2013 Annual Conference Minutes

[View printable 2013 Yearbook]

First Meeting

Monday Evening, April 22, 2013, 7:00 P.M.

Randall A. Grossman, Moderator of the 130th BFC Conference, called the 130th BFC Conference to order at 7:00 P.M. The Moderator welcomed the members of Conference and then led in prayer.

Musical worship was led by Aaron J. Susek (keyboard), along with James R. Arcieri (bass), Mark E. Barninger (percussion), and Richard B. Ravis (guitar), directing the conference in singing All Creatures of Our God and KingCrown Him With ManyCrownsThy Will Be DoneIn Christ Alone and On Jordan’s Stormy Banks I Stand.

Revelation 1:4-6 served as a call to worship while an abridgement of Psalm 51 was read as a corporate prayer of repentance.

Introducing the Conference theme of “The Bible Fellowship Church: A 20/20 Vision,” Robert A. Sloan, Jr. brought the keynote address, speaking on the subject of “Seeing

Clearly.” Using Numbers 13 as a backdrop, he reminded us that while our mission hasn’t changed – that we are still called to reach the lost with the gospel – vision is needed as we inquire of God for the present and the future, beseeching a God who knows the end from before the beginning.

Reception of a New Particular Church: Grace Fellowship Church, Steelton, Pennsylvania

Conference Moderator Randall A. Grossman welcomed a large contingent from Grace Fellowship Mission Church before introducing Secretary Ronald L. Kohl for the reading of the motion to receive Grace Fellowship Mission Church as a Particular Church.

Whereas, the elders currently serving at Grace Fellowship Mission Church of Steelton, Pennsylvania meet the qualifications for an elder in the Bible Fellowship Church, and

Whereas, more than twenty persons are committed participants in Grace Fellowship Mission Church, and

Whereas, Grace Fellowship Mission Church has demonstrated that it can offer an adequate salary package for a pastor and is able to financially maintain its ministry outreach and financial costs, and

Whereas, the Board of Church Extension Ministries has assessed the Grace Fellowship Mission Church of Steelton, Pennsylvania, and is of the opinion that it meets the qualifications of a Particular Church as specified in Article 18 of the Articles of Faith of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it

Resolved, that the Grace Fellowship Church of Steelton, Pennsylvania be recognized as a Particular Church and that its delegate be received into membership of the 130th Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church.

The motion passed unanimously.

Church Extension Ministries Director David E. Gundrum explained the timeline of Grace Fellowship’s interest in becoming a Particular Church in the Bible Fellowship Church. He then introduced Grace Fellowship Church’s pastor, David A. Smith, who warmly greeted the conference, tracing Grace Fellowship’s journey to becoming a Bible Fellowship Church.

A slide presentation included Grace Fellowship’s mission statement, its commitment to Reformed theology, its history as it transitioned from an independent church to a Bible Fellowship Church, and its move in January, 2013 from Harrisburg to Steelton. David A. Smith then introduced two members of Grace Fellowship, Sam Sellers and Jayonn Folks, who offered brief remarks expressing gratitude and thanksgiving for the ministry and Grace Fellowship’s reception as a Particular Church in the BFC.

BFC Pastor Carl K. Spackman was introduced as Grace Fellowship Church’s delegate to the 130th BFC Conference.

Grace Fellowship’s contingent was greeted by conference with a standing ovation.

The service was closed in prayer by Daniel G. Ziegler, former Director of Church Extension Ministries, at 8:45 P.M. A reception followed in Pinebrook Bible Conference’s Dining Hall.

Second Meeting

Tuesday, April 23, 2013, 9:00 A.M.

The Moderator called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. David L. Manney opened in prayer, bringing to the throne of grace Sandy Vivona, the wife of Allan R. Vivona, who is scheduled to undergo emergency surgery tomorrow.

Aaron J. Susek (piano) led in a prayer of confession and then guided the conference in musical worship with the assistance of James R. Arcieri (mandolin, keyboards), Mark

E. Barninger (percussion), Mark Evans (guitar) and Richard R. Ravis (guitar). Hymns included Come, Thou FountAnd Can It BeHail to the Lord’s Anointed, and May the

Mind of Christ, My Savior. Conference also gladly affirmed the truths found in “The Apostles’ Creed.”

Continuing on the Conference theme of “The Bible Fellowship Church: A 20/20 Vision,” David A. Thomann presented a devotional on the subject of “Seeing Biblically.”

Relying upon the example of Nehemiah’s commitment to rebuild the protective wall around Jerusalem, the speaker related four ingredients of a biblical vision: (1) A vision needs passion; (2) A vision needs prayer (including praise, confession, claiming God’s promises, supplication); (3) A vision needs a plan; (4) A vision needs protection. He concluded, “Men, may it always be said that our vision was accomplished with the help of our God.”

Resolved, that the tables with the green tablecloths constitute the Conference Bar for the 130th BFC Conference.

The roll of the BFC Conference was established as follows:

Allentown, PA (Cedar Crest) Clifford B. Boone, Ronald C. Erb, Glenn R. Felty, W. Scott Kappes (Probationer), Jonathan H. King (Probationer),

Charles Bloomfield, Ronald Sprankle, Nelson K. Randolph

Bethlehem, PA Timothy D. Gibson (Probationer), Richard F. Bickings, Jr.*, Mark R. Culton (Probationer), Jason L. Hoy (Probationer),

Wayne Batten, Shawn T. Van Doren

Blandon, PA Alan G. Miller, Jordan K. Eyster (Probationer), Mark T. Creyer

Brooklyn, NY Ralph E. Ritter, R. Edward Snyder-Ritter

Camden, DE (Vacant), Albert F. Biddle, Jr.

Carmel, NY (Vacant), Hans R. Waldvogel

Clinton Corners, NY (Vacant), Wayne M. Chadwell

Coopersburg, PA Matthew R. Lynskey (Probationer), Thomas P. Shorb, Mark R. Evans, Richard T. Paashaus, Gary A. Sterner, David R. Vinson

Denville, NJ Richard D. Harris, John Crouch

Emmaus, PA David N. Schoen, Joshua D. Edwards, David K. Schlonecker (Probationer), Scott A. Hoffman, Alan H. Russell

Ephrata, PA (Vacant), William F. Early

Finesville, NJ Byron Widger, Bert R. Roling

Fleetwood, PA R. Jerome Brush, David Rothenberger

Graterford, PA Mark R. Orton, Robert Gaugler

Harleysville, PA Andrew T. Crossgrove, Michael W. Walker (Probationer), Alfred G. Roberts

Harrisburg, PA Joshua P. Miller, Steven J. DelDuco, Richard W. Prensner

Hatfield, PA Howard N. Wells, S. Lester Moyer

Hellertown, PA Timothy M. Zuck, John J. Hanner

Howell, NJ Eric R. North, Alan R. Heinlein

Kutztown, PA Allan R. Vivona, Nick Tempe

Lagrangeville, NY James A. Wickstead, Charles Webb

Lancaster, PA David A. Thomann, Keith M. Long*, Gregory A. Uhrich, Neil J. Franklin, Jr., Steven R. Groff, Sr.

Las Cruces, NM Joshua M. Allen (Probationer)

Lebanon, PA Calvin T. Reed, David E. Brandt, LeRoy S. Heller, Jack S. Herb Jr.

Lehighton, PA Robert A. Johnson, II, Bruce A. Kellerman

Long Neck, DE Andrew W. Barnes (Probationer)

Maple Glen, PA Louis Prontnicki, Keith Howland

Merida, MEXICO Marcos G. Ramirez

Mt. Carmel, PA Philip G. Norris, Bryan L. Snyder

Mt. Pocono, PA Timothy J. Bertolet, Nelson Rae

Nazareth, PA Carl J. Fischer, Jr., Henry U. Sandt

Newark, DE William G. Schlonecker, Robert C. Kaatz

Newark, NJ Delbert R. Baker, II, Thomas J. Boose Jr.

Old Bridge, NJ Thomas H. Morrison, Herb Mitchell

Oley, PA Arthur J. Simpson Jr., James Gresh

Paradise, PA David J. Peters, L. Donald Miller

Philadelphia, PA Justin L. Hunter*, Bud Burroughs

Piscataway, NJ Dennis M. Cahill, Richard B. Ravis, J. Richard Vroman

Quakertown, PA Ronald L. Kohl, Michael D. Roberts, L. James Roberts

Reading, PA (Grace) Randall A. Grossman, Ronald W. Reed, Glenn D. Ruoss

Red Hill, PA James R. Arcieri, William E. Blair

Royersford, PA Andrew T. Gysi (Probationer), Michael W. Gangwer

Shamokin, PA Ferdie R. Madara, Richard Nye

Sinking Spring, PA Robert A. Sloan, Jr., Stanley P. Lauterback*, S. Wayne

Rissmiller, Sean Fox, Paul Harvey, Donald D. McKinney

Spring City, PA Kevin W. Clineff, Douglas Wynne

Steelton, PA David A. Smith (Probationer), Carl K. Spackman

Stroudsburg, PA Davis E. Duggins, Robert D. Carroll

Sunbury, PA Charles E. Cole, Robert H. Cox

Terre Hill, PA Kevin W. Kirkpatrick, Robert L. Weaver, Sr.

Thompson, CT Dennis W. Spinney

Toms River, NJ (Vacant), Allen M. Dorst

Wallingford, PA Richard E. Taylor, Mark A. Bickel, Timothy S. Cowen, Steven L. Piasecki

Walnutport, PA (Vacant)

Whitehall, PA (Bethany) Timothy J. Schmoyer, Aaron D. Smith (Probationer), Michael L. Helfrich

Whitehall, PA (Fell Comm) Philip E. Yerrington, Richard J. Drosnock

Woodbury Heights, NJ Daniel L. Williams, Harry A. Nessler

York, PA Kenneth D. Keeler, Roger L. Shambough

Zionsville, PA Bryan C. McNally (Probationer), Kevin D. Derr

Ordained Ministers Serving Bible Fellowship Ministries

David T. Allen, BFC Executive Director; Mark E. Barninger, Church Extension;Raymond R. Bertolet, Church Extension; Miguel A. Gonzalez*, Church Extension; David

E. Gundrum, Church Extension; Donald E. Kuntzman, Board of Missions; Ronald C. Mahurin, Conference Pastor; Mark L. Morrison, Church Extension; Carlos G. Rodriguez,

Church Extension; Ronald B. Smith (Probationer), Church Extension; Keith A. Strunk (Probationer), Church Extension; Aaron J. Susek, Church Extension; Dana E. Weller,

Board of Missions; R. Scott Wright, Church Extension

Ordained Missionaries

Daniel P. Allen, William C. Aukamp, Scott B. Evans, James D. Head, Walter M. Johnston, Frank E. Lenahan, Philip E. Morrison, Duane E. Moyer, Jerry L. Moyer,

Thomas A. Pollock, David W. Riddell, John C. Studenroth, Colby A. Weinhofer

Ordained Ministers Working in the Chaplaincy Under the Sponsorship of the BFC

David N. Heineman, Kenneth J. Hurst, Richard A. Moyer, Jeffrey L. Ruhl, Jacob J. Susek, Jr.

Ordained Ministers in Retirement

Kenneth F. Barber, James R. Batchler, Jr., T. James Bigley, Jr., Bert N. Brosius, Leonard E. Buck, Terris L. Byrd, Alva C. Cassel, Carl C. Cassel, G. Wayne Clapier, Hugh C. Coulbourn, Raymond R. Dotts, Bruce A. Ellingson, Richard J. Gehman, J. Barclay Harley, Frank L. Herb, Jr., George E. Herb, John H. Herb, Roy A. Hertzog, Ronald W. Hoyle, David L. Manney, Edward K. Moyer, Edgar H. Munyan, D. Thomas Phillips, Keith E. Plows, R.C. Reichenbach, Roger L. Reitz, John H. Riggall, Austin G. Shelley, Gene W. Smith, Ralph M. Soper, Carl K. Spackman, Dean A. Stortz, John C. Vandegriff, Jr., David J. Watkins, David R. Way, Harold C. Weaber, Daniel G. Ziegler, Paul G. Zimmerman

Ordained Ministers Between Calls

Jonathon W. Arnold, Gerald D. Clark, Ronald K. Denlinger, Albert J. Dommel, David H. Jones, Robert B. Kramer, Elliot H. Ramos

Additional Lay Members of BFC Executive Board

Robert T. Evans, Jay H. Fastnacht, Stephen J. Kauffman, Charles A. Lavigna, Hans R. Waldvogel.

* pending approval of ordination.

Report of the Committee on Agenda and Program

Resolved, that the report be accepted and that the agenda be approved as a guide for the deliberations of the 130th BFC Conference.

Report of the Committee on Arrangements: (see page 35)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Nathan Brosius, Director of Operations at Pinebrook Bible Conference, provided a welcome from the Conference Host.

The Secretary of the 130th BFC Conference made the following appointments: David E. Brandt, Assistant Secretary; Donald E. Kuntzman and Timothy J. Schmoyer, Assistants to the Secretary.

Resolved, that the appointments be ratified.

The Moderator appointed the following:

Tellers: Leroy S. Heller (Chairman), Charles E. Cole, Kevin D. Derr, Jordan K. Eyster, Robert A. Johnson II, Mark L. Morrison, Hans R. Waldvogel, Howard N. Wells.

Resolutions: Aaron J. Susek (Chairman), Jason L. Hoy, Miguel Gonzalez.

Examination of Minutes of BFC Conference (130th): Philip G. Norris (Chairman), Daniel P. Allen, Steven J. DelDuco, Joshua P. Miller, Ralph E. Ritter.

Parliamentarian: Timothy J. Schmoyer.

Timekeeper: Ronald C. Erb.

Resolved, that the appointments be ratified.

The following were introduced as new members of the BFC Conference:

Richard Prensner, Grace Bible Fellowship, Harrisburg, PA; Paul Harvey, Sinking Spring, PA; Nelson Randolph, Cedar Crest BFC, Allentown, PA; Sean Fox, Calvary BFC,

Sinking Spring, PA; Mark Creyer, Trinity BFC, Blandon, PA; David K. Schlonecker, Emmaus, PA; Scott Hoffman, Emmaus, PA; James D. Gresh, Oley, PA.

Report of the Ministerial Convention Committee: (see page 117)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Clifford B. Boone introduced physician and author Dr. Scott Stoll, who will speak at this year’s Ministerial Convention on Oct. 2-3, 2013 (on the theme “A Glorious Temple – Caring For Our Bodies”). Dr. Stoll addressed the conference with an introductory message focusing on the health of our physical bodies and developing lifestyles that honor God.

Report of the Nominating Committee:

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

The following were elected:

Church Health Committee:

Clyde W. Snyder (3 years)

Ministerial Credentials Committee:

Dennis M. Cahill (3 years)

LeRoy S. Heller (3 years)

Committee on Nominations:

Robert W. Davies (3 years)

Roxy Schlonecker (3 years)

Conference Judicatory:

Calvin T. Reed (3 years)

Appellate Judicatory:

Randall A. Grossman (3 years)

R. Scott Wright (3 years)

Ministerial Relations Committee:

Ronald W. Reed (3 years)

Officials for BFC Conference

Moderator of 131st BFC Conference

William G. Schlonecker (1 year)

Vice-Moderator of 131st BFC Conference

Clifford B. Boone (1 year)

Secretary of 131st BFC Conference:

Ronald L. Kohl (1 year)

Richard T. Paashaus prayed for God’s leading in the upcoming elections.

Report of the BFC Executive Board: (see page 37)

Executive Director David T. Allen addressed the Conference, expressing thanks for all who have aided him in the ministry to which God has called him. He offered a

reminder of the BFC-related websites, which provide aid to pastors, churches and all who have an interest in the Bible Fellowship Church. He also offered short reviews of

the ministries of the BFC Departments: Board of Missions, Church Extension Ministries, Pinebrook Bible Conference and Victory Valley Camp.

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Resolved, that the BFC Conference ratify the appointment of Ronald C. Mahurin as Conference Pastor for a three year term effective May 1, 2013.

Resolved, that the BFC Conference ratify the appointment of David T. Allen as BFC Executive Director for a three year term effective May 1, 2013.

Resolved, that the 2013 revised Executive Board budget be adopted by the 130th BFC Conference.

Resolved, that an assessment rate of two (2.0) percent be approved by the 130th BFC Conference for 2014 (based on assessable receipts for 2012).

Resolved, that the 2014 proposed Executive Board budget be adopted by the 130th BFC Conference.

Pension Fund

The Executive Board recommends the following resolutions to BFC Conference:

Whereas, the MRF annuity rate for 2013 is $221 per year of service, and

Whereas, cost-of-living adjustments no longer apply to MRF payments, be it

Resolved, that the MRF annuity rate for calendar year 2014 be $221 per year of service.

Resolution Relating to Rental/Housing Allowances for Retired or Disabled Ministers of this Conference for Calendar Year 2014:

Whereas, the religious denomination known as the Bible Fellowship Church has and functions through Ministers of the Gospel who are duly ordained or licensed; and

Whereas, the practice of the Bible Fellowship Church is to provide a parsonage or a rental allowance as part of the gross compensation for each of its active ordained or licensed ministers; and

Whereas, pensions paid to retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church are considered as deferred compensation and are paid to said

retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers in consideration of previous, active service; and

Whereas, the Internal Revenue Service has recognized that the Bible Fellowship Church is the appropriate organization to designate a housing/rental allowance for retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers who are members of this Conference;

Resolved, An amount equal to 100% of the pension payments received during the year of 2014 be and is hereby designated as a rental/housing allowance for each retired and disabled ordained or licensed minister of the Bible Fellowship Church who is or was a member of the Bible Fellowship Church Minister’s Retirement Fund.

This rental/housing allowance shall apply to each retired and disabled ordained or licensed minister who has been granted the retired relationship or placed on disability leave by the BFC Conference and whose name and relationship to the conference is recorded in the Yearbook of BFC Conference and in other appropriate records maintained by the conference.

The pension payment to which this rental/housing allowance applies shall be the pension payment resulting from all service of such retired or disabled ordained or licensed minister from all employment by any local church, BFC Conference or institution of the Bible Fellowship Church or of any former denomination that is now a part of the Bible Fellowship Church, or from any other employer who employed the minister to perform services related to the ministry and who elected to make contributions to the pension funds of The Bible Fellowship Church for such retired minister’s pension.

Note: The rental/housing allowance which may be excluded from a minister’s gross income is limited to the lesser of (1) the amount of the rental/housing allowance designated by the minister’s employer or other appropriate body, (2) the amount actually expended by the minister to provide his housing, or (3) the legally-determined fair rental value of the parsonage or other housing provided. As specified in Rev. Rul. 71-290 C.B. 92, “the only amount that will qualify for exclusion under section 107(2) of the Code as a ‘rental allowance’ is an amount equal to the fair rental value of the home, including furnishings and appurtenances such as a garage, plus the cost of utilities.”

Report of the Ministerial Candidate Committee: (see page 91)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Resolved: that the list of Probationers, Candidates and Applicants be approved.

The following men under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee were introduced to the BFC Conference:

Ben Armstrong, Mt. Joy, PA; Andrew Barnes, Long Neck, DE; Dick Bickings, Bethlehem, PA; Beau Coffman, Fleetwood, PA; Mark Culton, Bethlehem, PA; Stephen

Diaz, Allentown, PA; Joshua Dupiche, Philadelphia, PA; Josh Gibson, Northumberland, PA; Tim Gibson, Nazareth, PA; Jacob Grogan, Sellersville, PA; Andrew Gysi,

Royersford, PA; John Hanner, Allentown, PA; Jason Hoy, Coplay, PA; W. Scott Kappes, Catasauqua, PA; Jonathan King, Allentown, PA; Joel Klase, Hatfield, PA; John LoRusso,

Harleysville, PA; Matt Lynskey, Coopersburg, PA; Charles Shearer, Tannersville, PA; Aaron Smith, Whitehall, PA; David Smith, Harrisburg, PA; R. Edward Snyder-Ritter,

Brooklyn, NY; Keith Strunk, Cape May Court House, NJ; R. Daniel Wagner, Denver, PA; and Mike Walker, Harleysville, PA.

Resolved, that the meeting be adjourned.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 P.M. as Bruce A. Kellerman led in prayer.

Third Meeting

Tuesday Afternoon, April 23, 2013, 1:30 P.M.

The Moderator called the meeting to order at 1:30 P.M., Dennis W. Spinney opened in prayer.

Resolved, that the Minutes of the First Meeting be approved.

Dr. Phillip G. Monroe, Professor of Counseling and Psychology at Biblical Theological Seminary in Hatfield, PA addressed the subject of abuse in the church and guiding principles which may protect churches and assist them in dealing with situations involving abuse.

Several proactive actions were suggested as means for making the church a safer place and a place of healing: educating the whole church, starting with Scripture; networking, identifying others who can assist in cases of potential or real abuse; church leaders responding well to abuse; self-examination as leaders, examining our own propensity for sinning; expanding the church’s ministry of spiritual care to victims, offenders, family members and congregations; developing a prevention plan. Two websites were recommended as resources: www.netgrace.org and www.peaceandsafety.com.

The presentation ended with the singing of “It Is Well With My Soul.”

Report of the Ministerial Credentials Committee: (see page 93)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Whereas, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended ordination for Richard F. Bickings, Miguel A. Gonzalez, Justin L. Hunter, Stanley P. Lauterback and Keith M. Long for ordination, and

Whereas, these brethren have served acceptably as ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church for the required period of time or the equivalent thereof, and

Whereas, after examination, the Ministerial Credentials Committee believes these men to be called of God to the gospel ministry and to be in accord with the Faith & Order of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it

Resolved, that Richard F. Bickings, Miguel A. Gonzalez, Justin L. Hunter, Stanley P. Lauterback and Keith M. Long be ordained to the gospel ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church.

The Ministerial Credentials Committee Makes The Following Additional Recommendations:

1. Resolved, that an Ordination Service be held at the 130th BFC Conference.

2. Resolved, that the Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church of Bethlehem, PA, the La Roca de Reading Bible Fellowship Church of Reading, PA, the Wissinoming Bible Fellowship Church of Philadelphia, PA, the Calvary Bible Fellowship Church of Sinking Spring, PA, and the Faith Bible Fellowship Church of Lancaster, PA, be encouraged to have a service in recognition of the ordinations of Richard F. Bickings, Miguel A. Gonzalez, Justin L. Hunter, Stanley P. Lauterback and Keith M. Long, respectively, and that they be encouraged to invite the Ministerial Credentials Committee to send representation to be present at each service.

Report of the Ministerial Relations Committee: (see page 104)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Resolved, that the recommended minimum salary for a BFC Pastor in the U.S. be $36,000 for 2013, and further,

Resolved, that in addition to his salary, the church must provide a sum equal to the pastor’s Social Security tax, parsonage and/or housing allowance (which would include utilities, repair costs, etc.), health insurance, and provision should be made

for reimbursement for allowable car and professional expenses. The church must also contribute a minimum of 3% of the pastor’s salary for retirement to the ministers’ annuity fund, plus an additional 1% match if the pastor is voluntarily contributing 1%.

Report of the Church Health Committee: (see page 106)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

BFC Executive Director David T. Allen introduced 16 BFC Executive Board-approved “Vision Points” of the Bible Fellowship Church 20/20 Vision, which will provide direction for the Bible Fellowship Church as it continues to build a foundation for the future.

Resolved, that we adopt the following Vision Points of the BFC 20/20 Vision.

BFC Executive Board Vision Points

1. The BFC will have 75 Churches.

2. The BFC will have 2 Camps serving the Bible Fellowship Church.

3. The BFC will average 12,000 worshipers weekly.

4. The BFC will have 95% of its churches in a healthy condition.

5. The BFC will have a Training Center/Denominational Headquarters.

6. The BFC will have an Executive Board of which 1/3rd of the members are under 50 years old.

7. The BFC will be able to provide financial grants to church plants.

8. The BFC will be able to provide financial support for the development of pastoral leadership (i.e., Pastoral Internships).

9. The BFC will provide a Denominational Children’s Ministry Director

10. The BFC will provide a Denominational Pastor to Youth.

11. The BFC will provide a Denominational Pastor to Seniors within our churches.

12. The BFC will provide a Financial Development Office/Director.

13. The BFC will have financial reserves for emergencies, contingencies, grants, etc.

14. The BFC will provide increased funding for the Pinebrook Educational Foundation.

15. The BFC Executive Board will have evaluated and determined whether to combine the current Board of Missions & Church Extension Ministries into one single Department of Outreach Ministries.

16. The BFC Executive Board will have evaluated and determined whether to combine Pinebrook Bible Conference and Victory Valley Camp into one single Department of Camping Ministries with two physical locations.

Yes – 136; No – 26.

Resolved, that the meeting be adjourned.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 P.M. as Dana E. Weller led in prayer.

Fourth Meeting

Tuesday Evening, April 23, 2013, 6:45 P.M.

The meeting was called to order by the Moderator at 6:45 P.M. Andrew T. Crossgrove led the conference in an opening prayer.

Along with a call to worship derived from Hannah’s prayer of thanksgiving in 1 Samuel 1, Aaron J. Susek and his fellow musicians led the Conference in a time of musical worship that included the hymns “Praise to the Lord,” “Hail to the Lord’s Anointed,” “There is a Fountain,” and “Be Thou My Vision.”

Report of the Conference Pastor: (see page 82)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Byron Widger prayed for Ronald C. Mahurin and for his faithful service as Conference Pastor, especially remembering his ongoing health needs.

Report of the Board of Missions: (see page 59)

Dana E. Weller gave a verbal report on the work of the Board and those who serve the Lord as missionaries supported by the BFC. He highlighted the upcoming BFC Missions Rally on May 9, 2013 at Faith BFC, Lancaster, PA.

The following missionaries were introduced to the BFC Conference: Philip Morrison, Jason Raines, Chris & Beckie Merrick, Marc Hoyle, Eliane DeSouza, Gary & Karen Shogren, Craig Miller, Bill Early, Walt Johnston, Nelson Randolph, John Studenroth, Frank Lenahan, John LoRusso, Dave Manney, Scott Hoffman, Carl Fitzgerald, John Elias, Randy Ruth, and Daniel Allen.

Ralph M. Soper prayed with thanksgiving for our missionaries and for the ministry of missions in the Bible Fellowship Church.

Report of Church Extension Ministries: (see page 65)

David E. Gundrum provided an update on church planting within the BFC, focusing Conference’s attention on both individual churches and regions that are engaged in church planting. He introduced Andrew Barnes, who has been helping to revitalize the ministry at New Life BFC in Long Neck, DE, and Stephen Diaz, who is being considered for ministry at the El Faro Mission Church in Allentown, PA.

Daniel L. Williams and Timothy M. Zuck, two men who have successfully brought Particular Churches into the BFC, were introduced as men who seek to plant new mission churches in the Woolwich Twp., NJ, and Lehigh Valley, PA areas, respectively, with the support and assistance of several BFC churches.

Richard E. Taylor prayed for the ministry of Church Extension, for its church planting missionaries, and for God’s leading in raising up new BFC mission churches.

The Conference took a short recess and then gathered for a service of ordination as Richard F. Bickings, Miguel A. Gonzalez, Justin L. Hunter, Stanley P. Lauterback and Keith M. Long were ordained to the Gospel ministry. As part of the service, Ronald C. Mahurin presented a message entitled “Seeing Practically.”

The meeting was adjourned at the close of the ordination service.

Fifth Meeting

Wednesday Morning, April 24, 2013, 9:00 A.M.

The meeting was called to order by the Moderator at 9:00 A.M. Marcos Ramirez opened the meeting in prayer in Spanish.

Aaron J. Susek and his musical worship team led in the singing of Come Boldly to the Throne of GraceThe Solid RockThy Will Be Done, and Lion of Judah. The call to worship was adapted from 1 Peter 1. Conference engaged in an affirmation of faith from 2 Corinthians 5.

Robert T. Evans, an elder at Grace BFC, Wallingford, PA and a member of the BFC Executive Board, addressed the subject of “Seeing Ecclesiastically.” His primary text was John 4, with an emphasis on John 4:35 – “…lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.” He outlined five essential actions that we must take if we are going to embrace God’s vision for this world: (1) We must lay aside our preoccupation with temporal issues; (2) We need to renew our dedication to the supreme test of sharing our faith; (3) We need to stop relying on natural reasoning; (4) We need to open our eyes and see the harvest; (5) We need to allow God to use us.

Report of the Registrar:

1. The following alternate delegates were seated for part or all of the 130th Conference.

Andrew N. Brimer, Bethlehem, PA; Donald Faust, Mt. Pocono, PA; Carl M. Fitzgerald, Piscataway, NJ; James Mortland, Fleetwood, PA; William J. Walters, Allentown, PA; Thomas L. Ward, LaGrangeville, NY

Resolved, that their seating be approved.

2. The following delegates requested to be excused from part or all of the 130th Conference:

Wayne Batten, John Crouch, Keith Howland, Richard Nye, Nelson Rae, Nelson K. Randolph, L. James Roberts Jr., David Rothenberger, Nick Tempe, Shawn T. Van Doren, J. Richard Vroman, Charles F. Webb.

Resolved, that these requests for excuses be granted.

3. The following licensed and ordained pastors requested to be excused from part or all of the 130th Conference. These requests were approved by the Ministerial Credentials Committee.

Joshua M. Allen, Jonathon W. Arnold, William C. Aukamp, Delbert R. Baker, Kenneth F. Barber, James T. Bigley, Clyde D. Bomgardner, R. Jerome Brush, Leonard E. Buck, Terris L. Byrd, G. Wayne Clapier, Gerald D. Clark, Robert S. Commerford, Louis S. Curcio, Ronald K. Denlinger, Raymond R. Dotts, Willis I. Dowling, William J. Dunn, Scott B. Evans, Richard J. Gehman, Richard J. Harris, James D. Head, Frank L. Herb, George E. Herb, John H. Herb, Roy A. Hertzog, Jason L. Hoy, Kenneth J. Hurst, Walter M. Johnston, Robert B. Kramer, David H. Jones, Carl T. Martin, Duane E. Moyer, Edward Moyer, Jerry L. Moyer, Eric R. North, Thomas A. Pollock, Elliot H. Ramos, Calvin T. Reed, R.C. Reichenbach, Roger L. Reitz, David W. Riddell, John H. Riggall, Carlos G. Rodriguez, Austin G. Shelly, Gene W. Smith, Jacob J. Susek, Allan R. Vivona, Harold C. Weaber, Colby A. Weinhofer, Dana E. Weller, Philip E. Yerrington, Paul G. Zimmerman.

The following were elected:

Executive Board:

Dennis M. Cahill (3 years)

Steven J. DelDuco (3 years)

Steven J. Kauffman (3 years)

L. James Roberts, Jr. (3 years)

Committee on Church Health:

Clyde D. Bomgardner (3 years)

Committee on Nominations:

David E. Brandt (3 years)

Conference Judicatory:

Clyde W. Snyder (3 years)

Appellate Judicatory:

Robert C. Kaatz (3 years)

Richard G. Matthews (3 years)

Ministerial Relations Committee:

Randall A. Grossman (3 years)

Resolved, that the Minutes of the Second Meeting be approved.

Resolved, that the Minutes of the Third Meeting be approved.

Resolved, that the Minutes of the Fourth Meeting be approved as amended.

Report of Pinebrook Bible Conference: (see page page 76)

Charles E. Cole, chairman of the Pinebrook Bible Conference Board, presented the report of Pinebrook Bible Conference, providing updates on the makeup of the Pinebrook Board, 2013 summer ministry plans and ongoing improvement projects. He thanked the many churches and individuals who have provided help and support for Pinebrook.  Executive Director David T. Allen thanked the Lord for the ministry of the late Kermit Gehman, a longtime Pinebrook Bible Conference Board member and financial supporter. He indicated that Pinebrook will dedicate a building in Kermit Gehman’s honor.

Mark E. Barninger prayed for the ministry of Pinebrook and thanked the Lord for Kermit Gehman’s longtime commitment to Pinebrook.

Report of Victory Valley Camp: (see page page 77)

Director Douglas J. Manwiller shared an update on the ministry of Victory Valley, including facilities improvements and ministry victories, both among campers and summer missionaries.

Timothy J. Schmoyer led the Conference in prayer, thanking God for Victory Valley’s ongoing ministry and praying for its needs.

Legislation to be Considered at Second Reading:

An update was provided by Secretary Ronald L. Kohl on the pending approval of the Boards of Elders for Articles of Faith # 21 (The Lord’s Day) and # 27 (The Kingdom), both of which passed at First Reading at the 129th BFC Conference. Two-thirds of the churches need to vote positively for each piece of legislation to be brought to Conference for approval at Second Reading. As of the 130th BFC Conference, only 41 churches have voted. Churches that have not yet voted are reminded that they must vote so both Articles of Faith may be considered at Second Reading at the 131st BFC Conference.

Whereas, the Beneficiary Society has brought to our attention that there is currently no category to cover a man who is permanently disabled, but too young for retirement, therefore be it

Resolved, that a permanently disabled pastor be defined as one who has a physical or mental handicap, that is medically determinable, and would prevent a man from performing his duties as a pastor in the Bible Fellowship Church, and further

Resolved, that this disability be determined by the Ministerial Credentials Committee in consultation with the pastor’s primary physician.

The following resolution was adopted at Second Reading:

Resolved, that we add “or on permanent disability” to the category of “Ordained Ministers in Retirement.”


Yes – 147; No – 1.

The following was elected:

Ministerial Candidate Committee:

Timothy J. Bertolet (3 years)

Proposed Legislation for 130th BFC Conference

407-3 Offerings. Delete (3) “BFC Homes, Inc.- yearly, by April 1 to BFC Homes, Inc.”  Renumber (4) (5) (6) (7).


501-5 Retirement from the Ministry. Delete 501-5.1 “Any minister of the BFC may retire at any time under the provisions of the Minister’s Annuity Fund.” Renumber 501-5.2.


508-3 Reports of Boards and Committees to BFC Conference. Delete (2) “Each board and committee shall have its financial records audited by an auditor(s) chosen by the board or committee prior to preparing its report for BFC Conference, and the name of the auditor(s) shall be included in the report to BFC Conference.” Delete (3). “The report of each board and committee made to BFC Conference shall include a statement of its treasurer indicating the total amount of cash on hand and the depository where this fund is maintained.” Renumber (4) (5) (6).


510 Appointments by the Conference Moderator. Replace 510-1.1 Committee on Agenda and Program and 510-1.2 Committee on Arrangements with: 510-1:1 Committee on Agenda and Arrangements.

Composition: The Committee shall have seven members, two of whom shall be members of the Executive Board and three of whom shall be the BFC Executive Director, the Moderator, and the Vice-Moderator; the remaining shall be at-large members.


(1) It shall establish and oversee a program for the succeeding BFC Conference designed to bring spiritual blessing and challenge to the members of BFC Conference.

(2) It shall receive from any Particular Church or agency requests for time in the agenda of BFC Conference. Such requests must be in writing and in the hands of the Committee at least six weeks prior to the beginning of BFC Conference.

(3) It shall establish the proposed order of business and program for the succeeding BFC Conference and shall establish the times of the meetings of BFC Conference.

(4) It shall circulate the proposed agenda at least two weeks prior to BFC Conference.

(5) It shall make provision for the meetings and accompanying hospitality for BFC Conference.

(6) It shall appoint a committee on resolutions, a timekeeper and tellers for meetings of BFC Conference. Guidelines for these appointments shall be provided by the committee.

(7) It shall recommend to BFC Conference the place and dates of the succeeding BFC Conference.

(8) It shall establish the collection point and deadline for reports for the succeeding BFC Conference.  Renumber 501-1.3 to 510-1.2.


Amend 502-7. Replace “Committee on Arrangements” with “Committee on Agenda and Arrangements.” Delete the last sentence “The length of the Conference shall be determined by the Committee on Agenda and Program.”


Amend 508-3 (1). Replace “Committee on Arrangements” with “Committee on Agenda and Arrangements.”


Delete 510-1.4 Committee on Statistics.


Delete 510 – 2.3 Committee on Resolutions, 510 – 2.5 Tellers, and 510 – 2.6 Timekeeper. Renumber 510 – 2.4 to 510-2.2.


511-1.7 (2) Christian Education Committee

Delete duty (5) “It shall submit financial statements to the BFC Executive Board on a quarterly basis.” Renumber duty (6).


511-1.7 (4) Historical Committee

Composition and Election

(1) It shall be composed of the archivist and eight persons (ministers, elders, or laypersons) elected by its own members subject to the ratification of the Executive Board.

(2) They shall be elected for a term of three years in classes as follows:

Class I Three persons

Class II Three persons

Class III Two persons

(3) Organization: The Committee shall elect annually by and from its membership a chairman and a secretary.


(1) It shall develop and encourage the study of the history of the denomination.

(2) It shall maintain denominational archives for the accumulation of materials and memoirs relating to the history of the denomination.

(3) It shall maintain a website of relevant materials and information for research and reference.

(4) It shall encourage each Particular Church and mission to maintain a file of important documents relating to the historical development of the local fellowship, and it shall encourage each church or mission to appoint a local archivist to maintain this file.

(5) It shall appoint an archivist, who shall be responsible for the maintenance and oversight of the archives.

(6) It shall assist the archivist in the collection of relevant historical materials.

(7) It shall determine policy and procedure by which the archivist can maintain and supplement the historical material of the denomination.

(8) It shall oversee a Bible Fellowship Church Historical Society made up of those who purchase annual memberships or receive honorary or gift memberships.

(9) It shall appoint a coordinator and a treasurer for the Historical Society.

(10) It shall make an annual report to the Executive Board of the Bible Fellowship Church.


511-3 Church Health Committee.

Add to duty (1) the following sentence: “It shall oversee the compilation of an annual BFC statistical report of the churches which will assist them in this work.”


512-3 Board of Missions. Replace 512-3.2 Composition, and 512-3.3 Election with:  512-3.2 Composition and Election

(1) The Board of Missions shall be composed of the Director of Missions, the Financial Secretary, and selected ministers and members of BFC Churches.

(2) The Director shall be appointed by the BFC Executive Board.

(3) The Financial Secretary shall be selected by the Board of Missions in consultation with and subject to ratification of the BFC Executive Board.

(4) The Board of Missions will select members to serve on the board who have a heart for missions and can provide valuable assistance to the board. The number of members will be determined by the Director after consultation with the BFC Executive Board. Members will be presented to the BFC Executive Board for ratification to a three-year term of office before beginning service on the board. All members must be members in good standing of a BFC church.

(5) The Chairman and Vice Chairman (who both must be either ordained ministers or elders), Secretary, and Treasurer of the Board of Missions shall be elected annually by and from the Board of Missions at its organizational meeting. The Director is not eligible to serve in these offices. The Officers of the Board and the Director shall comprise the Executive Committee of the Board of Missions.


Replace 600 Bylaws for Denominational Organization with 600 Regionalization.

600-1 Purpose

The purpose of regionalization is to strengthen the corporate testimony of the BFC through the development of groups of sister churches within geographic regions.  Regional groups are not legislative bodies, but gatherings of sister churches for fellowship, prayer, and joint endeavors.

600-2 Organization

The Executive Board shall organize all of the BFC churches and missions into regions, subject to the approval of BFC Conference, and shall list the regions each year in the Yearbook. This organization shall take place as often as necessary.

600-3 Duties

(1) The pastors of each region shall endeavor to meet for prayer and fellowship on a regular basis.

(2) The churches of each region shall endeavor to work together on projects of common interest for the purpose of worship, fellowship, discipleship, evangelism, diaconal service, missions and evangelistic church planting.


800 Amendment to the Faith & Order. Add 801-5 “The amendment will be declared to be in effect when approved by two-thirds majority of those voting on a second reading of the amendment at any one of the three succeeding BFC Conferences.”


800 Amendments to the Faith & Order. Omit 805 Amendments to the Appendix.  “Amendments to the Appendix of the Faith & Order shall be by two-thirds majority vote of those voting at one reading of BFC Conference.”


The following guidelines for the Historical Society of the Bible Fellowship Church will be placed in the reference section:

Historical Society of the Bible Fellowship Church

I. Purpose

The Historical Society of the Bible Fellowship Church shall promote interest in the history and heritage of the Bible Fellowship Church.

II. Membership  The membership will include those who subscribe through the payment of an annual

fee to be determined by the Historical Committee of the BFC. The Historical Committee may give complimentary memberships as it determines.

III. Leadership

A. The Historical Society will exist under the leadership and oversight of the Historical Committee.

B. The Historical Committee shall appoint a Coordinator of the Historical Society from its membership. The Coordinator will be responsible to direct the activities of the Historical Society. The Coordinator shall report on the activity of the Historical

Society to the Historical Committee.

C. The Historical Committee shall appoint a treasurer of the society from its membership. The treasurer shall collect dues and disburse funds as directed by the Historical Committee. He shall deposit the funds received for the Historical Society in a bank approved by the Historical Committee. He shall make an annual report of the receipts and disbursements of the Historical Society to the Historical Committee.

IV. Activity

A. The Historical Society shall hold at least one meeting annually, at which presentations relevant to the history and heritage of the Bible Fellowship Church shall be offered.

B. The Historical Society shall periodically publish materials of historical interest to the membership.


Resolved, that the meeting be adjourned. James A. Wickstead closed the meeting in prayer at 12:20 P.M.

Sixth Meeting

Wednesday afternoon, April 24, 2013, 1:30 P.M.

The meeting was called to order by the Moderator at 1:30 P.M. as Henry U. Sandt, Jr. opened the meeting in prayer.

An offering was taken for the Darlene J. Mahurin Memorial Fund. William Early prayed for the offering; $1800 was collected.

Carl C. Cassel, who received a standing ovation as an expression of thanksgiving to the Lord for his 57 years of active ministry in the BFC after Moderator Randall A. Grossman provided a list of many of those ministries; preached on the subject of “Seeing Wisely.”  Using Proverbs 2 as his text, the speaker reminded Conference that for wisdom, we must go to God, for he is the source of all wisdom, and if we seek wisdom “like silver, and search for it as for hidden treasures,” “wisdom will come into our heart, and knowledge will be pleasant for to your soul.”

At the 130th Bible Fellowship Church Conference, Pastor Carl C. Cassel delivered the last of several messages, but not before Conference Moderator Randall C. Grossman reviewed a partial listing of Brother Cassel’s ministries in the Bible Fellowship Church – a fitting tribute, given that Pastor Cassel has declined to allow his name to stand for re-election to the BFC Executive Board, thus effectively retiring from formal leadership in the BFC. The 1956 Yearbook reads as follows: “Resolved, that Carl C. Cassel be seated in the Conference Bar, having been stationed to serve as pastor at Coopersburg.”  Brother Cassel has attended most of the ensuing 57 Conferences, serving on the following BFC boards and committees: Menno Youth Committee (five years), Victory Valley Camp (16 years – most of them as Chairman), Ministerial Candidate Committee (37 years – most of them as Chairman), Board of Directors/Executive Board (48 years), Conference Judicatory (29 years), Historical Committee (10 years).  He has also served on the following study committees: Church Government, Pulpit Supply, Church Extension Legislation, Doctrine, Strategic Planning, Intercultural Ministries, Baptism and Church Membership, Women in the Office of Deacon, Sabbath.  He has also served in the following offices: Vice-Chairman of Annual Conference (20 times), Chairman of Annual Conference (three times – 1975, 1979, 1994).  All of this, of course, is in addition to Brother Cassel’s true calling: as a pastor to the flocks entrusted by God to his care.  Not surprisingly, the pastors and delegates of BFC Conference gave Brother Cassel a standing ovation, praising the Lord for this brother’s long and faithful ministry to God and the Bible Fellowship Church.

The following was elected:

Ministerial Candidate Committee:

Joshua P. Miller (1 year)

Report of the Study Committee on the Biblical Principles for Living: (see page 112)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Resolved : That the Moderator of the 130th BFC Conference appoint two study committees to study the following issues and review pertinent statements of the Biblical Principles for Living after completing their study.

1. Committee to Study Human Sexuality and Marriage

a. What is the biblical definition of family?

b. What is the biblical position on civil unions and same sex marriages?

c. Does the biblical teaching about the creation of human beings as male and female (Genesis 1:27) allow for sexual identity that is different than a person’s sexual physiology?

d. What does the Bible teach about seeking sexual self-gratification (examples: pornography, erotic literature, or masturbation)?

2. Committee to Study Immigration

a. What does the Bible teach about the Church’s attitude toward immigrants?

b. What does the Bible teach about the Church’s response to the presence of undocumented immigrants in the United States?

The following appointments were made to study committees:

Human sexuality and marriage

Daniel P. Allen (convener), Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jordan K. Eyster, John Hanner, Joshua P. Miller, Aaron J. Susek, Timothy M. Zuck.


John C. Elias (convener), David E. Gundrum, Miguel Gonzalez, Cali Magallanes, Michael D. Roberts, Dana E. Weller.

Resolved, that the appointments be ratified.

Report of the Conference Judicatory: (see page 110)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Resolved, that we received the petition from the Board of Elders of Faith Bible Fellowship Church, York, PA.

The Ministerial Credentials committee then presented a response to the petition brought to the 130th BFC Conference by Faith Bible Fellowship Church of York, PA. The Conference paused to ask the Lord for wisdom. William G. Schlonecker prayed for God’s guidance in providing a resolution that honors God, preserves truth and demonstrates God’s grace. Discussion took place concerning the request of the York congregation.

Following a short break, Philip G. Norris again beseeched the Lord for wisdom, and the following action was taken.

Whereas, Pastor Ken Keeler has been summoned by the Ministerial Credentials Committee to stand trial concerning his convictions on Article of Faith #13, “Repentance,” and

Whereas, the Book of Discipline states that “original jurisdiction over ministers belongs to the Ministerial Credentials Committee” (302-2), and

Whereas, it is understood that a body has the right to interpret the legislation it enforces, and

Whereas, after appeal to the Conference Judicatory at the direction of the last BFC Conference, the Ministerial Credentials Committee was instructed to summon Pastor Keeler to trail because it holds original jurisdiction over him, and

Whereas, the Conference Judicatory has stated that “the Ministerial Credentials Committee has the authority to interpret the Articles of Faith of the Bible Fellowship Church,” and

Whereas, the York congregation has petitioned the BFC Conference to interpret Article 13, “Repentance,” before the Ministerial Credentials Committee has completed its trial, and

Whereas, Pastor Keeler has a right to appeal the decision of the Ministerial Credentials Committee to the Conference Judicatory if he is unsatisfied with its ruling, therefore be it

Resolved, that the Conference deny the request of the York congregation because it is out of order (this is a matter between the pastor and the Ministerial Credentials Committee, not between the church and Conference), and further

Resolved, that Conference instruct Pastor Keeler to stand trial before the Ministerial Credentials Committee for any and all charges they bring against him.

Yes – 131; No – 25.

This resolution is the answer of the 130th BFC Conference to the petition of the York congregation. Thomas P. Shorb led in prayer, asking God that his grace and truth would reign in these matters. Roger L. Shambough, delegate to Faith BFC, York, PA, expressed his gratitude for BFC Conference’s compassion and concern and then led the conference in prayer.

Committee on Arrangements:

Resolved, that the 131st BFC Conference be April 28-30, 2014 at Pinebrook Bible Conference.

Resolved, that committee reports for 131st BFC Conference be sent in digital format to the BFC Executive Board by Feb. 15, 2014. bfcexecbrd@aol.com.

Committee on Communications:

Whereas, the New International Version of the Bible gives a thought-for-thought translation and

Whereas, the English Standard Version of the Bible gives a word-for-word translation, therefore, be it

Resolved, that all Scripture references in the Faith and Order be from the English Standard Version of the Bible.

Report of the Joint Committee on Ethnic Church Planting: (see 113)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Beneficiary Society: (see page 119)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Committee on Examination of BFC Conference Minutes, 129th BFC Conference (see page 107)

Resolved, that the report be adopted.

Report of the Committee on Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches: (see page 109)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Committee on Statistics: (see page 123)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

The Committee on Resolutions reported the following resolutions:

Whereas, Robert L. Draper and A.L. Seifert, having lived lives filled with faith in Jesus Christ and service to His Church, have found rest from their labors and have joined the saints eternal in the presence of their King, be it

Resolved, that we offer sincerest thanks to the Head of the Church who built up this body and advanced His kingdom through their gifts and fervent efforts, and be it further

Resolved, that we labor on, similarly devoting ourselves to the Body of Christ and its mission, eagerly awaiting our participation with Robert L. Draper and A.L. Seifert in the glorious inheritance secured for us in Christ.

Whereas, John C. Vandegriff has retired from his position of ministry, and

Whereas, Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr., David J. Peters, Louis S. Curcio, Elliot H. Ramos, Gerald D. Clark, Robert B. Kramer, and Matthew R. Lynskey have resigned from their positions of ministry, therefore be it

Resolved, that we give thanks to the Lord for the efforts and faithful service they have given to their particular churches and ministries and pray for God’s blessing and gracious leading in their future endeavors.

Whereas, the following pastorates were established according to the Rules of our Faith & Order: Church Extension – Andrew W. Barnes; Board of Missions – John R. LoRusso; Harleysville, PA – Michael W. Walker; Bethlehem, PA – Timothy D. Gibson; Paradise, PA – David J. Peters; Quakertown, PA – Michael D. Roberts; Old Bridge, NJ – Thomas H. Morrison; Whitehall, PA – Aaron D. Smith; Royersford, PA – Andrew T. Gysi; Emmaus, PA – David K. Schlonecker; Coopersburg, PA – Matthew R. Lynskey; Bethlehem, PA – Mark R. Culton; Harrisburg, PA – William C. Verdon II, be it

Resolved, that praise be given to our God for the provision of these pastorates.

Whereas, it was reported at this conference that there are a number of churches seeking pastors, and

Whereas, we are to pray for the Lord of the Harvest to send forth laborers, therefore be it

Resolved, that we pray for the Lord to raise up gifted and passionate pastors for our churches in Camden, DE; Carmel, NY; Clinton Corners, NY; Toms River, NJ; Ephrata, PA; Walnutport, PA and be it further

Resolved, that we pray for these churches during their time of transition.

Whereas, Richard F. Bickings, Miguel A. Gonzalez, Justin L. Hunter, Stanley P. Lauterback, and Keith M. Long were ordained at the 130th BFC Conference, therefore be it

Resolved, that we praise God for raising up gifted and passionate men for the ministry of the Gospel, and that we be steadfast in prayer for them and the churches they serve.

Whereas, the congregation of Grace Fellowship Church, Steelton, PA, has labored joyfully with much endurance in establishing a healthy and dynamic Church of Christ, be it

Resolved, that we continue to celebrate with them the faithfulness of Jesus Christ in building His Church, pursue deeper unity and fellowship with them, and uphold in our own Churches their example of commitment to the call of Christ’s kingdom.

Whereas, our missionary families and some of our mission Churches are laboring faithfully while separated from the close fellowship we enjoy as Churches at home, be it

Resolved, that we pray consistently for Christ’s Spirit to supply them with deep strength and encouragement and that we renew our commitment to maintain the bonds of unity and fellowship in our shared endeavors.

Whereas, Robert A. Sloan, Jr., David A. Thomann, Ronald C. Mahurin, Robert T. Evans, and Carl C. Cassel have refreshed and challenged the Conference in examining our vision as a denomination, be it

Resolved, that we give thanks to the Lord for His Spirit-filled ministry among us, and be it further

Resolved, that we strive, through the enablement of the Holy Spirit, to maintain and pursue healthy churches for the advancement of the Gospel and the glory of our God.

Whereas, the Boards, Departments, Committees and Study Committees of the BFC have served with diligence during this past year, and

Whereas, they have reported faithfully to the 130th BFC Conference, therefore be it

Resolved, that we thank the Lord for their faithful service and ask God to give them strength and guidance for the coming year.

Whereas, Ronald C. Mahurin has modeled for us great care and diligence in the face of serious affliction and is pressing on in the work assigned to him, be it

Resolved, that we pray to the God of all life and comfort to sustain him in his work and lead him in deeper appreciation and effectiveness in proclaiming Christ’s own sufferings on our behalf.

Whereas, Aaron J. Susek has willingly served the 130th BFC Conference as Worship Leader along with several others, be it

Resolved, that we give thanks to the Lord for endowing His Church with gifted musicians and for aiding our expressions of adoration, confession, and faith at this Conference through their efforts.

Whereas, the staff and volunteers of Pinebrook Bible Conference, along with wives and family members of our pastors and delegates, have cheerfully and sacrificially served the members of the 130th BFC Conference, therefore be it

Resolved, that we extend our earnest gratitude for their wonderful ministry to those attending the 130th BFC Conference.

Whereas, the Executive Board has worked commendably and with much personal sacrifice in the performance of their duties, and

Whereas, David T. Allen has served faithfully and diligently as Executive Director of the Bible Fellowship Church, be it

Resolved, that we give thanks to God for equipping these men to lead and extend appreciation to our brothers for their love of our Churches, their exciting vision for our growth, and their joy-filled leadership among us.

Whereas, the 130th Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church has approved the vision points of the BFC 20/20 Vision, therefore be it

Resolved, that we as one unified body rejoice in being the embodiment of David Brainerd’s words: “Oh, how sweet it is to be spent and worn out for God,” being always mindful that “neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow” (1 Cor. 3:7).

Whereas, the BFC Conference Secretary, Ronald L. Kohl, his Assistant, David E. Brandt, and Assistants to the Secretary, Donald E. Kuntzman and Timothy J. Schmoyer, have served willingly and faithfully, therefore be it

Resolved, that we thank the Lord for their service during our proceedings, and be it further

Resolved, that each be given $50 for his labors.

Whereas, Head Page, Daniel L. Williams, and Pages Lyle M. Sweet, Joel B. Klase, R. Daniel Wagner, Beau E. Coffman, Joshua P. Gibson, Jacob Grogan, W. Scott Kappes, Stephen J. Morton, Benjamin A. Armstrong, and Jules Hull have diligently and joyfully served the 130th BFC Conference, enabling it to function well, therefore be it

Resolved, that we express our appreciation for their service and fellowship with a round of applause.

Whereas, Randall A. Grossman has served outstandingly as Moderator of the 130th BFC Conference, therefore be it

Resolved, that the members of the BFC Conference show their appreciation for Brother Grossman with a standing ovation.

Whereas, on the basis of the reports, testimonies, and proceedings of this 130th Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church, we believe that Christ’s Spirit is actively advancing His cause in and through us,

Resolved, that we, press on in the challenging work before us with joy and humility, and be it further

Resolved, that we continue to encourage one another, building up the saints in faith, hope and love, as we see His great day approaching.

The following were appointed by the Moderator:

Registrar: Davis E. Duggins.

Assistant Registrar: Timothy J. Bertolet.

Committee on Agenda and Program: Ronald L. Kohl (Chairman); David T. Allen, Thomas P. Shorb, Randall A. Grossman, William G. Schlonecker.

Committee on Arrangements: Ronald L. Kohl (Chairman); David T. Allen, Thomas P. Shorb, Randall A. Grossman, William G. Schlonecker.

Committee on Statistics: Carl K. Spackman (Chairman); Richard T. Paashaus, Byron Widger, David N. Schoen, Clyde W. Snyder, Jason L. Hoy, Ronald E. Miller, John W. Sullivan.

Committee on Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches: Ralph M. Soper (Chairman), Kevin W. Kirkpatrick, Mark R. Orton, David J. Peters, Allen R. Vivona, Howard N. Wells.

It was announced that the Secretary of the Conference Judicatory is Gregory A. Uhrich and the Secretary of the Special Appellate Judicatory is Hans R. Waldvogel.

Resolved, that we adjourn.

The 130th BFC Conference was adjourned at 5:20 P.M. Vice-Moderator Clifford B. Boone closed the proceedings in prayer.

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