2005 Report of Strategic Planning

Report of the Strategic Planning Committee

We, the Bible Fellowship Church,

seek to become an expanding fellowship of churches

united to make disciples of Jesus Christ.

An Action Plan for 2004

In our last Annual Report, the Strategic Planning Committee presented the Conference with a plan to begin the implementation of that Vision Statement. That plan included the following:

In the year 2004, the Strategic Planning Committee will:

• encourage each BF Church to include the adopted vision in its prayer ministry and hold special times of prayer for the development of our denomination.

• develop a focus group to facilitate resource sharing between churches in the BFC.

• in coordination with the Board of Christian Education, hold a leadership training session focused on the task of making disciples.

• in coordination with the Board of Church Extension, ask each region to submit a plan to plant a church.

• clarify the image of the BFC and, in coordination with the Board of Communications, publicize that image.

• report to the Annual Conference in April, 2005, on the accomplishment of the tasks listed in this plan.

• present a new plan for the Annual Conference in April, 2005.

Though much of our focus this year centered on the One Voice Event, the Committee took significant steps in accomplishing the tasks outlined in our 2004 Plan.

Encourage Churches to pray for the development of the denomination.

The Committee established the Fifth Sunday Prayer Initiative. Based on the phrase in our Vision Statement, “united to make disciples,” the Committee solicited specific prayer concerns for BFC agencies and distributed them to each Church. We requested that each Pastor set aside a time on that Fifth Sunday for corporate prayer for the needs of the denomination. Those requests were sent in written form and electronically in a Powerpoint presentation so that each Church could participate in corporate prayer for current needs across the denomination. This Prayer Initiative will continue through the year ahead on May 29, July 31, and October 30. All Churches are urged to set aside time in their corporate worship for this prayer focus.

Facilitate a means of resource sharing between Bible Fellowship Churches.

Plans are underway for “round table discussions” hosted by the Strategic Planning Committee in conjunction with Fellowship Community where BFC pastors will be invited to meet for lunch, discussion, fellowship, and encouragement. A sub-committee is working on these plans in conjunction with Conference Pastor Ron Mahurin. The goal of such gatherings will be to provide speakers and topics to encourage, strengthen, and enable pastors to do their work more effectively.

Hold a leadership training session focused on the task of making disciples.

On November 5-6 the BFC Board of Christian Education hosted a Pastor, Elder, Deacon Retreat at Pinebrook Bible Conference featuring Dr. Jeff Rosenau. This event was supported and encouraged by the Strategic Planning Committee and Dr. Rosenau was made aware of the Vision of the Bible Fellowship Church in his preparations. The concept of disciple-making was integrated into Dr. Rosenau’s presentation for the weekend.

Though the Retreat was reasonably successful, the Strategic Planning Committee clearly suggested to the Christian Education Committee that the PED format be reconsidered and that a more effective means of leadership development be implemented. No PED Retreat is scheduled for 2005 but the two committees will work together to develop a plan for leadership development and discipleship training.

Seek plans for regional church planting from each Region of the BFC.

Putting action to their plans, members of the Strategic Planning Committee arranged for gatherings of Pastors and Elders in each Region during the first months of 2004. Committee members met with BFC leaders from every Region to review and interact about the Vision Statement and to encourage the implementation of that statement across the denomination. Building on the significant input gleaned from those Regional gatherings, the Committee requested that each Region give consideration to developing a plan for the planting of a new church within their area. Several Regions responded positively to this challenge and some have already begun a regional church plant. We urge every Region to continue this process and present their plan to the Strategic Planning Committee in 2005.

Clarify and promote the image of the BFC.

In November, the Committee met with David Baseler, an experienced Christian businessman now on staff at Christar, to discuss the importance of image and branding for any organization. His input was excellent and is clearly applicable to our current situation.

As a follow up to that discussion, David met with representatives of the BFC boards and agencies including all of the Strategic Planning Committee and Board of Communications on March 8, 2005. In that meeting Mr. Baseler gave input to help us develop a unified image for the denomination. His input will be considered further by the Strategic Planning Committee and the Board of Communications as they work together to provide the logo and other appropriate identifying elements of image for the denomination.

Each element of the stated plan was addressed in 2004 but much of the work is not complete. In 2005 our goal will be to proceed with the steps necessary to move forward with last year’s plan.

One Voice: Celebrating Our Unity

One of our greatest joys and greatest challenges in 2004 undoubtedly was the May 22-23 “One Voice” gathering in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. An outstanding weekend of ministry was planned and presented by a sub-committee appointed by the Strategic Planning Committee. The two day event included a Banquet at Iacocca Hall featuring an excellent meal, music with “Calling Levi,” drama from Maranatha Productions, and message from Conference Pastor, Ron Mahurin. 150 people participated in the banquet. Meanwhile at Stabler Arena a youth Concert featuring “Jars of Clay,” “Daniel’s Window,” and speaker, Buster Soaries, impacted on hundreds of Bible Fellowship teens and adults. On Sunday a full day of worship and praise began with a 1:00 service with Annual Conference Chairman, Randy Grossman, followed by an afternoon and evening of outstanding music from across the BFC and challenges from the Scriptures with three of our Pastors. A full orchestra and choir filled Stabler Arena with sounds of praise. The day will long be remembered as one of God-honoring worship and celebration.

The One Voice weekend concluded with some great challenges for our fellowship of churches as well. Expenses were greater than anticipated and attendance for both ticketed events as well as open worship services was significantly lower than expected. The result was a disappointing shortfall of funds necessary to adequately cover the expenses incurred. Though contributions continued to come in after the event, the BFC Board of Directors graciously stepped forward to pay outside creditors with the understanding that the One Voice Committee and Strategic Planning Committee would seek means of paying back those funds by the 122nd Annual Conference. Churches, individuals, and agencies responded to an appeal to repay these funds. As of February 15, 2005 the total remaining debt is $13,759.77. Several Churches have pledged funds toward this debt while others have not yet responded to our appeal.

The Strategic Planning Committee recognizes that a more accurate budget should have been established and proposed to Annual Conference in advance. They and the One Voice Steering Committee take responsibility for having based their budget on projected attendance and ticket sales that did not materialize. They based those projections on BFC2000 figures and based their planning on the multiple requests after the BFC2000 event for an expanded program that would address the needs and interests of the whole family. Committee members responded to the loss with great disappointment but also with significant financial contributions toward eliminating the debt. Their work was God-honoring and accomplished with excellence and all those who participated are to be commended for their ministry.

The Strategic Planning Committee is seeking to solicit contributions from the local Churches to eliminate the remaining debt. In November a Vision Fund was established that will provide seed money for future ministries. When contributions to the One Voice fund exceed the debt, all funds will go to this Vision Fund for upcoming endeavors.

A United Approach

After a great deal of interaction with Pastors, committee members, and denominational representatives, the Strategic Planning Committee voted unanimously on a resolution that supports the establishment of centralized offices for the BFC Board of Missions, Board of Church Extension, Board of Directors, and Fellowship Community on the grounds of Fellowship Community in Whitehall, PA. Other BFC agencies and Boards will be contacted concerning the viability of their participation in such unified offices as well. The Board of Directors has confirmed that they look on such a proposal with favor. We are grateful for the gracious offer from Fellowship Community to provide space for corporate offices for the denomination and will proceed with steps toward making such offices a reality. We believe that such a move will give tangible evidence of the fact that, as our vision states, we are united as a fellowship of Churches to serve our Lord in His world.

One final note: As a step toward providing a more united image and to make communication easier, the Bible Fellowship Church can now be reached by a toll free number. Calls made to 877-795-1212 will be answered by an operator at Fellowship Community who will either direct the caller to the appropriate person, board, or committee of the BFC or simply answer questions of which they have knowledge.

Review of 2004 Objectives

1. Encourage each Bible Fellowship Church to include the adopted vision in its prayer ministry and hold special times of prayer for the development of our denomination.

The Fifth Sunday Prayer Focus has been circulated and encouraged.

2. Develop a focus group to facilitate resource sharing between churches in the Bible Fellowship Church

Plans are underway for implementation in 2005.

3. In coordination with the Board of Christian Education, hold a leadership training session focused on the task of making disciples.

Consultations were held with the Board of Christian Education regarding this year’s PED Retreat. A decision was made to suspend the retreats at this time.

4. In coordination with the Board of Church Extension, ask each region to submit a plan to plant a church. The plan shall include a potential site for a new church and a list of available resources for a church plant.

Each region was contacted. Three reported works in progress. Four reported discussion and planning regarding new churches.

5. Clarify the image of the Bible Fellowship Church and, in coordination with the Board of Communication, publicize that image.

Interaction was held between the Board of Communications and the Strategic Planning Committee. A one day seminar on how to communicate our identity was held.

Proposals for Objectives for 2005

1, Work with the Board of Communications to communicate our vision and identity through the development of a new logo.

2. Evaluate leadership needs and work with the Board of Christian Education to provide at least 3 leadership training opportunities.

3. Develop regional organizations to provide a coordinator and secretary in each region. Encourage the pastors and elders of each region to meet for fellowship and discussion of shared ministry opportunities.

4. Encourage 3 regions to begin steps to plant new churches in their region.

5. Establish a Vision Fund that will be used to develop and strengthen denominational vision for ministry.

6. Work with the Board of Directors to implement a plan to develop a central denominational administration and facility.

Strategic Planning Committee of the Bible Fellowship Church: Dana E. Weller, Chairman; Richard T. Paashaus, Secretary; Elliot H. Ramos, James MacArthur, J. Robert Vaughn, Robert H. Zentz, Richard E. Taylor

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