2012 Annual Conference Minutes

[view printable 2012 Yearbook]

BFC Conference Proceedings – 2012

First Meeting

Monday Afternoon, April 23, 2012, 1:00 PM

            Randall A. Grossman, Moderator of the 129th BFC Conference, called the 129th BFC Conference to order at 1:00 PM. The Moderator welcomed the members of Conference and then led in prayer.

            A worship band consisting of James Arcieri (bass), Mark E. Barninger (guitar), Richard B. Ravis (guitar), Elliot H. Ramos (drums) and Aaron J. Susek (keyboard) led the conference in singing: “O Worship the King” and “All Creatures of our God and King.” James Arcieri led the Conference in a prayer of praise to God. He then led the Conference in singing “Before the Throne of God Above” and “You are my King.”

            Ronald L. Kohl read Joshua 1:1-9, then led in prayer. The Moderator addressed the Conference from that text, focusing on the courage of true servants of God and how the Lord has called us to faithfully serve Him, promising His very presence and ultimately, the victory that belongs only to our sovereign God. The band then led the Conference in singing “Crown Him

with Many Crowns.”

Resolved, that the tables with the green tablecloths constitute the Conference Bar for the 129th BFC Conference.

            The roll of the Annual Conference was established as follows:

Allentown, PA. . . . . . . . . . . Clifford B. Boone, Ronald C. Erb, Glenn R. Felty, W. Scott Kappes (Probationer), Jonathan H. King (Probationer), Charles Bloomfield, Ronald Sprankle, William J. Walters

Bethlehem, PA. . . . . . . . . . . Jason L. Hoy (Probationer), Richard Bickings, Jr. (Probationer), Andrew Brimer, Michael Capaldi

Blandon, PA.. . . . . . . . . . . . Alan G. Miller, Jordon K. Eyster (Probationer), Gary W. Saggio

Brooklyn, NY.. . . . . . . . . . . Ralph E. Ritter, R. Edward Snyder-Ritter

Camden, DE.. . . . . . . . . . . . (Vacant), Albert F. Biddle, Jr.

Carmel, NY. . . . . . . . . . . . . (Vacant), Hans R. Waldvogel

Clinton Corners, NY. . . . . . Gerald D. Clark, Wayne M. Chadwell

Coopersburg, PA. . . . . . . . . Thomas P. Shorb, Richard T. Paashaus, Mark R. Evans, Gary A. Sterner, Michael J. Zettlemoyer

Denville, NJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard D. Harris, John Crouch

Emmaus, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . David N. Schoen, Joshua D. Edwards, Robert W. Davies

Ephrata, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert B. Kramer, William Early

Finesville, NJ. . . . . . . . . . . . Byron Widger, Bert R. Roling

Fleetwood, PA. . . . . . . . . . . R. Jerome Brush, James Mortland

Graterford, PA. . . . . . . . . . . Mark R. Orton, Douglas D. Bowne

Harleysville, PA. . . . . . . . . . Andrew T. Crossgrove, Alfred G. Roberts

Harrisburg, PA. . . . . . . . . . . Joshua P. Miller, Steven J. DelDuco, Harold E. Snyder

Hatfield, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . . Howard N. Wells, Louis S. Curcio, S. Lester Moyer

Hellertown, PA. . . . . . . . . . Timothy Zuck, John J. Hanner

Howell, NJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eric R. North, Brian L. Michlich

Kutztown, PA.. . . . . . . . . . . Allan R. Vivona, Byron G. Barnshaw

LaGrangeville, NY.. . . . . . . James A. Wickstead, Thomas L. Ward

Lancaster, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . David A. Thomann, Gregory A. Uhrich, Keith M. Long (Probationer), Neil J. Franklin, Jr., Steven R. Groff, Sr.

Las Cruces, NM. . . . . . . . . . Joshua M. Allen (Probationer), M. E. Brown

Lebanon, PA.. . . . . . . . . . . . Calvin T. Reed, LeRoy S. Heller, David E. Brandt, Jack S. Herb, Jr.

Lehighton, PA. . . . . . . . . . . Robert A. Johnson II, Bruce A. Kellerman

Long Neck, DE. . . . . . . . . . (Vacant)

Maple Glen, PA. . . . . . . . . . Louis Prontnicki, Keith Howland

Merida, Mexico. . . . . . . . . . Marcos G. Ramirez, Daniel A. Hernández

Mt. Carmel, PA. . . . . . . . . . Philip G. Norris, Bryan L. Snyder

Mt. Pocono, PA. . . . . . . . . . Timothy J. Bertolet, Carl Youngblood

Nazareth, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . Carl J. Fischer, Jr., Francis Podlasinski (probationer), Henry U. Sandt

Newark, DE. . . . . . . . . . . . . William G. Schlonecker, Robert C. Kaatz

Newark, NJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . Delbert R. Baker II, Thomas J. Boose, Jr.

Old Bridge, NJ. . . . . . . . . . David J. Peters, Steve Ziegler

Oley, PA.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arthur J. Simpson, Jr., Jeff Keller

Paradise, PA.. . . . . . . . . . . . (Vacant), Bruce H. Zurbrick

Philadelphia, PA. . . . . . . . . Justin L. Hunter (probationer), Bud Burroughs

Piscataway, NJ. . . . . . . . . . . Dennis M. Cahill, Richard B. Ravis, J. Richard Vroman

Quakertown, PA.. . . . . . . . . Ronald L. Kohl, L. James Roberts

Reading, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . . Randall A. Grossman, Clyde D. Bomgardner, Ronald W. Reed, Glenn D. Ruoss

Red Hill, PA.. . . . . . . . . . . . James R. Arcieri, William E. Blair

Royersford, PA.. . . . . . . . . . (Vacant), Michael W. Gangwer

Shamokin, PA. . . . . . . . . . . Ferdie R. Madara, Mark Leshinskie

Sinking Spring, PA. . . . . . . Robert A. Sloan, Jr., Stanley P. Lauterback (Probationer), Ronald D. Higley, Donald D. McKinney, Eric McNutt

Spring City, PA. . . . . . . . . . Kevin W. Clineff, Douglas Wynne

Stroudsburg, PA.. . . . . . . . . Davis E. Duggins, Thomas R. Altemose

Sunbury, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . . Charles E. Cole, Robert H. Cox

Terre Hill, PA.. . . . . . . . . . . Kevin W. Kirkpatrick, Robert L. Weaver, Sr.

Thompson, CT. . . . . . . . . . . Dennis W. Spinney

Toms River, NJ. . . . . . . . . . (Vacant), Allen Dorst

Wallingford, PA.. . . . . . . . . Richard E. Taylor, Timothy S. Cowen, Mark A. Bickel*, Steven L. Piasecki

Walnutport, PA. . . . . . . . . . (Vacant), Robert Salzman

Whitehall, PA.. . . . . . . . . . . Timothy J. Schmoyer, Michael Helfrich

Whitehall, PA.. . . . . . . . . . . Philip E. Yerrington, Richard J. Drosnock

Fellowship Community

Woodbury Heights, NJ.. . . . Daniel L. Williams, Harry Nessler

York, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kenneth D. Keeler, Roger L. Shambough

Zionsville, PA. . . . . . . . . . . Bryan C. McNally (Probationer), Kevin D. Derr

Ordained Ministers Serving Bible Fellowship Ministries

David T. Allen, BFC Executive Director; Mark E. Barninger, Church Extension; Raymond R. Bertolet, Church Extension; Miguel Gonzalez (probationer), Church Extension; David E. Gundrum, Church Extension; Donald E. Kuntzman, Missions; Ronald C. Mahurin, Conference Pastor; Mark L. Morrison, Church Extension; Elliot H. Ramos, Church Extension; Carlos G. Rodriguez, Church Extension; David A. Smith (Probationer), Church Extension; Keith A. Strunk (Probationer), Church Extension; Aaron J. Susek, Church Extension; John C. Vandegriff, Jr., Pinebrook Bible Conference; Dana E. Weller, Missions,

R. Scott Wright*, Church Extension.

Ordained Missionaries

Daniel P. Allen, William C. Aukamp, Scott B. Evans, James D. Head, Walter M. Johnston, Frank E. Lenahan, Philip E. Morrison, Duane E. Moyer, Jerry L. Moyer, Thomas A. Pollock, David W. Riddell, John C. Studenroth, Colby A. Weinhofer*

Ordained Ministers Working in the Chaplaincy Under the Sponsorship of the BFC

David N. Heineman, Kenneth J. Hurst, David H. Jones, Richard A. Moyer, Michael D. Roberts, Jacob J. Susek, Jr.

Ordained Ministers in Retirement Kenneth F. Barber, James R. Batchler, Jr., T. James Bigley, Jr., Bert N. Brosius, Leonard E.

Buck, Terris L. Byrd, Alva C. Cassel, Carl C. Cassel, G. Wayne Clapier, Hugh C. Coulbourn, Raymond R. Dotts, Robert L. Draper, Bruce A. Ellingson, Richard J. Gehman, J. Barclay Harley, Frank L. Herb, Jr., George E. Herb, John H. Herb, Roy A. Hertzog, Ronald W. Hoyle, David L. Manney, Edward K. Moyer, Edgar H. Munyan, D. Thomas Phillips, Keith E. Plows, R.C. Reichenbach, Roger L. Reitz, John H. Riggall, A. L. Seifert, Austin G. Shelly, Gene W. Smith, Ralph M. Soper, Carl K. Spackman, Dean A. Stortz, David J. Watkins, David R. Way, Harold C. Weaber, Daniel G. Ziegler, Paul G. Zimmerman

Ordained Ministers Between Calls

Jonathon W. Arnold, Ronald K. Denlinger, Albert J. Dommel, Kurt P. Francis, W. Neil Harding, Thomas H. Morrison

Additional Lay Members of BFC Executive Board

Robert T. Evans, Jay H. Fastnacht, Stephen J. Kauffman, Charles A. Lavigna, Robert H. Zentz

[* pending approval of ordination]

            Report of the Committee on Agenda and Program

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Resolved, that the agenda be approved as a guide for the business of the 129th BFC Conference.

            Report of the Committee on Arrangements: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            The Secretary of the 129th BFC Conference made the following appointments: Ronald L. Kohl, Assistant Secretary; Daniel P. Allen and Donald E. Kuntzman, Assistants to the Secretary.

            Resolved, that the appointments be ratified.

            The Moderator appointed the following:

Tellers: LeRoy S. Heller (Chairman), Byron G. Barnshaw, R. Jerome Brush, Charles E. Cole, Kevin D. Derr, Robert A. Johnson II, Hans R. Waldvogel, Howard N. Wells.

Resolutions: Aaron J. Susek (Chairman), Timothy S. Cowen, David E. Brandt.

Examination of Minutes of BFC Conference (129th): Philip G. Norris (Chairman), Steven J. DelDuco, Ralph E. Ritter, Michael D. Roberts, Joshua P. Miller.

Parliamentarian: Timothy J. Schmoyer

Timekeeper: Ronald C. Erb

Assistant Registrar: Timothy J. Bertolet

            Resolved, that the appointments be ratified.

The following were introduced as new members of the BFC Conference: Nelson G. Rae, Michael Gangwer, Thomas Altemose, Brian C. McNally, R. Edward Snyder-Ritter and Jack S. Herb, Jr.

            Report of the Nominating Committee:

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            The following were elected:

Committee on Church Health:

John W. Sullivan (3 years)

Conference Judicatory:

Dean A. Stortz (3 years)

Gregory A. Uhrich (3 years)

Ronald W. Reed (3 years)

L. James Roberts, Jr. (3 years)

Special Appellate Judicatory:

John C. Studenroth (3 years)

Charles A. Lavigna (3 years)

Ministerial Relations Committee:

William G. Schlonecker (3 years)

Moderator of 130th BFC Conference:

Randall A. Grossman (1 year)

Vice-Moderator of 130th BFC Conference:

Clifford B. Boone (1 year)

Secretary of 130th BFC Conference:

Ronald L. Kohl (1 year)

            Report of the Credentials Committee: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Whereas, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended ordination for Mark A. Bickel, Colby A. Weinhofer and R. Scott Wright for ordination, and

            Whereas, these brethren have served acceptably as ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church for the required period of time or the equivalent thereof, and

            Whereas, after examination, the Ministerial Credentials Committee believes these men to be called of God to the gospel ministry and to be in accord with the Faith & Order of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it

            Resolved, that Mark A. Bickel, Colby A. Weinhoffer and R. Scott Wright be ordained to the

gospel ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church.

            Resolved, that an Ordination Service be held at the 129th BFC Conference.

            Resolved, that Grace Bible Fellowship Church of Wallingford, PA, Terre Hill Bible Fellowship Church, PA and Faith Bible Fellowship Church of Harleysville, PA, be encouraged to hold services in recognition of the ordinations of Mark A. Bickel, Colby A. Weinhofer, and R. Scott Wright, respectively, and that they be encouraged to invite the

Ministerial Credentials Committee to send representatives to each service.

            Report of the Ministerial Candidate Committee: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Resolved, that the list of approved Probationers, Candidates and Applicants be approved.

            The following were introduced to the BFC Conference: Ben J. Armstrong, Lancaster, PA;

Joshua M. Allen, Las Cruces, NM; Mark Bickel, Wallingford, PA; Raymond Cole, Newark, DE; Mark Culton, Bethlehem, PA; Miguel Gonzalez, Reading, PA; John Hanner, Saucon Community, PA; Jason Hoy, Bethlehem, PA; Justin L. Hunter, Philadelphia, PA; Jonathan King, Allentown, PA; Stan Lauterback, Sinking Spring, PA; Keith Long, Lancaster, PA; John LoRusso, Allentown, PA; Matt Lynskey, Reading, PA; Bryan McNally, Zionsville, PA; Steve Morton, Newark, DE; Wayne Rissmiller, Sinking Spring, PA; Charles Shearer, Lebanon, PA; David A. Smith, Harrisburg (Grace Fellowship); R. Edward Snyder-Ritter, Brooklyn, NY; Keith A. Strunk, Cape May Court House, NJ; Ed Suthers, Harrisburg (Grace Fellowship); Mike Walker, Harleysville, PA; Colby Weinhofer, Paxinos, PA; Scott Wright, Lower Providence Township, PA.

            Calvin T. Reed led the Conference in prayer, thanking the Lord for the gift of these men to His service in the Bible Fellowship Church.

            Report of the Ministerial Relations Committee: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Resolved, that the recommended minimum salary for a BFC Pastor in the U.S. be $35,000

for 2012, and further,

            Resolved, that in addition to his salary, the church in the U. S. must provide a sum equal to the pastor’s Social Security tax, parsonage and/or housing allowance (which would include utilities, repair costs, etc.), health insurance, and provision should be made for reimbursement for allowable car and professional expenses. The church must also

contribute a minimum of 3% of the pastor’s salary for retirement to the Ministers’ Annuity Fund, plus an additional 1% match if the pastor is voluntarily contributing 1%.

            Byron Widger prayed for the ministries of our pastors and their roles in the Kingdom of God through the work of the Bible Fellowship Church.

            Report of Conference Pastor: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Joshua Allen (Las Cruces, NM), Marcos Ramirez (Merida, Mexico), Daniel Williams (Woodbury Heights, NJ) and Timothy Zuck (Hellertown, PA) gave reports of the Lord’s blessing over this past year. They each gave one specific praise item and one prayer request. Ronald C. Mahurin prayed for these men and their ministries and also thanked the Lord for Esther Cassel, Thelma Smock and Barry Minsky, who were called home by our Lord this past year.

            L. James Roberts prayed for Ronald C. Mahurin and his ministry. Ronald W. Reed prayed for the pastors of the BFC, asking for the Lord’s strength and blessing in their ministries.

            Report of the Church Health Committee: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Carl K. Spackman, chairman of the Church Health Committee, prayed for the churches of the BFC as they continue to do Kingdom work.

            Report of the Communications Committee: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Resolved, that the cost of the 2012 Yearbook be $ 9.00 per copy.

            John C. Studenroth prayed for the health of Alan Vivona, secretary of the Communications Committee.

            Report of the Christian Education Committee: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Report of the Board of Youth and Young Adults: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Report of the Historical Committee: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Report of the Beneficiary Society: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Resolved, that the following by-law be included in the Appendix of the Faith and Order at one reading.

701-1 Beneficiary Society

701-1.1 Preamble – The Beneficiary Society of the Bible Fellowship Church is a mutual aid society of the ordained and/or licensed ministers engaged in the ministries of the BFC. We seek to aid one another in the time of death or when disability may cause one of our brethren to be laid aside. This aid is not only for the minister but extends to his family as well. We suggest that every minister and his wife read the rules and regulations and become aware of their responsibilities and benefits.

701-1.2 Organization

(1) The Beneficiary Society shall meet at least once a year to transact business relative to the Society. This meeting shall be held at the time of BFC Conference.

(2) The secretary’s annual report and the financial report shall be submitted at this meeting.

(3) At this annual meeting officers shall be elected by and from the members of the Society.  They shall be elected for terms of three years. These terms shall be staggered so normally one officer is elected each year. The elected officers shall be privileged to organize as chairman, secretary and treasurer.

(4) The accounts of the secretary and treasurer shall be submitted for review by the BFC Executive Board prior to BFC Conference.

(5) The officers of the Beneficiary Society shall be authorized to invest the funds of the Beneficiary Society according to the BFC investment policy.

(6) The officers shall be authorized to conduct all necessary business of the Society throughout the year.

(7) All three officers’ names shall be on record at the financial institutions chosen by the officers. The secretary is authorized to carry out investments and arrange with financial institutions for financial transactions when benefits for members of the society are necessary.  If the secretary is unable to carry out his duties, the two remaining officers together are

authorized to engage in financial transactions with the financial institutions. Benefits for

members are paid by check, signed by two officers.

701-1.3 Rules and Regulations

Membership – On becoming licensed as a probationer in the ministry of the BFC, one shall become a member of the Beneficiary Society beginning at the succeeding BFC Conference and shall be responsible to pay into the fund. Every probationer/ordained man licensed or ordained by the BFC must be a member of the Beneficiary Society of the BFC, except those excluded in the next paragraph.

            Only active and retired ministers of the BFC can continue to be part of the Society.  Ministers of the BFC who are working with other Christian ministries and inactive ministers are not members of the Beneficiary Society and are not eligible for benefits from the fund.

Dues – The dues of all members of the Beneficiary Society shall be set at the annual meeting and shall be paid at BFC Conference. Dues may be paid in two installments: ½ due at BFC Conference and the remaining ½ due by November 1. If dues are not paid within thirty days after the due date, the pastor and his family are disqualified from being eligible to receive

benefits until all unpaid dues are paid.

            Ministers receiving Ministers’ Retirement Fund benefits, ministers on disability, and ministers who have retired at age 65 or later are members of the Society but are exempt from dues. Members who continue on active service are exempt from dues after they have paid dues for forty years. Ministers over age 65 who choose to continue to serve as pastors or

under ministries of the BFC must pay dues until they reach the age of 72 or have paid dues for forty years. Ministers who retire before age 65 are required to pay dues until age 65.

Benefits – Each member of the Society is eligible for death benefits for himself, his wife and his children. Each child is included until he or she reaches the age of nineteen. If a pastor-member of the Beneficiary Society is called home to be with the Lord, his children are included until their nineteenth birthday. The widow of a deceased member shall not be

eligible if she remarries. If a minister marries after he retires, his wife is not eligible for benefits.

            These benefits, as recommended by the officers of the Society, are determined by the members of the Society at their annual meeting. Benefits are subject to annual review.

            A member must pay into the Beneficiary Society Fund for at least 10 years to receive full benefits. If a member pays into the fund less than 10 years the benefits are as follows:

1-4 years – 1/4 of the prescribed benefits

5-9 years – 1/2 of the prescribed benefits

Aid Grants

(1) Widows – Widows of deceased ministers who have complied with the provisions of the Beneficiary Society (membership, dues) shall receive aid grants beginning at the time of the death of the husband and continuing until she is 65 years of age or until the time of her death or remarriage.

            Widows of ministers who were retired at the time of marriage shall not be eligible to receive aid grants.

            These aid grants, as recommended by the officers of the Society, are determined by the members of the Society at their annual meeting. Aid grants are subject to annual review.

(2) Ministers – A minister who, because of physical illness or disability, finds it necessary to leave the active ministry under the terms of a leave of absence and who has complied with the provisions of the Beneficiary Society (membership, dues) shall receive aid grants beginning at the time of the severance from the active ministry and continuing until he reaches the age of 65 years, or until the time of his death or severance from membership in a Bible Fellowship Church.

            These aid grants, as recommended by the officers of the Society, are determined by the members of the Society at their annual meeting. Aid grants are subject to annual review.

            A minister shall be eligible for disability benefits from the Beneficiary Society if he has fulfilled a full-time ministry in the BFC for ten yearsis permanently disabled and is otherwise unemployed. Appeals of exception can be made to the officers of the Beneficiary Society.

Miscellaneous Rules. The term of office for officers elected or appointed to this Society shall be for the term designated by our rules for that office or until successors are elected.

            Once a member leaves the active ministry of the BFC (except for retirement or disability under the Conference rules and regulations), he is no longer a member of the society. This is a mutual aid society and there are no refunds.

            If a man has paid into the Beneficiary Society Fund for 30 or more years and leaves the ministry of the BFC to labor in a full-time ministry with some other Christian organization, he may, if he desires, continue as a member of the Society by making the regular yearly payments to the fund.

            Report of the Committee on Examination of BFC Conference Minutes, 128th: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be adopted.

            Report of the Committee on Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Resolved, that all Study Committees, Committees, and Departments have their reports sent to the BFC Headquarters (3000 Fellowship Drive, Whitehall, PA 18052) or execbrd@aol.com by March 1, 2013.

            Richard T. Paashaus prayed for wisdom as the Conference voted on the first ballot.

            Report of the Committee on Statistics: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Resolved, that the meeting be adjourned.

            The meeting was adjourned at 4:48 PM as Bruce A. Kellerman prayed.

Second Meeting

Monday Evening, April 23, 2012, 6:30 PM

            The Moderator called the meeting to order at 6:34 PM. Hatfield delegate, Lester Moyer,

opened the meeting in prayer.

            Report of the Board of Missions: (see page)

            Director Dana E. Weller gave a verbal report on the work of the Board and those who

serve the Lord as missionaries supported by the BFC. The following missionaries were

introduced to the BFC Conference: Colby and Teresa Weinhofer, Jason Raines, Brienne

Albright, Carl Fitzgerald, Laura Robison, Walter Johnston, Sanjay and Karen Dalavai, Scott

Evans, Chris Merrick, John Studenroth, John LoRusso, Frank Lenahan and Daniel P. Allen.

Kevin W. Kirkpatrick led the conference in prayer for the missionaries supported by the

BFC who serve around the world.

            Report of Joint Committee on Ethnic Church Planting: (see page)

Elliot H. Ramos prayed and asked God to work in the area of ethnic church planting.

            Report of the Board of Church Extension: (see page)

            Marcos G. Ramirez introduced the Conference to the ministry of Freddy Chi. He is

leading a Bible Study in the town of Villa Magna, outside of Merida, Mexico. They are

committed to planting a church in Villa Magna.

            Ronald B. Smith introduced a daughter church plant near Newark, DE. They are planning

to begin meetings in June 2012.

            R. Scott Wright is the church planter in Lower Providence Township, PA. They have

been meeting for about nine months in Audubon, PA. They are a daughter church plant from

Faith BFC in Harleysville, PA.

            Keith Strunk introduced the Conference to the work at Cape May Courthouse, NJ.

            Miguel Gonzalez addressed the Conference about the work he is called to do. He is

helping out La Roca in Reading, PA and investigating the possibility of church planting among

the Hispanics in Lancaster, PA.

            William G. Schlonecker prayed for the ministry of the Church Extension Department,

thanking God for His leading in the hearts of churches, Boards of Elders and pastors as they seek

to reproduce themselves by planting daughter churches.

            Resolved, that we adjourn.

            The meeting was adjourned at 7:37 PM as the Conference readied themselves for worship

and a message from Dr. Gene A. Getz.

            Carlos G. Rodriguez, Elliot H. Ramos and the worship band from La Roca, Reading, PA,

led the conference in worship singing: “At the Cross,” “Lord, I Lift Your Name on High,” and

“Because He Lives.” The conference sang in both English and Spanish.

            Dr. Gene A. Getz addressed the Conference on “The Measure of a Healthy Church.”

Third Meeting

Tuesday Morning, April 24, 2012, 9:00 AM

            The Moderator called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM. James Arcieri directed the conference’s attention to Philippians 2:5-11. After reading the text, he prayed. The theme of the

worship was the great name of Jesus. The Conference worship team led the Conference in singing: “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name.” Brother Arcieri then read from Deuteronomy 28

and led the Conference in singing “Your Great Name We Praise,” which is an adaptation of “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise.” The worship team also led the Conference in singing

“Your Name,” and “Be Unto Your Name.” Arcieri also read from Isaiah 57, and directed us to put the name of our owner, the Lord Jesus Christ, on a card and slip it into a pocket to remind us Whose we are. He closed our time of worship in prayer.

            The following were elected:

BFC Executive Board – President

Randall A. Grossman (3 years)

BFC Executive Board Member

David A. Thomann (3 years)

Robert T. Evans (3 years)

Hans R. Waldvogel (3 years)

Committee on Church Health

Richard T. Paashaus (3 years)

Carl K. Spackman (3 years)

Committee on Credentials

Ralph M. Soper (3 years)

Committee on Ministerial Candidates

Andrew T. Crossgrove (3 years)

David E. Gundrum (3 years)

Committee on Nominations

Daniel L. Williams (3 years)

Harold E. Snyder (3 years)

Ministerial Relations Committee

Robert Vaughn (3 years)

            Report of the Executive Director of the Bible Fellowship Church: (see page)

            Executive Director David T. Allen addressed the Conference with an emphasis on vision casting in the BFC. He also reminded us of the availability of several websites that are helpful for pastors and churches.

            Report of the BFC Executive Board: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be approved.

            Resolved, that the 2012 revised Executive Board budget be adopted.

            Resolved, that an assessment rate of two (2.0) percent be approved for 2013.

            Resolved, that the 2013 proposed Executive Board budget be adopted.

            Whereas, the MRF annuity rate for 2012 is $221 per year of service, and

            Whereas, cost-of-living adjustments no longer apply to MRF payments, be it

            Resolved, that the MRF annuity rate for calendar year 2013 be $221 per year of service.

            The following resolution relates to Rental/Housing Allowances for Retired or Disabled Ministers of this Conference for Calendar Year 2013

            Whereas, the religious denomination known as The Bible Fellowship Church has and functions through Ministers of the Gospel who are duly ordained or licensed; and

            Whereas, the practice of The Bible Fellowship Church is to provide a parsonage or a rental allowance as part of the gross compensation for each of its active ordained

or licensed ministers; and

            Whereas, pensions paid to retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers of The Bible Fellowship Church are considered as deferred compensation and are paid to

said retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers in consideration of previous, active service; and

            Whereas, the Internal Revenue Service has recognized that The Bible Fellowship Church is the appropriate organization to designate a housing/rental allowance for retired

and disabled ordained or licensed ministers who are members of this Conference;


1. An amount equal to 100% of the pension payments received during the year of 2013 be and is hereby designated as a rental/housing allowance for each retired

and disabled ordained or licensed minister of The Bible Fellowship Church who is or was a member of the Bible Fellowship Church Minister’s Retirement Fund.

2. This rental/housing allowance shall apply to each retired and disabled ordained or licensed minister who has been granted the retired relationship or placed on

disability leave by the Bible Fellowship Annual Conference and whose name and relationship to the conference is recorded in the Yearbook of the BFC Conference

of the Bible Fellowship Church and in other appropriate records maintained by the Conference.

3. The pension payment to which this rental/housing allowance applies shall be the pension payment resulting from all service of such retired or disabled ordained

or licensed minister from all employment by any local church, BFC Conference or institution of The Bible Fellowship Church or of any former denomination that is

now a part of The Bible Fellowship Church, or from any other employer who employed the minister to perform services related to the ministry and who elected to make contributions to the pension funds of The Bible Fellowship Church for such retired minister’s pension.

Note: The rental/housing allowance which may be excluded from a minister’s gross income is limited to the lesser of (1) the amount of the rental/housing allowance

designated by the minister’s employer or other appropriate body, (2) the amount actually expended by the minister to provide his or her housing, or (3) the legally-determined fair

rental value of the parsonage or other housing provided. As specified in Rev. Rul. 71-290 C.B. 92, “the only amount that will qualify for exclusion under section 107(2) of the

Code as a ‘rental allowance’ is an amount equal to the fair rental value of the home, including furnishings and appurtenances such as a garage, plus the cost of utilities.”

            Report of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Report of the Director of Pinebrook Bible Conference: (see page)

            Charles C. Cole, Chairman of the Pinebrook Board, called the Conference’s attention to the many years that Alva C. Cassel served as Chairman and Daniel P. Allen served as Director.  Each received a standing ovation for their faithfulness and service.  Nate Brosius, Interim Director of Pinebrook Bible Conference, encouraged the members

of the Conference to become involved in the ministry of Pinebrook Bible Conference with their support and attendance. Alva C. Cassel prayed for the ministry of Pinebrook.

            LeRoy S. Heller gave an update on the health of R. C. Reichenbach. At 97 years of age, Brother Reichenbach requires oxygen and is recovering from some respiratory health issues. The 129th BFC Conference is the first Conference that Brother Reichenbach has missed in about 75 years. Mark E. Barninger led in prayer for Brother Reichenbach.

            Report of the Director of Victory Valley: (see page)

            After an update on the camp ministry was supplied by Director Doug Manwiller, Timothy J. Bertolet, Chairman of the Victory Valley Camp Board, led the Conference in prayer, thanking God for the ministry of Victory Valley Camp.

            Report of the Study Committee on the Sabbath: (see page)

The Study Committee submitted two reports, a majority and minority report. Both positions were stated with biblical support.

            Resolved, that the majority and the minority reports be accepted.

            Resolved, that we adjourn.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:25 PM as Gary W. Saggio closed in prayer.

Fourth Meeting

Tuesday Afternoon, April 24, 2012, 1:30 PM

            The Moderator called the meeting to order at 1:35 PM. Hans Waldvogel gave an update on the health of Robert L. Draper and James A. Wickstead, then opened the meeting by praying for both of these men.

            Resolved, that Article 21 be replaced with the following article as First Reading:

Article 21 – The Lord’s Day

21-1 The first day of the week has been recognized by the Church as the Lord’s Day

since apostolic times.1 We believe, therefore, that it ought to be observed by all believers

out of love for Christ, as a day set apart as holy to the Lord for the corporate worship of

God,2 remembrance of the resurrection of our Lord from the dead, and fellowship and

mutual encouragement of the saints.3

1 Mark 16:9; John 20:1, 19; Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:2

2 Heb. 10:23-25

3Acts 2:42; Eph. 5:15-21; Col. 3:16


Yes – 108; No – 53

Clifford Boone prayed for the process of having the local Boards of Elders vote on the

suggested revision of Article 21. He asked for guidance by the Sovereign Lord in this case.

An offering was taken for the Darlene Mahurin fund. The total was $1412.00. This fund

is to aid pastors in need.

            Report of the Study Committee on the Kingdom: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Resolved, that the article on the Kingdom of God be approved as first reading and further,

            Resolved, that the article Kingdom of God replaces Article 27, The Millennium in the Articles of Faith of the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church.

Article 27 – The Kingdom of God:

27-1 God is the almighty Sovereign who reigns eternally over all His creation.1 His kingdom

triumphs forever according to His will. Even the sinful rebellion of mankind cannot defeat Him,

but instead serves and glorifies Him.2

27-2 God’s plan, demonstrated throughout human history, has been to reveal His kingship on

earth by delegating kingly dominion to human beings as His image bearers.3 Through Adam’s

Fourth Meeting 16 129th BFC Conference Minutes

fall the exercise of this dominion has been corrupted, and man needs redemption in order to

glorify God and reign in accordance with His will. As the Last Adam, Jesus in His humanity

manifests the proper vice-regency of the kingdom of God for the purpose of redemption and

restoration, which will ultimately usher in the glorious kingdom for which creation was

destined.4 Thus, the kingdom of God is advanced in Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, ascension,

and His present reign.5 Acknowledging this reign, Christians confess Christ as Lord and willingly

submit to His rulership in their personal lives and welcome His authority over all creation. 6

27-3 The millennial reign of Christ is a further advancement of the kingdom whereby Jesus,

through His second coming, brings His inaugurated kingdom to earth and makes it visible.

During this reign, Christ will fulfill kingdom promises as He establishes righteousness, justice

and peace throughout all creation.7 At the start of this period, saints will be resurrected bodily to

join in the reign with Christ. Satan will be bound and his deceitful activities suspended.

Nevertheless, an undercurrent of human sinful resistance will continue through the millennium,

though held in check as Christ rules with a rod of iron. At the end of this millennial reign, Satan

will be released to lead a rebellion against God’s people and the Lord Jesus. In a climactic

manifestation of His kingship, Christ will defeat the rebellion.8

27-4 When Christ has subdued all enemies, including death, He will present the kingdom to His

Father.9 The triune God will preside over a new heaven and a new earth, and the people of God

will dwell with Him forever.10 All prophecies of Scripture will have been fulfilled. God’s eternal

kingship, having been established and vindicated by the royal exercise of the Son’s authority,

will at that time be present and manifest in full glory over all creation forever and ever.


Yes – 148; No – 10; Abstention – 1

1 The LORD has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all (Psa. 103:19). His

dominion is an eternal dominion; his kingdom endures from generation to generation (Dan. 4:34).

2 The LORD works out everything for his own ends – even the wicked for a day of disaster (Prov.

16:4). Surely the wrath of men brings you praise, and with the remainder of wrath you arm yourself

(Psa. 76:10).

3 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of

the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that

move along the ground” (Gen. 1:26).

4 For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will

those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life

through the one man, Jesus Christ (Rom 5:17). The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons

of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the

will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to

decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God (Rom. 8:19-21).

5 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor

129th BFC Conference Minutes 17 Fourth Meeting

because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone (Heb. 2:9).

For David did not ascend to heaven, and yet he said, “The Lord said to my Lord: ‘Sit at my right

hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet’” (Acts 2:34-35). But about the Son he says,

“Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever, and righteousness will be the scepter of your

kingdom” (Heb. 1:8).

If you declare with 6 your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from

the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with

your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved (Rom. 10:9-10). Your kingdom come, your will

be done, on earth as it is in heaven (Matt. 6:10).

7 I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful

and True. With justice he judges and makes war. … On his robe and on his thigh he has this name

written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS (Rev. 19:11,16). He will judge between the

nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and

their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for

war anymore (Isa. 2:4). With righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he will give

decisions for the poor of the earth. He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; with the breath

of his lips he will slay the wicked (Isa. 11:4).

8 He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand

years. He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving

the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short

time. I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw

the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the

word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their

foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. … When the

thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations

in the four corners of the earth – Gog and Magog – to gather them for battle … But fire came down

from heaven and devoured them. And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of

burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day

and night for ever and ever (Rev. 20:2-4, 7-10).

9 Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. You

will rule them with an iron scepter; you will dash them to pieces like pottery (Psa. 2:8-9). Then the

end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all

dominion, authority and power. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. The

last enemy to be destroyed is death (1 Cor. 15:24-26).

10 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away

(Rev. 21:1). No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city,

and his servants will serve him. They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads.

There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the

Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever (Rev. 22:3-5).

            The Report of the Ministerial Convention Committee: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            The following resolution was amended at one reading:

            Resolved, that Article 500 – Bylaws for BFC Conference be reordered as follows:

501 Ministry in the Bible Fellowship Church (formerly 509)

502 BFC Conference (formerly 501)

503 BFC Annual Budget (formerly 502)

504 Membership of Congregations in BFC Conference (formerly 503)

505 Members of BFC Conference (formerly 504)

506 BFC Conference Registration (formerly 505)

507 Officers of BFC Conference (formerly 506)

508 Business Rules of BFC Conference (formerly 507)

509 General Rules of Elections and Resignations (formerly 510)

510 Appointments by the Conference Moderator (formerly 511)

511 Boards and Committees elected by BFC Conference (formerly 512)

511-1 BFC Executive Board (formerly 512-1)

511-1.7 Sub-Committees supervised by the BFC Executive Board

(1) Communications (formerly 512-9)

(2) Christian Education (formerly 512-3)

(3) Youth and Young Adults (formerly 512-18)

(4) Historical (formerly 512-12)

511-1.8 Pinebrook Educational Foundation (formerly 512-5.7)

511-2 Nominating Committee (formerly 512-15)

511-3 Church Health Committee (formerly 512-16)

511-4 Ministerial Candidate Committee (formerly 512-13)

511-5 Ministerial Credential Committee (formerly 512-11)

511-6 Ministerial Relations Committee (formerly 512-14)

512 BFC Departments

512-1 BFC Departments (replaces 508)

512-2 Church Extension (formerly 512-4)

512-3 Missions (formerly 512-6)

512-4 Pinebrook Bible Conference (formerly 512-8)

512-5 Victory Valley (formerly 512-10)

513 Miscellaneous Bylaws of BFC Conference

The following resolutions were adopted at Second Reading:

            Resolved, that 509-6.1 be amended to read as follows:

The Ministerial Credentials Committee shall set the effective date of the retirement, change the status of the minister on the conference records, and notify the BFC Executive Board for

purposes of pension payments” (replaces “notify the Board of Pensions of the effective date of the retirement.)


            Resolved, that 511-2.1 “Committee on Auditing” be deleted; and that subsequent articles be renumbered.


            Resolved, that 512-1.5 “Duties of the BFC Executive Board” be amended by adding a new duty:

512-1.5 (11) It shall have oversight of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation.

And duty (11) be renumbered to (12).


            Resolved, that a new paragraph be added to 512-1 “Bible Fellowship Church Executive Board” as follows:

511-1.7 Sub-Committees Supervised by BFC Executive Board.


            Resolved, that 512-9 “Board of Communications” be replaced with the following:

511-1.7 (1) Communications Committee

Purpose – To promote communication in the BFC through various media.

Composition – It shall be appointed by the BFC Executive Board in composition and

terms of service determined by the BFC Executive Board.


(1) It shall publish the annual Yearbook and other BFC literature.

(2) It shall maintain and oversee the BFC website

(3) It shall perform the duties assigned by the BFC Executive Board.

(4) It shall submit an annual written report to the BFC Executive Board.


Resolved, that 512-3 “Board of Christian Education” be revised as follows:

511-1.7 (2) Christian Education Committee

Purpose – To promote and support Christian education on behalf of the BFC

Composition and Election

(1) The committee shall be composed of six ministers and six laypersons.

(2) They shall be elected for a term of three years in classes as follows:

Class I – Two ministers and two laypersons

Class II – Two ministers and two laypersons

Class III – Two ministers and two laypersons

(3) The committee shall elect its own members, subject to the ratification of the BFC Executive Board.


(1) It shall provide guidance to the local church in carrying out the Christian education program.

(2) It shall provide helpful regional denominational programs for any or all aspects of the work of Christian education.

(3) It shall promote the cause of Christian post-secondary education on both the undergraduate and graduate levels. This may be done in a

variety of ways, including, but not limited to, providing information about Christian institutions and encouraging members and other participants of our churches to attend them.

(4) It shall receive funds designated by BFC Conference and disburse them for the needs of its work.

(5) It shall submit financial statements to the BFC Executive Board on a quarterly basis.

(6) It shall submit an annual written report to the BFC Executive Board.


Resolved, that 512-18 “Board of Youth and Young Adults” be revised as follows:

511-1.7 (3) Youth and Young Adults Committee

Purpose – To bring glory and honor to God as it ministers to adult youth leaders, teens, and young adults of the BFC. This will be done by:

(1) Promoting unity in youth and young adult ministry with the BFC

(2) Providing training and resources for youth and young adult ministries

of Particular Churches within the BFC

(3) Being a catalyst for networking of youth and young adult ministries of Particular Churches within the BFC

Composition and Election

(1) The Committee will be composed of five ministers and four laypersons

(2) They will be elected for a term of three years in classes as follows:

Class I – Two ministers and one layperson

Class II – Two ministers and one layperson

Class III – One minister and two laypersons

(3) The committee shall elect its own members, subject to the ratification of the BFC Executive Board


(1) It shall offer guidance to Particular Churches in developing a ministry to youth and young adults.

(2) It shall oversee denominational youth and young adult activities

(3) It shall provide training and resources for Particular Churches in equipping them for youth and young adult ministries.

(4) It shall provide networking between youth and young adult ministries of Particular Churches with the BFC.

(5) It shall submit an annual written report to the BFC Executive Board.


            Resolved, that 512-12 “Historical Committee” be revised as follows:

511-1.7 (4) Historical Committee

Purpose – To preserve our heritage and to promote the study of the history of the BFC.

Composition and Election

(1) It shall be composed of the archivist and five persons (ministers, elders, or laypersons) elected by the committee, subject to the

ratification of the BFC Executive Board.

(2) They shall be elected for a term of three years in classes as follows:

Class I – Two persons

Class II – Two persons

Class III- One person


(1) It shall develop and encourage the study of the history of the denomination.

(2) It shall maintain denominational archives for the accumulation of materials and memoirs relating to the history of the denomination.

(3) It shall appoint an archivist, who shall be responsible for the maintenance and oversight of the archives.

(4) It shall determine policy and procedure by which the archivist can maintain and supplement the historical material of the denomination.

(5) It shall assist the archivist in the collection of relevant historical materials.

(6) It shall encourage each Particular Church and mission to maintain a file of important documents relating to the historical development of

the local fellowship.

(7) It shall submit an annual written report to the BFC Executive Board.


            Resolved, that 512-7 “Board of Pensions” be deleted.


            Resolved, that 512-5 “Board of Higher Education” paragraphs 5.1 – 5.6 be deleted.


            Resolved, that 512-5.7 “Pinebrook Educational Foundation” be revised as follows:

511-1.8 Pinebrook Educational Foundation

Section 1 – Establishment and Purpose

The Pinebrook Educational Foundation was established as a division of the Bible Fellowship Church (“Church”) on October 18, 1994. The purpose of the Pinebrook

Educational Foundation is to continue the ministry of Pinebrook Junior College (formerly Berean Bible School) to aid Christian individuals involved in higher education and Christian

post-secondary institutions (“Purpose”). Said purpose will be construed broadly enough to include a wide spectrum of aid projects involving Christian post-secondary education,

including but not limited to scholarship aid to students and grants to Christian post-secondary institutions.

Section 2 – Overview

The Pinebrook Educational Foundation shall receive, invest, and administer funds (“Funds”) in accordance with its stated purpose, and such funds shall be designated for such

Purpose, segregated from the general funds of the Church, and administered and distributed by the Pinebrook Educational Foundation’s Board of Directors (“Foundation Board”) in

conformity with said purpose. Emphasis and priority will be given to individuals attending Christian institutions and to higher education endeavors closely related to the BFC. Special

consideration shall be given to educational organizations with which the BFC Executive Board has affiliations.

Section 3 – Control

  1. Election and Composition of the Foundation Board
  2. The Pinebrook Educational Foundation shall be directed by the Foundation Board composed of six members (“Board Members”) elected by the Pinebrook Educational

Foundation and subject to ratification by the BFC Executive Board. Board Members shall be elected in three classes and shall serve three-year terms of service. The three classes shall

be composed of two Board Members each. Each Board Member shall serve until a successor is duly elected.

B. Accountability

The Foundation Board shall be accountable to the BFC Executive Board. The Foundation Board shall administer all activities and investments of Pinebrook Educational

Foundation to ensure that all such activities and investments are financially and legally appropriate with respect to the status of Pinebrook Educational Foundation. The Foundation

Board shall report semi-annually to the BFC Executive Board and shall report annually to the BFC Conference.

C. Officers of the Foundation Board

The Foundation Board shall elect annually from its number: a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, and a Secretary-Treasurer.

Section 4 – Administration

A. Director/Chairperson of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation

1. Director of Pinebrook Educational Foundation (“Director”) may be selected by the Foundation Board and ratified by the BFC Executive Board. The position may be paid or unpaid as determined by the BFC Executive Board.

2. The Director shall not be required to be a member of the Foundation Board or the BFC Executive Board. Membership on one of these boards will not, however, disqualify an individual from serving as Director. The Director shall not be an officer of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation.

3. The Director shall be responsible for the orderly conduct of the business of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation. Such duties as administration of the grant and scholarship application process, oversight of all financial activities, investments, administrative procedures, and communication shall be the responsibility of the Director. The Director shall consult with the Foundation Board’s Chairperson regarding general administration matters and with both the Chairperson and Secretary-Treasurer of the Foundation Board regarding

financial matters.

4. If a a Director has not been selected by the Foundation Board, the Foundation Board’s Chairperson shall be responsible for the conduct of the business of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation and shall perform the duties identified in paragraph 3 above.

B. Foundation Secretary

1. The Secretary of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation shall be selected by the Foundation Board subject to approval by the BFC Executive Board.

2. The Secretary shall report to and assist the Director (or Chairperson of the Foundation Board if a a Director has not been selected by the Foundation Board).

3. The Secretary shall be a volunteer or a part-time employee until the Pinebrook Educational Foundation activity requires more assistance and additional funding is available for full-time compensation, as shall be determined by the Foundation Board.

4. The compensation (if any) of the Secretary shall be determined by the Foundation Board and shall be subject to approval by the BFC Executive Board.

C. Auxiliary Groups

Support groups previously affiliated with Pinebrook Junior College such as the Alumni Association may be encouraged to continue in existence or to be reactivated. The

assistance of such support groups may be sought in raising funds and in providing other assistance to the Pinebrook Educational Foundation.

D. Administration of Funds

1. Pinebrook Educational Foundation Funds shall:

(a) be segregated from the general funds of the Church;

(b) be separately invested and administered by the Foundation Board; and

(c) not be disbursed for any purpose other than the Purpose of the

Pinebrook Educational Foundation.

2. A professional investment firm or counselor may be chosen by the Foundation Board to carry out the investment of Pinebrook Educational Foundation Funds. Risk levels and investment criteria shall be determined by the Foundation Board and approved by the BFC Executive Board.

3. The Pinebrook Educational Foundation may be the transferee of funds:

(a) existing Pinebrook Junior College endowment funds;

(b) donations or bequests to, and annuity arrangements made for the benefit of Pinebrook Junior College (or the Berean Bible School);

(c) grants from foundations;

(d) proceeds from general and endowment investments; and

(e) other sources acceptable with respect to the tax-exempt status of the Church.

4. Funds shall be used to disburse grants, scholarships and/or loans in accordance with the Purpose of Pinebrook Educational Foundation and to pay

administrative costs of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation.

(a) The Foundation Board shall formulate rules for the administration of all Funds. These shall be subject to review by the BFC Executive Board.

(b) Administrative costs shall be paid from the General Fund (as defined in Section 5 herein) subject to the approval of the Foundation Board and review by the BFC Executive Board.

Section 5 – Aid Projects/Designated Accounts

A. The Pinebrook Educational Foundation shall be structured to include many types of aid to Christian higher education in accordance with its purpose. Specific programs

of aid shall be designated by the Foundation Board as separately administered endowment or current gift “funds” or “accounts” (“Designated Accounts”) within the Foundation.

B. A donation identified by a donor for the support of a specific Designated Account shall be used to fund such Designated Account. Designated Account Funds shall be

expended by the Foundation Board in furtherance of the specific aid project(s) for which the Designated Account has been established.

C. Undesignated donations shall go to a General Fund from which administrative costs shall be paid and Board directed grants, loans and scholarships shall be made.

D. Donors shall be encouraged to contribute to Designated Accounts set up as endowments in order to insure a continuous stream of proceeds for the future.  However, donations to Designated Accounts which expend non-endowment restricted (“current gift”) funds are also encouraged.

E. Additionally, sizable initial gifts may be used to establish a Designated Account (as an endowment or current gift fund) of the donor’s choosing, subject to Foundation

Board approval.

F. There shall be compliance with donor limitations and/or restrictions on Funds received from (or donated, bequeathed, etc. to or for the benefit of) Pinebrook Junior College.

Section 6 – Miscellaneous Regulations

A. Bylaws

The Bylaws of the Foundation Board may be amended by majority vote of the total membership of the Foundation Board at a regular or special meeting.

B. General

The Foundation Board shall be empowered to adopt policies and regulations in addition to its Bylaws. Such policies and regulations must be in conformity with the

F&O of the BFC and within the rules, decisions, and directives of BFC Conference.

C. Quorum

Four Board Members attending a duly announced meeting of the Foundation Board shall constitute a quorum. Unless otherwise specified, a majority vote shall mean a

simple majority of those attending any meeting of the Foundation Board in which there is a quorum.


            Resolved, that 512-16 “Board of Church Health” be changed to 511-3 “Church Health Committee” and that the same change of terms be implemented throughout the F&O.


            Resolved, that Duty 11 of the Board of Church Health be deleted.


            Resolved, that 512-11 “Credentials Committee” be changed to 511-5 “Ministerial Credentials Committee” and that the same change of terms be implemented

throughout the F&O.


            Resolved, that 512-8 “Board of Pinebrook Bible Conference” add duty (7) as follows:

“It shall submit an annual written report to the BFC Executive Board.”


            Resolved, that 512-2 “Board of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc.” be deleted.


            Resolved, that 513 “Miscellaneous Bylaws of BFC Conference” 513-2 be amended as follows:

The tenure of persons appointed or elected to study committees created for a specific assignment shall continue until the completion of the specific assignment. Vacancies due

to death, resignation, or other crises shall be filled by further appointments or elections.


            Whereas, there are occasions in which a different starting day might be preferable or necessary and

            Whereas, our current ruling for the start of the BFC Conference is a bit restrictive, therefore be it

            Resolved, that we drop the following words in §501-7:

“on the Monday following the fourth Sunday”

§501-7 would read:  BFC Conference convenes in April. The starting time and place of the Conference shall be recommended by the Committee on Arrangements and ratified by BFC

Conference. The length of the Conference shall be determined by the Committee on Agenda and Program.


            Resolved, that the minutes of the first meeting be approved.

            Resolved, that the minutes of the second meeting be approved.

            Resolved, that we adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 PM, with Byron Barnshaw closing in prayer.

The Conference adjourned for dinner, after which it reassembled for worship, an address by Dr. Gene A. Getz and a service of ordination. Mark A. Bickel, Colby A. Weinhofer and R. Scott

Wright were ordained to the Gospel ministry.

Fifth Meeting

Wednesday Morning, April 25, 2012, 9:00 AM

            The Moderator, Randall A. Grossman, called the meeting to order at 9:03 AM. Dennis Spinney led in prayer.

            Report of the Registrar:

The following alternate delegates were seated for part or all of the 129th Conference:  Wayne Batten, Bethlehem; Carl M. Fitzgerald, Piscataway; Robert Gaugler, Graterford; Don

Miller, Paradise; Herb Mitchell, Old Bridge; Nelson Rae, Mount Pocono; Joseph Specht, Philadelphia; Charles Webb, Lagrangeville; Lloyd Zook, Oley.

            Resolved, that their seating be approved.

The following delegates and probationers requested to be excused from part or all of the 129th Conference: Byron G. Barnshaw, John Crouch, William Early, Jordan Eyster, Frank

Podlasinski, L. James Roberts, Nelson Rae, Bert Roling, David A. Smith, J. Richard Vroman

            Resolved, that these requests for excuses be granted.

The following ordained pastors requested to be excused from part or all of the 129th Conference. These requests were approved by the Committee on Credentials: Jonathon W.

Arnold, Kenneth F. Barber, T. James Bigley Jr., Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr., Leonard E. Buck, G. Wayne Clapier, Louis S. Curcio, Ronald K. Denlinger, Willis I. Dowling, William J. Dunn,

Scott B. Evans, Richard J. Gehman, David E. Gundrum, Richard D. Harris, Frank L. Herb, Jr., George E. Herb, Roy A. Hertzog, David H. Jones, Herbert K. Lea, David L. Manney, Carl T.

Martin, Thomas H. Morrison, Edward K. Moyer, Keith E. Plows, Thomas A. Pollock, R.C. Reichenbach, Roger L. Reitz, John H. Riggall, Carlos G. Rodriguez, David N. Schoen, Austin G.

Shelly, Jacob J. Susek, Harold C. Weaber, James A. Wickstead, Paul G. Zimmerman.

            The worship team led the Conference in singing: “This is my Father’s World,” “Revelation Song,” “Amazing Love,” and “Mighty to Save.” James Arcieri finished the worship

package by reading Psalm 104:31-34, with the Conference responding with “AMEN!”

            Dr. Gene Getz completed his series on the Healthy Church by challenging us to build up one another. He focused on five “one anothers:” we are members of one another (Romans 12:4-5), we are to be devoted to one another (Romans 12:10a), we are to honor one another (Romans 12:10b), we are to love one another (Romans 13:8-10) and we are to be of the same mind with one another (Romans 15:5-6).

            Resolved, that the meeting be adjourned.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:17 PM as Mark L. Morrison closed in prayer.

Sixth Meeting

Wednesday Afternoon, April 25, 2012, 1:15 PM

            The meeting was called to order by the Moderator at 1:21 PM. Gregory A. Uhrich opened the meeting with prayer.

            Whereas, the Beneficiary Society has brought to our attention that there is currently no category to cover a man who is permanently disabled, but too young for

retirement, therefore be it

            Resolved, that a permanently disabled pastor be defined as one who has a physical or mental handicap, which is medically determinable, that would prevent a man from

performing his duties as a pastor in the Bible Fellowship Church, and further

            Resolved, that this disability be determined by the Ministerial Credentials Committee in consultation with the pastor’s primary physician.

The following resolution was approved as First Reading:

            Resolved, that we add “or on permanent disability” to the category of “Ordained Ministers in Retirement.”


Yes – 146; No – 2

            Resolved, that the 130th BFC Conference be held at Pinebrook Bible Conference starting, Monday evening, April 22, 2013.

Yes – 60; No – 52

The Conference paused to ask the Lord for wisdom concerning the handling of an issue between the Ministerial Credentials Committee and Faith Bible Fellowship Church, York, PA.

William G. Schlonecker led in prayer.

            Resolved, that the appeal of the Ministerial Credentials Committee be referred to the Conference Judicatory.

Yes – 123; No – 17; Abstain – 2

            Mark E. Barninger prayed that the Lord would give wisdom to the Conference Judicatory as they decide on the issue and also to the churches and their respective leadership as they represent the decision of the 129th BFC Conference to their people.

            Report of the Study Committee on the Biblical Principles of Living: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            The Moderator appointed Richard E. Taylor, Timothy M. Zuck and Harold P. Shelly to a study committee to prioritize the issues to be studied in reference to the Biblical Principles of

Living and bring a course of action to the 130th BFC Conference.

            Resolved, that the following legislation be adopted at second reading: 508 Agencies of BFC Conference will be replaced with 512 – BFC Departments

Article 512 – BFC Departments

512-1 BFC Departments

512-1.1 The BFC, both through its particular churches and the BFC Conference, may enter into joint endeavors to further the cause of Christ in the world.  Concerns such as church-planting and cross-cultural missions, education and publication, camps and conferences are addressed more effectively by working together than by working alone.

512-1.2 In order to work together in these joint endeavors, the BFC Conference shall establish departments. The departments shall perform as the servants of the Bible Fellowship Church, shall operate in accordance with the guidelines of the BFC Conference, and shall be directly accountable to the BFC Executive Board.

512-1.3 Each department shall be headed by a department director. The department director is appointed by the BFC Executive Board, who shall implement and oversee a program which will advance the goals for the department.  The department director is overseen by the BFC Executive Director.

512-1.4 Each department is served by a department board, which shall assist the department director in achieving the goals of the department. The department board is elected internally, subject to the ratification of the BFC Executive Board. The number and terms of office for each department board is established by its bylaws.

512-1.5 Each department shall administer its own finances in conformity with policy approved by BFC Conference. Budgeting, fund-raising, and auditing will be overseen by the BFC Executive Board. All gift annuities established by the departments shall be approved by the BFC Executive Board and reported annually.

512-1.6 All funds administered by the departments are held in trust for the BFC Conference. The Bible Fellowship Church denomination takes title to all acquired real estate used by the departments.

512-1.7 Each department shall submit an annual written report to the BFC Executive Board, which will in turn report annually to the BFC Conference on the status of each department.


            Whereas, Barry Minsky, Esther Cassel, and Thelma Smock, having lived lives of faithful service to Christ’s Church, have joined the saints eternal in the great rest and joy of their

King, be it

            Resolved, that we offer sincerest thanks to the Head of the Church, who built up this body and advanced His great reign through their submission to His Spirit and fervent efforts, and be it further

            Resolved, that we labor on in similar devotion to the Body of Christ and mission of God’s Kingdom, eagerly awaiting our participation together with Barry, Esther, and Thelma in

the glorious resurrection.

            Whereas, Mark A. Bickel, Colby A. Weinhofer, and R. Scott Wright were ordained at the 129th BFC Conference, therefore be it

            Resolved, that we praise God for raising up gifted and passionate men for the ministry of the Gospel, and that we be steadfast in prayer for them and the churches they serve.

            Whereas, Carl K. Spackman and G. Wayne Clapier have retired from their positions of ministry


            Whereas, Shan D. Cleck, R. Scott Wright, Joshua P. Miller and Kurt P. Francis have resigned from their positions of ministry, therefore be it

            Resolved, that we give thanks to the Lord for their ministry and service at their particular churches and pray for God’s guidance in their future service.

            Whereas, the following pastorates were established according to the Rules of our Faith & Order:  Church Extension – David A. Smith, Keith A. Strunk, R. Scott Wright, and Ronald B. Smith; Allentown – W. Scott Kappes, Jonathan H. King; Hellertown – Timothy M. Zuck; Woodbury Heights – Daniel L. Williams; Bethlehem – Jason L. Hoy; Wissinoming – Justin L. Hunter; Las Cruces – Joshua M. Allen; Blandon – Jordan K. Eyster; Harrisburg – Joshua P. Miller; Zionsville – Bryan C. McNally; and Reading – Matthew L. Lynskey, be it

            Resolved, that praise be given to our God for the provision of these pastorates.

            Whereas, it was reported at this Conference that there are a number of churches seeking pastors, and

            Whereas, we are to pray for the Lord of the Harvest to send forth laborers, therefore be it

            Resolved, that we pray for the Lord to raise up pastors for our churches including Bethlehem, PA; Camden, DE; Carmel, NY; Coopersburg, PA; Long Neck, DE; Paradise, PA; Royersford, PA; Toms River, NJ; Walnutport, PA; and be it further

            Resolved, that we pray for these churches during their time of transition.

            Whereas, Alva C. Cassel has diligently fulfilled his responsibilities and has given wise leadership to the Board of Pinebrook Bible Conference for over 30 years, and

            Whereas, he has chosen not to serve in the future, therefore, be it

            Resolved, that we praise the Lord for his exemplary faithfulness in the execution of his duties.

            Whereas, Daniel P. Allen has transitioned in ministry following years of faithful service at Pinebrook Bible Conference, and

            Whereas, the staff and leadership of Pinebrook Bible Conference are pressing on in the challenging work before them, be it

            Resolved, that we thank God for His good and faithful provision and together seek His blessing on both of these transitions, that they may result in increased fruit for His Kingdom.

            Whereas, Dr. Gene Getz has refreshed and challenged the Conference in examining our standard of measurement for a healthy church, be it

            Resolved, that we give thanks to the Lord for His Spirit-filled ministry among us, and be it further

            Resolved, that we strive, through the enablement of the Holy Spirit, to maintain healthy churches, pleasing to the Lord, and rooted in faith, hope and love.

            Whereas, R.C. Reichenbach has faithfully served as part of Conference for over 75 years, and

            Whereas, our dear brother has been unable to attend this year’s Conference on account of health concerns, be it

            Resolved, that we continue to lift him up in prayer, seeking God’s merciful care and tender encouragement in this time of physical difficulty.

            Whereas, the Boards, Departments, Committees and Study Committees of the BFC have served with diligence during this past year, and

            Whereas, they have reported faithfully to the 129th BFC Conference, therefore be it

            Resolved, that we thank the Lord for their faithful service and ask God to give them strength and guidance for the coming year.

            Whereas, the Executive Board has worked tirelessly and sacrificially in the performance of their duties, and

            Whereas, David T. Allen has served faithfully and diligently as Executive Director of the Bible Fellowship Church, be it

            Resolved, that we express our appreciation to the Lord for the hard work of our Executive Director and the Executive Board and extend our thanks to our brothers for their service

and leadership.

            Whereas, James Arcieri has willingly served the 129th BFC Conference as Worship Leader, along with several others, and

            Whereas, Carlos G. Rodriguez and several brothers from La Roca de Reading blessed us with music on Monday evening, be it

            Resolved, that we give thanks to the Lord for endowing His Church with gifted musicians and for aiding our expressions of adoration, faith, and gratitude at this Conference through their efforts.

            Whereas, the staff and volunteers of Pinebrook Bible Conference, along with wives and family members of our pastors and delegates, have readily, cheerfully and faithfully served the members of the 129th BFC Conference, therefore be it

            Resolved, that we extend our earnest gratitude for their wonderful ministry to those attending the 129th BFC Conference.

            Whereas, the BFC Conference Secretary, David A. Thomann, his Assistant, Ronald L. Kohl, and assistants, Daniel P. Allen and Donald E. Kuntzman, have served willingly and faithfully, therefore be it

            Resolved, that we thank the Lord for their service during our proceedings, and be it further

            Resolved, that each be awarded $50 for his labors.

            Whereas, David A. Thomann and Daniel P. Allen have served at the Conference Secretary’s table for over 25 years as typists, secretaries, publishers and in many other capacities, and

            Whereas, both men are stepping down from these respective positions, be it

            Resolved, that we thank the Lord for their years of service with a round of applause.

            Whereas, Head Page Raymond L. Cole, and Pages Edwin B. Suthers, Samuel W. Rissmiller, Michael W. Walker, Robert W. Green, Benjamin J. Armstrong, Mark R. Culton II,

Charles S. Shearer, Stephen J. Morton, John R. LoRusso, and Timothy S. Hogan, have diligently, humbly and gladly served the 129th BFC Conference, enabling it to function

smoothly, therefore be it

            Resolved, that we express our appreciation for their service and fellowship with a round of applause.

            Whereas, Randall A. Grossman has served outstandingly as Moderator of the 129th BFC Conference, therefore be it

            Resolved, that the members of the BFC Conference show their appreciation for Brother Grossman with a standing ovation.

            Whereas, we believe that God has truly met with us at this, the 129th Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it

            Resolved, that we, in the words of Scripture, seek to hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, knowing that He who has promised is faithful, and be it further

            Resolved, that we continue to encourage one another, building up the saints in faith, hope and love, as we see the Day approaching, until our Lord Jesus returns, to the glory of God.

            The following were appointed by the Moderator:

Registrar: Davis E. Duggins

Assistant Registrar: Timothy J. Bertolet

Committee on Agenda and Program: Ronald L. Kohl, Chairman; David T. Allen, Clifford B. Boone, Randall A. Grossman, Thomas P. Shorb

Committee on Arrangements: Ronald L. Kohl, Chairman; David T. Allen, Nathan Brosius, Randall A. Grossman, Thomas P. Shorb, Daniel L. Williams

Committee on Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches: Ralph M. Soper, Louis S. Curcio, Kevin W. Kirkpatrick, Mark R. Orton, Allen R. Vivona, Howard N. Wells

Committee on Statistics: LeRoy S. Heller, Chairman; Hugh C. Coulbourn, David A. Thomann, Gregory A. Urich

            It was announced that the Secretary of the Conference Judicatory is Gregory A. Uhrich and the Secretary of the Special Appellate Judicatory is Hans R. Waldvogel.

            The official address for the Bible Fellowship Church is 3000 Fellowship Drive, Whitehall, PA 18052.

            Resolved, that we adjourn.

            The 129th BFC Conference was adjourned at 3:30 PM as Robert A. Sloan closed the proceedings in prayer.

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