Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1981 Yearbook
Monday Morning, October 12, 1981 – 10:00 A.M.
Chairman Jansen E. Hartman called the 98th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church to order. R.C. Reichenbach led in the prayer of invocation.
The Roll was established as follows:
Allentown Cedar Crest – Ronald C. Mahurin, Roy A. Hertzog, Paul K. Clymer, Jay H. Fasnacht
Allentown Salem – Charles J. McConnell, Allan C. Palmer
Bethlehem – Robert F. Johnson, Warren L. Zimmerman, Herbert Wieand
Blandon – Dana E. Weller, Kinzy Reed
Camden DE – James G. Koch, Raymond R. Dotts
Catasauqua – (Probationer), Arthur W. Deppe
Coopersburg – Frank L. Herb, Jr., Clyde W. Snyder
Denville NJ – Richard D. Harris, John F. Moran
Easton – LeRoy C. Wilcox, Russel E. Dech
Emmaus – , Clifford L. Kauffman
Ephrata – John H. Riggall, Robert W. Gehret
Finesville, NJ – D. Thomas Phillips, H. Walter Stout
Fleetwood – Austin G. Shelly, Norman L. Reed
Freehold-Englishtown, NJ – (Probationer), Clinton Crankshaw
Graterford – (Probationer), Robert Gaugler
Harleysville – Paul G. Zimmerman, Kenneth Keeler
Harrisburg – R.C. Reichenbach, Walter H. Schlagel
Hatfield – John H. Herb, Lee E. Boyles
Howell, NJ – John Vandegriff, David M. Markuson
Lancaster – David A. Thomann, Horace A. Kauffman
Lebanon – Bruce A. Ellingson, LeRoy O. Herb
Lehighton – , Clair A. Greenzweig
Maple Glen – Carl K. Spackman, Harold E. Snyder
Mt. Carmel – Alva C. Cassel, Harold L. Snyder, Jr.
Nazareth – Keith E. Plows, Ralph Hendershot
Newark NJ (Mission) – Delbert R. Baker II
New Fairfield, CT (Mission) – Robert L. Draper
Oley – Henry A. Schell, Eugene J. Kuhns
Paradise – Kenneth L. Good, L. Donald Miller
Philadelphia Calvary – (Probationer), Leon H. Naudasher
Philadelphia Emmanuel – Roger Reitz, Russell L. Davis
Quakertown – Bert N. Brosius, L. James Roberts
Reading – Jansen E. Hartman, Robert Breitegam, Walter Raybuck
Royersford – Robert W. Smock, James Weidner
Scranton – (Probationer), Carl H. Kellerman
Shamokin – Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr., Ronald C. Lahr
Sinking Spring – Terris L. Byrd, David A. Lamm
Spring City – Richard E. Taylor, John J. Derck
Staten island NY – (Probationer), Ralph D. Cole
Stroudsburg – Thomas P. Shorb, Earl A. Weiss
Sunbury – LeRoy S. Heller, Clayton B. Brosius, Bert E. Brosius
Terre Hill – William L. Graybill, II, Paul A. Weber
Wallingford – William A. Heffner, Robert Truett
Walnutport – Harold C. Weaber, David L. Musselman
York – Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Alan Lindstrom
Zionsville – James R. Batchler, Jr., David L. Weller
James A. Bell, Carl C. Cassel, Bernard N. Coble, George E. Herb, David E. Thomann, David J. Watkins, Daniel G. Ziegler
Leonard E. Buck, Brian H. Butler, Richard J. Gehman, J. Barclay Harley, Ron Hoyle, David Manney, Edward Moyer, William W. Mull, Laird F. Stengele, Philip E. Yerrington.
Paul E. Baer, E. W. Bean, John Dunn, W. W. Hartman, F. B. Hertzog, C. E. Kirkwood, C. Leslie Miller.
G. Wayne Clapier Philadelphia Calvary
David H. Jones Scranton
Barry J. Minsky Graterford
Philip E. Morrison Catasauqua
William A. Neff Freehold-Englishtown,NJ
Bryan G. Upton Staten Island, NY
Excuses were read from the following: A. L. Seifert, Paul E. Baer, Terris L. Byrd, Roy A. Hertzog, Arthur J. Frisbie, William L. Neff, and Alexander Forrest.
Resolved: that excuses be referred to the Committee on Communications, to report back to Conference before the end of this day.
Alternate Delegates were seated, as follows:
Joseph Wire, Jr. Catasauqua
Evan Knowles Camden, DE
Ronald P. Turner Fleetwood
Frank H. Evans Wallingford
New members were introduced to Annual Conference.
After the singing of the hymn, “How Firm a Foundation”, the Scripture portion Isaiah 42:1-16 was read by Robert Breitegam. Carl C. Cassel sang “The Lord is My Light and My Salvation.” Jansen E. Hartman spoke on “Christ, the Master Servant”, after which the Lord’s Supper was observed.
Resolved, that the agenda be accepted.
Secretary Harold C. Weaber appointed Bryan G. Upton as Assistant Secretary and Bernard N. Coble as Assistant to the Secretaries.
Report was accepted.
Resolved: that the election procedure as used by the 97th Annual Conference be effective Monday afternoon:
A. Nominations be closed for all elections to be conducted at a particular meeting at the opening of that meeting.
B. A Ballot be prepared by the tellers and the associate members of the Conference for use during the day for those elections.
C. The ballots be marked by each member of the Conference and be submitted to the tellers.
D. The tellers shall with the aid of the Associate Members of the Conference tabulate the results, and prepare run-off ballots as needed.
Report was accepted.
Resolved: That the following appointments by the Chairman be approved:
Tellers: Robert F. Johnson, Keith E. Plows, LeRoy S. Heller, Carl K. Spackman Jay K. Fasnacht, Leroy O. Herb, Harold L. Snyder, Jr.
Committee on Resolutions: John H. Herb, Richard E. Taylor, Alva C. Cassel, David Weller, Lee E. Boyles, Robert L. Draper
Committee on Communications: Bruce A. Ellingson, D. Thomas Phillips, L. James Roberts.
Committee on Auditing: Robert W. Gehret, Horace A. Kauffman, Eugene J. Kuhns, Ralph D. Cole, Warren L. Zimmerman, David L. Musselman.
Timekeeper: Charles J. McConnell
Reporter: Dana E. Weller
Resolved: that the first eleven rows constitute the Conference Bar.
Resolved: that we adjourn. Adjourned in prayer by Robert W. Gehret.
Monday Afternoon, October 12, 1981, 1:30 P.M.
The following were elected:
Report was accepted.
Whereas: we strongly believe it is the scriptural responsibility of the church to adequately meet the needs of its pastor, therefore be it
Resolved: that we encourage each church to increase its pastor’s salary at least 7% above the previous year’s salary, and further,
Resolved: that it is the consensus of this 98th Annual Conference that the minimum salary adequate for a pastor serving a Bible Fellowship Church, including benefits, is $12,000.00 for the 1981-1982 year.
Report was accepted.
Whereas: the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended George Bryson, Bryan Upton, and James Wickstead for examination for ordination and G. Wayne Clapier for examination for recognition of prior ordination, and,
Whereas: these brethren have served acceptably as Ministers in the Bible Fellowship Church for the required years, and,
Whereas: after examination, the Committee on Credentials believes them to be called of God to the Gospel Ministry and to be in accord with the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church, and has recommended that they be ordained, therefore, be it
Resolved: that George Bryson, Bryan Upton, and James Wickstead be ordained at a service of ordination to be held on Tuesday, October 13, 1981 at 8:00 P.M. at Pinebrook Bible Conference, and that the previous ordination of G. Wayne Clapier be recognized at this same service. The Credentials Committee shall be in charge of this service.
Report was accepted.
Resolved: that the following men be accepted under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee:
PROBATIONERS:(Year of licensing in parenthesis)
Keith B. Anderson Ecuador, S. Am. (1980)
James L. Beaver Clearwater, Fla.
Douglas D. Bowne Collegeville, Pa.
George R. Bryson Wallingford, Pa. (1979)
G. Wayne Clapier Philadelphia, Pa. (1980)
Albert J. Dommel Emmaus, Pa.
D. Shane Donche Souderton, Pa. (1980)
Harry L. Downs Whiting, N.J.
Ronald C. Erb Irvington, N.J. (1981)
Arthus J. Frisbie Newark, DE (1976)
Randall A. Grossman Kutztown, Pa. (1981)
V. Kerry Inman Coopersburg, Pa. (1980)
David H. Jones Scranton, Pa. (1978)
Herbert K. Lea Wappingers Falls, N.Y. (1980)
Gary W. Miller Bethlehem, Pa.
Barry J. Minsky Graterford, Pa. (1980)
Philip E. Morrison Catasauqua, Pa. (1980)
William L. Neff Freehold, N.J. (1978)
Calvin T. Reed Reading, Pa.
Bryan G. Upton Staten Island, N.Y. (1979)
Stephan R. Van Eck Sunbury, Pa. (1980)
James A. Wickstead Poughquag, N.Y. (1976)
Kenneth D. Keeler Harleysville, Pa.
Hilary A. Nixon Madison, NJ
William G. Schlonecker Dallas, Tx
David N. Schoen Sinking Spring, Pa.
Warren F. Shelly Lehighton, Pa.
Jeffrey C. Stickler Bethlehem, Pa.
John E. Thompson, Jr. Darby, Pa.
Thomas J. Beil Nazareth, Pa.
David W. Chappel Spring City, Pa.
Gary R. Hafer Reading, Pa.
Walter M. Johnson Wyomissing, Pa.
Richard P. Jones, Sr. Wescoesville, Pa.
Rodney H. Long Blaine, N.M.
Richard S. MacLaren Hatboro, Pa.
Kenneth D. Pfeiffer Rockledge, Pa.
Dean A. Stortz Emmaus, Pa.
Thomas F. Templeton Mabton, WA
Steven S. Trommler Portland, OR
Roy M. Wallace, Jr. Ashland, OH
Resolved: that the men approved for ordination be admitted to the Conference Bar.
Resolved: that the Ministerial Candidate Committee shall be composed of five ordained ministers elected on a rotating basis to serve three-year terms of service. Class I shall be composed of two ministers; Class II shall be composed of two ministers; Class III shall be composed of one minister. (SECOND READING)
Resolved: that this legislation be implemented by utilizing the following procedure at this Annual Conference:
Class I shall be elected for a three-year term.
Class II shall be elected for a two-year term.
Class III shall be elected for a one-year term.
Report was accepted.
Resolved: that the annuities paid from the Ministers’ Retirement Fund beginning October 1, 1981 shall be $102.00 per year of service up to forty years of service for each annuitant.
Resolved: that the rate for mileage reimbursement for official travel shall be eighteen cents ($.18) per mile.
Report was accepted.
Report was accepted.
Resolved: that January be designated as Fellowship News Subscription Month.
Resolved: that donations of $100.00 each be given to Fellowship News from the following Boards: Victory Valley, Foreign Missions, Christian Education, Church Extension, Pinebrook Junior College, and Pinebrook Bible Conference. (Checks should be made payable to the Board of Publication and Printing and sent to the Business Manager by February 1, 1982).
Resolved: that the subscription rate for Fellowship News be $3.50 per year, and the student rate be $2.00 per year.
Resolved: that the price of the Yearbook be $3.00.
Whereas: the number of subscriptions to Fellowship News has been decreasing over the past few years, and
Whereas: the Board of Publication and Printing has run a deficit for the past seven years in publishing the Fellowship News, and
Whereas: the deficits of the past few years combined with increasing costs have made publication of Fellowship News very difficult, therefore, be it
Resolved: that the Annual Conference authorize the Board of Publication and Printing to develop a plan to discontinue the publication of Fellowship News or to drastically revise the present method of publishing the Fellowship News should the level of subscriptions not reach 1,000, and further,
Resolved: that the Board of Publication and Printing present its recommended plan at the next Annual Conference should such action be necessary.
Report was accepted.
Report was accepted.
Resolved: that the Proposed Budget of the Board of Church Extension for 1982-1983 be adopted:
Churches – Prepaid 60,000
General (Current) Gifts 12,000
Designated Gifts 74,000
Project Beachhead 30,000
Total Receipts 176,000
Newark – Baker 18,000
Mid-Hudson Missions 20,000
Delaware Missions 2,400
Eastwick 7,800
Kutztown 15,000
Irvington 17,400
New Mission 18,600
Project Beachhead 30,000
(Atlantic City Area)
PISCES 2,000 131,200
Director’s Salary and Benefits 16,300
Director’s Parsonage 8,400
Director’s Travel 5,600
Office 6,300
Promotion 1,500
Board Expenses 1,200
Administrative Budget 400
Workman’s Compensation 500 40,800
Capital Fund 2,500
Contingencies 1,500 4,000
Total Expenditures 176,000
Report was accepted.
Resolved: that the By-Laws of the Historical Committee be amended as follows:
Election: It shall be composed of five men. They shall be elected for a term of three years in classes as follows:
I. Two men
II. Two men
III. One man
1. To develop and encourage the study of the history of the denomination.
2. To maintain denominational archives for the accumulation of materials and memoirs relating to the history of the denomination.
3. To appoint an archivist who shall be responsible for the maintenance and oversight of the archives.
4. To determine policy and procedure by which the archivist can maintain and supplement the historical material of the denomination.
5. To assist the archivist in the collection of relevant historical materials.
6. To receive and disburse funds received from the Administrative Budget, churches and individuals.
7. To encourage each particular church and mission to maintain a file of important documents relating to the historical development of the local fellowship.
8. To make an annual report to the Annual Conference.
Organization: The Board shall annually elect by and from its membership a president, a secretary, and a treasurer. FIRST READING
Whereas: the Historical Committee has undertaken a number of projects requiring additional help and input on the committee, and,
Whereas: it would help the committee to have its own financial accounts and treasurer in the coming year, therefore be it
Resolved: that the Annual Conference allow the Historical Committee by rule of exception to begin to operate by the proposed by-laws immediately.
(Passed by ballot vote, 79 yes, 14 no; Rule of Exception will apply.)
Resolved: that the past minutes of the various Boards and Committees be deposited for storage and preservation in the denominational archives, and be it further
Resolved: that each local church be encouraged to place its minutes and past records for storage and preservation in the denominational archives, where they will be available to the local church as it desires and available to those doing study and research. FIRST READING
Resolved: that the above two resolutions be referred to the Government Committee to determine proper placement in the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church.
Resolved: that we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 6:30 P.M.
Adjourned at 4:38 P.M. in prayer by Warren L. Zimmerman.
Monday, October 12, 1981, 6:30 P.M.
John Derck opened in prayer.
The following were elected:
Ronald Mahurin, Robert Breitegam (three years)
Robert F. Johnson, Jay Fasnacht (three years)
John Herb, Richard D. Harris, D. Thomas Phillips, Ralph D. Cole, Gary Sterner (one year)
James A. Beil, Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Frank L. Herb, Jr., Keith E. Plows, John H. Riggall (one year)
The hymn “He Hideth My Soul” was sung. The Scripture Romans 12:1-16 was read by Ralph Hendershot. David E. Thomann and Pauline Thomann ministered in music.
F.B. Hertzog brought the message, “Qualifications of a Servant.”
Report was accepted.
Resolved: that we adjourn. Adjourned at 9:20 P.M. with prayer by Delbert R. Baker II.
Tuesday, October 13, 1981, 9:00 A.M.
Chairman Jansen E. Hartman called the meeting to order and James Weidner opened in prayer.
After the singing of the hymn “Come, Thou Blessed Savior”, the Scripture portion I Timothy 3:1-16 was read by Clifford L. Kauffman and the Young Pastors Quartet ministered in music.
Robert Zentz brought the message “The Task of a servant”.
The Chairman requested that any new delegates present report to the Secretary of Annual Conference.
After a 25-minute recess, Conference was called to order at 10:30 A.M. by the Chairman, with David J. Watkins leading in prayer.
Whereas: the Conference has by the rule of exception permitted the Historical Committee to begin to function under new by-laws, and
Whereas: under these new by-laws, the Committee is being expanded from three to five members, and
Whereas: two incumbents on the Committee have two and one years, respectively, remaining in the terms for which they have been elected, therefore,
Resolved: that we elect three members to complete the Committee, and further,
Resolved: that in order to form the classes on the Committee, we elect two members to terms of three years and one member to a term of two years.
The following were elected:
Carl C. Cassel (three years)
LeRoy S. Heller, Warren L. Zimmerman (three years)
Report was accepted.
The report was considered and debated.
Adjourned at 12:00 Noon.
Tuesday, October 13, 1981, 1:30 P.M.
Chairman Jansen E. Hartman called the meeting to order at 1:30 P.M. Alva C. Cassel led in prayer.
The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved as corrected.
The following were elected:
Daniel G. Ziegler (three years)
R.C. Reichenbach, Austin G. Shelly, Kermit K. Gehman. (three years)
The discussion of the Report of the Study Committee on Total Abstinence and Church Membership was resumed.
Adjourned at 5:07 P.M. with prayer by Harvey J. Fritz, Jr.
Wednesday Morning, October 14, 1981, 9:00 A.M.
The meeting was opened in prayer by Ronald C. Mahurin and with the singing of “The Full Reward”.
Ralph D. Cole read the Scripture portion I Peter 5: 1-11.
LeRoy S. Heller ministered in music.
Bryan G. Upton spoke on the topic, “The Sphere of a servant”.
The minutes of the previous day’s meetings were read and approved as corrected.
The following were elected:
Robert F. Johnson (three years)
Ralph D. Cole (three years)
James Sunday (three years)
Resolved: the following legislation shall replace the material presently found on pages 114-115 of the 1981 edition of the Faith & Order of the Bible Fellowship Church under “Board of Foreign Missions” (FIRST READING)
Purpose: The Board of Missions is delegated by Annual Conference to direct and promote the Missions program of the Bible Fellowship Church, and to select, oversee, and care for its missionaries who serve in foreign countries and in the United States of America (in ministries other than Bible Fellowship churches and agencies).
Composition: The Board of Missions shall be composed of the Executive Secretary, the Financial Secretary, four ordained ministers, and three laymen.
Election: Four ordained ministers and three laymen shall be elected by Annual Conference for terms of three years in the following classes:
I. Two ministers and one layman
II. One minister and one layman
III. One minister and one layman
The Executive Secretary and the Financial Secretary shall each be elected for a term of three years by the Board of Missions subject to ratification by the Annual Conference. The election of these officers shall be in such a manner that their terms shall not expire at the same time.
The Chairman of the Board of Missions shall be elected annually by and from the Board of Missions at its organizational meeting. The Chairman, the Executive Secretary, and the Financial Secretary shall comprise the Executive Committee of the Board of Missions.
Duties of the Board of Missions:
- To formulate objectives and policies for the missions program of the Bible Fellowship Church as conducted in foreign countries and in the U.S.A.
2. To interview and examine all prospective candidates for missionary service in foreign countries and in the U.S.A. and to make decisions pertaining to approval and support of individuals who are committed to the Articles of Faith and who endeavor to obey the Order of the Bible Fellowship Church.
3. To exercise oversight and spiritual care of the missionaries and candidates serving under the direction of the Board of Missions.
4. To maintain within the missions program of the Bible Fellowship Church standards compatible with the Faith and Order.
5. To supervise and care for financial and administrative matters pertaining to the Board of Missions.
6. To promote interest and involvement in missions in conjunction with the Local Churches (e.g. assisting Missionary Committees and Women’s Missionary Societies).
7. To submit a written report to Annual Conference.
8. To designate which particular churches will comprise the various Women’s Missionary Society (W.M.S.) Regions.
9. To appoint a W.M.S. General Committee composed of four members: President, Vice-president, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Duties of the Chairman of the Board of Missions:
1. He shall serve as Chairman of the Executive Committee.
2. He shall prepare an agenda for each Board Meeting in consultation with the Executive Committee.
3. He shall call Board and Executive Committee Meetings and preside at the same.
4. He shall appoint committees as necessary and monitor their progress.
5. He shall arrange for all applicants to be interviewed by the Board of Missions.
6. He shall arrange for all missionaries to be interviewed periodically by the Board of Missions.
7. He shall be responsible to see that the Board’s decisions and policies are implemented.
Duties of the Executive Secretary of the Board of Missions:
1. He shall call for and conduct the election of the Chairman.
2. He shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of this Board’s meetings and distribute the same to all Board members.
3. He shall be the custodian of the Minutes and records of this Board and of the files of the applicants, candidates, and missionaries.
4. He shall be responsible for all correspondence with particular churches, applicants, candidates, missionaries, and others, except correspondence pertaining to financial matters.
5. He shall receive all inquiries and applications for missionary service.
6. He shall be responsible for public relations for the Board and seek to promote interest and involvement in missions among the constituency of the Bible Fellowship Church.
7. He shall seek to know and to minister to the spiritual needs of the missionaries.
8. He shall represent the missionaries and their needs to this Board and to the particular churches.
9. He shall annually submit the Board of Missions report to the Annual Conference.
10. He shall personally interview missionaries on furlough at the earliest possible time.
Duties of the Financial Secretary of the Board of Missions:
1. He shall receive all monies for the Board of Missions and deposit them as directed by this Board, make all disbursements for this Board, and keep accurate records.
2. He shall be responsible for all correspondence pertaining to finances.
3. He shall annually submit a financial report for inclusion in this Board’s report to the Annual Conference.
4. He shall have the financial books audited annually.
5. He shall make recommendations to this Board for all investments, and invest as directed.
All financial contributions to the Board of Missions shall be sent to the Financial Secretary of the Board. The members of the Bible Fellowship Church are encouraged to forward their contributions for missionaries through the particular church to the Board of Missions, and not to the missionaries directly.
Resolved: that the following changes be made as needed in the Faith and Order. (1981 Edition)
1. Delete the word “Foreign” in the following places:
a)page 4, under #3; b) page 74, under f., lines 1 and 3; c) page 94, under Article IV, the fourth last line; d) page 126, under “Categories of Ministry”, line 8; e) page 135, under “Miscellaneous By-laws of Annual Conference, under #2, line 3.
2. On page 74, under f., “General Secretary”‘should be replaced by “Financial Secretary.”
(passed unanimously) (FIRST READING)
Report was accepted.
Report was accepted.
Whereas: Much of the work involved at Pinebrook Bible Conference is Business Administration, which does not require the Director to be an ordained minister and could be done by a qualified layman; and,
Whereas: The gifts necessary to pastor a church are not necessarily essential to be the Director of Pinebrook Bible Conference; and,
Whereas: Limiting the choice of Conference Director to ordained ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church is an unnecessary limitation; therefore, be it
Resolved: that the Qualifications of the Pinebrook Bible Conference Director shall be as follows:
1. The Conference Director must be a committed Christian giving evidence of the fruit of the Spirit and having a deep interest in the work of the Lord.
2. The Director must be in agreement with the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church and annually subscribe to it. He must be or become a member of the Bible Fellowship Church.
3. The Director must give evidence of having administrative ability and the ability to work harmoniously with people.
4. The Director should have communicative skills that will enable him to lead in public meetings and do effective public relations work.
Report was accepted.
Recessed at 10:32 A.M. Reconvened at 10:55 A.M.
Resolved: that the Faith and Order, page 121, section 7, Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church Home, first paragraph, be amended to read:
Election: It shall be composed of five ministers and four laymen. They shall be elected for a term of three years in classes as follows:
I. Two ministers, one layman
II. Two ministers, one layman
III. One minister, two laymen (SECOND READING)
Whereas: the Faith and Order concerning the election of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church Home has been amended, and
Whereas: this amendment needs to be implemented, and
Whereas: the members of said Board, in order to implement this amendment, have agreed to resign, therefore be it
Resolved: that this 98th Annual Conference accept their resignations, and further,
Resolved: that an election be held to implement this amendment as follows:
I. Two ministers, one layman, 3 years
II. Two ministers, one layman, 2 years
III. One minister, two laymen, 1 year
The following were elected:
Charles G. Hersh, 3 years
Robert Zentz, 2 years
Benjamin F. Pattison and Glenn Ruoss, 1 year
Report was accepted.
Report was accepted.
Report was accepted.
Resolved: That the minutes and statistics for particular churches be at Pinebrook Bible Conference Center by the Monday of the week preceding Annual Conference.
Report was accepted.
We hereby certify that we have examined the Annual Conference Minutes for the session of October 13-15, 1980, and have found them to be correct with the following exceptions:
p. 1, line 31–add “P” in Donald Straub
p. 25, line 23 –correct spelling from “Riggal” to “Riggall”.
Kenneth L. Good, David A. Thomann,
Report was accepted.
Adjourned at 12:19 P.M. with prayer by Walter Shlagel.
Wednesday Afternoon, October 14, 1981, 1:30 P.M.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 1:30 P.M. G. Wayne Clapier led in prayer.
The following were elected:
Paul G. Zimmerman (two years)
Leonard Buck (two years)
L. James Roberts, Robert Zentz, Ronald Reed (three years)
Bert N. Brosius, Lee E. Boyles, John Moran (three years)
Bert N. Brosius, Keith E. Plows. (three years)
Resolved: that the Chairman appoint a Committee on Program for the One Hundredth Annual Conference, to begin planning now for this historic Conference and the observance of the 125th Anniversary of the founding of the Bible Fellowship Church.
Report was accepted.
Report was adopted.
Whereas: the Lord has graciously continued to extend His grace to the Bible Fellowship Church in supplying her through the years with faithful men who have led and guided in His Church and its agencies, and
Whereas: the blessing of the Lord continues to be evident by Pastors faithfully preaching and teaching the Word of God, men who are elders among elders ruling in love and compassion as the Scriptures suggest, and
Whereas: it is again our privilege to have with us a number of our retired pastors, men of God who encourage us by their presence and strengthen us with their prayers and concern for our Bible Fellowship Church Ministries, therefore be it,
Resolved: that we continue to seek and pray for the continuous blessing and filling of God’s Holy Spirit, which is our source of spiritual power, and further
Resolved: that we strive through the power of the Holy Spirit to live in such a way as to demonstrate to God our Father how sincerely we praise and thank Him for all of His provisions for us until Christ comes again.
Whereas: through God’s power and the leading of the Holy Spirit the Bible Fellowship Church Home, Pinebrook Bible Conference, Pinebrook Junior College, and Victory Valley Camp have honored our Lord with efficient, dedicated service for the past Conference year, therefore, be it
Resolved: that we request the Administrator of the Bible Fellowship Church Home, the Director of Pinebrook Bible Conference, the President of Pinebrook Junior College, and the Director of Victory Valley Camp to extend our deep appreciation to their entire staffs for their dedicated service.
Whereas: Harold C. Weaber has efficiently served as Secretary of the 98th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church, and
Whereas: Bryan Upton has competently assisted the Secretary, and
Whereas: Bernard N. Coble has efficiently served as Assistant to the Secretaries, therefore,
Resolved: that we express our appreciation to these brethren for their labors on our behalf, and that we present each of them with a gift of $50.00 from the Board of Publication and Printing.
Whereas: Pinebrook Bible Conference, with its capable staff and beautiful surroundings, has provided housing and meals for the members and guests of the 98th Annual Conference, therefore be it
Resolved: that at the Wednesday evening meal, the body of this Annual Conference express our appreciation for these provisions to the personnel of the Pinebrook Bible Conference with a rising vote of thanks, and further
Resolved: that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Director.
Whereas: Pinebrook Bible Conference has offered to entertain the next Annual Conference, therefore be it
Resolved: that the 99th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church be convened at Pinebrook Bible Conference Center, East Stroudsburg, Pa., on Monday, October 11, 1982 at 10:00 A.M.
Whereas: our sovereign Lord in His divine wisdom has called home Mrs. Esther Gehret and Mrs. Ida Hottel, and
Whereas: we are very conscious of the ministry of these women who faithfully aided their husbands in carrying out their pastoral duties, therefore be it
Resolved: that we thank God for their lives and testimonies.
John H. Herb David Weller
Richard E. Taylor Lee E. Boyles
Alva C. Cassel Robert L. Draper
the Committee on Resolutions
Richard E. Taylor, Secretary
Report was accepted.
Whereas: abortion is a crucial issue in our present society, and
Whereas: the practice is so offensive to the Christian conscience, therefore, be it
Resolved: that this Annual Conference elect a study committee of five to prepare a Position paper based on biblical principles on the stance our church should take on the practice of abortion.
Resolved: that the Church Government Study Committee in conjunction with the Board of Christian Education conduct a training retreat for Pastors, Elders, and Deacons at Pinebrook Bible Conference. Each body shall appoint three members to work on the joint subcommittee to plan and conduct the retreat.
Whereas: material on Annual Conference Registration was adopted at first reading, page 5, 1980 yearbook, and
Whereas: the Government Committee was assigned the task of producing legislation to tie this material to the material on the Committee to Examine the Minutes of Particular Churches, page 35, 1980 yearbook; therefore, be it
Resolved: that we not consider the material on Annual Conference Registration, page 35, 1980 Yearbook for second reading, but consider the following expanded material at first reading:
The Chairman of Annual Conference shall prior to the adjournment of Annual Conference appoint a Registrar and Assistant Registrar for the succeeding Annual Conference.
The Registrar shall register all members who are qualified to be seated in the Annual Conference and shall keep the attendance record of each meeting.
A list of qualified members of Annual Conference shall be drawn up prior to Annual Conference. The Secretary of Annual Conference shall prepare a list of the delegate and alternate delegate elected in each congregation from the information supplied to him by each pastor after congregational elections. The Secretary shall forward a copy of this list to the Committee on Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches before their annual meeting so that the committee may confirm that the delegate and alternate delegate are elders in their congregation and have been duly elected. The Committee on Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches shall report the confirmation of delegates and alternate delegates and any discrepancies to the Registrar prior to Annual Conference. The Credentials Committee and the Ministerial Candidate Committee shall furnish to the Registrar prior to Annual Conference lists of those ministers qualified to be members of Annual Conference and those who shall be advisory members of Annual Conference.
Alternate delegates who are to be seated in the Annual Conference bar shall report to the Registrar. The Registrar shall communicate their presence to the Chairman. They shall be seated at the beginning of a meeting of Annual Conference, and this action shall be recorded in the minutes of that meeting.
Any member desiring to be excused from any meeting must present in writing the reason for such absence to the Registrar. This information will be submitted to the Chairman of Annual Conference, and the Annual Conference shall decide the validity of each request.
The names of absentees shall be recorded in the minutes of each meeting, with indication as to whether the absentee is excused.
The Registrar shall also provide for the registration of all advisory members of Annual Conference and for any official representatives from other bodies or organizations. He shall notify the Chairman of the presence of such persons at the session.
The registration records shall be turned over to the Secretary of Annual Conference after adjournment.
(This material will appear as Article V of the By Laws of Annual Conference, p. 94, 1981 edition of the Faith and Order; the numbers of the succeeding articles will be changed in sequence.) (FIRST READING)
Resolved: that the following be added to the duties of the Ministerial Candidate Committee (p. 128, Faith and Order, 1981 edition.):
8. To furnish a list of those probationers who are eligible to be members of Annual Conference and those who shall be advisory members of Annual Conference to the Annual Conference Registrar. This list shall be submitted annually prior to Annual Conference.
Resolved: that the following be added to the duties of the Committee on Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches (p. 99, Faith and Order, 1981 edition).
3., a. That the delegate and alternate delegate are elders and the individuals reported to the Secretary of Annual Conference. The Committee shall report such verification and any discrepancies to the Annual Conference Registrar during the week prior to Annual Conference.
Resolved: that the following be added to the duties of the Credentials Committee (p. 126, Faith and Order, 1981 edition). The present #6 would become #7.
6. It shall furnish a list of the ordained ministers who are eligible to be members of Annual Conference and those who shall be advisory members of Annual Conference to the Annual Conference Registrar. This list shall be submitted annually prior to Annual Conference.
Resolved: that the following be accepted for first reading:
Choosing Leaders Other Than the Continuing Offices of Elders and Deacons
Should the Board of Elders deem it necessary to have positions of church leadership other than Elders and Deacons, and other than officers and leaders of church organizations, it shall recommend to the congregation the creation of such positions of leadership. If the congregation approves, such leaders shall be chosen by one of the following ways:
(1) election by congregational vote upon:
(a)being presented by nominating committee,
(b)being nominated by congregational ballot;
(2) appointment by Board of Elders.
Though these leaders may not meet all the Biblical qualifications for the office of Elder, nevertheless their lives shall be in keeping with the Standards of Worship and Life. Being chosen for one of these positions of leadership does not make one a member of the Board of Elders or Deacons. The following shall be the procedure in case of death, resignation, or removal of a church leader other than an Elder or Deacon:
(a) the Board of Elders shall review and act upon the resignation or removal of the leader;
(b)The Board of Elders shall either appoint someone or determine the time of a congregational meeting to fill the vacated position due to death, resignation, or removal.
Officers and other leaders in church organizations shall be elected or appointed in harmony with the Faith and Order and according to the By-laws of the particular church and/or the By-laws of the organization.
(The first paragraph under #4 “Other Organizations in the Particular Church” shall be deleted.)
(This material will replace the present material in Article IV “Choosing Leaders other than continuing Offices of Elders and Deacons,” page 64 of the 1981 Faith and Order)
Legislation on Military Chaplaincy
It shall process and approve all applications for the military chaplaincy, and its Chairman shall be the representative of the Bible Fellowship Church to the General Commission on Chaplains and Armed Forces Personnel.
(This material will appear under duties of the Credentials Committee, p. 124 of the 1981 Faith and Order as #5. Present 5 and 6 will become 6 and 7.)
The Bible Fellowship Church qualifies to have men with its ministerial credentials to serve under the U.S. Armed Forces Chaplains Board under the endorsement of the General Commission on Chaplains and Armed Forces Personnel. Applications for such service shall be made through the Credentials Committee.
(This material will appear in Categories of Ministry; III. Ordained Ministers Working with Other Organizations, page 126 of the 1981 Faith and Order as Paragraph #2 (FIRST READING)
Corporate Officers in a Particular Church
In an incorporated congregation the authorized legal representatives shall be chosen from among the members of the Board of Elders according to its respective Articles of Incorporation.
When an incorporated congregation becomes incapable of electing elders and seeks to maintain its work, the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church shall appoint elders who, upon ratification by the congregation, shall be the corporate officers of the particular church.
(This material will replace #1 in Article VII, Miscellaneous By-laws, page 73 of the 1981 Faith and Order.) (FIRST READING)
Committee on Program
The Chairman of the Annual Conference shall prior to the adjournment of the Annual Conference appoint the Committee on Program for the succeeding Annual Conference.
1.The Committee on Program shall establish and oversee a program for the succeeding Annual Conference designed to bring spiritual blessing and challenge to the members of the Conference. The frequency and length of the sessions proposed shall be in balance with the business concerns of the Conference.
2.It shall submit its proposals to the Committee on Agenda at least six weeks prior to Annual Conference.
(This material is an expansion of content under Committees Appointed by the Chairman, #1, page 98 of the 1981 Faith and Order)
Committee on Agenda
The Chairman of the Annual Conference shall prior to the adjournment of the Annual Conference appoint the Committee on Agenda for the succeeding Annual Conference.
1.The Committee on Agenda shall receive from any agency or particular church requests for time in the agenda of the Annual Conference. Such requests must be in writing and in the hands of the Committee at least six weeks prior to the beginning of the Annual Conference.
2.It shall establish the order in which standing and special reports shall be considered at the Annual Conference.
3.It shall circulate the proposed agenda two weeks prior to the Annual Conference.
(This material is an expansion of content under Committees Appointed by the Chairman, #8, page 100 of the 1981 Faith and Order.)
Committee on Statistics
The Chairman of Annual Conference shall prior to the adjournment of Annual Conference appoint the Committee on Statistics for the succeeding Annual Conference.
1. The Statistical Committee shall send to each church the Summary Statistical Report forms.
2.It shall receive from each church the completed Summary Statistical Report forms and a copy of the minutes of the congregational meetings of that year.
3.It shall meet on the Thursday preceding the Annual Conference to tabulate these reports for submission to the Annual Conference.
(This material is an expansion of content under Committees Appointed by the Chairman #6, page 100 of the 1981 Faith and Order.)
Committee to Examine Annual Conference Minutes
The Chairman of Annual Conference shall prior to the adjournment of the Annual Conference appoint the Committee to Examine Annual Conference Minutes.
1. The Committee to Examine Annual Conference Minutes shall compare the Annual Conference Proceeding as printed in the Bible Fellowship Yearbook with the official minutes of the Secretary of Annual Conference.
2. It shall report in writing to the next Annual Conference any and all discrepancies between these two records.
3. It shall submit to the Annual Conference two copies of the Bible Fellowship Yearbook certified to contain true and correct copies of the Proceedings of the previous Annual Conference. These copies shall be placed in the archives.
(This material is a revision of content of material in Committees Appointed by the Chairman #7, page 100 of the 1981 Faith and Order.)
Committee on Resolutions
The Chairman of Annual Conference shall appoint the Committee on Resolutions from the membership of the Annual Conference at the first meeting.
1. The Committee on Resolutions shall devise any resolutions it deems helpful to present for approval by the Annual Conference, including resolutions of thanks giving and appreciation, of changes in rules or by-laws, of establishment of the place and time of the next Annual Conference.
2. It shall present the resolutions proposed to the members of the Annual Conference in writing for consideration.
(This material is an expansion of content under Committees Appointed by the Chairman #4, page 100 of the 1981 Faith and Order.)
Committee on Communications
The Chairman of Annual Conference shall appoint the Committee on Communications from the membership of the Annual Conference at the first meeting.
1. The Committee on Communications shall receive for the Annual Conference any communications addressed to the Conference.
2. It shall respond in writing to each communication sent to the Annual Conference unless that communication is referred to another Board or Committee.
3. It shall report to the Annual Conference the names of all those who sent communication and the nature of the response by the Committee.
(This material is an expansion of content under Committees Appointed by the Chairman, #2, page 98 of the 1981 Faith and Order.)
Committee on Auditing
The Chairman of Annual Conference shall appoint the Committee on Auditing from the membership of the Annual Conference at the first meeting.
4. The Committee on Auditing shall examine the financial report of each agency of the Bible
Fellowship Church to ascertain:
(a) whether the report is made from an audited account.
(b) who made the audit,
©) cash held by the agency on the date of the report, and
(d) depositories in which the funds are maintained.
(See Faith and Order, 1981 edition, page 135, 136, Miscellaneous By-laws of Annual Conference #4 and #7.)
2.It shall make a report to the Annual Conference stating the results of their examination, including the names of any agencies which have not met the requirements of the Faith and Order and the ways in which the report was incomplete.
(This material is an expansion of content under Committees Appointed by the Chairman #5, page 100 of the 1981 Faith and Order.)
The Chairman of Annual Conference shall appoint from the membership of the Conference tellers to conduct the elections.
1. The Chairman of the tellers shall appoint an individual who is not a member of the Annual Conference to prepare duplicated ballots during the meetings of the Conference according to the election procedures of the Annual Conference.
2. The Tellers shall distribute and collect the ballots.
3. The Chairman of the tellers shall enlist associate members of the Conference to tabulate the results of the elections in which duplicated ballots are used. For special elections and other voting conducted during the meetings of the Annual Conference, the tellers shall tabulate the results.
4. The Chairman of the tellers shall announce the results of the elections and other voting and keep records of the results.
(This material is an expansion of content under Committees Appointed by the Chairman #9, page 101 of the 1981 Faith and Order.)
The Chairman of Annual Conference shall appoint a Timekeeper from the membership or the advisory membership of the Annual Conference.
1. The Timekeeper shall measure the time used by any participant in the deliberations of the Annual Conference.
2. If any participant has the floor for ten minutes at one time, the Timekeeper shall inform the Chairman of the Conference.
(This material is an expansion of content under Committees Appointed by the Chairman #10, page 101 of the 1981 Faith and Order.) (FIRST READING)
Revision of Article VIII. General Rules of Elections and Resignations, page 97 of the 1981 edition of the Faith and Order.
The following shall be inserted as paragraph #4.
A minister who retires may serve as a minister in any elective or appointed position only until his current term of office is completed. A retired minister may serve in an advisory capacity on any conference board or committee at the request of the particular board or committee. (FIRST READING)
Retirement from the Ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church
Any minister of the Bible Fellowship Church who has attained the age of 65 years or who has completed at least 40 years of service with the Bible Fellowship Church is eligible to retire from active service.
Any minister of the Bible Fellowship Church who has attained the age of 72 years must retire from active service by the end of the month in which he becomes 72 years of age.
Any minister of the Bible Fellowship Church who has rendered at least 30 years of service to the Bible Fellowship Church and who has not attained 65 years of age shall be eligible for early retirement from active service, but shall not be eligible for retirement benefits until he has attained 65 years of age.
Any minister holding credentials with the Bible Fellowship Church and seeking retirement shall notify the Credentials Committee of the Bible Fellowship Church at least 90 days prior to the effective date of his retirement. The Credentials Committee shall set the effective date of the retirement, change the status of the minister on the conference records, and notify the Board of Directors of the effective date of the retirement. The Board of Directors shall determine the starting date and the amount of benefits to be received according to the rules of the Minister’s Retirement Fund. Those ministers pastoring a church shall dissolve the Pastoral relationship through the rules of Pulpit Supply. (FIRST READING)
Resolved: that paragraph A under VI retirement age, page 109 of the 1981 Faith and Order be amended to read:
A minister of the Bible Fellowship Church who has attained the age of sixty-five (65) years or who has completed at least 40 years of service with the Bible Fellowship Church may retire from active service.
(The provision for payment after 40 years of service, but before 65 years of age, is applicable to only those ministers who are currently on the roll who have paid into the fund for forty years.) (FIRST READING)
The following were elected:
Dana Weller (3 years)
John Dunn, Robert W. Smock (2 years)
Terris L. Byrd, Richard E. Taylor, Timothy R. Baker, Willard Stull (3 years)
John Stengele, David Weller (3 years)
Resolved: that the following be accepted as FIRST READING:
Resolved: that the following be added to the duties of the Credentials Committee:
It shall receive all requests from those seeking retirement from ministry in the Bible Fellowship Church. It shall set the effective date of the retirement, change the status of the minister on the conference records and notify the Board of Directors of the effective date of the retirement.
Resolved: that the material on retirement age be placed in the Faith and Order as a new Article III entitled: Retirement from Ministry and that we change the enumeration of succeeding articles.
Resolved: that the rule for the contribution of pastors to the Ministerial Retirement Fund read as follows:
V. B. Contributions from each member:
Each member shall pay into this fund two percent (2%) of his annual salary and supplemental benefits excluding medical insurance and parsonage allowances for pastors who provide their own housing. One half of this payment shall be forwarded to the Financial Secretary of the Board of Directors on or before April 1, and the balance shall be paid at the next Annual Conference. The Annual Salary shall be calculated on the year beginning September 1 and ending August 31.
(Faith and Order, 1981 edition, page 109) (FIRST READING)
Resolved: that the following be deleted from the legislation regarding the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College:
“Relationships to other Ministries at Pinebrook: to establish a rule limiting the activity of the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College to faculty, curriculum, library, instruction, and budget to the extent that the budget relates to the operation of the college.
(Paragraph 2 of #9, page 76 of the 1977 Faith and Order.)
Resolved: that the following be added to the duties of the Ministerial Candidate Committee:
To submit a written report to the Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church (FIRST READING)
(This material will appear as #9, page 130 of the 1981 Faith and Order.)
Revision of Article VIII. Paragraph 42 page 55 of the 1981 Faith and Order.
(This material replaces the last sentence of the 4th paragraph.)
The congregation shall have the right to agree, to suggest changes, or to disagree with such recommendations. Agreement indicates the congregation is ready to follow the leadership of the Board of Elders. Suggesting changes indicates the congregation believes the Board of Elders has overlooked some factors and should revise its recommendation. Disagreement indicates the congregation is not ready to follow the leadership of the elders.
Even though the elders are to rule under Christ’s authority and the congregation is to follow, yet the elders should use wisdom and carefully consider the propriety of taking action that is not supported by the congregation. It is not only the responsibility of the Board of Elders to lead but also to provide sufficient information, sound reasoning, and ample time for the congregation to follow intelligently.
The elders must distinguish between those areas of disagreement that are matters of preference and those that are matters of principle. Even though the decisions of the congregation are not binding on the elders according to the authority invested in the office in the Scriptures, yet the elders shall seek to rule in harmony with the decision of the congregation except where the standards of Scripture would be repudiated, the cause of Christ harmed, or the Faith and Order violated. Whenever there is disagreement, the Board of Elders needs to consider prayerfully the reasons for the disagreement by the congregation in determining the appropriate action to be taken by the Board in exercise of its leadership.
Wednesday Evening, October 14, 1981, 6:30 P.M.
H. Walter Stout opened in prayer.
The following were elected:
David J. Watkins (2 years)
Terry Kauffman, Robert Keener (1 year to fill vacant terms)
David J. Watkins (3 years)
Resolved: that an Ad Hoc Stewardship Study Committee be formed by this Annual Conference, to be comprised of the men who have served on the Ad Hoc Stewardship Committee, chosen by and representing six of the agencies of the Bible Fellowship Church, those men being: James A. Beil, Bruce A. Ellingson, Jansen E. Hartman, Roy A. Hertzog, John H. Riggall, Clyde W. Snyder, and Daniel G. Ziegler, together with a representative of Victory Valley Board, chosen by that Board, and three at-large members elected by this conference. This committee shall continue to study the formation of a stewardship program for the Bible Fellowship Church, including delineation of a statement of philosophy and policy and a formulation of by-laws for such a program. The committee shall report to the Ninety-ninth Annual Conference.
The following were elected as the at-large members of the Stewardship Committee: Harold E. Snyder, Jay Fasnacht, and Robert Gaugler.
The following APPOINTMENTS were made by the Chairman:
LeRoy S. Heller, Daniel G. Ziegler, Warren L. Zimmerman, Bernard N. Coble, Bryan G. Upton.
Philip Morrison, James R. Batchler, Jr.
R. C. Reichenbach, Thomas P. Shorb, Roy A. Hertzog, William Graybill II, Kenneth L. Good.
Harold C. Weaber, James A. Beil
COMMITTEE ON PROGRAM (99th Annual Conference):
Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., R. C. Reichenbach, L. James Roberts, Harold L. Snyder, Jr., Jansen E. Hartman.
COMMITTEE ON PROGRAM (100th Annual Conference):
Historical Committee
Report of the Government Committee (continued):
Revision of Article VI Business Rules of Annual Conference.
The following will replace the material currently in Article VI:
1. Each meeting of Annual Conference shall be opened with prayer.
2. The Chairman shall convene the Conference at the prescribed time and shall lead the Conference in devotions at the first meeting after which the Secretary shall establish the roll. Each succeeding morning meeting shall begin with devotions after which the minutes of the meetings of the preceding day shall be read. Business shall generally proceed according to the agenda.
3. Two sessions shall be held daily as follows: from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon and from 1:30 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. Evening meetings are optional at the discretion of Annual Conference.
4. The parliamentary procedure shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order except where superseded by the By-Laws for Annual Conference.
5. Anyone wishing to speak shall rise and respectfully address the Chairman. In the event that more than one should address the Chairman at the same time, the Chairman shall decide who is entitled to the floor.
6. No one shall be allowed to speak more than ten minutes on any subject unless he receives permission from the Chairman.
7. No one shall speak the second time on a given motion unless permission is granted by the Chairman.
8. The Chairman is responsible to preserve order.
9. Reports of Boards and Committees to Annual Conference;
a. All Annual Conference Boards and Committees elected by ballot shall send copies of their reports to the members of Annual Conference no less than one week prior to Annual Conference. Study Committees appointed by the Chairman shall follow the same procedure.
b. Reports which have been previously circulated shall not be read publicly unless requested from the Conference floor.
c. The reports may be questioned and corrected before being accepted by Annual Conference.
d. Two corrected and signed copies of each report shall be given to the Secretary of Annual Conference upon acceptance of said report for inclusion in the Conference Yearbook. These copies shall be signed by the person submitting the report.
10. The election procedures of Annual Conference shall be:
a. Nominations shall be closed at the opening of each meeting for all elections to be conducted at that particular meeting.
b. Nominations and elections for a particular Board or Committee shall not take place until the report of that Board or Committee has been accepted by Annual Conference.
c. A ballot listing the names of all nominees shall be prepared and duplicated at the direction of the tellers for those elections.
d. The ballots shall be marked by each member of the Annual Conference and be submitted to the tellers.
e. The tellers with the aid of the associate members of the Annual Conference shall tabulate the results and prepare run-off ballots as needed.
f. Elections, according to the will of the Annual Conference, may be conducted by use of oral nominations, name(s) written on ballots by members of the Annual Conference, and ballots submitted to the tellers.
11. Any exception to the implementation of the Rules of the Faith and Order other than the Articles of Faith may be allowed by a three-quarter majority of Annual Conference. The reason for such exception shall be fully spread on the minutes. Such exceptions shall be subject to annual review until approved at second reading. (FIRST READING)
12. Revision of Article XI. Amendments to the Faith and Order
The following shall replace the material under Article XI, pages 136-137, 1981 edition of the Faith and Order.
Amendments to the Faith and Order
The Annual Conference may propose to the churches amendments or changes in the Articles of Faith of the Bible Fellowship Church by a two-thirds majority of those voting. After the approval of a first reading of the proposed change, the pastor and delegate of each particular church shall be responsible to inform their Board of Elders of the proposed change. The Board of Elders of each church shall vote on the proposed change, and an affirmative vote by a majority of the total number of elders shall be required for approval. Before the Annual Conference can consider a second reading of the proposed amendment or change in the Articles of Faith, approval of the proposed change must be reported within twenty-four (24) months to the Secretary of Annual Conference by the Board of Elders of at least two-thirds of the churches.
Amendments or changes in any portion of the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church except the Articles of Faith may be proposed to the churches by a two-thirds majority of those voting at Annual Conference. After the approval of a first reading of the proposed change, the pastor and delegate of each particular church shall be responsible to inform their Board of Elders of the proposed change. The amendment will be declared to be in effect when approved by a two-thirds majority of those voting on a second reading of the amendment at a succeeding Annual Conference.
A special rule is an enactment of Annual Conference limited to one year of application. It may not violate the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church. It may be reenacted on an annual basis. It may be placed in the Faith and Order by simple majority vote of Annual Conference after being enacted at three successive sessions of Annual Conference.
13. Revision of Article I, Annual Conference, page 91, 1981 edition of the Faith and Order.
The last two paragraphs shall be replaced with the following.
The proceedings of Annual Conference shall be conducted according to the Business Rules of Annual Conference. The Annual Conference shall keep and publish a record of the proceedings of its meetings and make it available to the membership of the churches.
The budget of Pinebrook Junior College was presented to the Annual Conference.
Whereas: the Ministerial Candidate Committee has referred Barry J. Minsky, as a minister whose credentials are in good standing with the Bible Fellowship Church, to the Credentials Committee for a decision relative to his ecclesiastical endorsement for service as a United States Military Chaplain, and
Whereas: the Credentials Committee has interviewed Barry J. Minsky, and believes him to be competent to serve in the military chaplaincy, and
Whereas: present legislation does not clearly specify who has the authority to approve men for the military chaplaincy, therefore be it
Resolved: that the 98th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church hereby grants Barry J. Minsky ecclesiastical endorsement for service as a full-time military chaplain.
Frank L. Herb, Jr. led in prayer of dedication for Barry J. Minsky.
Resolved: that the following paragraph entitled “Sunday Bible Schools” be substituted for the paragraph with the same title on pages 29-30 of the 1978 Yearbook.
Each Sunday Bible School shall have the following officers: General Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Secretary*, and Treasurer*. These officers shall serve for a term of one year. The General Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent may be elected by and from the membership of the particular church or appointed by the Board of Elders. Each Sunday Bible School is responsible to the Board of Elders. The Pastor, by virtue of his office, is also an officer of the Sunday Bible School.
1. Each one shall confess Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior and give evidence of this in his conduct.
2. Each one shall be faithful in his attendance of the public services of the particular church.
3. Each one shall be faithful in attendance of staff meetings.
The General Superintendent shall:
1. Provide each class with a born-again teacher as directed by the Executive Committee.
2. See that the school is properly graded.
3. Preside or arrange for a leader at each session of the school.
4. Periodically survey the work done in the various classes and departments.
5. Cooperate with the Pastor in the administration of the Sunday Bible School.
6. Report regularly to the Board of Elders all information requested by the Board to maintain oversight.
7. Be responsible to carry out the directives of the Board of Elders in regards to the Sunday Bible School.
8. Report annually to the congregation concerning the status of the Sunday Bible School.
The Assistant Superintendent shall:
1. Assume the responsibilities of the General Superintendent in his absence or incapacity.
2. Have as his special interest the oversight of absentee visitation and stimulation of Sunday Bible School promotion.
The Secretary* shall:
1. Be appointed by the Executive Committee.
2. Be responsible for enrollment and attendance records.
3.Provide the General Superintendent with all necessary information for reports.
The Treasurer* shall:
1.Be appointed by the Executive Committee.
2.Be accountable for all monies received as determined by the by-laws of the Particular Church.
The Departmental Superintendent shall:
1. Be appointed by the Executive Committee.
2. Lead and direct all departmental activities consistent with the spiritual goals and objectives of the particular Sunday Bible School.
3. Work closely with the General Superintendent, keeping the Superintendent informed on all matters relating to the department, i.e. discipline problems, teaching needs, material requirements, et cetera.
4. Be aware of absentees, advising the Assistant Superintendent when students are absent for three and six weeks consecutively.
Each teacher shall:
1. Endeavor to lead his students to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and to nurture those who have made a profession of faith in Christ.
2. Thoroughly prepare himself through prayer and Bible Study to teach the Scriptures, making use of teacher manuals and/or other resource materials.
3. Become personally acquainted with each of his students, so that lessons may be relevant.
4. Be faithful in the visitation of students and follow-up of absentees.
1. It shall be composed of Pastor, General Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Secretary*, Treasurer*, Departmental Superintendents, and/or others appointed or elected in accordance with the by-laws of the Particular Church.
2. It shall meet at the call of the General Superintendent.
3. It shall arrange for meetings of the entire Sunday Bible School staff.
4. The General Superintendent or Pastor shall preside at all meetings.
5. It shall be responsible to provide each department with personnel as needed.
6. It shall exercise oversight in the assignment of all teachers, assistants, and substitutes.
7. It shall review and act upon the resignation or proposed removal of any teacher or officer of the Sunday Bible School.
8. It shall be responsible to maintain a high degree of spirituality, positive Christian conduct, and full cooperation on the part of the Sunday Bible School staff.
9. It shall approve all curricula to be used in the Sunday Bible School.
10. It shall approve all furnishings, equipment, and teaching aids to be used in the Sunday Bible School.
11. It shall endeavor to provide a program of teacher training.
12. It shall approve all projects conducted by the Sunday Bible School or individual classes.
1. A visitor who attends for three consecutive Sundays shall be enrolled as an active member.
2. A member is dropped from the active enrollment after thirteen consecutive absences, and is maintained on the roll as an inactive member for six months.
*NOTE: The duties of the Secretary and Treasurer may be combined into one office, Secretary-Treasurer, in accordance with the by-laws of the particular church. (FIRST READING)
Recessed at 8:55, reconvened at 9:15
Resolved: that the following Board of Publication and Printing Budget for 1981-1982 be adopted:
1981-1982 BUDGET
1,000 subscriptions at $3.50 3,500.00
Donations from Boards 600.00
Subsidy 800.00
Total Income 4,900.00
Printing 12 Issues 3,750.00
Mailing 12 issues 500.00
Secretarial Help 150.00
Editor’s Expense 150.00
Business Manager’s Expense 150.00
Repairs and Supplies 200.00
Total Expenditures 4,900.00
Administrative Budget 2,500.00
Yearbooks 2,850.00
Faith and Order and Church Sup. 1,000.00
Total Income 6,350.00
Yearbooks 2,600.00
Honorariums 700.00
Faith & Order & Church Supplies 1,000.00
Fellowship News Subsidy 800.00
Warranty and Repairs on Equipment 200.00
Board and Secretarial Expense 250.00
New Equipment -0-
Return to Cash Reserves 800.00
Total Expenditures 6,350.00
Resolved: that the Administrative Budget for the 1981-1982 year as presented be approved for use effective October 1, 1981.
B. Benefits to Each Pastor (1981-1982) (1982-1983)
1. Beneficiary Fund 1,000 1,000
2. Ministers’ Assistance Fund 1,000 1,000
3. Ministerial Convention 600 750
4. Ministers’ Retirement Fund 19,800 22,000
Total 22,400 24,750
B. Benefits for Each Church
1. Conference Entertainment 3,000 3,000
2. Moving Fund 5,000 5,000
3. Fund to Assist Churches 1,000 1,000
Total 9,000 9,000
C. Annual Conference Programs
1. Publication and Printing 2,500 2,750
2. Expenses of Boards and Committees 4,500 5,000
3. Expenses of Board of Directors 250 250
4. Ministerial C.C. Internship 1,500 1,500
5. Historical Committee 1,000 1,500
6. Contingencies 776 750
Total 10,526 11,750
TOTAL BUDGET 41,926 45,500
Resolved: that the Administrative Budget for the 1982-1983 year as presented (second column, above) be approved for circulation to the churches in solicitation of their pledges by April 15, 1982.
Whereas: the present Church Home, a 28-bed facility, does not offer a comprehensive program which includes skilled care, and
Whereas: an intermediate nursing facility offers only a limited scope of services resulting in a decreased number of persons interested in utilizing the present facility, and
Whereas: the present location of the Church Home does not permit expansion, and
Whereas: the ever-changing health care regulations place the future of intermediate nursing facilities in doubt, and
Whereas: future financial viability is becoming a major concern in operating a 28-bed facility, and
Whereas: it is deemed in the best interest of the Bible Fellowship Church to authorize and actively further the construction of a long-term care facility (skilled nursing facility), Therefore, be it
Resolved: that the incorporated Bible Fellowship Church by and through its directors and officers be, and is hereby, authorized and directed to enter into an agreement for the purchase, from Weber Construction of Fleetwood, Berks County, Pa. as described in Deed Book Volume 1644, Page 1038, recorded in the Recorder of Deeds Office for Berks County, in Reading, Pa., for the purchase price of FIFTEEN THOUSAND ($15,000.00) DOLLARS per acre, less TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED ($2,500.00) DOLLARS which has been paid by the Bible Fellowship Church Home to obtain an existing option, and be it further,
Resolved: that the Agreement for the purchase of the land be contingent upon the following:
1.The property, after appropriate site survey, be deemed suitable for building the desired facility.
2.The obtaining of all local, state, and federal approvals for the construction of the facility.
3.The obtaining of financing acceptable to the Bible Fellowship Church for the purchase and development of the property and construction of the facility;
4.Such other matters as may be deemed necessary or desirable; And be it further
Resolved: that the incorporated Bible Fellowship Church by and through its directors and officers be and is hereby authorized and directed to proceed expeditiously to carry out the intent of the resolution, which is the financing and construction of a long-term-care facility (skilled nursing facility) projected to contain no more than one hundred twenty (120) beds at a cost not to exceed THIRTY THOUSAND ($30,000.00) DOLLARS per bed.
(The vote was unanimous.)
The following were elected to the Study Committee on Abortion: Donald T. Kirkwood, Charles J. McConnell, Jeffrey Stickler, Robert Zentz, Robert Newman.
Resolved: that the following be adopted as SECOND READING:
Article I – Name:
The name of this organization shall be the Missionary Society of .
Article II – Purpose:
The purpose of this Missionary Society shall be to:
A. Give diligence to intercessory prayer in behalf of missions.
B. Encourage sacrificial giving in behalf of missions.
C. Support missionary projects both home and foreign.
D. Correspond with missionaries.
E. Assist missionary candidates and missionaries on furlough.
F. Promote spiritual growth among the members of the society.
Article III – Membership:
The membership shall be open to Christian women of like faith, who are interested in missionary work and desire to share in this fellowship.
Article IV – Officers:
The suggested officers of the local Women’s Missionary Society shall be a President, VicePresident, Secretary, Treasurer, and Corresponding Secretary. Each local Women’s Missionary Society shall elect the officers that it deems necessary. No one shall serve as President who is not a member of the Bible Fellowship Church.
The officers shall be elected annually in a Spring meeting.
The Executive Committee shall be constituted of the elected officers. The Pastor shall be an advisory member of the Executive Committee.
A vacancy occurring in any office shall be filled by election.
Article I – The Society shall meet regularly as arranged by the Executive Committee.
Article II – Duties of Officers.
1. To bear responsibility of leadership of the Women’s Missionary Society.
2. To preside at the meetings of the Society and of the Executive Committee.
3. To present reports at Congregational meetings, if required.
1. To preside in the absence of the President or when the President so directs.
2. To assume all duties of the President in the absence or incapacitation of the President.
1. To record all minutes of the meetings of the Society and of the Executive Committee.
2. To record attendance and to keep a membership roll, if desired.
3. To supply the President with statistical reports for the Congregational meetings, if
4. To carry on all correspondence relative to the Women’s Missionary Society, and to promote correspondence with the missionaries if there is not a Corresponding Secretary.
Corresponding Secretary:
1. To be a liaison between the Society and the missionaries.
2. To promote correspondence between the Society members and the missionaries.
1. To receive and disburse funds, and keep accurate records.
2. To provide the President with financial reports for the Congregational meetings, if required.
Article III – Participation in Regional and Conference-Wide Women’s Missionary Society Programs.
A. Regional Programs:
1. The Board of Missions shall establish groupings of churches for Regional Programs.
2. The officers of the Women’s Missionary Society of each church of a region shall constitute an organizing committee for the region.
3. Each regional committee shall establish officers as it deems necessary.
4. Regional officers shall be elected at an Annual Meeting held in the Autumn. These officers shall be members of the Bible Fellowship Church.
5. The elected officers shall plan regional programs, including the establishing of frequency and dates of regional rallies.
B. Conference-Wide Programs:
1. A general committee composed of four members: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, shall be appointed by the Board of Missions.
2. This committee shall have the responsibility of developing Conference-Wide programs of the Women’s Missionary Society.
The following were elected:
Harold C. Weaber (3 years)
Carl C. Cassel (1 year)
John H. Herb (1 year)
Henry A. Schell (1 year)
Report was accepted.
Resolved: that the Article “Dedication of Children” be included in the Faith and Order under Standards of Worship and Life as Article VII, with all subsequent articles renumbered. (FIRST READING)
Child dedication is a voluntary act wherein believing parents publicly present their child to the Lord as an outward expression of their gratitude to Him for the child and as a formal appeal to God for divine assistance in the rearing of the child. It is not to be confused with infant baptism. It is not to be viewed as an ordinance of the church, nor is it to be considered as having saving efficacy.
Because the child is a gift from God, the parents promise, as God’s stewards, to bring up the child entrusted to them in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.2
In dedicating their child in the presence of fellow believers, parents are publicly dedicating themselves to the faithful fulfillment of their parental responsibilities3 and are acknowledging their need for the prayerful support and encouragement of those fellow believers.4
The act of child dedication becomes meaningful only as the parents explain to the child the meaning of this act and consistently carry out the promises made before God and the brethren at the time of the dedication. When one of the parents is an unbeliever, only the believing parent shall make the public presentation.
1 Psalm 127:3 “Lo, children are an heritage from the Lord; and the fruit of the womb is his reward.” James 1:17 “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights; with Whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”
2Ephesians 6:4 “And ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.”
Colossians 3:21 “Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.”
3Deuteronomy 6:4-9 “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart; and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.”
Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way that he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
4Ephesians 6:18 “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;”
Hebrews 10:24-25 “And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works, Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another, and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.”
Resolved: that we adjourn the 98th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church.
Adjourned at 1l:45 P.M. in prayer by Carl C. Cassel.