a church)……

            (lines 12, 13) “… probationers who have not been called to be the first pastors of churches……

            RESOLVED: that we suspend the rules and adjourn.

            RESOLVED: that we adjourn. Adjourned at 4:55 p.m. in prayer by Allan C. Palmer.

Sixth Meeting

Wednesday morning, October 12, 1977 – 9:00 a.m.

            Conference sang, “When Morning Gilds the Skies.” Thomas Sacher led in prayer.

            Minutes of meetings four and five were read and approved as corrected.

            Donald D. Reitz and Ron Hoyle spoke on “Mission Maintenance.”


Report was accepted.

            REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON AUDITING (See page 174)

            Report was accepted.


Report was accepted.


Report was accepted.


Report was accepted.

The following were elected:

            BOARD OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Keith E. Plows.

            Recessed at 10:35 a.m. Reconvened at 11:05 a.m.


            RESOLVED: that the following changes, and additions be made: (FIRST READING)

            2.         Congregational Meetings (FAITH & ORDER, p. 51)

            The following new paragraph shall be added:

            The secretary shall keep adequate and accurate minutes of all congregational meetings. The Board of Elders shall insure that a copy of the minutes of all congregational meetings held during the year is sent to the COMMITTEE ON EXAMINATION OF MINUTES OF PARTICULAR CHURCHES. Said copy(ies) shall be delivered to the address of Annual Conference by Monday of the week prior to Annual Conference.

            3.         Suggested format for Congregational meetings:

1.The meeting shall open with prayer.

2.Roll Call: This shall include all church officers and all individuals responsible for reporting at the regular meeting(s). The roll shall precede the minutes of the first meeting of each year.

3.The reading and approval of minutes of previous meeting(s).

4. Reports:

a. Board of Elders (to include at least the following):

(1)       Membership

 (2)       Financial report(s) – including evidence of auditing

(3)       Appointment of the Pastoral Relations Committee

 (4)       Benevolence Report (omitted if Deacon Board reports)

(5)       Status of the Work

(6)       Establishment of value of church property

(7)       Recommendations

b.  Board of Deacons

c.  Any other organizational reports as required by the By-Laws of the Particular Church. (This may include: Sunday School, Youth Fellowship, Adult Fellowship(s), W.M.S., Special Committees, Pastor, etc.)

5. Old Business – All motions properly recorded.

6.         New Business – All motions properly recorded.

7.         Election of Church Officers

8.         Petition(s) to Annual Conference

9.         Adjournment

            (The requirement of W.M.S. report to the Local Congregational meeting be deleted from FAITH & ORDER, p. 60, 5e)

4.         Special Meetings

1.The purpose of every meeting must be stated at the beginning of the minutes of said special meeting.

2.         Business must be limited to that of the stated purpose.

3.         The action must be properly recorded.

5.         Choosing leaders, etc. (continuation of material already in FAITH & ORDER)

6.         Communication of Particular Churches to Annual Conference

            Any Particular Church has the right to petition Annual Conference requesting its action and guidance. A petition must be approved by a majority vote of those present and voting at a duly called congregational meeting and appear in the minutes. It must be placed on the agenda of Annual Conference and the answer to the Particular Church placed in the minutes of Annual Conference. The Secretary of the Board of Elders shall be responsible for forwarding the petition to the Secretary of Annual Conference. Petitions received by September 1 shall be guaranteed consideration in that Annual Conference session. Those received after September 1, will be held for consideration in the next conference year. The Secretary of Annual Conference shall send two copies to each pastor by September 15.

            The Board of Elders of a Particular Church has the right to request the action or guidance of Annual Conference on issues confronting the Particular Church. There maybe times when it may be inadvisable for the whole congregation to be involved in the approach to Annual Conference. The request to Annual Conference must be approved in a duly called Board of Elders meeting and appear in the minutes. The delegate of this church may introduce the Board’s request as a motion from the floor of Annual Conference. When a Board intends to use this method, the Secretary and the Chairman of Annual Conference should be notified of their intention by October 1.

7. Other Organizations in Particular Church (Continuation of material already in the FAITH & ORDER, beginning p. 52).

8. Miscellaneous By-Laws (Continuation of material already in the FAITH & ORDER, p. 60).

9. Qualifications and Duties of Church Membership (Continuation of material already in the FAITH & ORDER, beginning p. 61).

            RESOLVED: that John H. Herb draft a footnote defining “subordination” to be placed in the Position Paper on “The Role of Women in the Church.”

            RESOLVED: that we adjourn. Adjourned at 12:00 noon in prayer by Roy A. Hertzog.

Seventh Meeting

Wednesday afternoon, October 12, 1977 – 1:30 p.m.

Lee Boyles led in prayer.


            RESOLVED: that we permit women to serve as Deacons. (Yes – 66; No – 26) (.FIRST READING)

            RESOLVED: that in reference to Article IX a Board of Deacons, p. 26, FAITH & ORDER, the Government Committee study the question, “Are women eligible to serve as chairman of the Board of Deacons?” and report to the 95th Annual Conference. (Yes – 50; No – 18).

            RESOLVED: that our legislation be revised as follows: (FIRST READING)

FAITH & ORDER, p. 26, Article IX a, the first paragraph shall read as follows:

The Board of Deacons shall be composed of all deacons duly elected by and from the congregation, and who meet the qualifications of the Scriptures. They shall be mature persons who demonstrate spiritual wisdom and compassion so that they might serve the needy in a Christlike and merciful manner. The number of deacons chosen to serve on the Board of Deacons shall be established by the congregation by ballot vote upon the recommendation of the Board of Elders.

            FAITH & ORDER, p. 26a. first paragraph, under “Electing and Installing Deacons” shall read as follows:

            Each congregation may elect deacons in keeping with the Qualification set forth in Scripture. Deacons must be members in full communion in the church in which they are to exercise their office.

FAITH & ORDER, p. 26a, The questions asked the members of the church shall read as follows:

1.         Do you, the members of this church, acknowledge and receive this brother/sister as a deacon?

2.         Do you promise to give to him/her all the honor, encouragement and support in the Lord to which his/her office entitles him/her?

            After the members of the church have answered these questions in the affirmative by holding up their right hands, the minister shall proceed to set apart the candidate by prayer to the office of deacon, and shall give to him/her and to the congregation an exhortation suited to the occasion.

FAITH & ORDER, p. 23, Article VI shall read as follows:

            The office of deacon is presented in the Scriptures as an office, not of ruling, but service. A deacon should be a person of deep spiritual life, exemplary conduct and sound judgment (I Tim. 3; Acts 6:1-8). His/her office is one of sympathetic service to the church and to the distressed, friendless or sick, after the example of our Lord Jesus Christ.

            RESOLVED: that the Government Committee continue to work toward determining which other responsibilities in the Particular Church and on the fellowship-wide level may be filled by women.


            RESOLVED: that the following be adopted as Article XVIII of the Form of Government:

            By a two-thirds majority of those voting, the Annual Conference may propose to the churches amendments or changes in the Articles of Faith or in the Form of Government of Bible Fellowship Church. After approval of a First Reading of the proposed change, the Secretary of Annual Conference shall send the proposed amendment to each Particular Church of the Conference by mailing a certified copy of the proposed amendment to each pastor and delegate (s) to Annual Conference. The Board of Elders of each Particular Church shall vote on the proposed amendment; an affirmative vote by a majority of the total number of elders shall be required for approval. Before the Annual Conference can consider a Second Reading of a proposed amendment or change in the Articles of Faith or the Form of Government, approval of the proposed change must be reported to the Secretary of Annual Conference by the Board of Elders of at least two-thirds of the churches.

The following petition from Grace Bible Fellowship Church of Reading, Pa. was received:

We, the Grace Bible Fellowship Church at Reading, respectively petition the Ninety-fourth Annual Conference meeting in Coopersburg to clarify the policy by which Conference agencies are to be supported financially by the local churches.

            RESOLVED: that a committee composed of one member from each of the following Boards: Church Extension, Foreign Missions, Church Home, Pinebrook Bible Conference, Pinebrook Junior College, Victory Valley and the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church, as designated by the individual boards, and also the Pastor and first delegate of the petitioning church, study the petition, and report back to the next Annual Conference, and further

            RESOLVED:  that this be the immediate answer to Grace Bible Fellowship Church, Reading.

            Jansen E. Hartman is to convene the above Committee. Names from the various boards shall be sent to Jansen E. Hartman.

            RESOLVED: that each church shall make an annual contribution to the Pinebrook Bible Conference.

            Dr. and Mrs. David Wehr, missionary candidates to Africa under the Africa Inland Mission, and the Board of Foreign Missions, addressed the Conference.


            Whereas, Jansen E. Hartman has been enabled of the Lord to efficiently lead the 94th Annual Conference as Chairman, therefore

            RESOLVED: that we give thanks to the Lord for the gifts of the Spirit through His servant.

            Whereas, David E. Thomann has served effectively and loyally both as Director of Pinebrook Bible Conference and General Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions, therefore

            RESOLVED: that we likewise give thanks to the Lord for the gifts of the Spirit through His servant.

            Whereas, the Lord has showered His blessing on the ministry of the Pinebrook Bible Conference program, therefore

RESOLVED: that we praise the Lord for His goodness and further

            RESOLVED: that we request its Director, David E. Thomann, to personally express our appreciation to the staff members for their cooperation, concern and sacrifice.

            Whereas, David J. Watkins has manifested outstanding leadership as President of Pinebrook Junior College, therefore

            RESOLVED: that we likewise give thanks to the Lord for the gifts of the Spirit through His servant.

            Whereas, in the providence of God, Pinebrook Junior College has been enabled to minister to a number of students throughout the year, therefore

            RESOLVED: that we request David J. Watkins, President, to personally express our appreciation to the staff for their cooperation, concern and sacrifice.

            Whereas, James A. Beil has ministered faithfully as Administrator of the Bible Fellowship Church Home, therefore

            RESOLVED: that we likewise give thanks to the Lord for the gifts of the Spirit through His servant.

            Whereas, the Report of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church Home reflects another year of effective ministry to the guests, therefore

            RESOLVED: that we request James A. Beil, Administrator, to personally express our appreciation to the staff for their cooperation, concern and sacrifice.

            Whereas, Daniel G. Ziegler has served with continued dedication as Director of Church Extension, therefore

            RESOLVED: that we likewise give thanks to the Lord for the gifts of the Spirit through His servant.

            Whereas, Jonathan Reynolds has served faithfully and industriously as the Director of Victory Valley, and the Lord has spared his life in the accident at Victory Valley, therefore

            RESOLVED: that we thank God for his service and support him with our faithful prayers, and further

            RESOLVED: that we give praise and thanks to the Lord for sparing his life in his recent accident.

            Whereas, Editor-Publisher Willard E. Cassel and Business Manager R. C. Reichenbach have faithfully served in preparing and circulating our church newspaper FELLOWSHIP NEWS, therefore

            RESOLVED: that we thank them for their work in this ministry.

            Whereas, Robert W. Gehret, Conference Treasurer, James R. Cressman, Health and Welfare Secretary and Horace A. Kauffman, Financial Secretary, have faithfully, accurately and diligently performed their duties, therefore

            RESOLVED: that we commend them on a job well done and express our appreciation for their services on our behalf.

            Whereas, James A. Beil has efficiently served as Secretary of the 94th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church and

            Whereas, Willard E. Cassel has competently assisted the Secretary, therefore

            RESOLVED: that we express our thanks to these persons for their labors and that we present each of them a gift of $25.00 from the Board of Publication & Printing.

            Whereas, God has graciously called and equipped the Ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church as they have sought to be loving and obedient servants of Christ and His church during the past year, therefore

            RESOLVED: that we praise God for our ministering brethren and that we pray for them and the places they will minister this coming year.

            Whereas, we have a family of missionaries who have been obedient to the heavenly vision and are diligently seeking to carry out the injunctions of the Great Commission, therefore

            RESOLVED: that we thank God for their service and assure them of our fervent prayers and adequate financial support.

            Whereas, the delegates to the 94th Annual Conference are godly, dedicated Christian men who have sacrificially given themselves to the efforts of the Annual Conference in promoting the work of our Lord in this area of His vineyard, therefore

            RESOLVED: that we express our sincere gratitude to these men and thank God for providing, through them, much needed wisdom for the Conference deliberations.

            Whereas, Pinebrook Junior College has so graciously provided meals and housing for the members of the 94th Annual Conference, therefore

            RESOLVED: that we express our appreciation for its entertainment of this body with a rising vote of thanks in this session of Annual Conference.

            Whereas, the Director of Pinebrook Bible Conference has offered to entertain the next Annual Conference, therefore be it

            RESOLVED: that the 95th Annual Conference of Bible Fellowship Church be convened at the Pinebrook Bible Conference Grounds, East Stroudsburg, Pa., on Monday, October 9, 1978, at 10:00 a.m.

William A. Heffner, Chairman; Robert W. Smock, Terris L. Byrd, John H. Riggall, Leon H. Naudasher, Robert Breitegam, Warren L. Zimmerman, COMMITTEE.

            Whereas, our election procedures take more time than necessary, therefore

            RESOLVED: that at the 95th Annual Conference:

a. Nominations be closed for all positions at the opening of each day’s meetings.

b. A ballot be prepared by the tellers and the associate members of the Conference for use during the day for those elections.

c. The ballots be marked by each member of the Conference and submitted to the tellers.

d. The tellers shall with the aid of the associate members of the Conference tabulate the results, announce the results and prepare run-off ballots as needed.

The following were elected:

            BOARD OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: (3 years) Raymond R. Dotts, Leroy O. Herb, (2 years) David Boorse, Edward H. Custer.


            BOARD OF FOREIGN MISSIONS: Paul G. Zimmerman, Jack Largent.

            PINEBROOK CONFERENCE BOARD: Frank L. Herb, Jr., Norman W. Granda, Sterling E. Baer.

            RESOLVED: that we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 6:30 p. m. Adjourned at 5:00 p. m. in prayer by Paul Weber.

Eighth Meeting

Wednesday evening., October 12, 1977 – 6:30 p.m.

            Conference sang “Wonderful Words of Life.” Frank T. Robinson led in prayer. Conference also sang “I Am Resolved.”

            The following appointments were made by the Chairman and approved by the Conference:

            COMMITTEE ON AGENDA: James A. Beil, Willard E. Cassel

            COMMITTEE ON PROGRAM FOR 95th ANNUAL CONFERENCE: Frank L. Herb, Jr., Robert F. Johnson, Ronald C. Mahurin, Jansen E. Hartman


            COMMITTEE ON STATISTICS: LeRoy S. Heller, John Dunn, Daniel G. Ziegler, Warren L. Zimmerman, Willard E. Cassel

            The Conference discussed the financial picture of Pinebrook Junior College.

The following were elected:

            BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE HOME: Bert N. Brosius, William A. Heffner, Robert Zentz

            RESOLVED: that we suspend the rules and extend the time.

            RESOLVED: that we adjourn. Adjourned at 9:10 p.m. in prayer by James R. Batchler, Jr.

Ninth Meeting

Thursday morning, October 13 1977 – 9:00 a.m.

            James G. Koch led in prayer.

            The minutes of the sixth, seventh and eighth meetings were read and approved as corrected.

            Ron Hoyle spoke on “Barnabas, Son of Exhortation.”


            RESOLVED: that the following become permanent legislation:

            1.         A fund shall be established to assist churches in financial need which shall be known as the Fund to Assist Churches.

            2.         The Fund to Assist Churches shall be administered by the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church who shall receive appeals from churches in need of assistance, consider such appeals and make appropriations as it may decide are necessary. The Board of Directors shall establish procedures of application and criteria for distribution of funds.

            3.         Any person or church who is aware that a church is in serious financial need may inform the Board of Directors.

            The Fund to Assist Churches shall be maintained by an annual allotment from the Administrative Budget and if there are insufficient funds to meet the needs by a direct appeal to the churches. Unused money in the Fund shall be invested.

            RESOLVED: that the following be enabling legislation:

            1.         The Fund to Assist Churches shall be established with a $1,000 yearly contribution from the Board of Church Extension for the first three years of the Fund’s existence and from an initial appeal to the churches and individuals for contributions.

            2.         Upon adoption at FIRST READING a sum shall be placed by the Board of Directors in the Administrative Budget for the 1978-79 Budget year.

            RESOLVED: that the following be added to the Duties of the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church:

            1.         The Board of Directors shall maintain and administer the Fund to Assist Churches.

            2.         The Board of Directors may solicit contributions from the churches to help the needy church(es) when there is insufficient money in the Fund to Assist Churches to meet the needs.

            RESOLVED that the following entitled “Youth Organizations” replace the Youth Fellowship Constitution now appearing in our FAITH & ORDER, (pp. 57-60, ‘75 ed.) SECOND READING.


            “Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth…. The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep all His commandments, because this applies to every person” (Ecclesiastes 12:1,12, NAS). “Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe” (I Timothy 4:12, NAS).

            Reflecting on these Scripture passages the Bible Fellowship Church recognizes and joyfully accepts its responsibility and privilege of ministering to youth. The goal of this ministry is to be used of God to help young people experience the new birth in committing themselves to Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, to guide them into Christian maturity so they may be “an example of those who believe” and to offer them training and opportunities in Christian service. Further, this ministry seeks to develop future leadership for the church. (cf. Philosophy of Christian Education, By-Laws of the Board of Christian Education).

            Programs to attain these goals are to be developed by the particular churches and the denomination. Particular churches may have specific organizations whose function is to minister to youth. Such organizations may be para-church agencies having affiliations outside the Bible Fellowship Church or the Youth Fellowship of the particular church. In either situation the youth organization shall be under the control of the Board of Elders of the particular church.

            The doctrinal standards, teaching, goals and programs of all para-church agencies incorporated into the youth ministry of any Bible Fellowship Church shall be in compliance with the FAITH & ORDER of the Bible Fellowship Church.

            Churches functioning with their own Youth Fellowship are encouraged to formulate a Youth Fellowship Constitution. This constitution shall provide the Youth Fellowship with organizational structure and the effective means of attaining its goals. This document shall include a statement of purpose and goals, a definition of and requirements for membership, a listing of the officers and their duties, and regulations for election of officers. The constitution shall stipulate that all officers shall be those who profess Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord and who give evidence of this profession in Christian conduct. The Board of Christian Education offers to serve as a consultant for any particular church formulating a Youth Fellowship Constitution.

            To promote regional ministries and activities for the youth of the Bible Fellowship Church, Youth Fellowship regions may be established under the direction of the Board of Christian Education. This may be done upon the initiative of the Board of Christian Education, or upon the initiative of several churches within a given geographical area. In the latter case, the Board of Christian Education shall be consulted by the cooperating churches. In either case the formulation of a constitution is encouraged. To facilitate the coordination of regional and denominational activities, notification of regional activities shall be forwarded to the Secretary of the Board of Christian Education.

            To promote ministries and activities for the youth of the Bible Fellowship Church, denominational programs shall be formulated, planned and operated by the Board of Christian Education. These shall be in compliance with the By-Laws of the Board of Christian Education and the FAITH & ORDER of the Bible Fellowship Church.

            RESOLVED: that paragraph 4, Section E, “By-Laws for Particular Churches” of FAITH & ORDER (p. 52, ’75 ed.) be changed to read: (SECOND READING)

4.Other Organizations in the Particular Church.

Officers or organized groups within the church, having election procedures approved by Annual Conference, shall elect according to their by-laws.

            RESOLVED: that the churches consider giving at least 5% of their offerings to Church Extension.

Recessed at 10:47 a.m.; Reconvened at 11:15 a.m.

RESOLVED: that we adopt the following budget:



            Churches – Prepaid                                         $74,000

            General – Current Gifts                                    7,000

            Designated Gifts                                              37,300

            Interest                                                             4,200                       $122,500



            Finesville                                                         3,000

            Newark – Baker                                               14,000

            Mid-Hudson Missions                                     26,000

            Delaware Missions                                          12,000

            New Missions                                                  30,000

            PISCES                                                           3,000

            Teams                                                              1,200                         89,200


            Director’s Salary                                              9,500

            Director’s Benefits                                           2,200

            Director’s Parsonage                                        6,000

            Director’s Travel                                              3,300

            Office                                                              6,000

            Promotion                                                        600

            Board Expenses                                               1,100

            Administrative Budget                                    250

            Workmen’s Compensation                              350                         29,300


            Fund to Assist Churches                                  1,000

            Capital Funds                                                  2,000

            Contingency                                                    1,000                         4,000

            Total Expenses                                                                                   $122,500

Note #1 – This Budget provides for maintaining our present missions and churches as they continue to mature and for opening two new missions in the 1978-79 Conference year.

Note #2 – To meet this budget the churches need during this year to increase their prepaid offerings by 70% over last year.

Note #3 – The amount projected in this budget for offerings from the churches – $74,000 – would have been 3.37% of last year’s (1976-77) total offerings.

RESOLVED: that the following budget be adopted:



            1,200 subscriptions @ $2.50                                      $3,000

            Donations from Boards                                               300

            Subsidy                                                                        600                         $3,900


            Printing 12 issues of Fellowship News                       3,100

            Secretarial Help                                                           150

            Editor’s Expenses                                                        100

            Business Manager’s Expenses                                     300

            Maintenance of Equipment                                         250                          3,900



            Administrative Budget                                                2,000

            Yearbooks @ $2.00                                                     2,000

            FAITH & ORDER                                                      500                         4,500


            Yearbooks                                                                   1,800

            Honoraria                                                                    450

            Subsidy                                                                        600

            Printing of FAITH & ORDER                                    1,000

            Church Supplies                                                          500

            New Equipment                                                           150                         4,500

            RESOLVED: that we suspend the rules and extend the time.

            RESOLVED: that the base rate for annuities paid from the Ministers’ Retirement Fund shall be $72.00 per year of service, beginning October 1, 1977.

            RESOLVED: that we adjourn. Adjourned at 12:34 p.m. in prayer by F. B. Hertzog. (Special prayer was made for Mrs. James G. Koch, who will undergo surgery this afternoon.)

Tenth Meeting

Thursday afternoon, October 13, 1977 – 1:30 p.m.

Roger Reitz led in prayer.

            RESOLVED: that the following Administrative Budget for 1977-1978 be adopted:

A.Benefits for each Pastor

            1. Beneficiary Fund                                                     500.

            2. Ministers’ Assistance Fund                                      200.

            3. Ministerial Convention                                            500.

            4. Ministers’ Retirement Fund                                    11,000.

            5. Pastors’ Health & Welfare                                  36,900.                        $49,100.

B.Benefits for each Church

            1. Conference Entertainment                                      2,000.

            2. Moving Fund                                                          5,000.                         7,000.

C.Conference Program

            1. Publication & Printing                                            2,000.

            2. Expenses of Boards & Committees                        4,000.

            3. Other Expenses of Board of Directors —–

            4. Ministerial Candidate Intern Fund                          500.

            5. Contingencies                                                         29.                         6,529.

D.        Total Budget                                                                                                   $62,629.

            RESOLVED: that we approve the following Budget for presentation to the Churches


A.Benefits for each Pastor

            1. Beneficiary Fund                                                    1,000.

            2. Ministers’ Assistance Fund                                     500.

            3. Ministerial Convention Fund                                  500.

            4. Ministers’ Retirement Fund                                   13,000.

            5. Health & Welfare for Pastors                                42,000.                         57,000.

B.Benefits for each Church

            1. Conference Entertainment                                      3,000.

            2. Moving Fund                                                          5,000.

            3. Fund to Assist Churches                                         1,000.                         9,000.

C.Conference Program

            l. Publication & Printing                                  2,500.

            2. Expenses for Boards & Committees                       4,500.

            3. Other Expenses of Board of Directors                    250.

            4. Ministerial Candidate Intern Fund                          1,000.

            5. Historical Committee                                             1,000.

            6. Contingencies                                                         500.                         9,750.

Total Budget                                                                                                               $75,750.

            RESOLVED: that the Trust Clauses now printed as part of the duties of the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church in the FAITH & ORDER be printed as part of the By-Laws for Particular Churches.

            The following Officers of the 95th Annual Conference were elected:

            CHAIRMAN: Jansen E. Hartman

            VICE-CHAIRMAN: Carl C. Cassel

            SECRETARY: James A. Beil

Recessed at 3:00 p.m.; Reconvened at 3:20 p.m.

            Dean Stortz, accepted candidate to Europe under Greater Europe Mission and the Board of Foreign Missions, addressed the Conference.

The following were elected:

BOARD OF VICTORY VALLEY: Robert L. Draper, Arthur H. Frable, John H. Herb

            NOMINATING COMMITTEE: John Dunn, Robert F. Johnson, Alva C. Cassel, Bert N. Brosius, Norman L. Reed, Harold L. Snyder, Jr., Warren L. Zimmerman

            Whereas, the Pinebrook Bible Conference Board has accepted an obligation to pay Pinebrook Junior College $150,000.00 by making 240 equal monthly payments including interest at 8 ½ per annum on the unpaid balance, and

            Whereas, Pinebrook Junior College is in need of this money at this time, therefore, be it

            RESOLVED: that the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church, on behalf of Pinebrook Junior College, be, and it hereby is, authorized and directed to borrow up to $146,754.20 against said obligation of Pinebrook Bible Conference Board, and be it further

            RESOLVED: that Pinebrook Bible Conference Board assume this obligation.

            (Yes – 51; No – 10)

            RESOLVED: that we suspend the rules and extend the time.

            RESOLVED: that this addition be made to the Position Paper on “The Role of Women in the Church.”

            On page 9 of the paper add the following at the end of the second sentence of the section entitled “SOME CONCLUSIONS.”

            Although the Scriptures teach that there is a creative equality and dignity of man and woman in terms of having been created in the image of God, it is also clear from the Scriptures that there is a divinely ordained order in terms of authority and function. When we speak of the principle of ordination we are speaking of that aspect of revealed truth that shows that God has established a divine order in the relationships that exist between male and female. While the word “submission” speaks of that which ought to exist on the of the woman in relationship to the role God has ordained for them, the word “subordination” speaks of what does exist by Divine decree.

            The next sentence – “The application of……..” would then be made to be the beginning of a new paragraph.

            RESOLVED: that the above material be inserted into the paper THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN THE CHURCH instead of a footnote defining “subordination.”

            RESOLVED: that the paper “The Role of Women in the Church” by John H. Herb, presented to the 93rd Annual Conference and published in FELLOWSHIP NEWS, having been revised and appearing on page of this Yearbook be the position paper of the denomination.

            RESOLVED:  that we open the minutes of the 7th meeting and rescind the action of the resolution relative to the meeting place of the 95th Annual Conference as it appears on page

            Whereas, President David J. Watkins, President of Pinebrook Junior College, has offered to entertain the next Annual Conference, therefore

            RESOLVED: that the 95th Annual Conference of Bible Fellowship Church be convened at the Pinebrook Junior College, 600 S. Main Street, Coopersburg, Pa., on Monday October 9, 1978, at 10:00 a.m.

            RESOLVED: that we adjourn. Adjourned at 5:15 p.m. in prayer by Chairman Jansen E. Hartman.

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