Annual Conference Proceedings
Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1989 Yearbook
First Meeting
Tuesday Morning, October 24, 1989, 10:00 AM
The first meeting of the 106th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church was called to order by the Chairman, James A. Beil, at Pinebrook Bible Conference, Stroudsburg, PA, 10:00 AM, on October 24, 1989.
The Chairman opened the meeting in prayer.
Report of the Registrar:
The report was accepted.
The roll of Annual Conference was established as follows:
Ordained Ministers Working Under the Direction of the Bible Fellowship Church and Delegates
Allentown, PA Cedar Crest Ronald C. Mahurin, Robert F. Johnson, Jay H. Fasnacht, John W. Trauch, Ronald L. Sprankle
Allentown, PA Salem Charles J. McConnell, Lee Richwine
Bangor, PA ( ) Henry U. Sandt, Jr.
Bethlehem, PA Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Warren L. Zimmerman
Blandon, PA George R. Bryson, Raymond R. Bertolet
Camden, DE James G. Koch, Horace E. Short
Catasauqua, PA (Probationer), Calvin A. Boyle
Coopersburg, PA Thomas P.Shorb, Clyde W.Snyder
Denville, NJ Richard D. Harris, Steven Beopple
Edison, NJ (Mission) Dennis M. Cahill
Emmaus, PA Dana E. Weller, David N. Schoen, Jonathan D. Reynolds, Herbert Schultz
Englishtown, NJ Raymond G.Burnett, Clinton Crankshaw
Ephrata, PA Daniel P. Allen, Robert W. Gehret
Finesville, NJ David H. Jones, Donald P. Straub
Fleetwood, PA Frank L. Herb, Jr., Todd R. Gummo
Graterford, PA David J. Watkins, Douglas D. Bowne
Harleysville, PA W. David Armstrong, Harold Crider
Harrisburg, PA Albert J. Dommel, Stephen C. Coleman
Hatfield, PA ( ), Lee E. Boyles
Holmes, NY (Mission) Robert S. Commerford
Howell, NJ John C. Vandegriff Jr., David Keevil
Kutztown, PA Randall A. Grossman, George K. Monroe
Lancaster, PA David A.Thomann, Horace A. Kauffman
Lebanon, PA Calvin T. Reed, LeRoy O. Herb
Lehighton, PA William H. Bartron, Bruce A. Kellerman
Maple Glen, PA ( ), George Priestly
Mt. Carmel, PA Alva C. Cassel, Harold L. Snyder, Jr.
Mt. Pocono, PA Ronald C.Erb, Salvatore Roseti
Nazareth, PA Keith E. Plows, Leonard F. Kessler
Newark, DE William G. Schlonecker, Arthur J. Frisbie
Newark, NJ (Mission) Delbert R. Baker, II
Ocean County, NJ (Mission) Dean A. Stortz
Oley, PA Kenneth F. Barber, Clayton E. Weber
Paradise, PA Ralph M. Soper, L. Donald Miller
Philadelphia, PA Emmanuel (Probationer), Timothy D. Cole
Philadelphia, PA Wissinoming G. Wayne Clapier, Daniel Crosley
Poughquag, NY James A. Wickstead, Thomas Ward
Quakertown, PA ( ), L. James Roberts, Jr.
Reading, PA Jansen E. Hartman, David E. Gundrum, Robert Breitegam, Walter Raybuck, Ronald Reed
Royersford, PA Robert W. Smock, Dennis Souder
Scranton, PA James R. Batchler Jr., Arthur Frable
Shamokin, PA Hugh C. Coulbourn Jr., T. Lamarn Manney
Sinking Spring, PA (Probationer), Donald McKinney
Somers Point, NJ (Mission) Roger L. Reitz
Spring City, PA Carl T. Martin, Richard E. Frick
Staten Island, NY ( ), Ralph D. Cole
Stroudsburg, PA Philip E. Morrison, Willard E. Cassel
Sunbury, PA LeRoy S. Heller, Robert Cox, Lamar Fetterman
Terre Hill, PA Steven L. Trommler, James Wetzler
Wallingford, PA Richard E. Taylor, William R. Singletary
Wappingers Falls, NY Byron Widger, Charles Webb
York, PA Kenneth L. Good, Philip G. Norris
Zionsville, PA ( ), David L. Weller
Ordained Men Serving Bible Fellowship Ministries
James A. Beil, Carl C. Cassel, Bernard N. Coble, Bruce A. Ellingson, Roy A. Hertzog, Barry J. Minsky, Daniel G. Ziegler, Bert N. Brosius
Ordained Men Between Calls
Thomas S. MacMillan, A. L. Seifert, Bryan G. Upton
Ordained Missionaries
William A. Aukamp, Leonard E. Buck, Brian H. Butler, Robert L. Draper, Richard J. Gehman, Walter H. Frank, J. Barclay Harley, Ronald W. Hoyle, Herbert K. Lea, Edward Moyer, William W. Mull, Louis Prontnicki, David Riddell, Philip E. Yerrington, Paul G. Zimmerman
Ordained Ministers in Retirement
Willard E. Cassel, John Dunn, Walter H. Frank, Wilbur W. Hartman, George E. Herb, C. E. Kirkwood, Donald T. Kirkwood, C. Leslie Miller, R. C. Reichenbach, John H. Riggall, Laird F. Stengele, David E. Thomann, Harold D. Yarrington
Probationers Serving as First Pastors of Churches
Thomas G. Barshinger, W. Neil Harding, Jr., Robert A. Sloan, Jr., Gregory A. Uhrich
Seating of the following Alternate Delegates was approved: Douglas Bowne (Graterford, PA), Daniel Crosley (Philadelphia, PA Wissinoming, PA), Thomas Ward (Poughquag, NY), Arthur H. Frable, Sr. (Scranton, PA).
RESOLVED, that those seated at the tables constitute the Conference Bar.
Special Election: Secretary of the 106th Annual Conference
Randall A. Grossman was elected.
Report of the Committee on Agenda and Program
The report was adopted.
David L. Weller, Delegate from Zionsville, PA led the Conference in the singing of “My Jesus I Love Thee” and led in prayer.
Willard E. Cassel addressed the Conference on the theme, “Why the Bible Fellowship Church – What is Our Identity as Derived From the Past?”
The Secretary appointed Robert W. Smock as Assistant Secretary, and Daniel P. Allen, David A. Thomann, David T. Allen, Charles Albert and Byron Widger as Assistants to the Secretaries.
The Chairman appointed the following Committees:
Committee on Communications:
Albert J. Dommel, Charles J. McConnell, Delbert R. Baker II
Keith E. Plows, LeRoy S. Heller, Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Harold L. Snyder, Jr., LeRoy O. Herb, Clyde W. Snyder, William H. Bartron
Committee on Resolutions:
David A. Thomann, Calvin T. Reed, John C. Vandegriff, Jr., Jonathan D. Reynolds, George K. Monroe, Philip G. Norris, Alva C. Cassel
Committee on Auditing:
Robert W. Gehret, Jay H. Fasnacht, Horace A. Kauffman, Lee E. Boyles.
Vice Chairman:
Jansen E. Hartman
David N. Schoen
Jansen E. Hartman
Ronald C. Erb
Administrative Assistant:
Thomas P. Shorb
RESOLVED, that we approve the Committees appointed by the Chairman.
Report of the Committee on Arrangements (see page 41)
The report was adopted.
Report of Ministerial Relations Committee (see page 44)
The report was accepted.
Report of the Nominating Committee
The report was accepted.
Report of the Committee on Credentials (see page 46)
The report was accepted.
RESOLVED, that the Chairman appoint a committee to prepare a tribute to Paul E. Baer to appear in the 1989 Yearbook.
WHEREAS, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended James E. Neher for ordination and
WHEREAS, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recom-mended prior ordination recognition for Robert A. Sloan, Jr., and
WHEREAS, these brethren have served acceptably as Ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church for the required period of time, and
WHEREAS, after examination the Credentials Committee believes these men to be called of God to the Gospel Ministry and to be in accord with the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that James E. Neher be ordained to the Gospel Ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church and further,
RESOLVED, that the prior ordination of Robert A. Sloan, Jr. to the Gospel Ministry be recognized by the Bible Fellowship Church and further,
RESOLVED, that the Service of Ordination shall be held Thursday, November 2, 1989, at 7:30 p.m. at the Graterford Bible Fellowship Church, Graterford, PA.
Report of the Ministerial Candidate Committee (see page 48)
The report was accepted.
Report of the Board of Church Extension (see page 61)
The report was accepted.
Report of the Director of Church Extension (see page 68)
The report was accepted.
RESOLVED, that we suspend the rules and extend the time to the end of the oral report of the Director of Church Extension.
The Director of Church Extension, Daniel G. Ziegler gave an oral report. Christopher Morrison was introduced and reported on the first meeting of the new mission in Spencer, MA. The mission held its first public meeting the previous Sunday, October 22. Fifty-four people were in attendance.
RESOLVED, that we further extend the time.
The Registrar reported the following requests for excuses: William C. Aukamp, Thomas G. Barshinger, Lee E. Boyles, Leonard E. Buck, Brian H. Butler, Carl C. Cassel, G. Wayne Clapier, Robert L. Draper, Bruce A. Ellingson, Richard E. Frick, Richard J. Gehman, J. Barclay Harley, George Herb, Ronald W. Hoyle, C. E. Kirkwood, David Jones, Herbert K. Lea, Carl T. Martin, Charles McConnell, C. Leslie Miller, Barry J. Minsky, Edward Moyer, William Mull, David W. Riddell, David J. Schoen, Harold L. Snyder, Jr., Carl K. Spackman, Donald P. Straub, Paul G. Zimmerman.
RESOLVED, that the excuses be granted.
The first meeting was adjourned at 12:13 PM with prayer by Robert F. Johnson.
Second Meeting
Tuesday Afternoon, 1:30 PM
The second meeting of the Conference began at 1:36 PM. L. James Roberts opened the meeting with prayer.
RESOLVED, that the following excuses be granted: David Keevil, Salvatore Roseti.
Secretary of 107th Annual Conference
Randall A. Grossman
Supplemental Report of the Ministerial Relations Committee (see page 44)
The report was accepted.
The following Pastorates were established under our rules:
Church Pastor Date
Allentown, PA Cedar Crest Clifford B. Boone October 11, 1989
Bangor, PA Edgar H. Munyan October 22, 1989
Maple Glen, PA Louis Prontnicki January 1, 1990
Report of the Board of Missions (see page)
The report was accepted.
The Executive Secretary of the Board of Missions, Roy A. Hertzog, gave an oral report thanking the churches for the continued growth in support of missions in the Bible Fellowship Church.
WHEREAS, the term of office for Financial Secretary for the Board of Missions served by David E. Thomann for twenty three (23) years has been completed; and
WHEREAS, he has not seen fit to permit his name to appear for election for another three year term; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Missions has elected Charles Albert at its March 28, 1989 Board meeting to a three year term according to by-laws approved by Annual Conference; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we ratify the Board of Missions’ election of Charles Albert as Financial Secretary; and further
RESOLVED, that we express our deepest appreciation by way of this resolution to David E. Thomann for the many years that he has served so faithfully in various capacities such as Chairman, General Secretary and Financial Secretary.
Report of the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College (see page 90)
The report was accepted.
L. James Roberts gave a brief oral report on behalf of the College. He called on Jansen E. Hartman and David J. Watkins, former Presidents of the College, to lead the Conference in prayer for the College and for its pursuit of candidacy for accreditation with the American Association of Bible Colleges. President Carl C. Cassel and Academic Dean Kirk House are representing the College before the Association this week.
Report of the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church Home (see page 99)
The report was accepted.
James A. Beil gave an oral report on the Home, including visual aids. Craig Porterfield, David J. Smock and James Roth were introduced as staff members of the Home. Prayer and praise were encouraged for the Home and its ministries.
Report of the Historical Committee (see page 125)
The report was accepted.
Richard E. Taylor introduced the publication of Verhandlungen 1859-1895 and presented one copy to Carl C. Cassel and two copies to Pinebrook Junior College. Bruce A. Ellingson received the copies on their behalf.
Report of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church (see page 50)
The report was accepted.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church Home petitioned the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church to obtain a loan from the Merchants Bank, Allentown, PA to the maximum amount of three hundred thousand dollars, ($300,000.00) to provide working capital for Fellowship Manor, and
WHEREAS, the Merchants Bank, Allentown, PA granted the loan on June 29, 1989 with the stipulation that one hundred thousand dollars be paid on the principal at the end of each of three years. The interest rate is 12% per annum. If the Board of the Home is not able to meet the schedule of payment, the Bible Fellowship Church, Inc. guarantees payment according to the above terms, therefore
RESOLVED, that we ratify the action taken by the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church in obtaining a loan of ($300,000.00) from the Merchants Bank, Allentown, PA for the Board of the Home for the operation of Fellowship Manor, and further
RESOLVED, that we support the ministries of the Board of the Home, the Home in Nazareth, PA and Fellowship Manor in Whitehall Township, PA with our prayers, patronage, gifts and offerings to liquidate the present indebtedness.
Report of the Board of Pinebrook Bible Conference (see page 110)
The report was accepted.
The new Director of Pinebrook Bible Conference, Bert Brosius, gave an oral report. He appealed for the prayer and support of the churches for Pinebrook.
Report of the Board of Victory Valley (see page 114)
The report was accepted.
Phil Atkins, Director of Victory Valley, gave an oral report, including visual aids.
Report of the Stewardship Council (see page 118)
The report was accepted.
Harold E. Snyder, Director of the Stewardship Council, presented an oral report.
Report of the Board of Christian Education (see page 120)
The report was accepted.
Richard T. Paashaus presented awards to New Life BFC, Oley, PA, for greatest actual increase in Sunday School attendance and to Calvary BFC, Finesville, NJ, for the greatest percentage increase in Sunday School attendance.
The Chairman appointed the following committee to prepare a tribute to Paul E. Baer.
Jansen E. Hartman, John Dunn, Willard E. Cassel
The following were elected:
Ministerial Relations Committee
Harvey J. Fritz, Jr. (3 years)
Jansen E. Hartman (3 years)
L. James Roberts, Jr. (3 years)
Board of Church Extension
John C. Vandegriff, Jr. (3 years)
Clyde W. Snyder (3 years)
Ministerial Candidate Committee
Alva C. Cassel (3 years)
Richard E. Taylor (3 years)
Committee on Nominations
Robert F. Johnson (3 years)
Daniel G. Ziegler (3 years)
Jonathan D. Reynolds (3 years)
Chairman of the 107th Annual Conference
Jansen E. Hartman
RESOLVED, that we suspend the rules and adjourn until 7:00 PM.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 PM with prayer by David E. Thomann.
Third Meeting
Tuesday Evening, 7:00 PM
The third meeting of the Conference began at 7:00 PM. Ronald C. Erb led in prayer to open the meeting.
Paul T. Rutman, Pocono Mountain, was seated as Alternate Delegate.
Board of Church Extension
Salvatore J. Roseti (2 years)
Board of Christian Education
Mark S. Matson (3 years)
Jonathan D. Reynolds (3 years)
Roy A. Hertzog introduced the following missionaries in attendance: Philip E. Yerrington, Edward Steubner, William Campbell, David Schlonecker, James Bigley, Robert and Shirl Harriman, Rob and Lana Patterson, Osborne Buchanan, Tom and Becky Pollock, Laird F. Stengele.
Supplemental Report of the Credentials Committee (see page 46)
The report was accepted.
The Committee moved the name John H. Herb from category VI to category I.
Report of the Board of Publication and Printing (see page 123)
The report was accepted.
Report of the Conference Judicatory (see page 132)
The report was accepted.
Report of the Ministerial Convention Committee (see page 126)
The report was accepted.
Report of the Committee to Examine the Minutes of Particular Churches (see page 134)
The report was accepted.
Report of the Beneficiary Society (see page 131)
The report was accepted.
The following resolution was lost:
WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the members of the Annual Conference that two mission works, and possibly one particular church, have adopted names for their missions that do not contain the term “Bible Fellowship Church” within the main portion of their name; and
WHEREAS, the name Bible Fellowship Church has significant meaning both historically and presently, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that a committee of five men be appointed by the Chairman of Annual Conference to study the naming of the churches and missions of the Bible Fellowship Church, and be it further
RESOLVED, that this committee recommend policy concerning the inclusion of the term “Bible Fellowship Church” in the name of missions and churches; and further
RESOLVED, that this committee report to the 107th Annual Conference.
(Yes – 51, No – 58)
RESOLVED, that we adjourn.
The Conference was adjourned at 9:41 PM with prayer by Dennis M. Cahill.
Fourth Meeting
Wednesday Morning, 9:00 AM
The fourth meeting of the 106th Annual Conference began at 9:00 AM with a period of devotions. Clyde W. Snyder led in the singing of “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” and in prayer. Philip E. Morrison addressed the conference on the theme “Why the Bible Fellowship Church – What Is Our Uniqueness in the Present?” He asserted that the one constant theme of our history and current identity is our commitment to answer honestly the question, “What does the Bible say?”
Richard D. Harris led the Conference in prayer for the Clapier family, who suffered the sudden accidental death of their daughter, Deborah, in the previous week.
Report of the Registrar:
The following Alternate Delegates were seated: David R. Way, from Pouqhquaq, NY; James Moore, Maple Glen, PA.
The following excuses were granted: John H. Herb, Thomas S. MacMillan, George A. Priestly
RESOLVED, that the minutes of the first, second and third meetings be approved.
Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church
Jansen E. Hartman (3 years)
Horace A. Kauffman (3 years)
L. James Roberts (3 years)
Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College
Thomas P. Shorb (3 years)
Raymond R. Dotts (3 years)
Ronald W. Reed (3 years)
C. Robert Roth (3 years)
Karen R. Stull (3 years)
Board of Christian Education
W. David Armstrong (3 years)
David H. Jones (3 years)
Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church Home
LeRoy S. Heller (3 years)
Robert W. Smock (3 years)
Robert H. Zentz (3 years)
Board of Victory Valley Camp
William G. Schlonecker (3 years)
John C. Vandegriff, Jr. (3 years)
Dana E. Weller (3 years)
Board of Missions
LeRoy O. Herb (3 years)
Board of Pinebrook Bible Conference
Gerald L. Schlonecker (3 years)
Harold L. Snyder, Jr. (3 years)
Board of Publication and Printing
Clyde W. Snyder (3 years)
Editor of Fellowship News
Daniel P. Allen (1 year)
Business Manager of Fellowship News
Paul T. Rutman (1 year)
Historical Committee
Bright N. Heist (3 years)
Vice Chairman of 107th Annual Conference
James A. Beil (1 year)
Stewardship Council
James G. Koch (3 years)
The following two resolutions were adopted at first reading:
WHEREAS, the Chairman of Annual Conference has appointed a Committee on Arrangements annually since the 103rd Annual Conference in 1986, and
WHEREAS, the purpose and duties of the Committee on Arrangements are vital to the function of Annual Conference, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the By-Laws for Annual Conference, Article XI: Annual Conference Boards and Committees (Faith and Order, p. 133ff) include the following under “Committees Appointed by the Chairman:”
Committee on Arrangements. Appointment: The Chairman of Annual Conference shall, prior to the adjournment of Annual Conference, appoint the Committee on Arrangements for the succeeding Annual Conference.
1. The Committee on Arrangements shall oversee the mechanics of Annual Conference.
2. It shall promote the efficiency of Annual Conference.
3. It shall assist in the provision of hospitality of Annual Conference.
4. It shall recommend to Annual Conference the place and time of the next Annual Conference.
RESOLVED, that the phrase “and of establishment of the place and time of the next Annual Conference.” be deleted from Duty #1 of the Committee on Resolutions (Faith and Order, p. 136).
WHEREAS, it is important that each official Delegate and Pastor receive all the reports from the Study Committees, Committees and Agencies and
WHEREAS, in order to coordinate this procedure one distribution point should be employed, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that all Study Committees have their reports to the designated distribution point by August 31st and further,
RESOLVED, that all Committees and Agencies have their reports to the designated distribution point by September 30th .
WHEREAS, there is a mandatory retirement age for ministers serving as pastor of a particular church but there is no clarification of the application of mandatory retirement for either ministers or laymen serving on Annual Conference Boards or Committees,
RESOLVED, that the Chairman appoint a Committee of 3 ministers and 3 laymen to study the legitimacy of the mandatory retirement age for ministers, and further
RESOLVED, that the committee formulate rules regarding elections based on the results of this study.
WHEREAS, we strongly believe it is the Scriptural responsibility of the church to adequately meet the needs of its pastors, (Matthew 10:10; I Corinthians 9:7-15; Galatians 6:6; Philippians 4:10-19; I Timothy 5:17-18), therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we encourage each church to increase its pastor’s salary at least 6% above the previous year’s salary, and further
RESOLVED, that it is the consensus of this Annual Conference that the minimum salary adequate for a pastor serving a Bible Fellowship Church including benefits is $19,000 for the 1989-90 year.
RESOLVED, that the men under care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee be accepted as listed below:
Probationers (year of licensing in parenthesis)
Thomas G. Barshinger Catasauqua, PA (1986)
Clifford B. Boone Allentown, PA (1989)
Douglas D. Bowne Spring City, PA
R. Jerome Brush Wallingford, PA
Arthur J. Frisbie Newark, DE (1976)
W. Neil Harding, Jr. Philadelphia, PA (1983)
Walter M. Johnston Philippines, (1987)
Barnabas Marshall Staten Island, NY
Christopher J. Morrison Spencer, MA
Edgar H. Munyan Center Valley, PA (1989)
James E. Neher Graterford, PA (1987)
Richard T. Paashaus Coopersburg, PA (1988)
Brent E. Robinson Sinking Spring, PA (1988)
Robert A. Sloan, Jr. Sinking Spring, PA (1988)
Larry M. Smith Walnutport, PA (1989)
David H. C. Sng Hatfield, PA (1987)
Dennis W. Spinney Dudley, MA (1984)
Gregory A. Uhrich Zionsville, PA (1989)
Gilbert J. Vining Gilbertsville, PA
David R. Way Pleasant Valley, NY
Gary F. Bentley Telford, PA
William N. Crowell Limerick, PA
Wayne A. Davidson Schwenksville, PA
Carl J. Fischer Nazareth, PA
Ronald A. Honeywell North East, MD
Philip J. Mitchell Allentown, PA
Duane E. Moyer Guadeloupe, F. W. I.
Scott Neiswender Bloomsburg, PA
John A. Poulette, Jr. Portland, PA
Jeffrey M. Stickler Allentown, PA
Warren N. Stuber Allison Park, PA
Thomas F. Templeton Somers Point, NJ
J. Richard Vroman Lansdale, PA
Howard N. Wells Hatfield, PA
David T. Allen Akron, PA
John A. Brooks Columbia, SC
Peter A. Fessler Lebanon, PA
Richard P. Jones, Sr. Emmaus, PA
Harold F. Noyes Cambridgeport, VT
Stephen C. Strunk Bowmansville, PA
Daniel J. Vitalo West Lawn, PA
Thomas P. Voorhees West Trenton, NJ
RESOLVED, that payments from the Ministers’ Retirement Fund beginning October 1, 1989 be at the rate of $156.00 per year of service up to 40 years of service for which the retiree is eligible.
RESOLVED, that the Administrative Budget for 1989-90 be approved for the year beginning October 1, 1989.
Administrative Budget
Oct 1, 1989 Oct 1, 1990
to to
Sept 30, 1990 Sept 30, 1991
A. Benefits for Each Pastor
1. Beneficiary Fund 1,000 1,000
2. Minister’s Assistance Fund 750 750
3. Ministerial Convention 1,000 1,000
4. Ministers’ Retirement Fund 40,350 44,000
Total 43,100 46,750
B. Benefits for Each Church
1a. Conference Entertainment 4,000 4,000
1b. Conference Expense 900 900
2. Moving Fund 4,500 4,000
3. Fund to Assist Churches 100 100
Total 9,500 9,000
C. Annual Conference Programs
1. Publication & Printing 4,400 4,400
2. Expenses of Boards and Committees
a. Chaplaincy Expenses 800 800
b. Stewardship Council 2,500 2,500
c. All other Expenses 4,000 4,500
3. Expenses, Board of Directors
a. Computer Use 400 400
b. Other Expenses 800 800
4. Ministerial Cand. Com. 750 1,000
5. Historical Committee 1,000 1,000
6. Contingencies 116 150
Total 14,766 15,550
Total Budget 67,366 71,300
RESOLVED, that the proposed Administrative Budget for the 1990-91 year be approved for circulation and solicitation of pledges, which are to be made by April 15, 1990.
RESOLVED, the rate of mileage reimbursement remain at $0.18 per mile.
The following resolution was adopted at Second Reading (page 14, 1988 Yearbook):
RESOLVED, that the Ministers’ Retirement Fund percentage of contribution be established at 3%.
(The above legislation is to be inserted in the 1987 Faith and Order, Update, p.5, replacing the references to “two percent (2%)” with “three percent (3%)”.
RESOLVED, that we suspend the rules and recess until 1:30 PM. Lee E. Boyles dismissed the meeting with prayer at 12:05 PM.
Fifth Meeting
Wednesday Afternoon, 1:30 PM
The meeting began at 1:30 PM with the singing of “Amazing Grace”, and prayer led by Robert Cox.
Report of the Registrar
The following men were excused from all meetings: Donald T. Kirkwood, Bryan G. Upton.
Richard Taylor introduced the following men under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee: David R. Way, Carl J. Fischer, W. Neil Harding, Richard T. Paashaus, Gregory A. Uhrich, Gilbert J. Vining, David H.C.Sng, Clifford B. Boone, Christopher J. Morrison, Douglas D. Bowne, Thomas G. Barshinger, James E. Neher, Robert A. Sloan, Jr., Arthur J. Frisbie, Edgar H. Munyan.
RESOLVED, that each Church be requested to provide its directory and/or mailing list and periodic additions to create a mailing list for each agency to use no more than three times in two years to inform all our people of its ministry and to seek to recruit their interest in that agency, and further,
RESOLVED, that the regulations for the use of this list shall be:
1. This list will be made available to any agency or organization in Bible Fellowship Church which may use it under these regulations.
2. No individual agency may directly add the names on the denominational list to its mailing list. Names will be added to the agency mailing list when responses from those individuals have been received.
3. This list will never be given or sold outside the Bible Fellowship Church.
4. Mailings will not be made closer than six weeks.
5. Each year the cost of using the mailing list will be established by the Board of Directors to cover cost of providing up-to-date labels and the costs of address corrections returned; if total list is purchased, a user may use part of the list.
6. Each user will use its own bulk mailing permit, pay its postage for mailing, request address correction on every mailing and in a timely way share the corrections with those who maintain the list.
7. A general schedule for mailing will be established, but it will allow flexibility for new mailings.
8. When periodic additions of new names are made to the list, agencies may request lists to send “welcome” communications to those being added.
(The above resolution passed, Yes – 64, No – 44)
RESOLVED, that Annual Conference hereby encourages each particular church to give prayerful consideration to increasing its annual contribution to Bible Fellowship Church Home for use of Fellowship Manor and Fellowship Home.
RESOLVED, that the cost of the 1989 Yearbook be $ 5.50 per copy.
Report of the Committee to Examine Annual Conference Minutes (see page 130)
The report was adopted.
WHEREAS, the responsibility of the Committee to Examine Annual Conference Minutes has been to compare the official minutes of the Secretary of Annual Conference with the published yearbook, and
WHEREAS, the Annual Conference has advanced to utilizing computers in the recording, maintaining and printing of the proceedings of Annual Conference resulting in a refined edition of the official minutes of the Secretary of Annual Conference which is printed as the Bible Fellowship Church Yearbook and
WHEREAS, clarification is needed on: 1) what constitutes the final edition of “the official minutes of the Secretary of Annual Conference?” and 2) what is the responsibility of this committee where the official minutes of the Secretary of Annual Conference may be inaccurate, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Secretary and his assistants consult with the “Committee to Examine Annual Conference Minutes” to clarify these issues.
The following were elected:
Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College
G. Wayne Clapier (2 years)
Board of Christian Education
Robert S. Commerford (2 years)
Board of Publication and Printing
William H. Bartron (3 years)
James E. Neher (1 year)
Committee on Credentials
James A. Beil (1 year)
Harvey J. Fritz, Jr. (1 year)
LeRoy S. Heller (1 year)
Frank L. Herb, Jr. (1 year)
Keith E. Plows (1 year)
Conference Judicatory
Ronald C. Mahurin (5 years)
L. James Roberts (5 years)
RESOLVED, that the 1990-91 budget for the Board of Church Extension be adopted.
1990-91 Budget
Maintenance Budget
Churches – undesignated $ 92,500
General Contributions from other sources 9,000
Designated 249,200
Interest 1,000
$ 351,700
Edison, NJ $ 18,000
Project Beachhead 50,000
Newark, NJ 21,000
E. Union Co., NJ 6,000
Holmes, NY 12,000
Philadelphia, PA Southeast Asian 29,000
New England Team 22,000
Ocean County, NJ 30,000
New Missions (Existing) 34,000
$ 222,000
Director’s Salary and Benefits 24,000
Director’s Health Insurance 2,900
Director’s Continuing Education 1,500
Expenses for Second Administrator 53,500
Department Travel 10,000
Parsonage – Office Building 12,000
Office Operations 19,000
Board Expenses 1,800
Promotion 1,000
Surveys 200
Administrative Budget 500
Workers’ Compensation 2,600
Stewardship Council 300
Fellowship News 200
Reserves – Contingency 1,200
Total $ 351,700
Development Budget
Designated Offerings 56,000
Starting New Missions 45,000
PISCES 3,000
Development Fund 5,000
$ 56,000
The following resolutions were adopted at Second Reading (1988 Yearbook, p.24)
WHEREAS, a more positive role is desired for the Stewardship Council, and
WHEREAS, the power to approve and disapprove the programs of the agencies is viewed as an encumbrance to accomplishing the work of the Council and agencies, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the following be adopted as a revision of Article III, duty 9:
“9. to co-ordinate and review with sensitivity the stewardship programs, including major capital campaigns and deferred giving of various Bible Fellowship Agencies, so as to guard against duplication, competition, over-exposure and undue aggressiveness.”
and be it further
RESOLVED, that duty 10 be deleted, and further
RESOLVED, that present duty 11 become duty 10 and present duty 12 become duty 11.
Report of the Committee on Auditing (see page 132)
The report was accepted.
Report of the Committee on Communications (see page 133)
The report was accepted.
The following were elected:
Board of Missions
Kenneth F. Barber (3 years)
Board of Pinebrook Bible Conference
Alva C. Cassel (3 years)
Report of the Committee on Resolutions
WHEREAS, the Lord has blessed the 106th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church with two days of fruitful deliberations, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we praise Him for His faithfulness and ask Him for diligence in pursuing the spreading of the Gospel in all of the continuing work of the Church.
WHEREAS, Victory Valley has had a year of growth, both numerically and spiritually, and
WHEREAS, Victory Valley has once again provided for the Bible Fellowship Church a place of ministry to our youth and children through a camping experience, and
WHEREAS, Victory Valley has seen approximately thirty campers make a profession of faith this year, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we thank the Lord for His faithfulness through this ministry, and be it further
RESOLVED, that we express our thanks to the Lord for His servant Phil Atkins and his staff, and that we commend them for a job well done.
WHEREAS, Edwin W. Ahlum and his staff have been used of our Lord to make definitive improvements in the financial condition of Pinebrook Bible Conference, and
WHEREAS, God has worked many spiritual benefits through them, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we express our appreciation to Edwin W. Ahlum for his excellent service as Director of Pinebrook Bible Conference.
WHEREAS, God has led Bert N. Brosius to accept the post of Director of Pinebrook Bible Conference, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we express our support for him in this effort and assure him of our prayers in his behalf, and be it further
RESOLVED, that we express our thanks to the Director and his staff for their hospitality in hosting the 106th Annual Conference.
WHEREAS, the faculty and staff of Pinebrook Junior College have diligently worked in behalf of the students and graduates, and
WHEREAS, we see the fruit of the Lord’s blessing in the lives of these students and graduates, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we praise the Lord for His work through His servants at the college and its President, Carl C. Cassel, and support them with prayer, encouragement and service.
WHEREAS, Pinebrook Junior College is seeking accreditation with the American Association of Bible Colleges, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we intercede with the Lord to grant their request.
WHEREAS, our brother James A. Beil has served faithfully and courageously in the exercise of his duties as President of the Bible Fellowship Home, Inc., be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we give praise to the Lord for this man as well as the staffs of Fellowship Manor and Fellowship Home and pledge our continual prayers and encouragement.
WHEREAS, David J. Smock is serving as the Administrator of Fellowship Manor, and
WHEREAS, Craig Porterfield is serving as Director of Fellowship Home, and
WHEREAS, these men have demonstrated the gifts and talents necessary to fulfill those responsibilities, and
WHEREAS, the work before them is a great challenge, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we thank the Lord for the provision of these men and that we assure them of our prayers and support.
WHEREAS, Daniel G. Ziegler has faithfully served as Director of Church Extension of the Bible Fellowship Church, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we express our sincere appreciation and gratitude for his dedication, diligence and leadership in this important work.
WHEREAS, the Church Extension Department seeks to expand the Bible Fellowship Church in our own Judea and Samaria, and
WHEREAS, God’s blessing is evident in the mission works at Ocean County, NJ, and Spencer, MA, and
WHEREAS, the Poughquag, NY, church has started a daughter church in Pleasant Valley, NY, and
WHEREAS, Larry M. Smith has accepted the call to be pastor of our mission church in Walnutport, PA, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we praise God for His faithfulness in these works and commit ourselves to continual encouragement and prayer support for these men and the people they serve.
WHEREAS, David E. Thomann has effectively served the Board of Missions for twenty-three years in various positions, including those of Chairman, General Secretary and Financial Secretary, and
WHEREAS, he has not seen fit to permit his name to appear for election to another three-year term, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we express our deepest appreciation to David E. Thomann for the many years of service that he has given so faithfully.
WHEREAS, the Lord has provided the Bible Fellowship Church with an effective missionary family, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Missions continues to direct the affairs of our missionary families effectively, and
WHEREAS, Roy A. Hertzog has ably served as Executive Secretary of the Board of Missions of the Bible Fellowship Church, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we commit ourselves afresh to prayerful support for those who so faithfully serve, and be it further
RESOLVED, that we commend Roy A. Hertzog for his service as Executive Secretary of the Board of Missions.
WHEREAS, Byron Widger has ably assisted the Secretary of the 106th Annual Conference by monitoring the minutes, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we express our appreciation to him for his excellent work.
WHEREAS, our brother Harold E. Snyder has served with distinction as Director of the Stewardship Council, and
WHEREAS, our brother has had to enter into these labors on a volunteer basis due to a lack of financial support, and
WHEREAS, our brother has pledged himself to continue work for the Stewardship Council on a volunteer basis, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that Harold E. Snyder be honored in the form of this resolution for the sacrificial spirit that has been demonstrated in the discharge of his responsibilities.
WHEREAS, God has provided the Bible Fellowship Church with able men to conduct the 106th Annual Conference, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we thank Him for these faithful stewards of His Kingdom.
WHEREAS, the Lord has provided the Bible Fellowship Church with faithful ministers of the Word, and
WHEREAS, the Lord has established four (4) new pastorates, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we praise God for those who faithfully serve Him and communicate His Word.
WHEREAS, Annual Conference is made up of lay delegates as well as ordained ministers, and
WHEREAS, these men have made sacrifices of time and schedule in ministering to their congregations and participating in Annual Conference and have endeavored to carry out the work of the Lord, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we give the Lord thanks for these godly men and that we ask that He lead and bless them as they serve Him.
WHEREAS, the Committee on Credentials has presented James E. Neher for ordination and Robert A. Sloan, Jr. for recognition of prior ordination, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we thank God for calling these men into ministry in the Bible Fellowship Church and lift them up in prayer as they are obedient to Him.
WHEREAS, Clifford Boone, David Butler, Pete Davis, Carl Fischer, Brent Robinson, Dan Scott, David Sng and Gil Vining have faithfully served the 106th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church as Pages, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we express our appreciation to these men for their excellent work.
WHEREAS, Randall A. Grossman has served diligently as Secretary to the 106th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church, and
WHEREAS, Robert W. Smock has faithfully labored as Assistant Secretary, and
WHEREAS, Charles J. Albert, Jr., Daniel P. Allen, David T. Allen, and David A. Thomann have served as computer operators, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we express our gratitude to these brethren for their valuable service and that an honorarium of $50.00 be given to each of them for their willing service.
WHEREAS, Glen Garner has graciously donated the use of his copy machine for the use of Annual Conference, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we express our gratitude to him and that an honorarium of $25.00 be given to him.
WHEREAS, James A. Beil has served with great devotion and efficiency as Chairman of the 106th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the body of Annual Conference express its gratitude to Brother Beil with a standing ovation, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the 107th Annual Conference offer a prayer of thanksgiving for our Brother Beil and asking the Lord’s continued blessing upon his ministry as President of the Bible Fellowship Church Home.
WHEREAS, the Lord’s work within the Bible Fellowship Church must continue until He comes, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that, should He tarry, the 107th Annual Conference will assemble at Pinebrook Bible Conference October 23 – 25, 1990, at 10:00 AM.
WHEREAS, there is an explosive growth of ethnic populations in the U.S.; and
WHEREAS, several denominations are having significant growth in ethnic congregations, such as the Southern Baptists who have increased their ethnic churches by 84% from 2,354 in 1981 to 4,341 in 1987 speaking 88 different languages across the U.S.; and
WHEREAS, an expressed need is being communicated to the Evangelical community for the assistance of first-term missionaries and also furloughed and/or retired missionaries to assist ethnic churches in the U.S. (see Evangelical Missions Quarterly, July 1989, pp. 256-260, “How To Meet The Needs Of Immigrants, With A Bonus”); and
WHEREAS, such opportunities would be expedient for evangelistic outreach and for training of missionary candidates; and
WHEREAS, it is the shared opinion by the Chairman of the Ministerial Candidate Committee, Carl C. Cassel; Executive Director of Church Extension, Daniel G. Ziegler; and the Executive Secretary of the Board of Missions, Roy A. Hertzog, that the Bible Fellowship Church ought to take positive steps to reach out to the unreached within the target areas of Bible Fellowship Churches to further a ministry of establishing ethnic Bible Fellowship Churches; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of Annual Conference appoint an “Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee” of seven persons to report to the One Hundred Seventh Annual Conference with observations and recommendations.
The Chairman appointed the following to the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee: One representative each from the Board of Church Extension, the Board of Missions, the Ministerial Candidate Committee; also Delbert Baker II, David E. Gundrum, David H. C. Sng, Charles Snyder.
RESOLVED, that we approve the appointment of this committee.
Report of the Committee on Agency Calling (see page 127)
The report was accepted.
The following resolutions were adopted at first reading:
“All agencies shall follow the procedures of calling a Pastor as are prescribed for churches, in which the agency board shall act in lieu of the Board of Elders.
“All call forms shall be approved by the Ministerial Relations Committee.”
(1) Call for Bible Fellowship Church Agencies
“The (agency name) being on sufficient grounds, well satisfied of the qualifications of you, (name of candidate), and having good hopes from our knowledge of you that your training, experience, and ministrations in the gospel will be profitable to this work, do earnestly call and desire you to undertake the office of (position title) in this BFC ministry, promising you in the discharge of your duties, all proper support, and encouragement.
“And that you may be free from worldly care and avocations, we, on our part, promise and oblige ourselves to pay you the sum of $(salary) yearly in regular payments during the time of your service as the (position title) of this ministry and (no. of weeks) vacation each year.
“And we agree to pay or continue to pay semi-annually into the Ministers’ Retirement Fund that requisite percentage of your salary that Annual Conference may require you to pay.
(The following paragraph is optional)
“And we agree to pay, or continue to pay annually a sum equivalent to that self-employment tax as may be levied on you by the Congress of the United States under the Federal Insurance Contribution Act.
“And we agree to pay, or continue to pay, for the Health and Welfare benefits offered by Annual Conference.”
(An optional paragraph may be inserted at this location relative to housing arrangements/allowance).
“And we promise and oblige ourselves to review with you the adequacy of this compensation annually.
“In testimony whereof we have respectively subscribed our names this (date) day of (month) A.D. (year).”
(2) Call to a Minister to Serve Bivocationally
The Scriptures indicate that it is normal for ministers of the Gospel to be fully supported in the work of the ministry; to be able to give their full time and energy to the ministry. According to the Bible such support is their right and is the obligation of the church, the Lord’s people.
From biblical times to the present, in some circumstances and at certain times, ministers have been willing to serve bivocationally–to provide part or all of their and their families’ support through supplemental employment other than the ministry.
While the Bible Fellowship Church approves of calls to ministers to serve bivocationally, it counsels churches, agencies and ministers that such calls should be regarded as the exception rather than the rule, that no man ought to be coerced or pressured into accepting a bivocational call, that any man who serves in the ministry “at his own expense” should be regarded with great appreciation and full respect, that churches and agencies that are able to provide full support ought to do so, that the minimum salary recommendation adopted by the Annual Conference be taken seriously, that a careful and candid review of the adequacy of compensation provided under a bivocational call be scrupulously held annually between the parties at the initiative of the church or agency and that the church or agency make every effort to increase the amount of support it provides and to diminish the amount of his support provided by the minister and to provide full support just as soon as it is able to do so.
The Call
“The (particular church or agency) of the Bible Fellowship Church, being on sufficient grounds, well satisfied of the ministerial qualifications of you, , and having good hopes that your ministrations in the Gospel will be profitable to our spiritual interests (to the growth and spiritual interests of the mission), do earnestly call and desire you to undertake the office of (organizing) pastor of said congregation, promising you that in the discharge of your duties we shall extend to you our prayers, respect, encouragement, partnership and obedience (oversight) in the Lord.
“This is a call to you to serve bivocationally, that is, with understanding that you will provide part of your family’s support through other employment than the ministerial position to which we are calling you. In each of the areas of compensation listed below we obligate ourselves to provide what we promise and we also promise to establish goals for higher compensation when the Lord’s blessing and provision allow us to do so. We propose that we shall through negotiation, subsequent to your acceptance of the call, agree with you upon explicit limits of your service as (organizing) pastor in keeping in the demands placed on you by your supplemental employment.
“We promise and oblige ourselves to pay you the sum of $ yearly in regular payments during the time of your being and continuing as the (organizing) pastor of this church (mission).
“We obligate ourselves to provide you free use of the parsonage or a housing allowance of $ yearly in monthly payments and vacation each year.
“And we agree to pay or continue to pay semi-annually into the Ministers’ Retirement Fund that requisite percent of said salary which Annual Conference may require you to pay into said fund.
“And we agree to pay you $ annually, in four payments prior to the dates on which you must make you payments, for you to pay toward that self-employment tax levied upon you by the Congress of the United States under the Federal Insurance Contribution Act or, should you have elected not to participate in FICA, for you to use toward an alternate retirement and disablement plan.
“And we agree to pay, or continue to pay, for health insurance benefits offered by Annual Conference. Should you have or obtain adequate health insurance coverage through your supplemental employment, we pledge ourselves to supplement your salary or benefits in an appropriate manner.”
(At this point may be inserted any other allowances as may be mutually agreeable as part of the salary package).
“We are grateful that you are willing to consider a call to bivocational service. We promise and oblige ourselves to review with you annually the adequacy of this call, to increase our provision for your support as we are able and to provide full support for you in the ministry as soon as it is possible for us to do so.
“In testimony whereof we have respectively subscribed our names this day of in the year of our Lord.”
RESOLVED, that this material be inserted into the Faith and Order (first reading) on page 107, item j.
The call shall be in one of the following forms:
(1) Call to be used by Bible Fellowship Church agencies (see material)
(2) Call to a Minister to serve Bivocationally (see material
(3) Call to be used by a particular church (material on page 107, Faith and Order)
Report of the Committee on Statistics
The report was accepted.
The Chairman appointed the following committees:
Committee on Program and Agenda
Randall A. Grossman, Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Ronald C. Mahurin, James A. Beil, Jansen E. Hartman
Committee on Arrangements
David A. Thomann, Daniel P. Allen, Randall A. Grossman, Philip E. Morrison, Thomas P. Shorb, Jansen E. Hartman, (Ex Offico)
Committee to Examine Minutes of Particular Churches
Kenneth L. Good, Ralph M. Soper, Ronald C. Erb, Dennis M. Cahill
Committee to Examine Minutes of 106th Annual Conference
William H. Bartron, W. David Armstrong, David H. Jones
Committeee on Statistics for 107th Annual Conference
LeRoy S. Heller, Calvin T. Reed, Daniel G. Ziegler, Willard E. Cassel, Hugh C. Coulbourn, Warren L. Zimmerman, David A. Thomann
Registrar of 107th Annual Conference
Philip E. Morrison
Study Committee on Mandatory Retirement Age
Frank L. Herb, Jr., Roy A. Hertzog, Richard E. Taylor, Henry U. Sandt, Jr., George K. Monroe, L. James Roberts.
RESOLVED, that we approve these committee appointments of the Chairman.
RESOLVED, that we recess until 7:00 PM. The meeting was dismissed with prayer by James G. Koch at 5:05 PM.
Sixth Meeting
Wednesday Evening, 7:00 PM
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by the Chairman. David L. Weller led the Conference in singing “Near to the Heart of God.” Jonathan D. Reynolds led in prayer. Chairman Beil read Proverbs 29:18: “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” He encouraged members of the Conference to share their vision for the future of the Bible Fellowship Church in their local churches and agencies. Many of the brothers shared what the Lord has laid upon their hearts for the days to come.
The minutes of the fourth and fifth meetings were approved.
Supplemental Report of the Committee on Resolutions:
WHEREAS, Design Data Corporation, Charles J. Albert, Jr., President, and the Bible Fellowship Church of Ephrata, Daniel P. Allen, Pastor, have made available to the 106th Annual Conference the use of several personal computers and related equipment, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we thank God for the provision of these, His servants, in our behalf.
WHEREAS, the tellers have been an integral part of the smooth functioning of the 106th Annual Conference, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we by this resolution express our appreciation to Keith E. Plows, LeRoy S. Heller, Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Harold L. Snyder, Jr., LeRoy O. Herb, Clyde W. Snyder, William H. Bartron
WHEREAS, the members of Annual Conference have been deeply moved by the death of Deborah Clapier, and
WHEREAS, there is genuine concern and shared grief with Wayne, Phyllis, Sandra, Brian, and Rachel Clapier, and
WHEREAS, this concern has been demonstrated in part by a time of prayer for the Clapier family members, and
WHEREAS, our brother’s absence from Conference has been felt, in that we long for fellowship together, and
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the members of the 106th Annual Conference to convey our thoughts to the Clapier family, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Secretary of Annual Conference be instructed to write a letter to the Clapier family on behalf of Annual Conference, and further
RESOLVED, that the letter include the fact of our special prayer, our concern for the well-being of the family and the pledge to faithful prayer support.
WHEREAS, Clayton E. Weber has completed thirty years of faithful service on the Board of Church Extension, and
WHEREAS, he has completed twenty-seven years of faithful service on the Board of Victory Valley, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we commend Clayton E. Weber for his dedicated service and praise God for his commitment and work.
WHEREAS, John H. Riggall has continually served as Chairman of the Credentials Committee since the inception of said committee in 1959, and
WHEREAS, he has given tirelessly of himself to the ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church in this capacity, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we commend John H. Riggall for his faithful service and that we thank God for this man’s commitment and work.
Supplemental Report of the Committee on Credentials (see page 46)
WHEREAS, the Credentials Committee has not properly discerned the implications of placing a man on leave of absence, and
WHEREAS, the Committee has met with Terris L. Byrd and Harold C. Weaber, who have affirmed their desire to receive a call; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Terris L. Byrd and Harold C. Weaber be placed in the category “Ordained Ministers Working Under the Direction of the Bible Fellowship Church.”
The following man was elected:
Board of Pinebrook Bible Conference
Robert F. Johnson (one year)
Report of the Committee to Formulate a Biblical Response to the Epidemic of AIDS (see page 135)
The report was accepted.
RESOLVED, that the report and the paper prepared by David J. Smock, Ph.D. from the resource packet be published in booklet form by the Board of Publication and Printing and sold at cost.
WHEREAS, the study committee has presented an excellent, informative, and challenging study report, therefore be it,
RESOLVED, that each church be encouraged to consider the issues raised in the report and to adopt an appropriate policy for the church based on the principles and recommendations of this report.
RESOLVED, that we approve the minutes of the sixth meeting.
RESOLVED, that we adjourn. Chairman Beil dismissed the Conference with prayer at 9:18 PM.