2020 Annual Conference Minutes

Annual Conference Proceedings – 2020

Monday, April 27, 2020 – Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 2020 Yearbook

First Meeting

Tuesday, October 6, 2020, 9:30 A.M.

            Conference Moderator Timothy J. Schmoyer called the 137th BFC Conference to order in Pinebrook’s Fellowship Hall at 9:30 A.M. by introducing BFC Executive Director David T. Allen for a number of introductory remarks. Allen noted God’s sovereignty in the timing and actions that have led to this Conference, which was originally scheduled for April 27-29. “We submit to His dealings with us and we accept His decisions,” he explained. “May we be found worthy of His name in all of our deliberations.”

            “We come in person and through digital means…to provide collaborative leadership for the Bible Fellowship Church,” Allen said, noting that some of the attending pastors and delegates did so, for the first time, via their computers.

            After opening Conference in prayer, the Moderator welcomed all who participated in the deliberations, both in person at Pinebrook and via social media. He explained a number of differences between this year’s Conference and “normal” years, then ran attendees through voting procedures through a test ballot on their phones.

Resolved, that the roll of eligible members constitute the Conference Bar for the 137th BFC Conference.

The roll of eligible members of the 137th BFC Conference was established as follows:

Allentown, PA (Cedar Crest)             Jonathan H. King, John R. LoRusso, Christopher M. Von Holt (Probationer), William J. Walters, Rick D. Whitmire, Timothy J. Moyer

Bethlehem, PA                                    Timothy D. Gibson, Richard F. Bickings, Philip G. Norris,

                                                            Byron Roth

Blandon, PA                                       Daniel L. Williams, R. Jerry Brush, Glenn McCaskey

Camden, DE                                       Daniel R. Wagner, Albert F. Biddle

Carmel, NY                                        Joseph Waldvogel (Probationer), Hans R. Waldvogel

Clinton Corners, NY                          David R. Way, Wayne M. Chadwell

Colebrookdale, PA                             Barry T. Parsons (Probationer), Andrew Vasel

Coopersburg, PA                                David J. Peters, Richard T. Paashaus, Timothy S. Hogan,

                                                            Robert A. Moreau, Stephen C. Cassel

Dauphin, PA                                       Mark E. Barninger, Dennis Souder

Denville, NJ                                        Richard D. Harris, John H. Crouch

Emmaus, PA                                       David A. Smith, David N. Schoen, Jared Burkholder (Probationer), Larry Davies (Probationer) Alan H. Russell

Ephrata, PA                                        Jason L. Hoy, Daniel Krall, William F. Early

Exeter, PA                                          (Vacant), David Rhoads

Finesville, NJ                                      Byron Widger, Michael P. Emmerick

Fogelsville, PA (Orchard Hills)*        Benjamin J. Triestman

Graterford, PA                                                Mark R. Orton, Rodger E. Spangler

Harleysville, PA                                 Andrew T. Crossgrove, Michael W. Walker, Robert James

Harrisburg, PA                                    Joshua P. Miller, Steven J. DelDuco, Richard Pressner

Hatfield, PA                                        Joel B. Klase, Richard L. Granberry

Hellertown, PA                                   Keith A. Strunk, Kevin M. Sine

Brick, NJ (formerly Howell)              L. Marc Sweet, Brian L. Michlich

Kutztown, PA                                     Ezekiel R. Mack, Nickolas T. Tempe

LaGrangeville, PA                              Dennis W. Spinney, John C. Vandegriff, Charles Webb

Lancaster, PA                                     David A. Thomann, Keith M. Long, Robert L. Yinger,

                                                            James R. Knapp, William C. Verdon II (Probationer)

Las Cruces, NM                                  David M. Poland (Probationer), Dan Dunwell

Lebanon, PA                                       Calvin T. Reed, David E. Brandt, Jarrod J. Cruise, Jack S.


Lehighton, PA                                    Robert A. Johnson II, Richard M. Gross II

Long Neck, DE                                   Andrew W. Barnes, Tom Lioy

Maple Glen, PA                                  Louis Prontnicki, Mark W. Sanders

Merida, MEXICO                              Marcos G. Ramirez, Freddy A. Chi, Edgar Navarro

Mt. Carmel, PA                                  Roger L. Siegrist (Probationer), James P. Ketner

Mt. Pocono, PA                                  (Vacant), Ronald E. Miller

Nazareth, PA                                      Carl J. Fischer, John B. Wilson

Newark, DE                                        William G. Schlonecker, Stephen J. Morton, Daniel W. King, Andrew R. Hebel, Kenneth J. Klein, Ronald L. Bove

Newark, NJ                                         Ron Burgess, Milton R. Hinton

Oley, PA                                             Scott Allison (Probationer), James D. MacArthur (Probationer), William Ryan, Jeff Keller, Todd Heath

Paradise, PA                                       Jesse A. Benack, Bruce Zubrick

Philadelphia, PA                                 Ralph E. Ritter, Joseph P. Specht, Jr.

Piscataway, NJ                                    Dennis M. Cahill, Richard B. Ravis, Jay R. Vroman

Quakertown, PA                                 Ronald L. Kohl, Timothy S. Radcliff, Mark S. Matson

Reading, PA                                        Randall A. Grossman, Nathaniel C. LeTowt (Probationer)

                                                            Ronald W. Reed

Reading, PA (La Roca)                       Carlos G. Rodriguez, William Lopez

Red Hill, PA                                       James Arcieri, Rob Vaughn

Royersford, PA                                   Ronald C. Erb, Michael W. Gangwer

Shamokin, PA                                     Ferdie R. Madara, Russell Burd

Sinking Spring, PA                             S. Wayne Rissmiller, Gregory W. Carder, Isaias Vega

                                                            Donald D. McKinney, John R. Weller, John Yoder II

Spring City, PA                                  Jeffrey A. Kauffman (Probationer), Sean P. McNamara

Steelton, PA                                        Jayonn C. Folks, Ed B. Suthers

Stroudsburg, PA                                 Beau E. Coffman, Mark A. Shaeffer

Sunbury, PA                                       Joshua P. Gibson, Jules J. Hull (Probationer), Doug A.


Terre Hill, PA                                     Kevin W. Kirkpatrick, Andrew S. Littlejohn

Townsend, DE                                                Ronald B. Smith, Dave Graham

Wallingford, PA                                 Aaron J. Susek, Mark A. Bickel, Timothy S. Cowen, Robert T. Evans

Walnutport, PA (Northern Lehigh)    Aaron D. Smith, Jason P. Musselman

Whitehall, PA (Bethany)                    Timothy J. Schmoyer, Philip E. Yerrington, Mark Hargrove

W. Norriton, PA (Redeemer)*            R. Scott Wright, Rodger Eastman

Woodbury Heights, NJ                       Timothy R. Nessler, Harry Nessler

York, PA                                             Wesley H. Bunting (Probationer), Kenneth L. Good

Zionsville, PA                                     Bryan C. McNally, Andrew J. Schmersahl

*Pending reception as a Particular Church

Ordained Ministers Serving in Bible Fellowship Ministries:

David T. Allen, BFC Executive Director; Raymond R. Bertolet, Church Extension; Brad L. Boyer, Church Extension; Stephen A. Diaz, Church Extension; Joshua P. Dupiche, Church Extension; Jason A. Filbert, Church Extension; David E. Gundrum, Church Extension; Donald E. Kuntzman, Board of Missions; Ralph M. Soper, Conference Pastor; Duane E. Moyer, Board of Missions; Elliot H. Ramos, Church Extension; James D. Reff, Church Extension; John J. Hanner (Probationer), Church Extension; Mark L. Morrison, Church Extension

Ordained Missionaries:

Daniel P. Allen, Scott B. Evans, Larry Davies, James D. Head, D.H., Daniel Istrate, Walter M. Johnson, Philip E. Morrison, Jerry L. Moyer, David W. Riddell, Mark A. Scott, John C. Studenroth

Ordained Ministers Working in the Chaplaincy Under the Sponsorship of the BFC:

Richard A. Moyer, Jeffrey L. Ruhl, Jacob J. Susek, Jr.

Ordained Ministers Working in Other Christian Ministries:

Clyde D. Bomgardner Jr., Jordan K. Eyster, Michael J. Tannous

Ordained Ministers in Retirement:

William C. Aukamp, Delbert R. Baker II, T. James Bigley, Jr., Leonard E. Buck, Carl C. Cassel, G. Wayne Clapier, Charles E. Cole, Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr., Richard C. Dodson, Raymond R. Dotts, Richard J. Gehman, LeRoy S. Heller, Frank L. Herb, Jr., John H. Herb, Roy A. Hertzog, Ronald W. Hoyle, David H. Jones, W. Scott Kappes, Francis E. Lenahan, Ronald C. Mahurin, David L. Manney, Keith E. Plows, Roger L. Reitz, David K. Schlonecker, Austin G. Shelly, Thomas P. Shorb, Robert A. Sloan, Gene W. Smith, Carl K. Spackman, Dean A. Stortz, Richard E. Taylor, David A. Thomann, Gregory A. Uhrich, Harold C. Weaber, Dana E. Weller, Paul G. Zimmerman

Ordained Ministers Between Calls:

Jason W. Blair, Stanley P. Lauterback, Thomas H. Morrison, Eric R. North, Colby A. Weinhofer

Ordained Ministers on a Leave of Absence:

Albert J. Dommel, Andrew T. Gysi

Additional Lay Members of the BFC Executive Board:

John W. Sullivan, L. James Roberts, Charles A. Lavigna

Zoom Webinar Registrants (137th BFC Conference):

On account of the COVID-19 pandemic, participants were allowed to attend the 137th BFC Conference “virtually” through a Zoom Webinar format.  The following individuals registered—and therefore are presumed to have attended, if not in person—electronically:

Larry W. Davies, Carl J. Fischer Jr., Richard E. Taylor, Nick Timpe, David R. Way, David Poland, Louis Prontnicki, Andrew T. Crossgrove, Dennis W. Spinney, Michael W. Walker, Ronald Miller, Wayne Chadwell, Andrew W. Barnes, James Ketner, Raymond R. Bertolet, Joseph Specht, Gregory Carter, Kenneth Good, Jason L. Hoy, R. Daniel Wagner, Keith M. Long, Jeremy L. Harkins, Jules J. Hull, Joshua P. Gibson, Joshua P. Miller, John J. Hanner, Thomas Ward, Calvin T. Reed, Howard N. Wells, James Knapp, Mark Hargrove, Benjamin J. Triestman, Richard Granberry, Jesse Benack, James MacArthur, Byron Roth, Sean McNamara, Joshua A. Dupiche, John W. Sullivan, Walter M. Johnston, Scott Simmons, Mark R. Orton, Daniel Istrate, Timothy M. Zuck, Duane E. Moyer, Ron Burgess, Mark A. Bickel, Timothy S. Cowen, S. Wayne Rissmiller, Aaron D. Smith, Jason Musselman, John Yoder II, Marcos G. Ramirez, Ronald B. Smith, Carl T. Martin, Philip E. Morrison, John C. Studenroth, Stephen A. Diaz, Thomas P. Shorb, Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr., Dean A. Stortz, Glenn McCaskey, Delbert R. Baker, Philip D. Yerrington, William Lopez, Stephen Cassel, Michael Emrick, Robert A. Moreau, Brad L. Boyer, David J. Peters, John Weller, Donald McKinney, Dana E. Weller, Jim D. Head, Jason A. Filbert, Jordan K. Eyster.

Report of the Committee on Agenda and Arrangements: (see page)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Resolved, that the modified agenda for the 137th BFC Conference be accepted and serve as the guide for our deliberations, and further

Resolved, that the Registrar be authorized to seat alternate delegates when necessary during the Conference and report them to Conference in his report at the conclusion of Conference.

Resolved, that the 138th BFC Conference be held at Pinebrook April 26-28, 2021.

Resolved, that committee reports for the 138th BFC Conference be sent in digital format to the BFC Conference Secretary by February 15, 2021 at sportspastor33@gmail.com.

            The following appointments were made by either the Conference Moderator or the Committee on Agenda and Arrangements:

Registrar: Daniel L. Williams.  

Assistant Registrar: Joel B. Klase.

Overseer of the Pages: Nathaniel C. LeTowt.

Head Page: Benjamin J. Armstrong.

Head Teller: Donald E. Kuntzman

Examination of BFC Conference Minutes (137th): Daniel P. Allen, Chairman; Philip G. Norris, Richard E. Taylor.

Timekeeper: Mark L. Morrison

Parliamentarian: William G. Schlonecker.

Resolved, that the appointments be ratified.

Conference Secretary Ronald L. Kohl made the following appointments:

Assistant Secretary: Bryan C. McNally.

Assistants to the Secretary: David E. Brandt, Donald E. Kuntzman.

Jarrod J. Cruise also assisted with social media.

Resolved, that the appointments be ratified.

Report of the Committee on Examination of 136th BFC Conference Minutes: (see page)

Resolved, that the report be adopted.

The Conference Secretary made the following recommendation:

Resolved, that all minutes of all sessions of the 136th BFC Conference be approved.

Report of the Nominating Committee:

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Steven J. DelDuco prayed for the following elections.

The following were elected:

BFC Executive Board:

            Ronald L. Kohl (3 years)

            Randall A. Grossman (3 years)

            Charles A. Lavigna (3 years)

            John W. Sullivan (3 years)

Committee on Nominations:

            Ann Sloan (3 years)

Conference Judicatory:

            Rodney P. Plows (3 years)

            Glenn McCaskey (3 years)

Special Appellate Judicatory

            Robert A. Moreau (3 years)

Officers for 138th BFC Conference

            Secretary: Ronald L. Kohl (1 year)

Following the morning break, Conference Host Chad Strausbaugh, Pinebrook Bible Conference’s Site Director, greeted Conference, expressing his thanks and gratitude for the opportunity to serve the Bible Fellowship Church by hosting Conference in these unique circumstances. “We have the desire to keep moving forward, to keep pointing people towards Christ, and to find the best and safest ways to do so.”

Strausbaugh emphasized the importance of waiting in decision-making, noting that the decision to allow three weeks of Summer Conference was a blessing for all who attended. “I am thrilled that we waited and had the summer that we had, and that we had the BFC here for three weeks of Conference,” he said. “Lives were changed. The gospel went forward.”

Robert A. Sloan, Jr. provided a short report in his capacity as a member of the Franconia Mennonite Camping Association Board of Directors. He expressed the blessing that selling Pinebrook to Spruce Lake has been. “They meant what they said. They really do want us as a partner, not just as a customer,” he said. “Everything (Spruce Lake Executive Director) Mark (Swartley) said in the beginning was true…They truly value the relationship they have with us.”

Consideration of a Request from the Board of Elders of New Life BFC, Oley: (see page)

Scott Allison, New Life’s senior pastor who was attending Conference for the first time, brought the following request to Conference’s attention while explaining the circumstances that caused New Life’s elders to present it for Conference’s consideration.

Whereas, on June 15, 2020, the Supreme Court of the United States issued a ruling in the case captioned Bostock v. Clayton County, 140 S. Ct. 1731 (2020), and in that case held as a matter of first impression that sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression are now protected classes entitling individuals within those classes to protection against discrimination in the workplace under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of the 1964 United States Code, and

Whereas, we believe our churches are increasingly more likely to be ministering to individuals struggling with gender dysphoria and other sexual dysfunction who may desire to be part of the groups of their gender identification; e.g., a teenage boy identifying as teenage girl insists on staying in the girls dorm at Sno-Glo, or an elementary school age girl who is encouraged at home or at school in her sincere belief that she is a boy insists on participating in church activities as a boy, or a man who believes he is a woman insists on using the women’s bathroom, or an employee who suddenly proclaims that he, while born a biological male, has discovered that he is a woman, will be dressing as a woman, and will be using the women’s bathroom, and

Whereas, we have been advised by legal counsel of the benefit of having our written statement of faith explicitly address matters of human sexuality as a means of demonstrating support for decisions we as associated church leadership may be called to make, whether in the context of employment, services, or facilities use, and

Whereas, New Life Bible Fellowship Church Pastors Scott Allison and Jim MacArthur, and member and Attorney James M. Smith reviewed the current BFC’s Articles of Faith and Biblical Principals of Living to consider whether the language contained sufficiently details the BFC’s theological position on matters of human sexuality and found it to be wanting, and

Whereas, the Elder Board of New Life Bible Fellowship Church desires to clarify our beliefs on human sexuality as set forth in our written Statement of Faith and simultaneously provide a legally-defensible guideline for decisions by leadership of churches and affiliated ministries across the fellowship consistent with it that maybe called to make in accordance with it in a variety of contexts, and

Whereas, the Elders recognize that the law and social constructs that have a direct impact on the church and its freedom to minister according to its calling are changing at a seemingly exponential rate and believe that this is by the design of the Evil One, therefore be it

Resolved, that the 137th BFC Conference form a committee which would include elders, pastors, laypersons, and legal counsel specializing in these types of issues who will be tasked with reviewing the BFC’s governing documents, proposing revisions that will support our effective ministry of the Gospel unhindered by spurious legal constraints or impediments, so as to strengthen our legal defense under the law in all matters, including human sexuality, and further

Resolved, that any recommended revisions to the BFC’s procedural rules allow for the changes to be adopted temporarily pending full review on issues until such time as our longer process can be followed.

Resolved, that the request be received.

Whereas, Conference has heard the request from the Oley elders and recognizes the time urgency of what is being presented in it, therefore be it

Resolved, that the following serve as part of the answer to the Oley request:

The Bible Fellowship Church understands “man” and “woman” to refer to biological sex assigned by God in the womb. The Biblical Principles for Living reflect portions of our core religious beliefs on human sexuality.

The existing Study Committee on Examination of the BPL on Human Sexuality will include the request from the Oley elders in its ongoing work.

Legislation to be considered at Second Reading

Resolved, the deletion of Article 512-4 of the Principles of Order of the BFC Faith & Order, Board of Pinebrook Bible Conference (See 2019 Yearbook, p. 23).


Yes – 141; No – 0.

Resolved, the adoption of Article 511-1.7 (5), the BFC Life Committee (See 2019 Yearbook, pp. 23-24).


Yes – 140; No – 0.

Resolved, the replacement of Article 511-1.7(2) of the Principles of Order of the BFC Faith & Order, Christian Education Committee, with BFC Education and Training Committee (See 2019 Yearbook, pp. 25-26)


Yes – 141; No – 1.

 Resolved, the removal of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 511-1.7(3) Composition and Election of the Youth and Young Adults Committee, and subsequent renumbering of other requirements of Article 511-1.7(3) (See 2019 Yearbook, p. 26).


Yes – 140; No -0.

Resolved, to Article 511-4.6, Equivalency Training Program – the addition of a new duty as 511-4.3(6), with subsequent numbers in 511-4.3 altered accordingly (see 2019 Yearbook, pp. 27-28).


Yes – 137; No – 5.

Resolved, the adoption of changes to Article 511-4.2, Ministerial Candidate Committee, Composition and Election, (1) and (2) (See 2019 Yearbook, pp. 28-29):


Yes – 143; No – 0.

The following were elected:

Ministerial Credentials Committee:

            Dana E. Weller (3 years)

            Wayne S. Rissmiller (3 years)

Ministerial Relations Committee:

            Byron Widger (3 years)

            Timothy J. Schmoyer (3 years)

            Glendon R. LeSuer, Jr. (3 years)

Committee on Nominations:

            Joshua P. Gibson (3 years)

            Timothy S. Hogan (3 years)

Committee on Church Health:

            Jason L. Hoy (3 years)

            Beau E. Coffman (3 years)

            Aaron D. Smith (3 years)

Conference Judicatory:          

Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr. (3 years)

            Donald E. Kuntzman (3 years)

Special Appellate Judicatory:

            Calvin T. Reed (3 years)

Officers of the 138th BFC Conference


            Timothy J. Schmoyer (1 year)

Report of the Ministerial Convention Committee: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Beneficiary Society: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Committee on Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

The following were elected:

Ministerial Candidate Committee

                        Richard E. Taylor (3 years)

                        Joshua P. Miller (3 years)

                        Timothy D. Gibson (3 years)

Officers of BFC Conference:


                        Steven J. DelDuco (1 year)

Conference adjourned for lunch at 12 p.m. as the Conference Moderator prayed for the meal and accompanying fellowship.

Second Meeting

Tuesday, October 6, 2020, 1 P.M.

The Moderator called the afternoon session to order at 1:05 p.m. Kevin W. Kirkpatrick prayed and Ezekiel R. Mack provided an update on his ministry as a military chaplain, having recently returned from active deployment.

Report of the BFC Executive Board: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Bible Fellowship Church Executive Director David T. Allen provided a brief review of the BFC Executive Board report, opening by discussing how we as a denomination dealt with the current COVID-19 crisis. “Early on, we had no idea of the extent of the pandemic,” Allen said, noting that the BFC Executive Board made the decision to free individual congregations to act responsibly. “You are best at deciding what to do in your own particular situation.”

Circumstances, he added, supply churches with newfound opportunities to conduct ministry. “We’ve never had this opportunity to do things fresh and new like we do now.”

The Executive Director provided a thumbnail sketch of the Executive Board’s dealings since the last BFC Conference. Stephen J. Kauffman, a member of the Executive Board since its inception, was called home to glory in June, 2019. The Executive Board approved Byron Roth to join its ranks.

            Allen reviewed the BFC’s financial statements and presented both a revised budget for 2020 and a proposed budget for 2021.

Resolved, that the 2020 revised BFC Executive Board budget be adopted by the 137th BFC Conference. (see page)

Resolved, that an assessment rate of two (2.0) percent be adopted by the 137th BFC Conference for 2021 (based on assessable receipts from 2019).

Resolved, that the 2021 proposed Executive Board budget be adopted by the 137th BFC Conference. (see page)

The Executive Board recommended the following resolutions to the 137th BFC Conference:

Whereas, the MRF annuity rate for 2020 was $221 per year of service, and

Whereas, cost-of-living adjustments no longer apply to MRF payments, be it

Resolved, that the MRF annuity rate for calendar year 2021 be $221 per year of service.

Resolution Relating to Rental/Housing Allowances for Retired or Disabled Ministers of this Conference for Calendar Year 2021:

Whereas, the religious denomination known as The Bible Fellowship Church has, and functions through, Ministers of the Gospel who are duly ordained or licensed, and

Whereas, the practice of The Bible Fellowship Church is to provide a parsonage or a rental allowance as part of the gross compensation for each of its active ordained or licensed ministers, and

Whereas, pensions paid to retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers of The Bible Fellowship Church are considered as deferred compensation and are paid to said retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers in consideration of previous, active service, and

Whereas, the Internal Revenue Service has recognized that The Bible Fellowship Church is the appropriate organization to designate a housing/rental allowance for retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers who are members of this Conference, therefore, be it


1.  An amount equal to 100% of the pension payments received during the year of 2021 be and is hereby designated as a rental/housing allowance for each retired and disabled ordained or licensed minister of The Bible Fellowship Church who is or was a member of the Bible Fellowship Church Minister’s Retirement Fund.

2. This rental/housing allowance shall apply to each retired and disabled ordained or licensed minister who has been granted the retired relationship or placed on disability leave by the BFC Conference and whose name and relationship to the conference is recorded in the Yearbook of BFC Conference and in other appropriate records maintained by the conference.

3. The pension payment to which this rental/housing allowance applies shall be the pension payment resulting from all service of such retired or disabled ordained or licensed minister from all employment by any local church, BFC Conference or institution of The Bible Fellowship Church or of any former denomination that is now a part of The Bible Fellowship Church, or from any other employer who employed the minister to perform services related to the ministry and who elected to make contributions to the pension funds of The Bible Fellowship Church for such retired minister’s pension.

Note: The rental/housing allowance which may be excluded from a minister’s gross income is limited to the lesser of (1) the amount of the rental/housing allowance designated by the minister’s employer or other appropriate body, (2) the amount actually expended by the minister to provide his housing, or (3) the legally-determined fair rental value of the parsonage or other housing provided.  As specified in Rev. Rul. 71-290 C.B. 92, “the only amount that will qualify for exclusion under section 107(2) of the Code as a ‘rental allowance’ is an amount equal to the fair rental value of the home, including furnishings and appurtenances such as a garage, plus the cost of utilities.”

The Bible Fellowship Church Executive Board has recognized that credentialed BFC pastors who were not members of the MRF at the time when the MRF was closed, but still receive pension benefits that were paid by their church into a 403(b) Retirement Plan, should be able to receive the same recognition as those who receive pension benefits under the MRF. 

Whereas, the religious denomination known as The Bible Fellowship Church has, and functions through, Ministers of the Gospel who are duly ordained or licensed, and    

Whereas, the practice of The Bible Fellowship Church is to provide a parsonage or a rental allowance as part of the gross compensation for each of its active ordained or licensed ministers, and

Whereas, contributions paid to an authorized 403(b) plan for the benefit of retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers of The Bible Fellowship Church are considered as deferred compensation and are paid to said retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers in consideration of previous, active service, and

Whereas, the Internal Revenue Service has recognized that The Bible Fellowship Church is the appropriate organization to designate a housing/rental allowance for retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers who are members of this Conference, therefore, be it


1.  An amount equal to 100% of the proceeds drawn from a 403(b) plan during the year of 2021 be and is hereby designated as a rental/housing allowance for each retired and disabled ordained or licensed minister of The Bible Fellowship Church who is or was a member of the Bible Fellowship Church.

2. This rental/housing allowance shall apply to each retired and disabled ordained or licensed minister who has been granted the retired relationship or placed on disability leave by the BFC Conference and whose name and relationship to the conference is recorded in the Yearbook of BFC Conference and in other appropriate records maintained by the conference.

3. The pension payment to which this rental/housing allowance applies shall be considered the pension payment resulting from all service of such retired or disabled ordained or licensed minister from all employment by any local church, BFC Conference or institution of The Bible Fellowship Church or of any former denomination that is now a part of The Bible Fellowship Church, or from any other employer who employed the minister to perform services related to the ministry and who elected to make contributions to the pension funds of The Bible Fellowship Church for such retired minister’s pension.

Note: The rental/housing allowance which may be excluded from a minister’s gross income is limited to the lesser of (1) the amount of the rental/housing allowance designated by the minister’s employer or other appropriate body, (2) the amount actually expended by the minister to provide his housing, or (3) the legally-determined fair rental value of the parsonage or other housing provided.  As specified in Rev. Rul. 71-290 C.B. 92, “the only amount that will qualify for exclusion under section 107(2) of the Code as a ‘rental allowance’ is an amount equal to the fair rental value of the home, including furnishings and appurtenances such as a garage, plus the cost of utilities.”

The Executive Board brings the following legislation for adoption at First Reading at the 137th BFC Conference:

402-1.1 Pastoral Relations Committee. The Board of Elders of every church shall designate a Pastoral Relations Committee composed of lay elders.


Yes – 132; No – 1.

Because the Christian Education Committee no longer exists, we propose the following adjustments to Article 406-3, Youth Organizations:

Article 406-3.5 – Resolved, that we delete the final sentence, which reads, “The Board of Christian Education offers to serve as a consultant for any Particular Church formulating a Youth Fellowship Constitution.”

            [FIRST READING]

            Yes – 132; No – 0.

            Article 406-3.6 and Article 406-3.7 – Resolved, that we delete these because they deal, in their entirety, with the Board of Christian Education.

            [FIRST READING]

            Yes – 132; No – 0.

            Article 407-3, Offerings – Article 407-3 (1), Resolved, that we replace “Board of Christian Education” with “BFC Training and Educational Committee.”

            [FIRST READING]

            Yes – 132; No – 1.

            Article 407-3 (5) – Resolved, that we change “Pinebrook Bible Conference” to “BFC Life Committee.”

            [FIRST READING]

            Yes – 133; No – 0.

            Article 407-5 – Resolved, that we delete “duly elected” and “alternate delegates” so it now reads, “Each church shall inform the Registrar of BFC Conference of the names of the BFC Conference delegate(s) by way of the BFC Conference Registration Form.”

            [FIRST READING]

            Yes – 131; No – 2.

            The following two minor adjustments simply represent actual practice in Article 409, Pastoral Change Procedure:

            Article 409-1.11 – Resolved, that we change the fifth sentence from “We will also pay you a sum equivalent to your self-employment tax (FICA)” to “We will also pay you a sum equivalent to at least one-half of your self-employment tax (FICA/SECA).”

            [FIRST READING]

            Yes – 133; No – 0.

            Article 409-1.12 – Resolved, that we change formal statement in fourth sentence from “We also will pay you a sum equivalent to your self-employment tax (FICA)” to “We also will pay you a sum equivalent to at least one half of your self-employment tax (FICA/SECA).”

            [FIRST READING]

            Yes – 133; No – 0.

            Article 512, Board of Missions

            512-3.4, Duties of the Board Officers – Resolved, that we change first sentence of 512-3.4 (3) so it reads, “He shall be responsible under the supervision of the Executive Board for the development of vision, strategy, and mobilization for world evangelization among Bible Fellowship Churches…”

            [FIRST READING]

            Yes – 127; No – 4; Abstentions: 2.

            Robert A. Sloan, Jr., President of the Executive Board, provided a verbal response to the assignment the Executive Board received at the 136th BFC Conference relative to the request brought to it from the Board of Elders of Lebanon Bible Fellowship Church. While the full response is listed in the Executive Board report, the Executive Board drew the following conclusions, which were approved by Conference and constitute our response to the request from the Lebanon BFC Board of Elders.

Resolved, that the Executive Board looks with favor on the desire of Lebanon Bible Fellowship Church to establish a daughter church or churches in a foreign country, and further,

Resolved, that Lebanon Bible Fellowship Church be encouraged to proceed in developing its plans for such an undertaking under the advisement of the Executive Board and its departments, and further,

Resolved, that the Executive Board report to the 138th BFC Conference any specific recommendations for managing any strategy the Executive Board may, after consultation with other BFC departments, believe to be necessary for extending the Bible Fellowship Church in foreign countries.

Report of the Church Health Committee: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Ministerial Candidate Committee: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Resolved, that the list of men under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee be approved.

Report of the Ministerial Relations Committee: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Conference Pastor: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Randall A. Grossman prayed for the blessings to be provided through the receiving of an offering for the Darlene J. Mahurin Memorial Fund.

Report of the Ministerial Credentials Committee: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Whereas, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended ordination for Jarrod J. Cruise, Larry W. Davies, Sean A. Fox, John J. Hanner, Paul S. Harvey, Jules J. Hull III, Daniel Z. Krall, and Roger L. Siegrist, and has recommended Jesse A. Benack, Jeffrey A. Kauffman, Daniel W. King, and David M. Poland for recognition of previous ordination, and

            Whereas, these brethren have served acceptably as ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church for the required period of time or the equivalent thereof, and

            Whereas, after examination, the Ministerial Credentials Committee believes these men to be called of God to the gospel ministry and to be in accord with the Faith & Order of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it

            Resolved, that Jarrod J. Cruise, Larry W. Davies, Sean A. Fox, John J. Hanner, Paul S. Harvey, Jules J. Hull III, Daniel Z. Krall, and Roger L. Siegrist be ordained to the gospel ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church, and further

            Resolved, that Jesse A. Benack, Jeffrey A. Kauffman, Daniel W. King, and David M. Poland be recommended for recognition of previous ordination.

            Resolved, that an Ordination Service be held at the 138th BFC Conference.

            Resolved, that Lebanon BFC, Lebanon, PA; Bethel BFC, Emmaus, PA; Calvary BFC, Sinking Spring, PA; the Bible Fellowship Church of Adams County, Gettysburg, PA; Calvary BFC, Sinking Spring, PA;  Emmanuel BFC, Sunbury, PA; Ephrata BFC, Ephrata, PA; and Bethany BFC, Mt. Carmel, PA be encouraged to have a service in recognition of the ordinations of Jarrod J. Cruise, Larry W. Davies, Sean A. Fox, John J. Hanner, Paul S. Harvey, Jules J. Hull III, Daniel Z. Krall and Roger L. Siegrist, respectively, and that Paradise BFC, Paradise, PA; Faith BFC, Spring City, PA; the Bible Fellowship Church of Newark, Newark, DE.; and Grace Bible Church, Las Cruces, NM be encouraged to have a service in recognition of previous ordination for Jesse A. Benack, Jeffrey A. Kauffman, Daniel W. King and David M. Poland, respectively, and that they be encouraged to invite the Ministerial Credentials Committee to send representation to be present at the service.

Report of the Conference Judicatory: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

After Conference viewed a video on the subject of churches planting churches, church-planting pastors Scott Wright (Redeemer BFC, West Norriton Twp., PA) and Benjamin J. Triestman (Orchard Hills Church, Upper Macungie, PA) offered greetings.

David E. Gundrum, Director of Church Extension Ministries, introduced the following resolution:

Whereas, the Board of Church Extension has assessed the elder candidates and has reviewed the financial reports of Upper Macungie Mission Church, PA, and Lower Providence Mission Church, PA, and

Whereas, Church Extension affirms that Upper Macungie Mission Church, PA, and Lower Providence Mission Church, PA, have sufficient men qualified to be elders, and a sufficient committed participant group who will sign as charter members, and

Whereas, the financial reports of Upper Macungie Mission Church, PA, and Lower Providence Mission Church, PA, have been reviewed, therefore be it

Resolved, that Upper Macungie Mission Church and Lower Providence Mission Church be received into the BFC Conference, and be recognized as Particular Churches.

The motion to receive Orchard Hills Church and Redeemer Church as new particular churches passed unanimously, and Conference responded with hearty applause.

Report of the Registrar:

1. The following delegate requested to be excused from part or all of the 137th BFC Conference:

Harry Nessler

2. The following licensed and ordained pastors/missionaries requested to be excused from part or all of the 137th BFC Conference. These requests were approved by the Ministerial Credentials Committee.

Delbert R. Baker II, Leonard E. Buck, G. Wayne Clapier, Raymond R. Dotts, Bruce A Ellingson, Richard J. Gehman, Roy A. Hertzog, Jerry L. Moyer, Eric R. North, Keith E. Plows, Timothy S. Radcliff, Roger L. Reitz, David W. Riddell, Mark Scott, Gregory A. Uhrich, David R. Way, Colby A. Weinhofer, Paul G. Zimmerman, Timothy M. Zuck

            Resolved, that these requests to be excused be granted.

3. The following licensed and ordained pastors were noted as absent without excuse.

Kevin W. Clineff

The following appointments were made by the Conference Moderator for the 138th BFC Conference:

Registrar: Joel B. Klase

Assistant Registrar: Jules J. Hull III

Committee on Agenda and Arrangements: David T. Allen, Timothy J. Schmoyer, Steven J. DelDuco, Ronald L. Kohl, Thomas P. Shorb, R. Daniel Wagner

Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches: Kevin W. Kirkpatrick, Bryan C. McNally, Mark R. Orton. Barry T. Parsons, Robert A. Sloan, Jr.

Secretary of Conference Judicatory: Clyde D. Bomgardner

Secretary of Special Appellate Judicatory: Randall A. Grossman

Resolved, that the appointments be ratified.

David T. Allen adjourned the 137th BFC Conference with prayer at 3:53 p.m.

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