Pinebrook Bible Conference



NOVEMBER 2, 1991

Pinebrook Bible Conference began in the heart and vision of the late Dr. Percy Crawford. He was born in a little log cabin in Minnedosa, Manitoba, Canada on October 20, 1902. He came to experience saving grace through faith in Jesus Christ not long before his 21st birthday under the preaching of William P Nicholson one Sunday morning at the Church of the Open door in Los Angeles.

Thus began his march for Christ which led him to train and prepare for ministry at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Wheaten College, Princeton Seminary, and as one of the first students at Westminster Seminary.

During his years at Westminster Seminary in 1930 he began holding Saturday night youth rallies at the Barnes Memorial Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, which was the forerunner of nationwide Saturday night youth rallies. In 1931 his first “Young People’s Church of the Air” broadcasts were presented.

A year later he announced that he felt led to establish a Bible Conference for young people. Although some 30 different people offered him free land in various parts of the country, it was not until he saw Pinebrook Inn that he said, “This is the place”. The original purchase of the Inn and property of 30 acres was for the price of $5,000.00. So the birth of what is Pinebrook Bible Conference took place in 1932, with actual meetings beginning in1933.

On October 29, 1960 at the age of 58, Percy Crawford died while on his way to a Youth for Christ rally in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

For the next eight years Pinebrook was operated by the Crawford family and the Crawford Foundation. In 1968 Pinebrook Bible Conference began a total new era of ministry under the leadership of the Bible Fellowship Church. The following will give details of God’s sovereign leading that brought the Bible Fellowship Church to Pinebrook.

At the 80th Annual Conference held in Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church in Bethlehem, Pa. on October 14, 1963 the report of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church stated the following:

The expansion of Conference projects has brought to light the need for over-all planning to better integrate our operations and conserve our resources. The Board, recognizing this need, has undertaken this task and will in the future seek to develop, with the cooperation of other boards, a long-range plan providing for the facilities of Conference operations.(Year Book, 1963, page 96)

There were three major factors that led the Bible Fellowship Church away from the ministry of Mizpah Grove:

First, it was becoming more difficult for pastors to inspire and encourage their members to attend. It was of special concern to find that many of our lay leaders in the church were not attending Mizpah. Most of the disinterest in Mizpah did not relate to the spiritual program, but to the fact that the social environment of society did not look with favor on the sort of life-style living that was demanded at Mizpah. Also, the neighborhood where Mizpah was located had deteriorated to a point that it was becoming undesirable, and a problem of security.

Second, it was determined that a denomination of our size could more wisely use its limited resources by combining our school with a Summer camping ministry.

Third, the Allentown School District was inquiring into the possibility of purchasing the property of Mizpah in order to construct a new school building for the district, and for the use of nature trips for the students. The possibility was also mentioned that the school would condemn the property so that they could take possession.

The Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church, meeting on February 27, 1964, passed the following resolution:

Resolved: that we go on record as favoring a consolidation of our Summer Bible Conference facilities and those of Berean Bible School with a view toward seeking a site and planning for the provision of facilities that would be adequate for both. (Year Book, 1964, page 73)

Being convinced that it would be in the best interest of the ministries of Berean Bible School and of Mizpah Grove to seek a facility which could take care of both ministries at the same location, the Board of Directors in counsel with the board of Berean Bible School and Mizpah Grove began a search for available land.

Mr Irving Fretz, a Realtor in Allentown, was contacted to help us in our search for land. Jansen Hartman, President of Berean Bible School and Secretary of the Board of Directors, carried the major role in the land search. Several land tracts were researched. On track of over 600 acres was owned by Mr Earl Adams. As a result of this contact, Jansen Hartman was able to befriend Mr Adams. Mr Adams became open to the spiritual ministry of Jansen Hartman and was very sensitive to the ministry of Berean Bible School and of the Bible Fellowship Church.

Finally there was a verbal agreement between Rev. Hartman and Earl Adams to offer the Bible Fellowship Church a tract of 136 acres in Upper Macungie Township at a price of $1,500 per acre. This agreement was presented to the 81st Annual Conference.

The 81st Annual Conference, meeting on october 16, 1964, at Grace Bible Fellowship Church, Wallingford, PA., passed the following resolutions:

Resolved: that the Board of Directors be authorized to negotiate with Mr Adams for the purchase of property at Fogelsville as outlined by Mr Hahn of Wolf and Hahn, and further,

Resolved: that the Board of Directors be authorized to provide a plan of financing. (Year Book, 1964, page 46)

The Board of Directors worked at carrying out the details of these two resolutions of October 16, 1964, and reported their action in their report to the 82nd Annual Conference meeting on October 11-15, 1965, at Faith Bible Fellowship Church, York, Pa. as follows:

The Board as a result has obtained an option to purchase 136 acres of land located in Upper Macungie Township from Earl T Adams of Wescoesville. The option is in effect until April1, 1966. The cost of the land to be purchased is $225,000.

The matter of financing the new project was considered at two Board meetings. The Reverend David H. Holl, Director of Development at Bridgewater College, addressed the combined meeting of the Board of Directors, Board of Directors of Berean Bible School, and the Board of Mizpah Grove. From this meeting came the recommendation that Reverend Holl be asked to address the Annual Conference to be held at York on the subject of “Christian Stewardship and Fund Raising.” It is expected that he will address this body at a session later-in the week.

Inquiries have been made with the local banking officials concerning the borrowing of the funds necessary to purchase the land . Assurances have been given that financing is available to make the purchase.

The following were elected to serve with the District Superintendent as a Committee to Plan the Development of the Fogelsville Tract:

Board of Directors: Jansen E. Hartman, C. E. Kirkwood, Daniel K. Ziegler.

Board of Directors of the Berean Bible School: Harvey J. Fritz, Albert L. Wentz, and Robert W. Gehret.

Board of Mizpah Grove: Robert W. Smock, Bert N. Brosius, James A. Bell. (Year Book, 1965, pages 107, 108)

The report of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church to the 83rd Annual Conference, meeting October 10-14, 1966 at Grace Bible Fellowship Church, Reading, Pa., stated the following:

The acquisition of the tract of land in Upper Macungie Township owned by Earl T Adams was delayed by his death. The Board gave notice of its intention of exercising the option to the representatives of the estate of Earl T Adams, and subsequently, when a description of the land was furnished, an agreement of sale was signed. The agreement of sale is in two parts in accordance with the original option. Settlement will be made for that Tract “A” containing approximately 134acres and 624 feet fronting on Route # 100, on or before November 15, 1966; for Tract “Bn, consisting of a stone house and barn with two acres of land, possession will be on or before March 1, 1967. Arrangements for financing the purchase have been made.

The Forward With Christ Campaign to raise funds of the development of the New Bible Fellowship Church Conference Center has received from Faith Promises $13,410.61, from the Board of Mizpah Grove $10,000.00, and from the Fund to Promote Berean Bible School $13,750.48, for a total of $36,917.89. To date we have had expenditures of $4,213.82, Leaving a balance in the fund of $32,947.17. The aim is to have $75,000 in cash by the time settlement is made for Tract “A”. (Year Book, 1966, pages 82-83)

The Report of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church to the 84th Annual Conference meeting on October 9-13, 1967 at Bethel Bible Fellowship Church, Allentown, Pa., stated the following:

The Allentown School District through its solicitor informed the Board of interest on its part to purchase Mizpah Grove and contiguous properties. After informing the Board of Mizpah Grove a resolution from the Board was returned encouraging the Board to proceed with the negotiations for the sale of Mizpah Grove. To date appraisals prepared by professional licensed real estate appraisers have been received on the land and buildings. A preliminary meeting has been held with our Officers and representatives of the Allentown School District, but no price has been set. We were informed that while the School District as a part of the City government has the right to take condemnation proceedings there is no disposition atthis time on their part to take such action. The School District intends to begin to build a Junior High School in the area by 1972. They are seeking an agreement of sale as soon as possible with the possibility of our retaining use and occupancy for a number of years…

The Board took the necessary action to take title to the house and land which was termed “Tract B” as the second part of the Agreement of Sale entered into with the Estate of Earl A. Adams. The total cost of the stone house and barn with over one acre of land was $18,095.30. A hundred and thirty acres of the farm land was rented to a neighboring farmer. The stone house also has been rented to a tenant. (Year Book, 1967, pages 78-79)

After the Fogelsville property had been purchased, we began our efforts to develop the land as a center for our educational ministry and our Summer Conference. A denominational program was established, “Forward with Christ”, which sought to raise the necessary funds for the purchase and development of the conference center. The goal was to raise $500,000 in three years.

It soon became evident that it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to receive the necessary permits and permission to develop the new property. At the same time, Mr John Trauch, who was a member of the Re-Development Authority, contacted Jansen Hartman with a proposition to purchase our property in Upper Macungie Township to be used by Kraft Foods. At that time the offer was for $3,700 per acre. This proposal was not accepted by the Bible Fellowship Church.

At a later date Jansen Hartman was contacted by Mr. Trauch and Mr. Lee, who represented the Lehigh Economic Advancement Project. They put together a package of several interested businesses and made an offer of $5,000 per acre to purchase our Fogelsville tract.

At the same time that we were negotiating the sale of the Fogelsville property we became aware of the fact that Pinebrook Bible Conference was being offered for sale.

The committee of nine men who were chosen to develop the Fogelsville tract were now commissioned to explore the possibility of purchasing Pinebrook. Even before we had received the final settlement for the sale of the Fogelsville property we entered into an agreement to purchase Pinebrook. This proposal to purchase Pinebrook was presented to an Adjourned Session of the 84th Annual Conference.

The Adjourned Session of the 84th Annual Conference was called into special session on Saturday Morning, June 15, 1968. The following is taken from the minutes of that meeting:

This special session of Annual Conference was convened at the request of the Committee to plan the Development of the Bible Fellowship Church Conference Center. The purpose of this session shall be:

1 – To consider recommendations from the Conference center Planning Committee for the future program at Pinebrook.

2 – To provide information concerning progress in negotiating the sale of Mizpah Grove and our tract of land in Upper Macungie Township.

A report from the Board of Directors was given by the Secretary of that Board relative to the pending financial arrangements for the purchase of Pinebrook.

Resolved: that we create a Pinebrook Service Board according to its outline in the proposed by-laws, that its first membership be elected at the 1968 Annual Conference, and that as soon as possible, permanent by-laws be brought to the Annual Conference for its approval.

Resolved: that we create a Pinebrook Bible Conference Board according to its outline in the proposed by-laws, that its first membership be elected at the 1968 Annual conference, and that as soon as possible, permanent by-laws be brought to the Annual Conference for its approval.

Resolved, that upon the election of the Pinebrook Service Board and the Pinebrook Bible Conference Board, both the Committee to Plan the Development of the Bible Fellowship Church Conference Center and the Board of Mizpah Grove shall be abolished and all monies be transferred to the Pinebrook Bible Conference Board.

Resolved, that A. L. Seifert serve as Bible Conference Director until provision for a permanent Director is made. All correspondence concerning use of facilities shall be directed to him until further notification.

Due to his involvement in the Bible Conference Program, attendance at Local Conferences and Sunday services shall be at his discretion in so far as time may permit.

Resolved, that the Board of Mizpah Grove operate Pinebrook until the Pinebrook Service Board and the Pinebrook Bible Conference Board are elected.

Resolved: that the Board of Mizpah Grove, presently constituted, plan the program for the Summer of 1969. They shall serve until the new Bible Conference Board is elected.

Time shall be set aside at the two camps this Summer in which the District Superintendent shall direct an open discussion among the pastors present to analyze policy and program for future years.

We recommend that all pastors be brought into the planning for the Summer Bible Conference, which would bring the greatest degree of participation of pastors and churches.

Resolved: that a committee of three composed of John H. Riggall, Robert W. Gehret, and Kermit ·K Gehman plan a Labor Day program for 1968 at Pinebrook. (Year Book, Supplement, 1967, pages 22J, 22K)

I was one of the nine men who were appointed to negotiate the purchase of Pinebrook. Although the conference grounds were a great improvement over Mizpah Grove, we were aware that it would take some major work and expense to improve the buildings and grounds to a point where they would be acceptable and functional.

It did not take us long to realize that the plumbing was deplorable and the electric service was very inadequate, the roofs were deteriorated, and the Tabernacle in need of replacement. However, on Labor Day, september 2, 1968, the Bible Fellowship Church held its first public service at Pinebrook. An estimated 2,800 persons attended. Free meals were served in four groups in the dining room to an estimated 2,200 persons. The other 600 ate their noon meal in Stroudsburg. The offering for the day exceeded $9,700.

Through these years from 1968 to the present we have been able under the hand of God to greatly improve and develop this facility to become an attractive and beautiful conference ground. All the lumber, tools, and equipment from Mizpah Grove were transported by trucks to Pinebrook by pastors and volunteers. This along with a minimal amount of equipment at Pinebrook became the basis of our maintenance department.

One piece of equipment which came with the purchase of Pinebrook was a 1932 Ford tractor. This tractor is still in use today as an important vehicle for grass cutting and snow plowing.

One of our first priorities was to develop the camping area. For several years we did use on a limited basis the tents which were brought from Mizpah. However, with the development of the camping area the Board eliminated the use of Mizpah tents as an option for living accommodations.

The Report of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church to the 85th Annual Conference meeting on October 14 – 18, 1968 at Bethany Bible Fellowship Church in Hatfield, Pa. stated the following:

The Mizpah Grove property was sold to the Allentown School District for $160,000. The net proceeds of this sale, $152,152.83, were applied to the purchase of the Pinebrook Bible Conference Grounds.

The Board carried out the assignment of negotiating and financing purchase of the Pinebrook Bible Conference grounds given by the Adjourned Session of the Annual conference on April 13, 1968. The property with buildings and equipment on 185.3 acres located four miles north of Stroudsburg along highway route #191 was acquired from the Pinebrook Foundation and Richard T. and Elizabeth P. Crawford on August 30, 1968 for a total cost of $460,000 including $50,000 for personal property. The purchase was financed through the sale of the Mizpah Grove property, the issuing of a first mortgage of $160,000 to the First National Bank of Allentown, a second mortgage issued to the Pinebrook Foundation for $100,000, and unsecured loans of $51,000 obtained from the First National Bank of Allentown. Total indebtedness at the time of purchase was $311,000.00.

The Board has made an agreement to sell the Upper Macungie property to Lehigh’s Economic Advancement Project, Incorporated, for the development of an industrial park. The sale price agreed upon is $5,000 per acre; forty percent of the total price is to be received when settlement is made, with the balance to be paid as the land is sold to industrial and commercial interest. Eighty percent of the total selling price its guaranteed to be paid within five years and a hundred percent within ten years. A down payment of $10,000 was received when the agreement of sale was signed by the prospective purchasers.

A mortgage indebtedness of $135,000 remains on the Upper Macungie tract with about $100,000 having been paid toward the original purchasing price of the land. (Year Book, 1968, page54)

The name of Berean Bible School was changed to Pinebrook Junior College by action of Annual Conference taken at Adjourned Session held on March 8, 1969 at Graterford Bible Fellowship Church when the following resolution was passed:

Resolved: that in the event approval is received from the Department of Public Instruction, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to grant degrees, the Court of Common Pleas of Lehigh County be petitioned to change the name of Berean Bible School to Pinebrook College. (Year Book, 1968 Supplement, page24L)

The Report of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church to the 86th Annual Conference meeting on October 13-17, 1969 at the Pinebrook Bible Conference Grounds in Stroudsburg, Pa., stated the following:

The Pinebrook Junior College requested the sale of properties used by the Berean Bible School located in Allentown and Emmaus. The home formerly occupied by the President, located at 742 W Cumberland Street, Allentown, Pa., has been sold. At the end of the year the other two properties were not sold.

The Board has given assistance to the Pinebrook Conference Board, the Pinebrook Service Board, and the Pinebrook Junior College from the funds of the Forward with Christ campaign to aid in the opening of operations at the new grounds. The Board also joined with these Boards in long-range planning for the future utilization of the Pinebrook properties. The engineering firm of Fogarasi and Moyer was engaged to make a topographical study of the land. After screening three candidates, the architectural firm of Heyl, Treby, and Associates was selected to develop the master plan for the efficient use of Pinebrook.

The Board wishes to go on record as expressing praise to our faithful Heavenly Father for the miraculous way funds were provided for the purchase of Pinebrook. The property located in Upper Macungie Township, purchased in 1966 for a total cost of $214,812.65, was sold for $676,985.00. The transaction was completed on July 17, 1969. All indebtedness on that land has been paid. From the proceeds of this sale and with money contributed through the Forward with Christ campaign, debts represented by the second mortgage on Pinebrook and $51,000 borrowed from the First National Bank and $10,700 of the first mortgage were paid. There is an encumbrance remaining on Pinebrook for $149,000 in the form of a first mortgage given to the First National Bank of Allentown. While there is money on hand now that could be used for the liquidation of this debt, it was decided that this mortgage should be continued until the long-range master plan for the utilization of Pinebrook is developed. In the meantime the surplus has been invested in government securities or is being used to finance the improvements being made to existing buildings at Pinebrook.

The Board approved the renovation of the motel unit designated Overbrook at Pinebrook to provide library and dormitory facilities for Pinebrook Junior College, and the renovation of Echobrook to become a classroom building. Financial assistance was given the college to provide housing for the Dean of Men, to move the equipment of the college, and to make the alterations necessary to make the college operational at the new location. This money is to be repaid from the proceeds of the sale of the properties in Allentown, formerly occupied by Berean Bible School. (Year Book, 1969, pages 88,89)

On September 7, 1972, the Supervisors of Stroud Township approved an ordinance which was the completion of a previous agreement between the Bible Fellowship Church and these Supervisors. The ordinance indicated that the Township has vacated its rights to Pinebrook Road between Route 191 an Cherry Lane Road and its rights to Beacon Hill Road between a point at the edge of our property and Pinebrook Road. It also indicated our willingness to give the rights to relocate Beacon Hill Road in the present position. This change is to our advantage for both privacy and Road rights Pinebrook Township position safety.

We have traced the steps which have led the Bible Fellowship Church to possess the tract of land and the facilities at Pinebrook Bible Conference as recorded in the Annual Reports of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church to the Annual Conference.

As we look back, it is with amazement that we see the leading of the Lord in the sale of Mizpah Grove, Berean Bible School, and the Fogelsville property that tied together and allowed us to purchase Pinebrook to carry on the ministry of our Christian education and the Summer Family Bible Conference.

The combined ministries of Pinebrook Bible Conference and Pinebrook Junior College began with a Labor Day rally held on the Pinebrook grounds on September 2, 1968. The Fellowship News reported the following about the rally:

2800 estimated at Pinebrook.

Far beyond the expectation of the Board was the attendance at Pinebrook on Labor Day. In spite of the forecasts of rain for the day, members and friends of the Bible Fellowship Church rallied around the newly-established center of testimony. Testimony from the men of the Ephrata church assigned to parking was that a steady stream of cars entered from 9:30a.m. through 11:30. The program for the day was divided into three segments: adults, under the direction of Pastor William A. Heffner, young people with Robert W. Gehret in charge, and the children under the care of Pastor & Mrs Robert W. Smock. Speakers included Pastor C Leslie Miller of California and Conrad Jensen of New York City.

Free meals served during the day necessitated the division of the constituency into four groups with an estimated 600 going into Stroudsburg for meals. Over 2,200 were fed at the noon meal. A word of appreciation is due to all the volunteers who served so faithfully during the day in the kitchen.

The offering for the day exceeded the $9,700 mark.

A word of appreciation is rightfully due to Superintendent A. L. Seifert, who has carried the primary responsibility of the program at Pinebrook. Under his direction extensive repairs are being completed. Many of our churches are responding to the call for volunteer labor and are giving several days of free labor toward the program of improvement. Anyone desiring to give time should contact A. L. Seifert.

The program of Winter retreats is being rapidly filled with reservations both from Bible Fellowship Churches and other fundamental groups. The facilities are made available only to those groups who hold to the fundamental testimony of the Word. (Fellowship News, October, 1968, pages 8, 9)

The ministries of Pinebrook Bible Conference and Pinebrook Junior College were now united in one facility. This was to continue until the Fall of 1976. Although it was thought to be an advantage to combine both ministries at one facility, it soon became evident that doing so caused great pressure and stress on both ministries. When it was learned that the Sacred heart property in Coopersburg, Pa., was for sale, the school began efforts to purchase the property for their ministry.

Some of the factors which led the two ministries to seek separate facilities are as follows:

1. Adapting facilities retreat ministries.

2. Difference of range priority.

3. Conflicts of administrative styles.

4. Problems in developing an equitable formula of determining expenses.

5. Scheduling the use of facilities by two groups.

6. The cumbersome stress of three boards (School, Conference, and Service) seeking to work together.

At an adjourned session of the Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church held on May 1, 1976, at the Sacred Heart property in Coopersburg, Pa., it was voted to purchase that property to house the facilities of Pinebrook Junior College. Beginning with the Fall of 1976, Pinebrook Bible Conference was the sole ministry on the grounds and was now able to greatly expand its Fall-Winter-Spring retreat ministry.

At the 93rd Annual Conference held on October 11-14, 1976 the following was a part of the Pinebrook Bible Conference report:

Resolved: that we agree to pay the College $150,000 in return for full use of the facility and the retention of all assets presently at Pinebrook except anything which the College is presently using exclusively and would be deemed essential for carrying on the educational ministry. (Year Book, 1976, page133)

Pinebrook Bible Conference is a 12-month-out-of-the-year mission and ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church to the Church of Jesus Christ. Pinebrook is not a “church” but a retreat and conference center with a “mission” to the world.

The purpose of Pinebrook Bible Conference is clearly stated in its by-laws:


1. To honor God by sharing the good news of the Gospel, i.e.: through repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, and His shed blood; so that men, women, and children may experience full and free salvation.

2. To teach, train, and edify all evangelical Christians who have been partakers of the new birth through the usage of the Word of God as proclaimed in the Scriptures.

3. To participate significantly in the proclamation of the gospel to foreign countries.

4. To promote proper godly worship.5. To provide a wholesome Christian setting for families during the Summer conferences and for various age groups during the week-day/week-end retreats.

The purpose and goal of ministry of Pinebrook is accomplished through the following:

1. Summer Bible Conferences.

This is geared to offer special ministry to the Bible Fellowship Church in its program and emphasis.

2. Youth Retreats

The Bible Fellowship Church has its annual SNO-GLO, but all the months of January – March are basically youth retreats.

3. Leadership Training the Bible Fellowship Church has its annual Pastor-Elder-Deacon Advance.

4. Church Conferences

The Bible Fellowship Church holds its Annual Conference each year at Pinebrook.

5. Adult Retreats

6. Marriage Enrichment Retreats

7. Evangelism

8. Religious Seminars

9. Religious Concerts

10. Religious Banquets

11. Discipleship Training.

The facilities of Pinebrook Bible Conference are used by many different religious organizations and churches, including:

1. Bible Fellowship Church

2. Presbyterian denominations

3. Methodist denominations

4. Baptist denominations

5. Reformed denominations

6. Pentecostal denominations

7. Mennonite denominations

8. Assembly of God

9. Church of God

10. Christian and Missionary Alliance

11. Word of Life Fellowship

12. Child Evangelism Fellowship

13. The Navigators

14. Many Christian Day Schools

15. Christian Endeavor

Pinebrook has a very unique and important mission. Many of our guests are from Black, Hispanic, Slavic, Korean, Chinese, and other races and cultures. We have a ministry to youth from the inner-city of New York City, Philadelphia, and other large cities. Much evangelism is accomplished, with salvation decisions almost every week-end. Facilities include:

92 motel rooms, each carpeted with private bath, and most are air conditioned.

12 private dormitory rooms situated in the camping area.

14 single cottages, each with private bath.

50 trailer and tent sites.

750 seat air-conditioned Fellowship Hall.

250 seat cozy white chapel

80 seat Overbrook Chapel with fireplace

80 seat Overbrook Lounge

Four individual classroom meeting places in Echobrook.

75 seat Meadowbrook Lounge

Administration Building, with fireside lounge and indoor pool

Dining Hall seating up to 400, with air conditioning.

Snack Shop – fully stocked and air conditioned.

Book and Gift Shop

130,00 gallon outdoor pool

Many other recreational facilities.

Pinebrook Bible Conference is directed by a Board of 5 pastors and 8 laymen who are elected by the Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church. The program is administered by a Director who is elected by the Board. God has given Pinebrook six godly and gifted men to serve as Director. The following is the list of men and their terms of office:

Rev. Arlington L Seifert

October 19, 1969 through September 15, 1974

Rev. David E Thomann

September 16, 1974 through August 15, 1982

Rev. Alva C Cassel

September 1, 1982 through August 31, 1986

Rev. David A Thomann

September 1, 1986 through August 31, 1987

Mr Edwin Ahlum

September 1, 1987 through August 18, 1989

Rev. Bert W Brosius

October 1, 1989 through the present.

Much time, energy, and money has been spent to improve and upgrade the facility. The following are the major capital improvements which have been made:

1. Construction of Pinelodge

2. Construction of the shower rooms and laundry area in the camping area

3. Construction of the sewer plant and sewer and storm drain lines in 1970 — Cost approximately $200,000.

4. Fellowship Hall — contract signed July 20, 1979, contract for $162,762.93; total finished cost 200,000.

5. Outdoor swimming pool — contract signed June 9, 1983, contract for $120,000; total finished cost $162,000.

6. Director’s Home — contract signed March 7, 1990. Cost $45,000.

7. New Motel — Meadowbrook — 1991 — $125,000.


Sale of Mizpah Grove $160,000.00

Sale of Berean Bible School 75,000.00

Fogelsville Property Purchase

Tract A 214,812.65

Tract B 18,095.30

Total 232,907.95

Sale of Fogelsville property 676,985.00

(135.397 acres @ $5000.00 per acre)

Pinebrook Bible Conference Purchase 460,000.00

Pinebrook Junior College Purchase Pinebrook 500,000.00

Conference to Pinebrook College 150,000.00