2009 Annual Conference Minutes

[view printable 2009 Yearbook]

Annual Conference Proceedings – 2009

First Meeting

Monday Morning, April 27, 2009, 10:00 AM

            The 126th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by the Chairman, William G. Schlonecker, at Pinebrook Bible Conference. He welcomed the members of Annual Conference and noted an empty seat honoring Horace A. Kauffman, long-time delegate of Faith BFC, Lancaster, PA, and member of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church. The Chairman led the conference in prayer.

            The first of twenty short vignettes was shown. It was entitled Opening Bookend – The BFC at 150.

            Carl C. Cassel led the conference in a Responsive Reading using the text from Isaiah 40:6-8. He then led the conference in singing How Firm a Foundation and prayed. The conference sang God’s Sufficient Word. After Mark Evans read 2 Peter 1:16-21, the conference sang Thy Word is Like a Garden, Lord.

            The vignette entitled “Scripture will be more important than our traditions” was shown.

            The Chairman spoke on the theme Growing in the Word. The pastors and delegates were challenged to consider what their attitude is toward God’s Word. They should be led to a desperate dependancy on God’s Word.The time of worship was ended in prayer by the Chairman.

Report of the Registrar

Resolved, that the tables with red tablecloths constitute the Conference Bar.

            The following requested to be excused from part or all of the 126th Annual Conference: Andrew T. Crossgrove, Albert J. Dommel, Scott Evans, George E. Herb, Billy Dunn, Steven L. Trommler, Philip E. Morrison, Walter M. Johnson, David E. Riddell, Ronald K. Denlinger, Thomas A. Pollock, Jim D. Head, Paul A. Zimmerman, Austin G. Shelly, Frank L. Herb, Jr., T. James Bigley, Roy A. Hertzog, Kenneth J. Hurst, J. Barclay Harley, Kenneth F. Barber, Roger L. Reitz, Robert S. Commerford, Bert N. Brosius, Kevin K. Kirkpatrick, Robert K. Fields, David N. Heineman, Richard A. Moyer, David E. Brandt, Alan G. Miller, G. Wayne Clapier, David E. Gundrum, Authur J. Simpson, Jr., Robert B. Kramer, Daniel P. Allen, Eric R. North, Ferdie R. Madara, Bud Burroughs, Keith Howland, James E. Mortland, J. Richard Vroman, Thomas J. Boose, Jr., Leonard E. Buck, Wayne M. Chadwell, Michael Emrick, David L. Tress, Allen Dorst, John Crouch

Resolved, that the requests for excuses be granted.

Resolved, that the following alternate delegates be seated: Steven Groff and Neil Franken, Lancaster, PA; Charles A. Bloomfield, Cedar Crest; Albert Biddle, Camden, DE; Wayne M. Chadwell, Clinton Corners, NY; John Crouch, Denville, NJ; David Eisenhower, Paradise, PA; Steven Burk, Red Hill, PA.

The roll of the Annual Conference was established as follows:

Allentown, PA. . . . . . . . . . .    Clifford B. Boone, David T. Allen, Ronald C. Erb, Glenn R.

    (Cedar Crest)                         Felty, Ronald Sprankle, David L. Tress, William J. Walters

Bethlehem, PA. . . . . . . . . . .    Richard Bickings, Mark Culton, John Quigley, Keith Strunk

Blandon, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . .   Alan G. Miller, James C. Fisher

Brooklyn, NY. . . . . . . . . . . .   Ralph E. Ritter

Camden, DE. . . . . . . . . . . . .   Timothy J. Schmoyer, Keith Splawn

Carmel, NY. . . . . . . . . . . . .    Steven J. DelDuco*, Hans R. Waldvogel

Clinton Corners, NY. . . . . . .   Gerald D. Clark, Wayne M. Chadwell

Coopersburg, PA. . . . . . . . .    Thomas P. Shorb, Richard T. Paashaus, Mark R. Evans (Probationer), Gary Sterner, Michael J. Zettlemoyer

Denville, NJ. . . . . . . . . . . . .    Richard D. Harris, Guy Warner

Emmaus, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . .   David N. Schoen, Joshua D. Edwards (Probationer), Robert W. Davies

Ephrata, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . .    Robert B. Kramer, Robert W. Gehret

Finesville, NJ. . . . . . . . . . . .    Byron Widger, Michael P. Emrick, Jr.

Fleetwood, PA. . . . . . . . . . .    Roger J. Brush, James E. Mortland

Graterford, PA. . . . . . . . . . .    Mark R. Orton (Probationer), Douglas D. Bowne

Harleysville, PA. . . . . . . . . .   Andrew T. Crossgrove, R. Scott Wright (Probationer), Alfred G. Roberts

Harrisburg, PA. . . . . . . . . . .    Carl K. Spackman, Harold E. Snyder

Hatfield, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . .    Howard N. Wells, Louis S. Curcio, S. Lester Moyer

Howell, NJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . .    Eric R. North, Alan R. Heinlein

Kutztown, PA. . . . . . . . . . . .   Allan R. Vivona, Byron G. Barnshaw

LaGrangeville, NY. . . . . . . .   James A. Wickstead, Charles F. Webb

Lancaster, PA. . . . . . . . . . . .   David A. Thomann, Gregory A. Uhrich, Neil J. Franklin, Jr., Steven R. Groff

Las Cruces, NM. . . . . . . . . .    Thomas H. Morrison, M. E. Brown

Lebanon, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . .   Calvin T. Reed, LeRoy S. Heller, David E. Brandt, LeRoy O. Herb

Lehighton, PA. . . . . . . . . . . .   Robert A. Johnson, II, Bruce A. Kellerman

Long Neck, DE. . . . . . . . . . .   Jonathon W. Arnold, Sr., James C. Hart

Maple Glen, PA. . . . . . . . . .    Louis Prontnicki

Merida, Mexico. . . . . . . . . .    Marcos G. Ramirez (Probationer), Daniel A. Hernandez

Mt. Carmel, PA. . . . . . . . . .    Philip G. Norris, Bryan L. Snyder

Mt. Pocono, PA. . . . . . . . . .    Timothy J. Bertolet, Ronald E. Miller

Nazareth, PA. . . . . . . . . . . .    Carl J. Fischer, Jr., Rodney P. Plows

Newark, DE. . . . . . . . . . . . .    William G. Schlonecker, Robert C. Kaatz

Newark, NJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . .   Delbert R. Baker, II

Old Bridge, NJ. . . . . . . . . . .   David J. Peters (Probationer), John Mezzasalma, Jr.

Oley, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   Arthur J. Simpson, Jr., Robert Kohler

Paradise, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . .   Shan D. Cleck, Amos F. Kinert

Philadelphia, PA. . . . . . . . . .   G. Wayne Clapier, Bud Burroughs

Piscataway, NJ. . . . . . . . . . .    Dennis M. Cahill, Richard B. Ravis, J. Richard Vroman

Quakertown, PA. . . . . . . . . .   Ronald L. Kohl, Joshua P. Miller (Probationer), L. James Roberts

Reading, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . .    Randall A. Grossman, Ronald W. Reed, James A. Stapleton

Red Hill, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . .   James R. Arcieri (Probationer), D. Thomas Phillips

Royersford, PA. . . . . . . . . . .   Jacob J. Susek, Jr., Andrew Whittemore

Shamokin, PA. . . . . . . . . . . .   Ferdie R. Madara, Mark Leshinskie

Sinking Spring, PA. . . . . . . .   Robert A. Sloan, Jr., Donald McKinney, Harold P. Shelly

Spring City, PA. . . . . . . . . .    Kevin W. Clineff, Doug Wynne

Stroudsburg, PA. . . . . . . . . .   Davis E. Duggins, Ed Coover

Sunbury, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . .   Charles E. Cole, Kurt P. Francis, Robert H. Cox

Terre Hill, PA. . . . . . . . . . . .   Kevin W. Kirkpatrick, Robert L. Weaver, Sr.

Thompson, CT. . . . . . . . . . .    Dennis W. Spinney, Mark R. Brodeur

Toms River, NJ. . . . . . . . . . .   Dean A. Stortz, Allen Dorst

Wallingford, PA. . . . . . . . . .   Richard E. Taylor, Timothy S. Cowen, Mark A. Bickel (Probationer), Steven L. Piasecki

Walnutport, PA. . . . . . . . . . .   Vacant, Timothy D. Weaber

Whitehall, PA. . . . . . . . . . . .   Vacant, Michael Helfrich

Whitehall, PA. . . . . . . . . . . .   Harvey J. Fritz, Jr. Philip E. Yerrington, Richard J. Drosnock

     (Fellowship Community)

York, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   Kenneth D. Keeler, Roger L. Shambough

Zionsville, PA. . . . . . . . . . . .   C. Larry Bennett, Kevin D. Derr

* pending approval of ordination

Ordained Ministers Serving Bible Fellowship Ministries

Daniel P. Allen, Pinebrook Bible Conference; Mark E. Barninger, Church Extension; Raymond R. Bertolet, Church Extension; David E. Gundrum, Church Extension; Donald E. Kuntzman, Missions; Ronald C. Mahurin, Conference Pastor; Mark L. Morrison, Church Extension; Elliot H. Ramos, Church Extension; Carlos G. Rodriguez, Church Extension; Aaron Susek, Church Extension, John C. Vandegriff, Jr., Pinebrook Bible Conference; Dana E. Weller, Missions; Daniel L. Williams*, Church Extension; Timothy M. Zuck (Probationer) Church Extension.

Ordained Missionaries

William C. Aukamp, Ronald K, Denlinger, James D. Head, Walter M. Johnston, Philip E. Morrison, Duane E. Moyer, Jerry L. Moyer, Frank E. Lenahan*,Thomas A. Pollock, John C. Studenroth

Ordained Ministers Working in the Chaplaincy Under the Sponsorship of the BFC

Robert K. Fields, David N. Heineman, Kenneth J. Hurst, David H. Jones, Richard A. Moyer, Michael D. Roberts (Probationer)

Ordained Ministers in Retirement

Kenneth F. Barber, James R. Batchler Jr., James A. Beil, T. James Bigley, Jr., Bert N. Brosius, Leonard E. Buck, Terris L. Byrd, Alva C. Cassel, Carl C. Cassel, Hugh C. Coulbourn, Raymond R. Dotts, Robert L. Draper, John Dunn, Bruce A. Ellingson, Walter H. Frank, Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Richard J. Gehman, J. Barclay Harley, Frank L. Herb, Jr., George E. Herb, John H. Herb, Roy A. Hertzog, Ronald W. Hoyle, David L. Manney, Barry J. Minsky, Edward K. Moyer, Edgar H. Munyan, D. Thomas Philips, Keith E. Plows, R.C. Reichenbach, John H. Riggall, A.L. Seifert, Austin G. Shelly, Gene W. Smith, Robert W. Smock, David E. Thomann, David J. Watkins, Harold C. Weaber, Daniel G. Ziegler, Paul G. Zimmerman

Report of the Committee on Agenda and Program

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Committee on Arrangements (see page )

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Resolved, that the 127th Annual Conference be held at Pinebrook Bible Conference, Stroudsburg, PA, April 26-28, 2010 beginning at 10:00 AM on Monday.

Resolved, that all Study Committees, Committees and Agencies have their reports sent to the designated distribution point, 12 Pinebrook Road, E. Stroudsburg, PA 18301 or ebfc@ptd.net, by March 1, 2010.

            Daniel P. Allen, Director of Pinebrook Bible Conference, welcomed the members of Annual Conference to Pinebrook for these meetings.

            David A. Thomann, Secretary of Annual Conference, appointed David T. Allen as Assistant Secretary and Daniel P. Allen, Donald E. Kuntzman and Robert W. Smock as Assistants to the Secretary.

            The Chairman appointed the following:

Tellers: Keith E. Plows, Chairman; Byron G. Barnshaw, Charles E. Cole, LeRoy S. Heller, LeRoy O. Herb, Robert A. Johnson, II, Bruce A. Kellerman, Kevin W. Kirkpatrick, Hans R. Waldvogel

Resolutions: Eric R. North, Chairman; Robert W. Davies, Mark L. Morrison, J. Richard Vroman, Philip E. Yerrington

Auditing: Robert W. Gehret, Chairman; Gary A. Sterner, L. James Roberts

Committee to Examine Annual Conference Minutes:, Philip G. Norris, Chairman; Dean A. Stortz, Byron Widger

Timekeeper: John C. Vandegriff

Parliamentarian: Clifford B. Boone

Reporter: Ronald L. Kohl

            The following new members were introduced to Annual Conference: David L. Tress, Cedar Crest; Michael R. Roberts, Fellowship Community; Timothy Zuck, Saucon County – Hellertown; Mike Zettlemoyer, Coopersburg, PA; R. Scott Wright, Harleysville; Steve Burke, Red Hill; Steve Groff, Lancaster, PA; Mark A. Bickel, Wallingford; Neil Franklin, Jr., Lancaster, PA; Jim Fisher, Blandon, PA; John Mezzasalma, Old Bridge, NJ; Mark Orton, Graterford, PA; Andy Whittemore, Royersford, PA; Jim Arcieri, Red Hill, PA.

Report of the Nominating Committee

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Clifford B. Boone prayed asking for the Lord’s blessing on those who will be serving on the various boards and committees.

Report of the Credentials Committee (see page)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Whereas, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended ordination for David E. Brandt, Steven J. DelDuco, Frank E. Lenahan, and Daniel L. Williams and

Whereas, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended prior ordination recognition for Kurt P. Francis, and

Whereas, these brethren have served acceptably as ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church for the required period of time or the equivalent thereof, and

Whereas, after examination, the Credentials Committee believes these men to be called of God to the gospel ministry and to be in accord with the Faith & Order of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it

Resolved, that David E. Brandt, Steven J. DelDuco, Frank E. Lenahan, and Daniel L. Williams be ordained to the gospel ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church, and further

Resolved that the prior ordination of Kurt P. Francis to the gospel ministry be recognized by the Bible Fellowship Church.

Resolved, that an Ordination Service be held Tuesday, April 27, 2010, at the 127th Annual Conference.

Resolved, That the Lebanon, PA, BFC, Carmel, NY, BFC, Stroudsburg, PA, BFC, Woodbury Heights, NJ, BFC and the Sunbury, PA, BFC be encouraged to have a service of recognition of the ordination of David E. Brandt, Steven J. DelDuco, Frank E. Lenahan, Daniel L. Williams, and prior ordination of Kurt P. Francis, respectively, and that they be encouraged to invite the Credentials Committee to send representation to be present at the service.

            The new ordinands were welcomed by the members of Annual Conference:

Report of the Ministerial Candidate Committee (see page)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Resolved, that the following list of men under the direction of the Ministerial Candidate Committee be approved:


[Year of licensure in parentheses]

            Arcieri, James (2009) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Red Hill, VA

            Mark A. Bickel (2009). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wallingford, PA

            Brandt, David E. (2006). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lebanon, PA

            DelDuco, Steven J. (2007) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mahopac, NY

            Edwards, Joshua D. (2008) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Old Zionsville, PA

            Evans, Mark R. (2008) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Coopersburg, PA

            Francis, Kurt P. (2008) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Northumberland, PA

            Lenahan, Frank E. (2005) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Woodhull, NY

            Miller, Joshua P. (2007) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quakertown, PA

            Orton, Mark R. (2009). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Perkasie, PA

            Peters, David W. (2004) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steilacoom, WA

            Peters, David J. (2008) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Matawan, NJ

            Ramirez, Marcos G. (2008) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mexico

            Roberts, Michael D. (2008) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Quakertown, PA

            Rodriguez, Carlos G. (2008) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reading, PA

            Susek, Aaron J. (2008) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Royersford, PA

            Weinhofer, Colby A. (2007) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paxinos, PA

            Williams, Daniel L. (2006) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Woodbury Heights, NJ

            Wright, Robert Scott. (2009). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Souderton, PA

            Zuck, Timothy M. (2008) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hellertown, PA


            MacArthur, James D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Oley, PA

            Schlonecker, David K.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Emmaus, PA


            Allen, Jason . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lancaster, PA

            Allen, Joshua M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lynchburg, VA

            Burd, Russel N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Shamokin, PA

            Clark, Timothy G.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Reading, PA

            Cole, Raymond L.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Newark, DE

            Elias, John C.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .England

            Gibson, Joshua P.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Northumberland, PA

            Gonzalez, Miguel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mexico

            Green, Robert W.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Newark, DE

            Hoffman, Fred J.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lewisburg, PA

            Hoy, Jason L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Coplay, PA

            Jensen, Jr., Richard S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Perkasie, PA

            Kappes, W. Scott. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Catasaqua, PA

            King, Jonathan H.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schnecksville, PA

            Lauterback, Stanley P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Shillington, PA

            LoRusso, John R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alburtis, PA

            Morton, Steven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bear, DE

            Mumma, David S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ephrata, PA

            Nash, Steven B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toms River, NJ

            Rissmiller, Samuel Wayne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bernville, PA

            Stapleton, Andrew J.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jenkintown, PA

            Tibbetts, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Red Hill, PA

            The men under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee who were present introduced themselves to the conference: Timothy M. Zuck, Steven J. DelDuco, Timothy G. Clark, Joshua D. Edwards, R. Scott Wright, James Archieri, Miguel Gonzalez, Kurt Francis, Aaron Susek, Joshua P. Miller, Daniel L. Williams, Mark A. Bickel, David R. Peters, Carlos G. Rodriguez, Marcos Ramirez, David E. Brandt, Frank E. Lenahan, Mark J. Orton, Michael D. Roberts, Sidney C. Fields.

Report of the Ministerial Relations Committee: (see page )

            Resolved, that the report be accepted

Report of the Board of Church Health: (see page )

            Resolved, that the report be accepted..

Resolved, that we adjourn.

            The meeting adjourned at 12:05 p.m. with prayer by L. James Roberts who thanked the Lord for the provision of the food.

Second Meeting

Monday Afternoon, 1:30 PM

            The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 1:30 p.m. with Ronald Reed leading in prayer. The vignettes First Organizational Meeting and William Gehman, Founding Father were viewed.

Report of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church (see page )

            A special tribute was mentioned for three members of the Board of Directors who have served for over forty years: Carl C. Cassel and Robert W. Gehret., Horace A. Kauffman,

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Resolved, that the rate of mileage reimbursement for conference business conducted in 2009 be 27¢ per mile.

Report of the BFC Interim Executive Committee (see page )

            The secretary of the BFC Interim Executive Committee, David T. Allen, read the committee’s report. He was joined by all the members in attendance of this committee.

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            The following material was received by the body as changes to Second Reading

Article 512-1 Change, “agency” to “department”

Article 512-1.1 Change,

            (4) The director of each department shall serve as a non-voting member.

Article 512-1.2 (b) Quorum, delete the final sentence “If unanimous consent….”

Article 512-1.5 Duties of the Executive Board Amend to:

(3) It shall appoint the directors of the departments and establish the terms of their employment, in consultation with the department committee. It shall have authority to terminate the employment of the directors of the departments.

(4) Change “agencies” to “departments” and change “agency” to “department”

(7) Change “approval of all members” to “approval of two-thirds of its members”

Resolved, that the following be adopted at Second Reading:

             512-1:  Bible Fellowship Church Executive Board

The Bible Fellowship Church Executive Board (BFC Executive Board) performs the executive functions of our denomination. It shall provide leadership for the BFC by proposing strategic direction to the BFC Conference, implementing direction through the oversight of the BFC department, and monitoring progress in the direction approved by the BFC Conference. It shall have the authority between the meetings of the BFC Conference to execute the decisions made by that body.


            Yes – 134; No – 17

512-1.1: Composition, Election, and Terms of Office:

             (1)        The BFC Executive Board shall have thirteen voting members: A President (who is elected directly by the BFC Conference), The Executive Director (by virtue of his office), and eleven members (five ordained ministers and six elders.)

(2)The elected Classes shall be as follows:

                          Class I   President, one ordained minister and two elders.

                          Class II Two ordained ministers and two elders

                          Class III Two ordained ministers and two elders

             (3)        Each member shall be elected for a term of three years.

             (4)        The Director of each department shall serve as a non-voting member.

             512-1.2: Meetings and Quorum:

(a) Meetings: The BFC Executive Board shall establish a schedule of stated meetings, at which any business of the board may be conducted. Special meetings may be convened by the President on his own initiative , or at the call of the Secretary when requested by five members. Any special meetings must be held with at least a seven day notice, and business must be limited to the announced purpose unless all thirteen members of the board are present and consent to transact other business.

(b) Quorum: Nine voting members must be present to transact business of the BFC Executive Board.

      512-1.3: Organization:

      (1)     President: The President shall be elected by the BFC Conference for a term of three years. He may be an ordained pastor or an elder. The Executive Director is ineligible to serve as President.

      (2)     Other Officers: The BFC Executive Board shall elect annually from their number a Vice President, Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer and any other officers as the business of the board may require. The Executive Director is ineligible to serve in these offices.

      (3)     Vacancies: Vacancies in these offices shall be filled as soon as possible. In the event that the office of President is vacant, the Vice President shall serve until the next meeting of the BFC Conference.

      (4)     Removal from Office: The President may be removed from office at any time by a majority vote of the BFC Conference. The other officers elected by the BFC Executive Board may be removed from office at any time by the majority of the whole BFC Executive Board.

      512-1.4 Duties of Officers:


      (1)     He shall chair the meetings of the BFC Executive Board.

      (2)     He shall serve as legal representation for the corporation, empowered to execute all contracts, deeds, mortgages, and other documents, as the business of the corporation may require. He may designate another officer of the BFC Executive Board to exercise this power in his place. He shall report all such executions to the board.

      (3)     He shall carry out all other responsibilities as are usually conducted by the president of the corporation.

      Vice President:

      (1)     He shall chair the meetings of the BFC Executive Board in the absence of the President.

      (2)     If the President is unable to serve, he shall serve as President until the next meeting of the BFC Conference.


      (1)     He shall record and maintain minutes of the BFC Executive Board.

      (2)     He shall provide for the safe preservation of the records and legal documents of the corporation.

      Financial Secretary:

      (1)     He shall maintain accurate records of all assets held by the corporation and all financial transactions of the corporation.

      (2)     He shall issue payment of all duly authorized financial obligations.


      (1)     He shall deposit all funds for which the BFC Executive Board is responsible in depositories approved by the Board.

      (2)     He shall provide for an annual audit of all funds held by the BFC Executive Board.

      512-1.5: Duties of the BFC Executive Board

      (1)     It shall provide leadership for the BFC by presenting strategic direction to the BFC Conference. It shall seek approval of the BFC Conference to pursue this direction through the implementation of strategic plans.

      (2)     It shall appoint the Executive Director, subject to ratification of the BFC Conference, and oversee his performance in carrying out the work of the BFC Executive Board.

      (3)     It shall appoint the directors of the departments and establish the terms of their employment in consultation with the Department Committees. It shall have authority to terminate the employment of the directors of the departments.

      (4)     It shall offer counsel, advice and direction, oversee the work of the departments in furthering the overall ministry of the BFC and shall ratify the elections of each department.

      (5)     It shall administrate the BFC Annual Budget, and make annual recommendations to the BFC Conference concerning the Budget and Church Assessment Rate.

      (6)     It shall provide for and oversee the administrative aspects of the BFC including, but not limited to, education, accounting, auditing, pensions, publications, publicity, stewardship, and development.

      (7)     It shall hold title to and have charge of all property, both real and personal, belonging to the corporation. It shall buy or sell property for the corporation only by the approval of two-thirds of its members of the board or by direction of the BFC Conference. It shall have the authority to borrow money, contract mortgages, or make loans against any property of the corporation by approval of two-thirds of its members or by direction of the BFC Conference.

      (8)     It shall have oversight over all funds entrusted to it by the BFC Conference.

      (9)     It shall have oversight of all insurance programs offered by the BFC Executive Board.

      (10)   It shall act as the legal representative in the name of and on behalf of the corporation known as the Bible Fellowship Church (a nonprofit corporation in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania). Its activities must always be in conformity with the Faith & Order and with the rules, decisions and directives of the BFC Confenrece. It shall have all the rights and privileges, as well as responsibilities and liabilities, conferred by the charter creating the corporation.

      (11)   It shall report annually to the BFC Conference.


Yes – 133, No – 21

      The following material was adopted as First Reading

      Article 505-1 Voting Members Add:

      (7) all voting members of the BFC Executive Board

                                                                                                                        [FIRST READING ]

      Yes – 143, No – 7

      Richard E. Taylor thanked the Lord for the many years of service by the members of the Board of Directors of the BFC and asked the Lord for wisdom and strength for the newly formed Executive Board.

Report of the Conference Pastor (see page )

      Resolved, that the report be accepted.

      Randall A. Grossman prayed for the Conference Pastor, Ronald C. Mahurin thanking God for his ministry among us and asking God to heal him of his back pain. He also asked the Lord for the pastors of the BFC; that He would give them strength in their work.

Report of the Board of Church Extension (see page )

      Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Director of Church Extension (see page)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

      The Director, David E. Gundrum, introduced Mark E. Barninger, West Hanover Township, PA; Aaron J. Susek, Gettysburg, Adams County, PA; Daniel L. Williams, Woodbury Heights, NJ; and Timothy M. Zuck, Saucon Community, Hellertown, PA; who gave updates on their works in Church Extension.

      Leroy S. Heller thanked the Lord for the advancement of His kingdom through the Church Extension movement mentioning the effective work of those involved in church planting. He especially prayed for the healing of Daniel and Sarah Offenbacher, church leaders at the Woodbury Heights Mission, who are suffering with cancer.

The following were elected:

Board of Christian Education

Scott G. Ott (3 years)

Thomas J. Sorg (3 years)

Board of Church Extension

Alfred G. Roberts (3 years)

William R. Singletary (3 years)

Board of Church Health

Richard T. Paashaus (3 years)

Carl K. Spackman (3 years)

Ronald W. Reed (3 years)

Board of Communications

Allan R. Vivona (3 years)

Board of Directors of BFC Homes, Inc.

Bruce A. Ellingson (3 years)

Glenn D. Ruoss (3 years)

Board of Directors of Pinebrook Bible Conference

Gerald L. Schlonecker (3 Years)

Hans R. Waldvogel (3 years)

Robert H. Zentz (3 years)

Board of Higher Education

Ralph E. Ritter (3 years)

Board of Missions

Thomas P. Shorb (3 years)

Philip E. Yerrington (3 years)

Susanne R. Figard (3 years)

Board of Pensions

David N. Schoen (3 years)

Jay H. Fasnacht (3 years)

Robert Gaugler (3 years)

Board of Victory Valley Camp

Timothy J. Bertolet (3 years)

Rachel E. Norris (3 years)

Carolyn Cruise (3 years)

Board of Youth and Young Adults

Aaron J. Susek (3 years)

Robert B. Kramer (3 years)

Committee on Credentials

Ralph M. Soper (3 years)

Committee on Ministerial Candidates

David E. Gundrum (3 years)

Andrew T. Crossgrove (3 years)

Committee on Nominations

Philip E. Yerrington (3 years)

Mark S. Matson (3 years)

Conference Judicatory

Dean A. Stortz (3 years)

Gregory A. Uhrich (3 years)

Ronald W. Reed (3 years)

L. James Roberts, Jr. (3 years)

Special Appellate Judicatory

John C. Studenroth (3 years)

Charles A. Lavigna (3 years)

Historical Committee

Carl C. Cassel (3 years)

Jill A. Davidson (3 years)

Ministerial Relations Committee

William G. Schlonecker (3 years)

Steven J. Kauffman (3 years)

Secretary for the 127th Annual Conference

David A. Thomann (1 year)

      The conference viewed the anniversary vignettes entitled “It’s time to form a missionary society” and The Diary of Levi Jung

Resolved, that we adjourn.

      The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m. with Glenn Felty closing in prayer.

Third Meeting

Monday Evening, 6:30 PM

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. as Robert C. Kaatz led in prayer. 

Resolved, that the minutes of the first meeting be approved.

Report of the Board of Missions

Dana E. Weller introduced the following missionaries under the care of the Board of Missions: Matt & Sukey Lynskey, Kim Knaub, Becky Masessa and Carrie Ziegenfuss, Tanzania; Mark Wimble, Thailand, Joe Walsh, Reading, PA; Marc and Elizabeth Hoyle, France; Chris Merick, Reading, PA; Carolyn, Jerry, Peter and Samuel Moyer, France; William C. Aukamp, South Dakota; Byron Barnshaw, Reading, PA; Frank E. Lenahan, central NY; John C. Studenroth, Kutztown.

Resolved, that Dana E. Weller be ratified as Director of the Board of Missions for a three year term.

Matthew and Sukey Lynskey gave an update on the Tanzania Project. Dana E. Weller prayed for the missionary family at large and Calvin T. Reed prayed for Matthew and Sukey Lynskey (his daughter and son-in-law) and their upcoming ministry in Tanzania.

The vignette entitled “We’re going to write a doctrinal statement” was viewed.

Resolved, that the lay elders who have been elected to the Executive Board be recognized and seated within the Conference Bar and further

Resolved, that the rule of exception be used to allow the sweating at this conference. 

Robert T. Evans and Charles A. Lavigna were seated into the Conference Bar.

Report of the Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc.

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Michael D. Roberts addressed the Conference explaining the concept of Fellowship Bible Institute which will begin offering non-credit certificate courses and pastoral seminars in September 20029.

Dean A. Stortz offered prayer for the ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church Homes.

Report of the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Bible Conference

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

David A. Thomann prayed for the ministry of Pinebrook Bible Conference which has seen countless people come to know the Lord over the years and many more dedicating their lives to His service.

Report of Directors of Victory Valley 

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Douglas Manwiller was introduced as the new interim executive director of Victory Valley. He will serve through the summer camp season. Harold E. Snyder led in prayer for the ministry of Victory Valley and its new interim executive director Douglas Manwiller. He also prayed for Scott Ott and his pursuit of pubic office in the Lehigh Valley.

Report of the Joint Committee on Ethnic Church Planting

Their year was highlighted with a Chartering service held in the BFC in Merida, Mexico. Several members of the Ethnic Church Planting committee travel to Mexico to present the BFC Charter and to rejoice with the people there. The committee presented a video of that event.

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Board of Communications 

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Resolved, that the cost of the 2009 Yearbook be $9.00 per copy.

Resolved, that a contribution of three-hundred-fifty dollars ($350.) for the conference year 2009 be given the Board of Communications from each agency to help underwrite the cost of printing and distributing the Fellowship News.

Payments are to be made to the Board of Communications by December 31, 2009

Resolved, that $1.85 per member of the Bible Fellowship Church for 2009 be forwarded to the Board of Communications from each church to help underwrite the cost of printing and distributing the Fellowship News.

Payments are to be made to the Board of Communications at the 126th Annual Conference.

Resolved, that Scott G. Ott be ratified as the Web Servant for a three-year term.

Report of the Board of Christian Education

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Board of Higher Education

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Resolved, that the Annual Conference ratify the election to the Pinebrook Educational Foundation of Gary E. Karch and Karen Stull for terms to end in 2012.

Report of the Board of Pensions

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Whereas, the MRF annuity rate for 2009 is $218 per year of service, and

Whereas, partial cost-of-living adjustments are part of the long-term-phase-out strategy of the MRF, therefore be it

Resolved, that the MRF annuity rate for calendar year 2010 be $221 per year of service.

Whereas, churches outside of the United States are becoming recognized churches of the BFC, and

Whereas, newly-recognized churches are required to support the MRF, and

Whereas, the assessment could be an undue and disproportionate burden on these non-American churches, and

Whereas, both private and government retirement programs vary from nation to nation, therefore be it

Resolved, that these churches be exempt from supporting the MRF, and be it further

Resolved that each of these churches be encouraged to make provision for the ultimate retirement of their pastors commensurate with typical retirement plan programs of churches in their respective countries.

            Resolution Relating to Rental/Housing Allowances for Retired or Disabled Ministers of this Conference for Calendar Year 2010

Whereas, the religious denomination known as The Bible Fellowship Church has and functions through Ministers of the Gospel who are duly ordained or licensed; and

Whereas, the practice of The Bible Fellowship Church is to provide a parsonage or a rental allowance as part of the gross compensation for each of its active ordained or licensed ministers; and

Whereas, pensions paid to retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers of The Bible Fellowship Church are considered as deferred compensation and are paid to said retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers in consideration of previous, active service; and

Whereas, the Internal Revenue Service has recognized that The Bible Fellowship Church is the appropriate organization to designate a housing/rental allowance for retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers who are members of this Conference, therefore be it


1. An amount equal to 100% of the pension payments received during the year of 2010 be and is hereby designated as a rental/housing allowance for each retired and disabled ordained or licensed minister of The Bible Fellowship Church who is or was a member of the Bible Fellowship Church Minister’s Retirement Fund.

2. This rental/housing allowance shall apply to each retired and disabled ordained or licensed minister who has been granted the retired relationship or placed on disability leave by the Bible Fellowship Annual Conference and whose name and relationship to the Conference is recorded in the Yearbook of the Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church and in other appropriate records maintained by the Conference.

3. The pension payment to which this rental/housing allowance applies shall be the pension payment resulting from all service of such retired or disabled ordained or licensed minister from all employment by any local church, Annual Conference or institution of The Bible Fellowship Church or of any former denomination that is now a part of The Bible Fellowship Church, or from any other employer who employed the minister to perform services related to the ministry and who elected to make contributions to the pension funds of The Bible Fellowship Church for such retired minister’s pension.

Note: The rental/housing allowance which may be excluded from a minister’s gross income is limited to the lesser of (1) the amount of the rental/housing allowance designated by the minister’s employer or other appropriate body, (2) the amount actually expended by the minister to provide his or her housing, or (3) the legally-determined fair rental value of the parsonage or other housing provided. As specified in Rev. Rul. 71-290 C.B. 92, “the only amount that will qualify for exclusion under section 107(2) of the Code as a ‘rental allowance’ is an amount equal to the fair rental value of the home, including furnishings and appurtenances such as a garage, plus the cost of utilities.”

Report of the Historical Committee

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Conference Judicatory

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Resolved, that the Nominating Committee determine, by lot, the terms of office for the newly elected Executive Board.

The conference viewed the vignette called “In Insurance We Trust.”

Report of the Board of Youth and Young Adults

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Resolved, that we adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:47 p.m. as Ronald Erb closed in prayer. He prayed for Kermit K. Gehman who is in failing health that the Lord would be gracious to our brother.

Fourth Meeting

Tuesday Morning, 9:00 AM

            The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, William G. Schlonecker at 9:01 a.m. Mark E. Morrison announced to the conference that the daughter of Dr. M. E. Brown, delegate of the Las Cruces BFC, was shot and killed during the night. Mark opened the meeting in prayer asking the Lord for comfort and grace for the Brown family and those in the Las Cruces Church.

            Allan R. Vivona opened the worship time by leading the conference in prayer. The vignette called “The Coming Together of Kindred Spirits” was viewed. LeRoy S. Heller called the conference to worship by reading John 4:31-34. The conference sang Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness. Allan R. Vivona again led in prayer, preparing our hearts for the hearing of the Word of God proclaimed. LeRoy S. Heller read 2 Kings 17:1-41. The conference then sang Rescue the Perishing. Byron G. Barnshaw read John 4:1-42. John C. Studenroth spoke on the theme Growing Out By the Spirit. He then closed the worship time in prayer.

            The conference viewed the vignette called “Mizpah Grove.”

Report of the Registrar

            The following requested to be excused from all or part of the Annual Conference: Walter A. Frank, James A. Beil, Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., David E. Thomann, John Mezzasalma, Clifford B. Boone, Bill J. Walters, Bob Kohler, Jeff Keller, Lloyd Zook, Daniel L. Williams, Cobly Wienhofer, James Wickstead, M. E. Brown, Thomasn H. Morrison

Resolved, that these excuses be granted.

Resolved, that the following alternate delegate be seated: Steve Ziegler from Old Bridge, NJ.

            The Chairman appointed Ralph E. Ritter to the Resolutions Committee to take the place of Eric R. North who is unable to attend Annual Conference due to an illness.

Resolved, that the minutes of the second meeting be approved.

The following were elected:

Board of Christian Education

John C. Studenroth (3 years)

Board of Church Extension

Kenneth D. Keeler (3 years)

William G. Schlonecker (3 years)

Board of Directors Pinebrook

Jonathon W. Arnold, Sr.

Charles E. Cole

Board of Youth and Young Adults

Dorothy L. Ruch (3 years)

Chairman for the 127th Annual Conference

Randall A. Grossman

Vice Chairman for the 127th Annual Conference

William G. Schlonecker

Executive Board

Randall A. Grossman (3 years)


David A. Thomann (3 years)

Robert T. Evans (3 years)

Robert H. Zentz (3 years)

David T. Allen (2 years)

Robert A. Sloan, Jr. (2 years)

Jay H. Fasnacht (2 years)

Charles A. Lavigna (2 years)

Dennis M. Cahill (1 year)

Carl C. Cassel (1 year)

Steven J. Kauffman (1 year)

L. James Roberts (1 year)

Resolved, that the following legislation be adopted as Second Reading:

            512-1.6: Executive Director of the Bible Fellowship Church:

The Executive Director shall be an ordained pastor or elder appointed by the BFC Executive Board to carry out the direction approved by the BFC Conference. He shall be appointed, with the terms of employment, for a term of three years, subject to ratification by the BFC Conference. He shall serve as a voting member of the BFC Executive Board.


            (1)       He shall implement the direction and strategic plans of the BFC Conference.

            (2)       He shall represent the BFC in public ministry.

            (3)       He shall encourage churches and pastors toward achieving the plans of the BFC Conference.

            (4)       He shall encourage and coordinate BFC committees in achieving the plans of the BFC Conference.

            (5)       He shall oversee the department directors and coordinate their work so as to advance the plans of the BFC Conference.

            (6)       He shall oversee the daily operations of the BFC administration.

            (7)       He shall report to the BFC Executive Board and the BFC Conference.  


            Yes – 149, No – 12

Resolved, that the following legislation be adopted as Second Reading:

            Replace current 501-2, 501-3, 501-4, and 501-5 with:

501-2The BFC Conference performs the legislative function of our denomination. As such, it alone has the power to amend and authoritatively interpret the F&O. By this means it governs the affairs of the Particular Churches on a denominational level, serves the health of the Particular Churches, and receives requests and petitions from the Particular Churches. Although it has these powers, it shall not subvert the autonomy of the Particular Churches.

501-3 The BFC Conference also exercises final oversight of the judicial function of our denomination. In this capacity, it examines, licenses and ordains candidates for pastoral ministry, provides counsel in the calling of pastors to Particular Churches, supervises the resignation and removal of pastors, examines and approves or censures the records of Particular Churches, elects judicatories and serves as a final court of appeal in matters of discipline.

501-4 The BFC Conference also provides for the executive function of our denomination. As such it elects a President and BFC Executive Board, ratifies the Executive Director, and approves the direction and planning proposed by the BFC Executive Board. To provide for this executive and administrative leadership, the BFC Conference has the authority to assess the Particular Churches a percentage of their offerings.

501-5 The BFC Conference shall meet annually in performance of its responsibilities outlined above. Officers and committees shall be elected and appointed each year in order to conduct its business in an efficient manner. The purpose of the annual gathering is to govern the BFC through the F&O, promote unity and fellowship between the churches, and to focus our vision on unified goals for our churches and their joint endeavors.

501-6 The proceedings of the BFC Conference shall be conducted according to the Business Rules of BFC Conference (see 508). It shall keep and publish a record of its proceedings and make it available to the membership of the churches


            Yes – 143, No – 10

Resolved, that the following be adopted as Second Reading

Replace 407-5 “Board of Directors of BFC” with “BFC Executive Board”

Replace 203-6 “Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church” with “Bible Fellowship Church Conference.”

Replace “Annual Conference” with BFC Conference”.

302-3.2, 302-4.1, 302-4.2, 401-1.7, 403-1.4, 403-1.5, 405, 405-1, 405-2, 407-4, 500, 501, 501-1, 501-2, 501-3, 501-4, 501-5, 502-3.5, 502-4.1, 504, 504-1, 504-2.2, 504-2.3, 504-3.1, 504-3.3, 504-3.4, 505, 505-1, 505-2, 506, 506-1, 506-2, 506-3, 506-4, 506-5, 506-6, 506-8, 507, 507-1, 507-2, 507-3, 508, 508-4, 508-6, 508-7, 508-8, 510-2, 510-4, 510-5, 510-6, 510-7, 511-1, 511-1.1, 511-1.2, 511-1.3, 511-1.4, 511-2, 511-2.1, 511-2.2, 511-2.3, 511-2.4, 511-2.5, 511-2.6, 513, 513-1, 513-3, 801-1, 801-4, 802-1, 802-3, 802-4.


            Yes – 152, No – 3

Resolved, that the following be adopted as Second Reading

Replace 506-1 “Chairman of Annual Conference” with “Conference Moderator.” 405-2, 505-2, 506-1, 506-2, 506-5, 507-1, 508-4, 508-6, 511, 511-2.4, 511-2.6.

507-1 Duties – omit Duties (4) (5) (6) & add to election (3) The BFC Executive Director is ineligible to serve as the Conference Moderator.

507-2 replace “ Vice Chairman” with “Vice Moderator”


            Yes – 151, No – 3

Resolved, that the following legislation be adopted as Second Reading:

            a. Omit 407-2 offering (6) Administrative Budget

            b. New 502 “ BFC Annual Budget


502-1The BFC Annual Budget is administered by the BFC Executive Board. The Board prepares the budget and presents it to the BFC Conference for adoption. The budget provides for the executive administration of the BFC and includes, but is not limited to, salaries of the Executive Director and other employees, expenses of committees, pension obligations, administrative departments, and any other obligations or projects approved by the BFC Conference.

502-2Funding: The BFC Annual Budget is funded by the Church Assessment Rate. At the time that the BFC Executive Board presents the budget, a rate shall be recommended which provides for the funding of the budget. The rate shall be a percentage of the regular offerings received by the Particular Churches in the previous calendar year. The BFC Executive Board must present a balanced budget which is adequately funded by the assessment.

502-3Adoption: The BFC Annual Budget shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the BFC Conference. The budget shall include the Church Assessment Rate necessary to fund it, so that a vote for the budget is also a vote for the assessment. The BFC Conference shall not adopt an Annual Budget without approving the Church Assessment Rate which balances it.

Move the current Article 502 – Procedure for the Recognition of a Minister and Article 503 – Retirement from the Ministry to a new Article 509 – “Ministry in the Bible Fellowship Church

407-2: Church Assessment The Particular Churches through their representatives to the BFC Conference adopt the BFC Annual Budget with a Church Assessment Rate each year. This rate is a percentage of the regular offering from the previous calendar year. (For instance, The BFC Annual Budget for 2006 is adopted at the BFC Conference in 2005. It includes the adoption of a Church Assessment Rate of percentage of the regular offerings reported for 2004. The amount is provided in the Particular Church Budget for 2006 to fund the BFC Annual Budget for that year.)

            407-3: Offerings, renumber subsequent articles.


            Yes – 149, No – 8

Resolved, that we adjourn.

            The meeting was adjourned at 12:14 p.m. Robert Davies closed the meeting in prayer.

Fifth Meeting

Tuesday Afternoon, 1:30 PM

            The Chairman called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. with prayer. Another anniversary vignette, Eusebius Hershey, Pioneer Missionary, was shown.

Resolved, that the following be adopted at Second Reading:

Replace 508-1, 508-2, 508-3, 508-5 with

508-1 Regular Order of Business Each meeting of the BFC Conference shall be opened and closed with prayer. Times for worship shall be provided in each day’s agenda. The parliamentary procedure shall follow the rules of the BFC and Robert’s Rules of Order. Business shall generally proceed according to an approved agenda. Minutes shall be recorded and approved for each meeting. (subsequent articles in 508 shall be numbered accordingly)

                                                                                                            [SECOND READING]

Yes – 145; No – 3

Resolved, that the following be adopted at Second Reading:

Substitute the following for 203-5 as it now stands:

The church consists of many Particular Churches needing counsel and assistance. Because this counsel and assistance is needed on occasion by each Particular Church, each Particular Church is responsible for and accountable to the others and to the denominational body as a whole. However this counsel and assistance must neither violate the autonomy of Particular Churches in the body nor negate the accountability of each to all other churches. The goals of this mutual counsel and assistance are to encourage and maintain spiritual health, to preserve soundness of doctrine and discipline, to enter into joint effort for the advancement of the work of Christ, and to guard against doctrinal error and immorality. From these arises the importance and usefulness of assemblies of Particular Churches.

                                                                                                            [SECOND READING]

Yes – 155; No – 1

Report of the Study Committee on the Millennium (see page )

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Whereas, the Millennium Study Committee feels that it has finished its work assigned to it by Annual Conference by proposing eschatological liberty as expressed in the amending and reforming of certain articles of our faith, and

Whereas, the Annual Conference has adopted a new article on the Kingdom of God at first reading, and

Whereas, there are other aspects of our articles that may warrant re-examination in light of a fresh examination of the Kingdom of God, therefore be it

Resolved, that the Chairman of Annual Conference appoint a committee of men to study the Kingdom of God within a pre-millennial frame-work and report to the 127th Annual Conference.

Resolved, that the 126th Annual Conference instructs the local Churches’ Boards of Elders not to vote on the Article on the Kingdom of God which was approved at first reading at the 125th Annual Conference.

            David N. Heineman prayed for Kevin W. Kirkpatrick as he travels to Terre Hill to address the graduation ceremonies of the sixth grade Release-Time-Program children.

The following were elected:

Board of Youth and Young Adults

Jonathan H. King (2 years)

Board of Higher Education

Harold E. Snyder (3 years)

Report of the Beneficiary Society (see page )

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Minutes (see page )

            Resolved, that the report be adopted.

            The vignette, The Changing of the Guard, was viewed. After a break, the conference watched the vignette called Gospel Workers and Gospel Heralds.

Report of the Registrar

            The following have requested to be excused from part of Annual Conference: Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr., R. Jerry Brush and Albert Biddle.

            Resolved, that the requests be granted.

Resolved, that the following alternate delegate be seated: Bert Roling, Finesville, NJ.

Whereas, the Bible Fellowship Church has never permitted a man who is divorced or is married to a divorced woman to serve in the office of pastor, and

Whereas, the Faith & Order currently has no statement that directly addresses this issue, therefore be it

Resolved, that the Ministerial Candidate Committee and the Credentials Committee be instructed to continue to apply our historic policy of not permitting a man who is divorced or is married to a divorced woman to serve in the office of pastor in a Bible Fellowship Church, and further

Resolved, that we assign the Credentials Committee to study ways to address this issue in the Faith & Order and report to the next Annual Conference.

Resolved, that the following amendment to article 204-1.4 of the Faith & Order be adopted at Second Reading

Physical Qualifications. The pastor must be a mature man who is physically and mentally fit, being free from impairments that would undermine his ability to minister. His physical and mental fitness should give promise that he will be able to bear the demands of the ministry.

                                                                                                            [SECOND READING]

Yes – 129; No – 17

Resolved, that the following amendment on the timing and convening of the BFC Conference and Adjourned Sessions of the BFC Conference be adopted at Second Reading:

§501-5 BFC Conference convenes by precedent on the Monday following the fourth Sunday in April. The starting time and place of the Conference shall be recommended by the Committee on Arrangements and ratified by BFC Conference. The length of the Conference shall be determined by the Committee on Agenda and Program.

§501-6 An Adjourned Session of BFC Conference may be scheduled by action of BFC Conference or called by the Moderator by giving the members of BFC Conference a four-week written notification. The call for the meeting shall communicate the time, place, and purpose of the Adjourned Session of BFC Conference, and be it further

            Resolved, that §507-1 Chairman, Duties (3) be changed to read:

(3) After the close of BFC Conference, the Moderator shall have the power to convene BFC Conference by circulating a written call for such a session, giving the members a four-week written notification.


Yes – 105; No – 2

Report of the Committee on the Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches (see page )

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Ministerial Convention Committee (see page )

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Resolved, that the 2010 budget of the Executive Board (based on a 2% assessment) be adopted.

            Minister’s Retirement Fund                                      186,612

            Board of Communication                                            19,000

            Conference Expenses                                                  14,000

            Committee Expenses                                                     6,400

            Conference Pastor                                                       43,400

            Board Expenses                                                           83,257

                        Total                                                              352,669 

Resolved, that the recommended minimum salary for a pastor serving in the BFC be $33,000.00. In addition to his salary, the church must provide half of the pastor’s Social Security tax, parsonage and/or housing allowance (which would include utilities, repair costs, etc.). Health insurance, and provision should be made for reimbursement for allowable car and professional expenses. The church must also contribute a minimum of 3% of the pastor’s salary for retirement to the Ministers Annuity Fund, plus an additional 1% match if the pastor is voluntarily contributing 1%.


The above recommendation is considered the minimum. In establishing a fair and equitable salary and benefits package for the minister, consideration should be given to experience, education and the cost of living as per one’s location. In some areas, a higher figure would be more equitable.

Additional information for the Pastoral Relations Committee can be found in the newly published booklet, “Guidelines for Pastoral Relations Committees”.

Resolved, that the salary for the Conference Pastor be $26,000.00, and in addition we provide $7,200.00 for health insurance and $10,200.00 for car and professional expenses.

Whereas, the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church “shall have and exercise in the name of and on behalf of the corporation all rights and privileges conferred by the Charter creating the Corporation (prior 512-1.3 (1)); and

Whereas, the 126th BFC Conference has created the BFC Executive Board to “act as the legal representative in the name of and on behalf of the corporation known as the Bible Fellowship Church, a corporation not for profit in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.” (new 512.1-5); therefore be it

Resolved, that the transfer of these rights and privileges be effective May 1, 2009.

            The conference viewed the anniversary vignette entitled “Sometimes its easy to lose sight of the forest for the trees.

Resolved, that we adjourn.

We adjourned at 4:54 p.m. as C. Larry Bennett closed in prayer.

Sixth Meeting

Tuesday Evening, 6:30 PM

            William G. Schlonecker, Chairman of the 126th Annual Conference, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. as Hans R. Waldvogel opened in prayer. The anniversary vignettes From Presiding Elders to District Superintendents, A Shift in Doctrine and From MBC to BFC was shown.

Resolved, that the minutes of the third meeting be approved.

Resolved, that the minutes of the fourth meeting be approved.

The following were elected:

Board of Christian Education

            Mark E. Barninger (3 years)

Board of Higher Education

            Daniel A. Ruch (2 years)

Resolved, that the 2009 Budget of the Board of Directors be adopted.

Administrative Budgets




Beneficiary Fund                                                    $ 500 

Ministerial Convention                                               1,000 

Ministers’ Retirement Fund                                     69,000 

Annual Conference

       a. Conference Entertainment                              8,000 

       b. Conference Expense                                       5,000 

Board of Communications                                         5,000 

Expenses of Committees

       a. Chaplaincy Expenses                                         400 

       b. All other Expenses                                         5,000 

Expenses, Board of Directors                                     3,000 

Historical Committee                                                 1,000 

Conference Pastor                                                    43,400                   

Total Budget                                                         $141,300 

% of previous budget                                                   98.4                   

Report of the Committee on Auditing

            The Committee on Auditing has reviewed the financial reports of conference departments and boards. All were found to be in compliance with §511-2.1 of the F&O

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Committee on Statistics (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

The Chairman made the following appointments:

Registrar – Jonathon W. Arnold, Sr.

Assistant Registrar – Davis E. Duggins

Agenda & Program – David A. Thomann, Chairman; William G. Schlonecker, Randall A. Grossman, Thomas P. Shorb, Mark E. Barninger, David E. Brandt

Committee on Arrangements – David A. Thomann, Chairman; Daniel P. Allen, Thomas P. Shorb, Jonathon W. Arnold, Sr., Daniel L. Williams (Overseer of Pages)

Committee on Examination of Minutes Particular Churches – Ralph M. Soper, Chairman; Ronald L. Erb, C. Larry Bennett, Dean A. Strotz, Alan R. Vivona

Committee on Statistics – LeRoy S. Heller, Chairman; David A. Thomann, Gregory A. Uhrich, Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr., C. Larry Bennett

Resolved, that the appointments be ratified.

Study Committee on the Kingdom – Calvin T. Reed, Chairman; Timothy J. Bertolet, Jacob J. Susek, Jr., John C. Studenroth, Robert C. Kaatz, Richard B. Ravis, Davis E. Duggins

Resolved, that the appointments be ratified.

            The Chairman made the following appointments and announcements – Secretary of the Conference Judicatory: Gregory A. Uhrich. Secretary of the Special Appellate Judicatory: David J. Watkins. The official address of the primary place of business of the Corporation known as Bible Fellowship Church is 3000 Fellowship Drive, Whitehall, PA 18052.

The following were elected:

Board of Christian Education

            Davis E. Duggins (2 years)

            Timothy J. Bertolet (2 years)

            Alva C. Cassel prayed for the dedication of the offering being received for the Darlene Mahurin Memorial Fund which helps Pastors in time of need.

            The Conference viewed the last three anniversary vignettes: Projects and Places, Outward Bound, and Closing Bookend – What will the future bring for the BFC?

Report of the Committee on Resolutions:

Whereas, the Grace BFC of Harrisburg, PA, has been raising money by selling books to support church planting in France, and

Whereas, Pastor Jansen E. Hartman’s library was donated to the Harrisburg to be sold, and

Whereas, the sale of these and other books raised $6,500 which was given to a church planting ministry in France, therefore, be it

Resolved, that we thank the Lord for the encouragement these monies were to assist with the education of a new church planter in France and encourage others to donate books for the cause.

Whereas, our brother M.E. “Doc” Brown has experienced a great loss with the recent death of his daughter, therefore

Resolved, that we join in prayer on behalf of their family and the Las Cruces Church that God’s sustaining grace would uphold them in this time of sorrow.

Whereas, our brother Ronald C. Mahurin has recently been experiencing back pain, and

            Whereas, he has again served most admirably for this past year, therefore

Resolved, that we praise God for the ministry of our conference pastor and pray that God’s healing touch will be upon him.

Whereas, God has allowed Daniel and Sarah Offenbacker to go through a time of suffering with cancer,

Resolved, that we pray together for God’s will to be done and ask for healing and restoration to health.

Whereas, God has called his servant Horace A. Kauffman home to be with Him, therefore

Resolved, that we give deepest thanks to the Lord of the Church for his life and service to the Kingdom of God and his faithful example to the BFC.

Whereas, the Board of Directors has been replaced by the Executive Board, and

Whereas, the Board of Directors has served the BFC well for many years, and

Whereas, Carl C. Cassel, Robert W. Gehret and Horace A. Kauffman have served the Lord on the Board of Directors of the BFC for over forty years each, be it therefore

Resolved, that we give thanks to the Lord for the faithfulness of these men and for the model of sacrificial service to His kingdom work.

Whereas, David E. Brandt, Steven J. DelDuco, Frank E. Lanahan, and Daniel L. Williams were ordained at the 126th Annual Conference and the prior ordination of Kurt P. Francis was recognized, be it

Resolved, that thanks be given to God for these ministers of the Gospel and prayer be made for the success of their respective ministries.

Whereas, the BFC Annual Conference voted to restructure itself by replacing the Board of Directors with an Executive Board and an Executive Director, and

Whereas, this new structure will provide leadership for the BFC by proposing strategic direction to the BFC Conference, implementing direction through the oversight of the BFC Conference, and

Whereas, this significant change could have been very divisive, but instead was approved by significant majorities, be it,

Resolved, that we thank the Lord for the unified spirit that existed at Annual Conference, and we pray that the Lord would give guidance and wisdom to the Executive Board as it begins to assume its responsibilities.

Whereas, the following pastorates were established according to the Rules of our Faith & Order: Emmaus – Joshua D. Edwards, Fellowship Community – Philip E. Yerrington, Graterford – Mark R. Orton, Harleysville – R. Scott Wright, Grantville – Mark E. Barninger, Hellertown – Timothy M. Zuck, Las Cruces, NM – Thomas H. Morrison, New Oxford – Aaron J. Susek, Red Hill – James Arcieri, Wallingford – Mark A. Bickel, Woodbury Heights, NJ – Daniel L. Williams, therefore, be it

Resolved, that praise be given to our God for the provision of these pastorates, and further

Resolved, that prayer be made to God for the following churches that are seeking a pastor or additional pastoral staff: Bethlehem, Royersford, Walnutport, and Whitehall.

Whereas, our Agencies (Departments) faithfully pursue the collective will of the BFC to serve our church and reach our world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, therefore be it

Resolved, that we offer prayer and practical assistance so that their endeavors may be blessed with spiritual progress and glorify the cause of Christ.

Whereas, the Boards, Committees, and Study Committees of the BFC have served with diligence during this past year, and

Whereas, they have reported faithfully to the 126th Annual Conference, therefore be it

Resolved, that we recognize their service and ask God to give them strength for the coming year.

Whereas, the staff and volunteers of Pinebrook Bible Conference, along with wives and family members of our pastors and delegates, have readily and cheerfully served the members of the 126th Annual Conference, therefore be it

Resolved, that we express our appreciation for their special contribution in care of Conference Members.

Whereas, William G. Schlonecker, John C. Studenroth, and Ralph E. Ritter, have served Annual Conference as our devotional speakers, therefore be it

Resolved, that we give thanks to the Lord for their ministry in proclamation of God’s Word, and be it further

Resolved, that each be presented $50.00 for this ministry.

Whereas, the Annual Conference Secretary, David A. Thomann, and his Assistants, Daniel P. Allen, David T. Allen, Donald E. Kuntzman and Robert W. Smock, have served with individual distinction, therefore be it

Resolved, that we thank the Lord for their faithful service and, be it further

Resolved, that each man be awarded $50.00 for his labors.

Whereas, Head Page, Raymond L. Cole, Assistant Head Page, Daniel L. Williams, and Pages, Russel N. Burd, Sidney C. Fields, Robert W. Green, Jason L. Hoy, W. Scott Kappes, Jonathan H. King, Larry B. Krebs, Keith M. Long, Matthew R. Lynskey, and Stephen J. Morton have humbly, readily and cheerfully enabled the work of the Annual Conference to function efficiently, therefore, be it

Resolved, that we acknowledge our appreciation for their service on behalf of the Conference with a round of applause.

Whereas, William G. Schlonecker has served exceptionally well as Chairman of the 126th Annual Conference of the BFC, therefore be it

Resolved, that the members of the Annual Conference show their appreciation for Brother Schlonecker’s service with a standing ovation.

Whereas, we have come this far by faith, therefore be it firmly

Resolved, that we won’t turn back, and further

Resolved, that we will always glory in the manifold grace of our great and gracious God.

            Ronald C. Mahurin thanked the conference for its generous gift of $1300 to the Darlene Mahurin Memorial Fund.

Resolved, that we adjourn.

            The conference was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. with Carl C. Cassel closing in prayer. He especially remembered Randall A. Grossman as he serves in the new position of President of the BFC.

            After adjournment of the 126th Annual Conference a service of ordination was held. Ralph E. Ritter presented a message entitled Growing Up Into the Head, Christ using the text Ephesians 4:11-16. The service, conducted by the members of the Credentials Committee, celebrated the ordination of David E. Brandt, Steven J. DelDuco, Frank E. Lenahan and Daniel L. Williams and the prior ordination of Kurt P. Francis. At the conclusion of the service, the ordained brothers greeted the ordinands and their families. A fellowship time was then held in Pinebrook’s Dining Hall.

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